Ejemplo n.º 1
    def generate_header():
        dob = dt.datetime(1989, 5, 28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('utc'))
        now = dt.datetime.now(tz=pytz.timezone('utc'))
        last_year = now.year - 1
        last_week_of_last_year = Week.last_week_of_year(last_year).week
        age = relativedelta(now, dob).years
        my_birthday_happened_this_year = now > dt.datetime(
            now.year, 5, 28, tzinfo=pytz.timezone('utc'))

        if my_birthday_happened_this_year:
            last_birthday = dt.datetime(now.year, 5, 28)
            weeks_lived_this_year = Week.thisweek().week - Week.withdate(
            last_birthday = dt.datetime(last_year, 5, 28)
            weeks_lived_this_year = Week.withdate(
                now).week + last_week_of_last_year - Week.withdate(

        seasons = [
            ([3, 4, 5], 'Spring ❀'),
            ([6, 7, 8], 'Summer ☀'),
            ([9, 10, 11], 'Fall ☕︎'),
            ([1, 2, 12], 'Winter ❄'),

        season_week_number = 0

        for season in seasons:
            if now.month in season[0]:
                current_season = season[1]
                season_week_number = Week.thisweek().week - Week.withdate(
                        now.year, season[0][0], 1,

            if now.month in [1, 2]:
                season_week_number += last_week_of_last_year - Week.withdate(
                    dt.datetime(last_year, 12, 1,

        assert season_week_number > 0

        # seasonal loader
        empty = '░'
        empty_amount = empty * (13 - (season_week_number - 1)) * 2
        filled = '▓'
        filled_amount = filled * (season_week_number - 1) * 2
        # Subtracting one because I generate these at the beginning of the week
        loader = "{0}{1}".format(filled_amount, empty_amount)
        weeks_remaining = "/ {} weeks remaining /".format(13 -

        return "# {0} {1} {2}:13 ㄖ {3}:52\n{4} {5}".format(
            age, current_season, season_week_number, weeks_lived_this_year,
            loader, weeks_remaining)
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def weekly_negotiated(start: date, end: date, *cuts: Cut) -> Iterator[Sales]:
    first = Week.withdate(start)
    last = Week.withdate(min(date.today(), end))
    start = first.monday()

    if last.day(lm_pk610.weekday) < lm_pk610.latest:
        last -= 1

    records = await Repository(lm_pk610).query(start, last.saturday(), *report_sections(*cuts))
    return map(parse_record, records)
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def weekly_formula(start: date, end: date, *cuts: Cut) -> Iterator[Sales]:
    first = Week.withdate(start) + 1
    last = Week.withdate(end) + 1
    start = first.monday()

    if last.day(lm_pk620.weekday) < lm_pk620.latest:
        last -= 1

    records = await Repository(lm_pk620).query(start, last.saturday(), *report_sections(*cuts))
    return map(parse_record, records)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            self.__setattr__(k, v)

        if kwargs["archive_date"]:
            self.archive_week = Week.withdate(kwargs["archive_date"])
            self.lead_time = kwargs["archive_date"] - kwargs["create_date"]
            self.archive_date = kwargs["last_move_date"]
            self.archive_week = Week.withdate(kwargs["last_move_date"])
            self.lead_time = kwargs["last_move_date"] - kwargs["create_date"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def w_range(start_date, end_date=None):
    weeks_list = []
    startWeek = Week.withdate(start_date)
    if end_date:
        endWeek = Week.withdate(end_date)
        endWeek = Week.thisweek()
    int_week = startWeek
    while int_week < endWeek:
        int_week = int_week + 1
    return weeks_list
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def get(start: date, end: date) -> DataFrame:
    first = Week.withdate(start) - 1
    last = Week.withdate(end)
    monday = first.monday()

    if last.day(lm_pk610.weekday) > lm_pk610.latest:
        last -= 1

    end = last.saturday()
    formula_sales = await weekly_formula(monday, end, Cut.BELLY)
    negotiated_sales = await weekly_negotiated(monday, end, Cut.BELLY)

    return bacon_index_report(formula_sales, negotiated_sales)[start:end]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _populate_year(self, year):
        index = year - self.dob.year
        start_week = Week.withdate(date(year, self.dob.month, self.dob.day))
        end_week = Week.withdate(date(year + 1, self.dob.month, self.dob.day))
        next_week = start_week
        weeks = []

        while next_week.monday() < end_week.monday():
            week_info = WeekInfo(next_week)
            self._weeks[next_week] = week_info
            next_week += 1

        self._years[year] = dict(year=year, index=index, weeks=weeks)
Ejemplo n.º 8
async def archive(tmp_path: Path):
    report_date = date(2018, 8, 20)

    archive = Archive(tmp_path, Week.withdate(report_date))

        'slug': 'LM_PK602',
        'label': 'Cutout and Primal Values',
        'report_date': '08/20/2018',
        'pork_carcass': '67.18',
        'pork_loin': '75.51',
        'pork_butt': '89.55',
        'pork_picnic': '41.82',
        'pork_rib': '113.95',
        'pork_ham': '57.52',
        'pork_belly': '77.77'
    }, {
        'slug': 'LM_PK602',
        'label': 'Current Volume',
        'report_date': '08/20/2018',
        'temp_cuts_total_load': '334.74',
        'temp_process_total_load': '39.61'
    }], report_date)

    assert Path(archive).name == '2018W34D01.zip'
    return archive
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):

        logging.debug('Command in progress')

        week_limit = Week.withdate(Week.thisweek().day(settings.VALIDATING_DAY_OF_WEEK) + relativedelta(days=settings.DELAY_BETWEEN_DEFINITON_N_DELIVERY))

        # first changed the status of expired deliveries
        deliveries_canceled = models.Delivery.objects.filter(date__lt=week_limit, status='w', subscription__enabled=True)
        for delivery in deliveries_canceled:
            delivery.status = 'e'
            logging.debug('delivery %d expired' % delivery.id)

        # secondly, get all the deliveries with a date higher or equal to J+9 and lesser than J+9+7 with a waiting status and a subscription which accepts direct debit.
        deliveries = models.Delivery.objects.filter(date__gte=week_limit, date__lt=week_limit+1, status='w', subscription__direct_debit=True, subscription__enabled=True)

        for delivery in deliveries:
            delivery.status = 'p'
            except ValueError as e:
                logging.debug('delivery %d not payed' % delivery.id)
                logging.debug('delivery %d payed' % delivery.id)

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):

        week_limit = Week.withdate(Week.thisweek().day(settings.VALIDATING_DAY_OF_WEEK) + relativedelta(days=settings.DELAY_BETWEEN_DEFINITON_N_DELIVERY))
        deliveries = models.Delivery.objects.filter(date__lte=week_limit, status='P', subscription__enabled=True).order_by('subscription__customer__account__email')

        for delivery in deliveries:
            logger_delivery = logging.getLogger('[%d]' % delivery.id)

            subscription = delivery.subscription
            customer = subscription.customer


            for content in delivery.content_set.all():
                __extent = content.extent

                logger_content = logging.getLogger('[%d] [%20s] [%c] [%3s%%]' % (delivery.id, content.product.name[:20], '*' if content.customized else ' ', __extent))

                for contentproduct in content.contentproduct_set.all():
                    logger_content.info('%d x %20s (%4d) %s' % (contentproduct.quantity, contentproduct.product.name[:20], contentproduct.product.id, contentproduct.product.main_price.supplier_product_url))
                    if options['browse']:
                        count += 1
                        if count >= options['pages']:
                            count = 0
                            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                                print('Interrupted'); sys.exit()


Ejemplo n.º 11
    def week(self):
        'Returns the start, end-tuple for a week around self.timestamp'
        w = Week.withdate(self.timestamp)
        start = clean_day(local_timezone.localize(datetime.combine(w.monday(), datetime.min.time())))
        end = start + timedelta(days=6, hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)

        return (start, end)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def validate_period(period, first_date):
    make sure only period is  between first_date and today
    today = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')

    # Day yyyyMMdd
    if type_of_period(period) == 'day':
        if period >= first_date and period <= today:
            return True
    # Week yyyy-Www
    elif type_of_period(period) == 'week':
        this_week = Week.thisweek()
        period_week = Week.fromstring(period)
        first_date_week = Week.withdate(datetime.strptime(first_date, '%Y%m%d'))
        if period_week >= first_date_week and period_week <= this_week:
            return True

    # Month yyyyMM
    elif type_of_period(period) == 'month':
        this_month       = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m')
        period_month     = period[0:6]
        first_date_month = first_date[0:6]
        if period_month >= first_date_month and period_month <= this_month:
            return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get(_, week=None):
     # Make your own library for ISO week parsing. this one sucks
     if not week:
         week = Week.withdate(datetime.now())
             ws = week.split("-")
             if len(ws) == 3:
                 week = "".join(ws[0:-1])
             week = Week.fromstring(week)
         except ValueError:
             return (
                     week="week path variable must be a proper ISO week date"
         token = Token(request.headers.get("X-API-KEY"))
         return FailResponse(token="malformed token"), 400
     units = []
     if token:
             monday = datetime.combine(week.monday(), datetime.min.time())
             units = lesson_units(token, monday)
             units = list(map(serialize_unit, units))
             return SuccessResponse(units=units, week=week.isoformat())
         except AuthorizationError as e:
             return ErrorResponse(str(e)), 403
         return ErrorResponse("Unauthorized"), 401
Ejemplo n.º 14
def weeknum(dt, return_type=1):
    """Return a week number for the given datetime.date like Excel's WEEKNUM function"""
    if return_type == 21:
        from isoweek import Week
        return Week.withdate(dt).week
    first_dow = _weeknum_first_dow_map[return_type]
    return _weeknum(dt, first_dow)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def validate_period(period, first_date):
    make sure only period is  between first_date and today
    today = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')

    # Day yyyyMMdd
    if type_of_period(period) == 'day':
        if period >= first_date and period <= today:
            return True

    # Week yyyy-Www
    elif type_of_period(period) == 'week':
        this_week = Week.thisweek()
        period_week = Week.fromstring(period)
        first_date_week = Week.withdate(datetime.strptime(
            first_date, '%Y%m%d'))
        if period_week >= first_date_week and period_week <= this_week:
            return True

    # Month yyyyMM
    elif type_of_period(period) == 'month':
        this_month = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m')
        period_month = period[0:6]
        first_date_month = first_date[0:6]
        if period_month >= first_date_month and period_month <= this_month:
            return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 16
def set_day_off(team_id: int, date: datetime.date, hours_off: int) -> bool:
    Set the number of hours off for a given day. If the number of hours off is
    set to 0, the entry is erased from the database, if already there.
    :param team_id: The ID of the team for which you're setting the day off
    :param date: Date to set
    :param hours_off: Number of hours off. Can be a number between 0 and 8
    :return: True if there were no issues. False if either the team does not
        exist, or an invalid number of hours were sent.
    session = db.get_session()

    team = session.query(Team).filter(Team.id == team_id).one_or_none()
    if not team:
        return False
    if hours_off < 0 or hours_off > 8:
        return False

    week = Week.withdate(date).toordinal()
    day_off = (
        .filter(DayOff.date == date)
        .filter(DayOff.team_id == team_id)
    if day_off:
        if hours_off == 0:
            day_off.hours_off = hours_off
    elif hours_off != 0:
        session.add(DayOff(team=team, date=date, hours_off=hours_off, week=week))

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def latest(self) -> date:
     now = chicago_time()
     release_date = Week.withdate(now.date()).day(self.weekday)
     release = chicago_time(self.hour).replace(release_date.year,
     return release.date() if now > release else (
         release - relativedelta(weeks=1)).date()
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_constructors(self):
        w = Week(2011,1)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W01")

        w = Week(2011,0)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W52")
        w = Week(2011,-1)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W51")

        w = Week(2011,52)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W52")
        w = Week(2011,53)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2012W01")
        w = Week(2011,54)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2012W02")

        w = Week(2009,51)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2009W51")
        w = Week(2009,52)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2009W52")
        w = Week(2009,53)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W01")
        w = Week(2009,54)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W02")

        w = Week.thisweek()

        w = Week.fromordinal(1)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "0001W01")
        w = Week.fromordinal(2)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "0001W02")
        w = Week.fromordinal(521723)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "9999W52")

        w = Week.fromstring("2011W01")
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W01")
        w = Week.fromstring("2011-W01")
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W01")

        from datetime import date
        w = Week.withdate(date(2011, 5, 17))
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W20")

        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(2009), Week(2009, 52))
        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(2010), Week(2010, 52))
        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(2011), Week(2011, 52))
        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(9999), Week(9999, 52))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week(0, 0))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromstring("0000W00"))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromstring("foo"))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromordinal(-1))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromordinal(0))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromordinal(521724))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.last_week_of_year(0))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.last_week_of_year(10000))
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def save(self, commit=True):
     subscription = super().save(commit=False)
     bw = Week.fromstring(self.cleaned_data['start'])
     ew = Week.withdate( bw.day(1) + relativedelta(months=int(self.cleaned_data['duration'])) )
     subscription.end = ew
     if commit:
     return subscription
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_deliveries_from_subscription(subscription_data):
    receive_only_once = subscription_data.get('receive_only_once')
    bw = Week.fromstring(str(subscription_data.get('start')))
    ew = Week.withdate( bw.day(1) + relativedelta(months=int(subscription_data.get('duration'))) )
    nb = len(range(0, ew+1-bw, int(subscription_data.get('frequency'))))
    init_price = subscription_data.get('size').default_price().price
    prices = get_deliveries(nb, init_price)
    if receive_only_once: prices = np.array([prices[0]])
    deliveries = [(i+1, '%s (%s %s)' % ((bw+i*2).day(settings.DELIVERY_DAY_OF_WEEK).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), _('Week'), (bw+i*2).week), p) for i,p in enumerate(prices)]
    return deliveries, prices
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_yw(str_date, date_format='%Y-%m-%d'):
    get week number within a year, from week 0 to week 52
    :param str_date:
    :param date_format:
    date_str = change_format(str_date, in_format=date_format, out_format='%Y-%m-%d')
    date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
    w = Week.withdate(date(date_obj.year, date_obj.month, date_obj.day))
    return str(w[0]) + '-' + str(w[1] if w[1] > 9 else '0' + str(w[1]))    #  yyyy-ww
Ejemplo n.º 22
def weekly_incidents(inc):

    :param team:
    open_week = Week.withdate(dt.datetime.strptime(inc['opened_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').date())
    if open_week in incs_by_week.keys():
        incs_by_week[open_week] += 1
        incs_by_week.update({open_week: incs_by_week[open_week]})
        incs_by_week[open_week] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 23
    async def get(self, client: Client, end: date) -> Archive:
        end = min(date.today(), end)
        week = Week.withdate(end)
        archive = Archive(Path(self), week)
        day = archive.day

        if day == 6 or day == end.isoweekday():
            return archive

        records = await client.fetch(week.day(day), end)
        archive.save(records, end)
        return archive
Ejemplo n.º 24
def export_to_ical(destination, lessons, start=None, end=None, year=None, weeks=None):
    Export the given lessons to ical for the given year and week or start and end date.

    The destination must be the path to the ical file to writer.

    lessons must be in the same format as returned by AdUnisHSR.

    Weeks must be an iterable returning the KW number(int) (eg. 44, 45, 46)

    if start is not None and end is not None:
        weeks = range(Week.withdate(start).week, Week.withdate(end).week+1)
        year = start.year
    elif not (weeks is not None and year is not None):
        raise TimeTableException('You must either provide a week and a year or start and end date')

    cal = Calendar()
    cal.add('prodid', '-//timetable2ical//mxm.dk//')
    cal.add('version', '2.0')

    for week in weeks:
        reference = datetime.combine(Week(year, week).monday(), time.min)
        # TODO: KWs!
        for lesson in lessons:
            event = Event()
            # print(lesson)
            start = reference + timedelta(
            end = start + timedelta(minutes=45)
            event.add('summary', "%s (%s)" % (lesson['name'], lesson['teacher']))
            event.add('dtstart', start)
            event.add('dtend', end)
            event.add('categories', lesson['abbrev'])

    with open(destination, 'wb') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 25
def weekly_incidents(inc):

    :param team:
    open_week = Week.withdate(
        dt.datetime.strptime(inc['opened_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').date())
    if open_week in incs_by_week.keys():
        incs_by_week[open_week] += 1
        incs_by_week.update({open_week: incs_by_week[open_week]})
        incs_by_week[open_week] = 1
Ejemplo n.º 26
def prepare_data(partner, min_date, date):
    With a time series as input:
    - remove future bookings
    - apply a threshold to avoid outliers
    - fill in the missing dates with zero volume
    - generate rolling year TEU
    :param partner: pd.DataFrame
    :param min_date: first date in whole data, as string
    :param date: Requested date as a string
    :return: pd.DataFrame
    if 'wk' in partner.columns:
        partner['etd_wkdat'] = [Week(int(str(x)[0:4]), int(str(x)[4:6])).monday() for x in partner.wk]
        partner['etd_week'] = [str(Week.withdate(w)[0])+'-'+'{:02d}'.format(Week.withdate(w)[1]) for w in partner.etd_wkdat]
        partner.loc[:, 'etd_wkdat'] = pd.to_datetime(partner.etd_wkdat)
    #partner.loc[:, 'extract_date'] = [str(pd.to_datetime(x, yearfirst=True).date()) for x in partner.extract_date]

    # Remove future bookings
    partner = partner[partner.etd_wkdat <= date]

    # Replace outlier values
    partner.weekly_teu = replace_outliers(partner.weekly_teu)

    # Rolling year TEU: Sum of TEU over a moving window of 1 year
    partner['rolling_year_teu'] = generate_rolling_year_teu(partner, date)

    # Generate lines for missing dates with 0 in numerical variables
    partner = missing_dates(partner, min_date, date)

    # Remove 2016 data (only useful for calculating rolling year TEU)
    partner.index = range(1, len(partner.index) + 1)
    partner = partner.loc[partner.etd_wkdat >= datetime.datetime.strptime('1/1/2017', '%d/%m/%Y').date()]

    return partner
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_yw(str_date, date_format=None):
    get week number within a year, from week 0 to week 52
    :param str_date:
    :param date_format:
    fmt = get_date_format(str_date) if date_format is None else date_format
    if fmt is None:
        return None
        date_str = change_format(str_date, in_format=fmt, out_format='%Y-%m-%d')
        date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d')
        w = Week.withdate(date(date_obj.year, date_obj.month, date_obj.day))
        return str(w[0]) + '-' + str(w[1] if w[1] > 9 else '0' + str(w[1]))    #  yyyy-ww
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        cw = Week.withdate(Week.thisweek().sunday() + relativedelta(days=9))
        start = self.fields['start']
        start_choices = [str(w + cw.week - 1) for w in Week.weeks_of_year(cw.year)]
        start_date_choices = ['%s (%s %s)' % ((w + cw.week - 1).day(settings.DELIVERY_DAY_OF_WEEK).strftime('%d-%m-%Y'), _('Week'), (w + cw.week - 1).week) for w in Week.weeks_of_year(cw.year)]
        start.choices = zip(start_choices, start_date_choices)
        start.initial = cw

        for field in ['size', 'frequency', 'duration', 'start']:
            self.fields[field].widget.attrs['class'] = 'slidebar-select'

        for field in ['criterias', 'receive_only_once']:
            self.fields[field].widget.attrs['class'] = 'checkbox-select'

        for field in ['carrier']:
            self.fields[field].widget.attrs['class'] = 'radio-select'
Ejemplo n.º 29
def _busiest_week(feed: Feed) -> Dict[datetime.date, FrozenSet[str]]:
    service_ids_by_date = _service_ids_by_date(feed)
    trip_counts_by_date = _trip_counts_by_date(feed)

    weekly_trip_counts: DefaultDict[Week, int] = defaultdict(int)
    weekly_dates: DefaultDict[Week, Set[datetime.date]] = defaultdict(set)
    for date in service_ids_by_date.keys():
        key = Week.withdate(date)
        weekly_trip_counts[key] += trip_counts_by_date[date]

    def max_by(kv: Tuple[Week, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        week, count = kv
        return count, -week.toordinal()

    week, _ = max(weekly_trip_counts.items(), key=max_by)
    dates = sorted(weekly_dates[week])

    return {date: service_ids_by_date[date] for date in dates}
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(self, wizard, own_data, form_data, tmp_dict):
        # print('subscription done')

        # print(tmp_dict)

        user = get_user(wizard)
        customer = user.customer
        thematic = get_thematic(form_data['cart'])
        customized = own_data.get('customized', False)

        duration = int(own_data.get('duration'))
        bw = Week.fromstring(own_data.get('start'))
        ew = Week.withdate( bw.day(1) + relativedelta(months=duration) )

        subscription = models.Subscription.objects.create(customer=customer, size=own_data['size'], carrier=own_data['carrier'], receive_only_once=own_data['receive_only_once'], frequency=int(own_data['frequency']), start=bw, end=ew, comment=form_data['comment'].get('comment', ''))

        subscription.criterias = own_data['criterias']

        if thematic and not customized:
            for e in thematic.thematicextent_set.all():
                subscription.extent_set.create(product=e.product, extent=e.extent, customized=False)


        tmp_dict['subscription'] = subscription

        deliveries = subscription.delivery_set.order_by('date')

        mm.Message.objects.create_message(participants=[customer], subject=_('Votre abonnement %(subscription_id)d a été crée') % {'subscription_id': subscription.id}, body=_(
"""Bonjour %(name)s,

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que votre abonnement %(subscription_id)d a été crée, il est accessible à l'adresse suivante :


Bien cordialement,
        ) % {'name': customer.main_address.__unicode__() if customer.main_address else '', 'date': deliveries[0].get_date_display(), 'subscription_id': subscription.id})

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def __call__(self, wizard, form, step, data, files):
        subscription_data = wizard.get_cleaned_data_for_step('subscription') or {}
        if not subscription_data: return form

        user = get_user(wizard)
        if user:
            form.balance = user.customer.wallet.balance_in_target_currency()
            form.balance_inversed = form.balance*-1
            form.currency = user.customer.wallet.target_currency

        form.receive_only_once = subscription_data.get('receive_only_once')
        form.price = subscription_data.get('size').default_price()
        form.price_rate = 1+settings.DEGRESSIVE_PRICE_RATE/100

        bw = Week.fromstring(str(subscription_data.get('start')))
        ew = Week.withdate( bw.day(1) + relativedelta(months=int(subscription_data.get('duration'))) )
        deliveries, prices = get_deliveries_from_subscription(subscription_data)

        form.fields['nb_deliveries'].choices = [(k+1, '%d %s' % (k+1, _('échéance(s)'))) for k in range(len(prices))]

        return form
Ejemplo n.º 32
def first_date_of_week_of_date(_date):
    return Week.withdate(_date).monday()
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def test_constructors(self):
        w = Week(2011, 1)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W01")

        w = Week(2011, 0)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W52")
        w = Week(2011, -1)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W51")

        w = Week(2011, 52)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W52")
        w = Week(2011, 53)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2012W01")
        w = Week(2011, 54)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2012W02")

        w = Week(2009, 51)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2009W51")
        w = Week(2009, 52)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2009W52")
        w = Week(2009, 53)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2009W53")
        w = Week(2009, 54)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2010W01")

        w = Week.thisweek()

        w = Week.fromordinal(1)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "0001W01")
        w = Week.fromordinal(2)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "0001W02")
        w = Week.fromordinal(521723)
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "9999W52")

        w = Week.fromstring("2011W01")
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W01")
        w = Week.fromstring("2011-W01")
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W01")

        from datetime import date
        w = Week.withdate(date(2011, 5, 17))
        self.assertEqual(str(w), "2011W20")

        weeks = list(Week.weeks_of_year(2009))
        self.assertEqual(len(weeks), 53)
        self.assertEqual(weeks[0], Week(2009, 1))
        self.assertEqual(weeks[-1], Week(2009, 53))

        weeks = list(Week.weeks_of_year(2011))
        self.assertEqual(len(weeks), 52)
        self.assertEqual(weeks[0], Week(2011, 1))
        self.assertEqual(weeks[-1], Week(2011, 52))

        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(2009), Week(2009, 53))
        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(2010), Week(2010, 52))
        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(2011), Week(2011, 52))
        self.assertEqual(Week.last_week_of_year(9999), Week(9999, 52))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week(0, 0))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromstring("0000W00"))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromstring("foo"))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromordinal(-1))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromordinal(0))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.fromordinal(521724))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.last_week_of_year(0))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: Week.last_week_of_year(10000))
Ejemplo n.º 34
    "-s", "--settings",

(options, args) = option_parser.parse_args()

    date = date(*map(int, options.week_date.split('-')))
except ValueError:
    sys.exit('Invalid date format')
except AttributeError:
    date = date.today()

week = Week.withdate(date)
start_date = week.monday()
end_date = (week + 1).monday()

    contract_name = options.settings
    settings_dict = settings.config[contract_name]
    contract_name = settings.default_config
    settings_dict = settings.config[contract_name]

if options.filename is None:
    filename = 'invoice-%s-%s.pdf' % (contract_name, week.sunday())
    filename = options.filename
Ejemplo n.º 35
def week_from_date(dd):
    dt = pd.to_datetime(dd)
    return Week.withdate(dt)[1]  # week number
Ejemplo n.º 36
async def get_recent(n: int) -> DataFrame:
    today = date.today()
    first = Week.withdate(today) - n - 1
    report = await get(first.monday(), today)
    return report.tail(n)
Ejemplo n.º 37
#log('UKBot-uploader starting at %s (server time), %s (wiki time)' % (runstart.strftime('%F %T'), runstart.astimezone(wiki_tz).strftime('%F %T')))

host = config['homesite']
homesite = mwclient.Site(host)

now = server_tz.localize(datetime.now())

if args.page is not None:
    ktitle = args.page.decode('utf-8')
    log('  No page specified. Using default page')
    ktitle = config['pages']['default']
    # subtract a few hours, so we close last week's contest right after midnight
    #ktitle = (now - timedelta(hours=1)).astimezone(wiki_tz).strftime(ktitle.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
    ktitle = config['pages']['default']
    w = Week.withdate((now - timedelta(hours=3)).astimezone(wiki_tz).date())
    # subtract one hour, so we close last week's contest right after midnight
    ktitle = ktitle % { 'year': w.year, 'week': w.week }

# Is ktitle redirect? Resolve

log('@ ktitle is %s' % ktitle)
pp = homesite.api('query', prop='pageprops', titles=ktitle, redirects='1')
if 'redirects' in pp['query']:
    ktitle = pp['query']['redirects'][0]['to']
    log('  -> Redirected to:  %s' % ktitle)

kpage = homesite.pages[ktitle]
if not kpage.exists:
    log('  !! kpage does not exist! Exiting')
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def calendar_weeks(self, leading_weeks=True):
        # session_dates is a list of tuples in this format -
        # (date, day_start_at, day_end_at, event_count)
        session_dates = list(
            db.session.query('date', 'day_start_at', 'day_end_at',
                        DATE_TRUNC('day', "start_at" AT TIME ZONE :timezone) AS date,
                        MIN(start_at) as day_start_at,
                        MAX(end_at) as day_end_at,
                        COUNT(*) AS count
                    FROM "session" WHERE "project_id" = :project_id AND "start_at" IS NOT NULL AND "end_at" IS NOT NULL
                    GROUP BY date ORDER BY date;

        session_dates_dict = {
            date.date(): {
                'day_start_at': day_start_at,
                'day_end_at': day_end_at,
                'count': count,
            for date, day_start_at, day_end_at, count in session_dates

        # FIXME: This doesn't work. This code needs to be tested in isolation
        # session_dates = db.session.query(
        #     db.cast(
        #         db.func.date_trunc('day', db.func.timezone(self.timezone.zone, Session.start_at)),
        #         db.Date).label('date'),
        #     db.func.count().label('count')
        #     ).filter(
        #         Session.project == self,
        #         Session.scheduled
        #         ).group_by(db.text('date')).order_by(db.text('date'))

        # if the project's week is within next 2 weeks, send current week as well
        now = utcnow().astimezone(self.timezone)
        current_week = Week.withdate(now)

        if leading_weeks and self.schedule_start_at is not None:
            schedule_start_week = Week.withdate(self.schedule_start_at)

            # session_dates is a list of tuples in this format -
            # (date, day_start_at, day_end_at, event_count)
            # as these days dont have any event, day_start/end_at are None,
            # and count is 0.
            if (schedule_start_week > current_week
                    and (schedule_start_week - current_week) <= 2):
                if (schedule_start_week - current_week) == 2:
                    # add this so that the next week's dates
                    # are also included in the calendar.
                        0, (now + timedelta(days=7), None, None, 0))
                session_dates.insert(0, (now, None, None, 0))

        weeks = defaultdict(dict)
        today = now.date()
        for project_date, _day_start_at, _day_end_at, session_count in session_dates:
            weekobj = Week.withdate(project_date)
            if weekobj.week not in weeks:
                weeks[weekobj.week]['year'] = weekobj.year
                # Order is important, and we need dict to count easily
                weeks[weekobj.week]['dates'] = OrderedDict()
            for wdate in weekobj.days():
                weeks[weekobj.week]['dates'].setdefault(wdate, 0)
                if project_date.date() == wdate:
                    # If the event is over don't set upcoming for current week
                    if wdate >= today and weekobj >= current_week and session_count > 0:
                        weeks[weekobj.week]['upcoming'] = True
                    weeks[weekobj.week]['dates'][wdate] += session_count
                    if 'month' not in weeks[weekobj.week]:
                        weeks[weekobj.week]['month'] = format_date(
                            wdate, 'MMM', locale=get_locale())

        # Extract sorted weeks as a list
        weeks_list = [v for k, v in sorted(weeks.items())]

        for week in weeks_list:
            # Convering to JSON messes up dictionary key order even though we used OrderedDict.
            # This turns the OrderedDict into a list of tuples and JSON preserves that order.
            week['dates'] = [{
                format_date(date, 'd', get_locale()),
                    self.timezone).strftime('%I:%M %p')
                 if date in session_dates_dict.keys() else None),
                    self.timezone).strftime('%I:%M %p %Z')
                 if date in session_dates_dict.keys() else None),
            } for date, count in week['dates'].items()]

        return {
            'days': [
                format_date(day, 'EEE', locale=get_locale())
                for day in Week.thisweek().days()
Ejemplo n.º 39
#log('UKBot-uploader starting at %s (server time), %s (wiki time)' % (runstart.strftime('%F %T'), runstart.astimezone(wiki_tz).strftime('%F %T')))

host = config['homesite']
homesite = mwclient.Site(host)

now = server_tz.localize(datetime.now())

if args.page is not None:
    ktitle = args.page.decode('utf-8')
    log('  No page specified. Using default page')
    ktitle = config['pages']['default']
    # subtract a few hours, so we close last week's contest right after midnight
    #ktitle = (now - timedelta(hours=1)).astimezone(wiki_tz).strftime(ktitle.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
    ktitle = config['pages']['default']
    w = Week.withdate((now - timedelta(hours=3)).astimezone(wiki_tz).date())
    # subtract one hour, so we close last week's contest right after midnight
    ktitle = ktitle % {'year': w.year, 'week': w.week}

# Is ktitle redirect? Resolve

log('@ ktitle is %s' % ktitle)
pp = homesite.api('query', prop='pageprops', titles=ktitle, redirects='1')
if 'redirects' in pp['query']:
    ktitle = pp['query']['redirects'][0]['to']
    log('  -> Redirected to:  %s' % ktitle)

kpage = homesite.pages[ktitle]
if not kpage.exists:
    log('  !! kpage does not exist! Exiting')
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def week(self):
     return Week.withdate(self.date).week
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def format_week(date):
     return Week.withdate(date).isoformat()
Ejemplo n.º 42
def getWeekFromDate(dateElement):
    return Week.withdate(dateElement)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
        form_data = [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list]
        customized = form_data[0].get('customized', False)

            thematic = models.Thematic.objects.select_related().get(id=self.kwargs.get('thematic_id', None))
        except models.Thematic.DoesNotExist:
            thematic = None

        thematic_products = [e.product for e in thematic.thematicextent_set.all()] if thematic else []

        products = {}
        if customized:
            for product in pm.Product.objects.select_related().all():
                if ('product_%d' % product.id) in form_list[1].data:
                    products[product] = int(form_list[1].data['product_%d' % product.id])
            if thematic:
                for e in thematic.thematicextent_set.all():
                    products[e.product] = e.extent

        if not products:
            raise forms.forms.ValidationError("no product was selected")

        size = form_data[0].get('size')
        carrier = form_data[0].get('carrier')
        receive_only_once = form_data[0].get('receive_only_once', False)
        frequency = int(form_data[0].get('frequency'))
        duration = int(form_data[0].get('duration'))
        bw = Week.fromstring(form_data[0].get('start'))
        ew = Week.withdate( bw.day(1) + relativedelta(months=duration) )
        customer = self.request.user.customer
        criterias = form_data[0].get('criterias')

        subscription = models.Subscription.objects.create(customer=customer, size=size, carrier=carrier, receive_only_once=receive_only_once, frequency=frequency, start=bw, end=ew)

        subscription.criterias = criterias

        for product, extent in products.items():
            subscription.extent_set.create(product=product, extent=extent)

        messages.success(self.request, _('The subscription was sucessfuly created.'))

        deliveries = subscription.delivery_set.order_by('date')

        mm.Message.objects.create_message(participants=[customer], subject=_('Votre abonnement %(subscription_id)d a été crée') % {'subscription_id': subscription.id}, body=_(
"""Bonjour %(name)s,

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que votre abonnement %(subscription_id)d a été crée, il est accessible à l'adresse suivante :


Vous êtes invité, à présent, à approvisionner votre portemonnaie vers un solde suffisant afin que l'on valide la première échéance du %(date)s de votre abonnement en cliquant sur le lien suivant :


Si ce n'est pas encore fait, merci de bien vouloir renseigner vos cordonnées à cette adresse :


Bien cordialement,
        ) % {'name': customer.main_address.__unicode__() if customer.main_address else '', 'date': deliveries[0].get_date_display(), 'subscription_id': subscription.id})

        return HttpResponseRedirect('/carts/subscriptions/%d/deliveries/page/1' % subscription.id)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def add_significant_date(self, sig_date, note):
     key = Week.withdate(sig_date)
     week = self._weeks[key]
     print("Updated w/b {0} with {1}".format(key.monday(), note))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def get_week_from_date(date):
    return Week.withdate(date)
Ejemplo n.º 46

reader = csv.DictReader(open("/Users/rodrigo.abreu/Downloads/incident.csv"))

for inc in reader:
    open_dates.append(dt.datetime.strptime(inc['opened_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    if inc['closed_at']: # not counting open incidents
        resolution_times.append(dt.datetime.strptime(inc['closed_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') -
                                dt.datetime.strptime(inc['opened_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

statistics = mttr_mtbf()
print statistics['mtbf'].days, statistics['mtbf'].seconds//3600
print statistics['mttr'].days, statistics['mttr'].seconds//3600
print "INC/day: ", (reader.line_num - 1)/180
start_week = Week.withdate(date(2014, 06, 01))
end_week = Week.withdate(date(2014, 11, 30))
print "INC/Week: ", (reader.line_num - 1)/(end_week-start_week)

print incs_by_week

# with open('/Users/rodrigo.abreu/Downloads/incident.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
#     # spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
#     # for row in spamreader:
#     #     print ', '.join(row)
#     reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
#     open_date = []
#     resolution_time = []
#     incs_by_week = {}
Ejemplo n.º 47
def week_no(y, m, d):
    quarter_start_date = datetime.date(y, m, d)
    return Week.withdate(quarter_start_date)
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def test_withdate_uses_monday_as_start_of_week(self):
     from datetime import date
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2014, 12, 29))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2014, 12, 30))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2014, 12, 31))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 1))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 2))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 3))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 4))), "2014W52")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 5))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 6))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 7))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 8))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 9))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 10))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 11))), "2015W01")
     self.assertEqual(str(Week.withdate(date(2015, 1, 12))), "2015W02")
Ejemplo n.º 49
def weeks(start: date, end: date) -> Iterator[Week]:
    for week in range(
            Week.withdate(end).toordinal() + 1):
        yield Week.fromordinal(week)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):

        logging.debug('Command in progress')

        pop_size = 50
        max_gen = 50
        lambda_algo = 100
        cxpb = .7
        mutpb = .2
        min_quantity = 0
        max_quantity = 2
        margin = .1
        zero = True
        debug = False

        if debug: logging.debug('DEBUG MODE')

        week_limit = Week.withdate(Week.thisweek().day(setting.VALIDATING_DAY_OF_WEEK) + relativedelta(days=settings.DELAY_BETWEEN_DEFINITON_N_DELIVERY))
        deliveries = models.Delivery.objects.filter(date__lte=week_limit, status='p', subscription__enabled=True)
        for delivery in deliveries:

            subscription = delivery.subscription
            subscription_weight = subscription.size.weight - subscription.size.weight*settings.PACKAGING_WEIGHT_RATE/100
            subscription_price = subscription.price().price
            carrier = subscription.carrier
            weight_level = carrier.carrierlevel_set.filter(weight__gte=subscription.size.weight)
            if weight_level:
                logging.debug('weight_level: %s kg (%s €)' % (weight_level[0].weight, weight_level[0].price))
                subscription_price -= weight_level[0].price

            logging.debug('carrier: %s' % carrier.name)
            logging.debug('subscription_weight: %s kg' % subscription_weight)
            logging.debug('subscription_price: %s € (%s €)' % (subscription_price, subscription.price().price))

            for extent in subscription.extent_set.all():
                __extent = extent.extent

                logging.debug('meta-product: %s, extent: %s' % (extent.product.name, __extent))

                if extent.customized:
                    logging.debug("start fullfilling the delivery cart with a custom content")

                    logging.debug("create custom content object")
                    content = delivery.content_set.create(product=extent.product, extent=extent.extent, customized=extent.customized) if not debug else None
                    extent_content = extent.extentcontent_set.get()

                    for ecp in extent_content.extentcontentproduct_set.all():
                        logging.debug("add product %s (%d) with a quantity %d (price: %s, weight: %s)" % (ecp.product.name, ecp.product.id, ecp.quantity, ecp.product.price().__unicode__(), ecp.product.weight))
                        if not debug:
                            content.contentproduct_set.create(product=ecp.product, quantity=ecp.quantity)


                def get_product_products(product):
                    __products = []
                    for child in product.products_children.all():
                        __products += get_product_products(child)
                    __products += product.product_product.filter(status='p').all()
                    return __products

                products = get_product_products(extent.product)
                nbr_items = len(products)

                prices = [p.main_price.get_after_tax_price_with_fee() if carrier.apply_suppliers_fee else p.main_price.get_after_tax_price() for p in products]
                weights = [int(p.weight) for p in products]

                criterias = []
                if subscription.criterias.all():
                    for p in products:
                        __filter = p.criterias
                        for c in subscription.criterias.filter(enabled=True).all():
                            __filter = __filter.filter(id=c.id)
                    criterias = [0] * nbr_items

                total_price = round(subscription_price*__extent/100, 2)
                total_weight = round(subscription_weight*__extent/100*1000, 2)
                total_criteria = round(sum(criterias), 2)

                from deap import algorithms, base, creator, tools

                pareto = tools.selNSGA2
                # pareto = tools.selSPEA2
                algo = algorithms.eaMuPlusLambda
                # algo = algorithms.eaMuCommaLambda

                creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,))
                creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.Fitness)

                toolbox = base.Toolbox()

                if zero:
                    toolbox.register("quantity_item", lambda: min_quantity)
                    toolbox.register("quantity_item", random.randint, min_quantity, max_quantity)

                toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual,
                                 toolbox.quantity_item, nbr_items)
                toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)

                def eval(individual):
                    eval_total_price = 0.0
                    eval_total_weight = 0.0
                    eval_total_criteria = 0.0
                    for i in range(nbr_items):
                        eval_total_price += individual[i] * prices[i]
                        eval_total_weight += individual[i] * weights[i]
                        eval_total_criteria += individual[i] * criterias[i]
                    return \
                        abs(total_price - eval_total_price),\
                        abs(total_criteria - eval_total_criteria),\
                        plt.mlab.entropy(individual, 1),\
                        abs(total_weight - eval_total_weight),\

                # def cx(ind1, ind2): return tools.crossover.cxOnePoint(ind1, ind2)
                # def mut(individual): return tools.mutation.mutUniformInt(individual, min_quantity, max_quantity, 0.01)

                def cx(ind1, ind2):
                    site = random.randint(0, min(len(ind1), len(ind2)))
                    ind1[:site], ind2[:site] = ind2[:site], ind1[:site]
                    return ind1, ind2

                def mut(individual):
                    pos = random.randint(0, nbr_items-1)
                    individual[pos] = random.randint(min_quantity, max_quantity)
                    return individual,

                toolbox.register("evaluate", eval)
                toolbox.register("mate", cx)
                toolbox.register("mutate", mut)
                toolbox.register("select", pareto)

                pop = toolbox.population(n=pop_size)
                hof = tools.ParetoFront()
                new_pop, logbook = algo(pop, toolbox, pop_size, lambda_algo, cxpb, mutpb, max_gen, halloffame=hof, verbose=0)

                logging.debug("len(hof): %d" % len(hof))
                logging.debug("len(products): %s" % len(products))
                logging.debug("prices (€): %s" % prices)
                logging.debug("weights (g): %s" % weights)
                logging.debug("criterias: %s" % criterias)
                logging.debug("total_price: %f €" % total_price)
                logging.debug("total_weight: %f g" % total_weight)
                logging.debug("total_criteria: %f" % total_criteria)

                margin_hof = []

                for m in np.arange(margin, 1, margin):
                    logging.debug("trial margin hof with %.2f", m)
                    trial_margin_hof = []
                    for x in hof:
                        if x.fitness.values[0] <= (total_price*m): trial_margin_hof.append(x)
                    if len(trial_margin_hof) > 0:
                        margin_hof = trial_margin_hof

                assert len(margin_hof) > 0

                sorted = np.sort(np.array([(i,) + x.fitness.values for i, x in enumerate(margin_hof)],
                                          dtype=[('i', int), ('price', float), ('criterias', float),
                                                 ('diversity', float), ('weight', float)]),
                                          order=['criterias', 'diversity', 'weight', 'price'])

                sol = hof[ sorted[0][0] ]

                logging.debug("sol: %s" % sol)
                logging.debug("sol.fitness: %s" % sol.fitness)

                assert len(sol) == nbr_items

                logging.debug("start fullfilling the delivery cart content")

                logging.debug("create content object")
                content = delivery.content_set.create(product=extent.product, extent=extent.extent, customized=extent.customized) if not debug else None

                for i in range(nbr_items):
                    if sol[i]:
                        logging.debug("add product %s (%d - %d) with a quantity %d (price: %f, weight: %f)" % (products[i].name, i, products[i].id, sol[i], prices[i], weights[i]))
                        if not debug:
                            content.contentproduct_set.create(product=products[i], quantity=sol[i])

            if not debug:
                logging.debug("change delivery status")

                delivery.status = 'P'

                logging.debug("send a message to the delivery customer")

                customer = subscription.customer

                message = mm.Message.objects.create_message(participants=[customer], subject=_('Delivery %(date)s is in progress') % {'date': delivery.get_date_display()}, body=_(
"""Hi %(name)s,

we are pleased to announce your delivery %(date)s content from the subscription %(subscription_id)d has been defined and will be prepared as soon as possible for sending.

Your cart will be send to you in 10 days.

Best regards,
                ) % {'name': customer.main_address.__unicode__() if customer.main_address else '', 'date': delivery.get_date_display(), 'subscription_id': subscription.id})

    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        logging.debug('Command in progress')


        if options['test']:
            logging.info('[TEST MODE enabled]')

        week_limit = Week.withdate(Week.thisweek().day(settings.VALIDATING_DAY_OF_WEEK) + relativedelta(days=settings.DELAY_BETWEEN_DEFINITON_N_DELIVERY))
        deliveries = models.Delivery.objects.filter(date__lte=week_limit, status='p', subscription__enabled=True)

        logging.info('Number of deliveries to fullfill: %d' % deliveries.count())

        for delivery in deliveries:
            logger_delivery = logging.getLogger('[delivery %d]' % delivery.id)

            logger_delivery.info('Process the delivery: %s' % delivery.__unicode__())

            subscription = delivery.subscription
            subscription_weight = subscription.size.weight - subscription.size.weight*settings.PACKAGING_WEIGHT_RATE/100
            subscription_price = subscription.price().price
            carrier = subscription.carrier
            weight_level = carrier.carrierlevel_set.filter(weight__gte=subscription.size.weight)
            if weight_level:
                logger_delivery.info('weight level:\t\t%s kg (%s €)' % (weight_level[0].weight, weight_level[0].price))
                subscription_price -= weight_level[0].price

            logger_delivery.info('carrier:\t\t%s' % carrier.name)
            logger_delivery.info('subscription weight:\t%s kg' % subscription_weight)
            logger_delivery.info('subscription price:\t%s € (%s €)' % (subscription_price, subscription.price().price))

            for extent in subscription.extent_set.all():
                __extent = extent.extent

                logger_extent = logging.getLogger('[delivery %d] [%s] [%s%%]' % (delivery.id, extent.product.name, __extent))

                logger_extent.debug('meta-product: %s, extent: %s' % (extent.product.name, __extent))

                if extent.customized:
                    logger_extent = logging.getLogger('[delivery %d] [%s] [%s%%] [custom]' % (delivery.id, extent.product.name, __extent))

                    logger_extent.info('start fullfilling the delivery cart with a custom content')

                    logger_extent.info('create custom content object')
                    content = delivery.content_set.create(product=extent.product, extent=extent.extent, customized=extent.customized) if not options['test'] else None
                    extent_content = extent.extentcontent_set.get()

                    for ecp in extent_content.extentcontentproduct_set.all():
                        logger_extent.info('+ %d x %30s\t\t(%d,\t%s€,\t%sg)' % (ecp.quantity, ecp.product.name[:30], ecp.product.id, ecp.product.price().__unicode__(), ecp.product.weight))
                        if not options['test']:
                            content.contentproduct_set.create(product=ecp.product, quantity=ecp.quantity)


                def get_product_products(product):
                    __products = []
                    for child in product.products_children.all():
                        __products += get_product_products(child)
                    __products += product.product_product.filter(status='p').all()
                    return __products

                products = get_product_products(extent.product)
                nbr_items = len(products)

                prices = [p.main_price.get_after_tax_price_with_fee() if carrier.apply_suppliers_fee else p.main_price.get_after_tax_price() for p in products]
                weights = [int(p.weight or settings.DEFAULT_WEIGHT) for p in products]

                criterias = []
                if subscription.criterias.all():
                    for p in products:
                        __filter = p.criterias
                        for c in subscription.criterias.filter(enabled=True).all():
                            __filter = __filter.filter(id=c.id)
                    criterias = [0] * nbr_items

                total_price = round(subscription_price*__extent/100, 2)
                total_weight = round(subscription_weight*__extent/100*1000, 2)
                total_criteria = round(sum(criterias), 2)

                creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,))
                creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.Fitness)

                toolbox = base.Toolbox()

                if options['zero']:
                    toolbox.register("quantity_item", lambda: options['min_quantity'])
                    toolbox.register("quantity_item", random.randint, options['min_quantity'], options['max_quantity'])

                toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual,
                                 toolbox.quantity_item, nbr_items)
                toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual)

                def eval(individual):
                    eval_total_price = 0.0
                    eval_total_weight = 0.0
                    eval_total_criteria = 0.0
                    for i in range(nbr_items):
                        eval_total_price += individual[i] * prices[i]
                        eval_total_weight += individual[i] * weights[i]
                        eval_total_criteria += individual[i] * criterias[i]
                    return \
                        abs(total_price - eval_total_price),\
                        abs(total_criteria - eval_total_criteria),\
                        plt.mlab.entropy(individual, 1),\
                        abs(total_weight - eval_total_weight),\

                # def cx(ind1, ind2): return tools.crossover.cxOnePoint(ind1, ind2)
                # def mut(individual): return tools.mutation.mutUniformInt(individual, options['min_quantity'], options['max_quantity'], 0.01)

                def cx(ind1, ind2):
                    site = random.randint(0, min(len(ind1), len(ind2)))
                    ind1[:site], ind2[:site] = ind2[:site], ind1[:site]
                    return ind1, ind2

                def mut(individual):
                    pos = random.randint(0, nbr_items-1)
                    individual[pos] = random.randint(options['min_quantity'], options['max_quantity'])
                    return individual,

                pareto = tools.selNSGA2 if options['pareto'] else tools.selSPEA2
                algo = algorithms.eaMuPlusLambda if options['algo'] else algorithms.eaMuCommaLambda

                toolbox.register("evaluate", eval)
                toolbox.register("mate", cx)
                toolbox.register("mutate", mut)
                toolbox.register("select", pareto)

                pop = toolbox.population(n=options['pop_size'])
                hof = tools.ParetoFront()
                new_pop, logbook = algo(pop, toolbox, options['pop_size'], options['lambda_algo'], options['cxpb'], options['mutpb'], options['max_gen'], halloffame=hof, verbose=0)

                logger_extent.debug("len(hof): %d" % len(hof))
                logger_extent.debug("len(products): %s" % len(products))
                logger_extent.debug("prices (€): %s" % prices)
                logger_extent.debug("weights (g): %s" % weights)
                logger_extent.debug("criterias: %s" % criterias)
                logger_extent.debug("total_price: %f €" % total_price)
                logger_extent.debug("total_weight: %f g" % total_weight)
                logger_extent.debug("total_criteria: %f" % total_criteria)

                margin_hof = []

                for m in np.arange(options['margin'], 1, options['margin']):
                    logger_extent.debug("trial margin hof with %.2f", m)
                    trial_margin_hof = []
                    for x in hof:
                        if x.fitness.values[0] <= (total_price*m): trial_margin_hof.append(x)
                    if len(trial_margin_hof) > 0:
                        margin_hof = trial_margin_hof

                assert len(margin_hof) > 0

                sorted = np.sort(np.array([(i,) + x.fitness.values for i, x in enumerate(margin_hof)],
                                          dtype=[('i', int), ('price', float), ('criterias', float),
                                                 ('diversity', float), ('weight', float)]),
                                          order=['criterias', 'diversity', 'weight', 'price'])

                logger_extent.info('there are %d solutions' % len(sorted))

                for i, fitnesses in enumerate(sorted):
                    logger_solution = logging.getLogger('[delivery %d] [%s] [%s%%] [%d]' % (delivery.id, extent.product.name, __extent, i))

                    sol = hof[ fitnesses[0] ]

                    logger_solution.debug('sol: %s' % sol)
                    logger_solution.info('sol.fitness: %s' % sol.fitness)

                    assert len(sol) == nbr_items

                    for i in range(nbr_items):
                        if sol[i]:
                            logger_solution.info('+ %d x %30s\t(%d,\t%s€,\t%sg)' % (sol[i], products[i].name[:30], products[i].id, prices[i], weights[i]))

                idx = 0
                higherbound = len(sorted)-1
                while True:
                        idx = int(input('[Select one solution between 0 and %d]$ ' % higherbound))
                    except TypeError:
                        logger_extent.error('Bad type value passed (a value between 0 and %d)' % higherbound)
                    except ValueError:
                        logger_extent.error('Bad value passed (a value between 0 and %d)' % higherbound)
                        if 0 <= idx < higherbound+1: break

                logger_extent.info('Start fullfilling the delivery cart content with the solution %d' % idx)

                sol = hof[ sorted[idx][0] ]

                logger_extent.info('Create content object')
                content = delivery.content_set.create(product=extent.product, extent=extent.extent, customized=extent.customized) if not options['test'] else None

                for i in range(nbr_items):
                    if sol[i]:
                        logger_extent.info('+ %d x %30s\t(%d,\t%s€,\t%sg)' % (sol[i], products[i].name[:30], products[i].id, prices[i], weights[i]))
                        if not options['test']:
                            content.contentproduct_set.create(product=products[i], quantity=sol[i])

            if not options['test']:
                logger_extent.info("change delivery status")

                delivery.status = 'P'

                logger_extent.info("send a message to the delivery customer")

                customer = subscription.customer

                message = mm.Message.objects.create_message(participants=[customer], subject=_('Delivery %(date)s is in progress') % {'date': delivery.get_date_display()}, body=_(
"""Hi %(name)s,

we are pleased to announce your delivery %(date)s content from the subscription %(subscription_id)d has been defined and will be prepared as soon as possible for sending.

Your cart will be send to you in 10 days.

Best regards,
                ) % {'name': customer.main_address.__unicode__() if customer.main_address else '', 'date': delivery.get_date_display(), 'subscription_id': subscription.id})

Ejemplo n.º 52
for inc in reader:
        dt.datetime.strptime(inc['opened_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    if inc['closed_at']:  # not counting open incidents
            dt.datetime.strptime(inc['closed_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') -
            dt.datetime.strptime(inc['opened_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

statistics = mttr_mtbf()
print statistics['mtbf'].days, statistics['mtbf'].seconds // 3600
print statistics['mttr'].days, statistics['mttr'].seconds // 3600
print "INC/day: ", (reader.line_num - 1) / 180
start_week = Week.withdate(date(2014, 06, 01))
end_week = Week.withdate(date(2014, 11, 30))
print "INC/Week: ", (reader.line_num - 1) / (end_week - start_week)

print incs_by_week

# with open('/Users/rodrigo.abreu/Downloads/incident.csv', 'rb') as csvfile:
#     # spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
#     # for row in spamreader:
#     #     print ', '.join(row)
#     reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
#     open_date = []
#     resolution_time = []
#     incs_by_week = {}
#     count = 0
#     for row in reader:
#         #print(row['number'],