def test_get_issue_list(self): # this should return a valid issue list for this project ... obj = IL.get_issue_list(True, config.test_repo_path) objCached = IL.get_issue_list(True, config.test_repo_path) objUncached = IL.get_issue_list(False, config.test_repo_path) # check caching works properly self.assertTrue(obj == objCached) #check uncaching works correctly self.assertFalse(obj == objUncached)
def on_menu_new(self, event): """ Called on file>new or ctrl+n """ if not self.safeToQuit(): return self.issue_l = IssueList() self.setTitle("Untitled") self.setDirty(False) #clear all selections #TODO still needs to reset choices for elem in self.important: if type(elem) == type(wx.Choice): elem.SetSelection(0) elif type(elem) == type(wx.TextCtrl): elem.SetValue('')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): import glob TestingFrame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) uppath = lambda _path, n: os.sep.join(_path.split(os.sep)[:-n]) self.settings = {} self.dark = False self.settings_file = 'settings.txt' self.dbfile = '' self.db = None self.load_db() self.Issue = Query() #TODO remove this and the errors taht causes self.issue_l = IssueList() self.search_dict = \ {intake.USER_TYPE: self.choice_user, intake.CATEGORY: self.choice_component, intake.BEST_PRACTICE: self.choice_best_practice, intake.PLATFORM: self.choice_platform, intake.WCAG: self.choice_wcag} for label, choice in self.search_dict.items(): list_items = self.db.get_column_names(label) list_items.sort() choice.AppendItems(list_items) self.isDirty: bool = False #used to save the state of changes = " - TTT" self.setTitle("Untitled") self.pathname: str = '' #Fields that are requiree/important self.important = {\ TFrame.USER_TYPE: self.choice_user, TFrame.PLATFORM: self.choice_platform, TFrame.ISSUE_SUMMARY: self.text_ctrl_issue_summary, TFrame.ISSUE_DESCRIPTION: self.text_ctrl_issue_description, TFrame.STEPS: self.text_ctrl_steps_to_reproduce, TFrame.REMEDIATTION: self.text_ctrl_remediation, TFrame.SEVERITY: self.choice_severity, TFrame.CATEGORY: self.choice_component, TFrame.BEST_PRACTICE: self.choice_best_practice, TFrame.WCAG: self.choice_wcag} #sample info added to the tree self.root = self.tree_ctrl_1.AddRoot("All Issues")
class TFrame(TestingFrame): ISSUE_SUMMARY = "Issue Summary" ISSUE_DESCRIPTION = "Issue Description" STEPS = "Steps to Reproduce" REMEDIATTION = "Remediation" SEVERITY = "Severity" USER_TYPE = intake.USER_TYPE PLATFORM = intake.PLATFORM CATEGORY = intake.CATEGORY BEST_PRACTICE = intake.BEST_PRACTICE WCAG = intake.WCAG JSON_WC = "JSON Files (*.json)|*.json|All Files (*.*)|*.*" RPT_WC = "RPT Files (*.rpt)|*.rpt|All Files (*.*)|*.*" def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): import glob TestingFrame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) uppath = lambda _path, n: os.sep.join(_path.split(os.sep)[:-n]) self.settings = {} self.dark = False self.settings_file = 'settings.txt' self.dbfile = '' self.db = None self.load_db() self.Issue = Query() #TODO remove this and the errors taht causes self.issue_l = IssueList() self.search_dict = \ {intake.USER_TYPE: self.choice_user, intake.CATEGORY: self.choice_component, intake.BEST_PRACTICE: self.choice_best_practice, intake.PLATFORM: self.choice_platform, intake.WCAG: self.choice_wcag} for label, choice in self.search_dict.items(): list_items = self.db.get_column_names(label) list_items.sort() choice.AppendItems(list_items) self.isDirty: bool = False #used to save the state of changes = " - TTT" self.setTitle("Untitled") self.pathname: str = '' #Fields that are requiree/important self.important = {\ TFrame.USER_TYPE: self.choice_user, TFrame.PLATFORM: self.choice_platform, TFrame.ISSUE_SUMMARY: self.text_ctrl_issue_summary, TFrame.ISSUE_DESCRIPTION: self.text_ctrl_issue_description, TFrame.STEPS: self.text_ctrl_steps_to_reproduce, TFrame.REMEDIATTION: self.text_ctrl_remediation, TFrame.SEVERITY: self.choice_severity, TFrame.CATEGORY: self.choice_component, TFrame.BEST_PRACTICE: self.choice_best_practice, TFrame.WCAG: self.choice_wcag} #sample info added to the tree self.root = self.tree_ctrl_1.AddRoot("All Issues") def setDirty(self, isDirty): """ Marks the current work as different/same from the saved file """ self.isDirty = isDirty title = self.GetTitle() if isDirty and not title[0] == '*': self.SetTitle('* ' + title) elif not isDirty and title[0] == '*': self.SetTitle(title[2:]) def setTitle(self, title): """ Sets the title of the window to the file pathname """ if self.isDirty: foo = '* ' + title + else: foo = title + self.SetTitle(foo) def on_menu_new(self, event): """ Called on file>new or ctrl+n """ if not self.safeToQuit(): return self.issue_l = IssueList() self.setTitle("Untitled") self.setDirty(False) #clear all selections #TODO still needs to reset choices for elem in self.important: if type(elem) == type(wx.Choice): elem.SetSelection(0) elif type(elem) == type(wx.TextCtrl): elem.SetValue('') def on_menu_open(self, event): """ Called on file>open or ctrl+o """ if not self.safeToQuit(): return filename = '' with wx.FileDialog(self, message="Open a file", wildcard=TFrame.RPT_WC, style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetPath() if filename: self.pathname = filename with open(filename, 'r') as f: self.issue_l.read_issues(f) f.close() self.text_ctrl_data.ChangeValue(str(self.issue_l)) self.setTitle(get_name_from_file(filename)) self.setDirty(False) else: print("No file selected") def on_menu_save(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> """ Called on file>save or ctrl+s """ #TODO: broken because of if self.pathname == "": self.on_menu_save_as(event) else: self.save_as(self.pathname) def on_menu_save_as(self, event): """ Called on file>save_as or ctrl+shift+s """ with wx.FileDialog(self, "Save RPT file", wildcard=TFrame.RPT_WC, style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) as fileDialog: if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return # the user changed their mind # save the current contents in the file pathname = fileDialog.GetPath() self.save_as(pathname) def save_as(self, pathname): """ does the work for both on_menu_save_as and on_menu_save """ with open(pathname, 'w') as file: self.setTitle(get_name_from_file(pathname)) self.pathname = pathname self.doSaveData(file) file.close() def doSaveData(self, file): """ Does the actual work of saving """ #TODO, update to not pickle the data self.setDirty(False) self.issue_l.write_issues(file) def on_menu_import(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> """ Called when importing a report. Possibly used by managers (not implemented) """ #TODO, is this neccessary? print("Event handler 'on_menu_import' not implemented!") event.Skip() def on_menu_export_pdf(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> """ Generates a word doc to be used for a PDF output """ #TODO, need to determine the format print("Event handler 'on_menu_export_pdf' not implemented!") event.Skip() def on_menu_export_excel(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> """ Generates an excel doc of all issues. possibly used to upload to JIRA """ #TODO, need to determine the format print("Event handler 'on_menu_export_excel' not implemented!") event.Skip() def on_menu_exit(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> """ Called on file>exit or alt+f4 """ if not self.safeToQuit(): return self.Close() def on_menu_about(self, event): """ Used to learn about the program e.g. version number... """ def on_menu_dark(self, event): """ Used to turn on/off dark mode """ #TODO, need to refine this, so that users can save this setting self.dark = bool(event.Selection) widgets = getWidgets(self) for widget in widgets: if "SetBackgroundColour" in dir(widget): if self.dark: color = "dark" else: color = "light" widget.SetBackgroundColour(COLOR[color]['bg']) widget.SetForegroundColour(COLOR[color]['fg']) self.Refresh() event.Skip() def on_choice_platform(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> self.update_search() platform_int = self.choice_platform.GetSelection() platform = self.choice_platform.GetString(platform_int) == platform) self.setDirty(True) event.Skip() def on_choice_user(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> self.update_search() user_type_int = self.choice_user.GetSelection() user_type = self.choice_user.GetString(user_type_int) == user_type) self.setDirty(True) event.Skip() def on_choice_priority(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> #self.update_search() self.setDirty(True) event.Skip() def on_choice_component(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> self.update_search() self.setDirty(True) event.Skip() def on_choice_best_preactice( self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> self.update_search() self.setDirty(True) event.Skip() def on_choice_wcag(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> self.update_search() self.setDirty(True) #wcag_selection = self.choice_wcag.choices[event.GetSelection()] self.update_wcag_link() event.Skip() def on_text_issue_summary(self, event): self.setDirty(True) event.Skip() def safeToQuit(self): """ determines if there is unsaved work or if the user is ok with trashing changes """ if self.isDirty: return (wx.MessageBox( "You have unsaved work. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Are you sure?", wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.YES_NO, self) == wx.YES) else: return True def on_notebook_page_changed( self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> if event.GetSelection() == 4: # raw data tab to_place: str = '' for item in self.issue_l: to_place += str(item) + '\n' self.text_ctrl_data.ChangeValue(to_place) elif event.GetSelection() == 3: # table tab self.grid_1.ClearGrid() for i, item in enumerate(self.issue_l): summ = item[TFrame.ISSUE_SUMMARY] sev = item[TFrame.SEVERITY] self.grid_1.SetCellValue(i, 0, summ) self.grid_1.SetCellValue(i, 1, sev) elif event.GetSelection() == 1: # per issue tab #update the count box result = self.do_search() count = len(result) self.text_ctrl_count.ChangeValue(str(count)) elif event.GetSelection() == 2: # tree Issue tab self.tree_ctrl_1.DeleteChildren(self.root) children: List = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.issue_l): summ = item[TFrame.ISSUE_SUMMARY] children.append(self.tree_ctrl_1.AppendItem(self.root, summ)) def on_tree_key_down(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> if event.GetKeyCode() == 395: #Applications key for func in dir(event): print(func) print(event.GetSelection()) event.Skip() def on_tree_item_activated(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> event.Skip() def on_tree_sel_changed(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> id = self.tree_ctrl_1.GetFocusedItem() if self.dark: print( self.tree_ctrl_1.SetItemBackgroundColour( id, COLOR['dark']['fg'])) print('dark') event.Skip() def on_button_submit(self, event): # wxGlade: TestingFrame.<event_handler> #TODO - need to validate there is only one issue, based on filter, and save info to a new database data_to_save = dict() data_to_search = dict() done = True #False if there are empty fields to_finish = [] #array to keep track of unfnished fields for key, item in self.important.items(): if type(item) == type(wx.TextCtrl()): data_to_save[key] = item.GetValue() elif type(item) == type(wx.Choice()): data_to_save[key] = self.get_choice_string(item) else: print(key) if data_to_save[key] in ('', 'All'): done = False to_finish.append(key) #test if ready to submit if not done: #pop alert message = "These fields aren't filled in\n" message += '\n'.join(to_finish) message += '\n\nContinue anyway?' continu = (wx.MessageBox( message, "You Fool!", wx.ICON_QUESTION | wx.CANCEL | wx.CANCEL_DEFAULT, self) == wx.OK) if not continu: return for k in to_finish: print(k) #build the search terms result = self.do_search() for elem in result: print(elem[intake.ISSUE_ID]) #add issue to database self.issue_l.add_issue(data_to_save) #clear the fields on the second tab for field in getWidgets(self.notebook_1_pane_3): if type(field) == type(wx.Choice()): field.SetSelection(0) elif type(field) == type(wx.TextCtrl()): field.SetValue('') event.Skip() def on_button_edit_issue(self, event): print(self.tree_ctrl_1.GetFocusedItem()) event.Skip() def on_button_delete_issue(self, event): print("TBI - Delete") event.Skip() def on_cell_select(self, event): print("{} {}".format(event.GetRow(), event.GetCol())) #controller = event.GetEventObject() self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.on_cell_key_down) event.Skip() def on_cell_key_down(self, event): keycode = event.GetKeyCode() #print(keycode) for key in dir(wx.KeyCode): if key == 307: #application key print(key) event.Skip() def do_search(self): ''' Performs a search based on the current selection of the wxChoices ''' dd = dict() for k, v in self.search_dict.items(): selection = self.get_choice_string(v) if not selection == "All": dd[k] = selection return self.db.compound_search(dd) def update_wcag_link(self): link = self.db.get_wcag_link(self.get_choice_string(self.choice_wcag)) self.text_ctrl_wcag.SetValue(link) def update_search(self): """ Generic function that calculates and updates the choices in a wxChoice Called by all of the wxChoices that can change search results """ for string, choice in self.search_dict.items(): selection = choice.GetString(choice.GetSelection()) #print(string + ": " + selection) #remove the current option from the dict for the search copy_string_dict = dict() for k, v in self.search_dict.items(): if not "All" == self.get_choice_string(v): copy_string_dict[k] = self.get_choice_string(v) if string in copy_string_dict: try: del copy_string_dict[string] except KeyError: pass #print("copy string dict:\t"+str(copy_string_dict)) results = self.db.compound_search(copy_string_dict) #print("len(results):\t"+str(len(results))) list_to_append = [] #print("results[0]:\t" + str(results[0])) #print("string:\t"+ string) for item in results: #print(item[k]) list_to_append.append(item[string]) list_to_append = list(set(list_to_append)) self.reset_choices(choice, list_to_append) self.update_wcag_link() result = self.do_search() count = len(result) self.text_ctrl_count.ChangeValue(str(count)) def get_choice_string(self, choice): """ Given a wxChoice, returns its selected string """ selection_int = choice.GetSelection() return choice.GetString(selection_int) def reset_choices(self, choice, choices): """ Given a list of choices, and a wxChoice, it sets the choicse to the list and retains the previous selection """ current = self.get_choice_string(choice) choice.Clear() choice.AppendItems(["All"]) choices = list(set(choices)) choices.sort() choice.AppendItems(choices) ''' removed because it can trap the user if two fields are pigeon-holed if len(choices) == 1: sel_int = 1 else: ''' sel_int = choice.FindString(current) choice.SetSelection(sel_int) def load_db(self): try: self.db = IssueDatabase('db.json') except: try: path = self.get_file_path("Open the issues database file", 'json') self.db = IssueDatabase(path) except: print("everything broke") def load_settings(self): #TODO """ Load settings from "settings.txt" # Not working correctly """ try: f = open(self.settings_file, 'rt') string = except IOError: settings = self.get_file_path('Open the settings file', 'txt') f = open(settings, 'wt') string = '{"dark": False, "dbfile":' + self.dbfile + '}' finally: if string: try: settings_handler = eval(string) if not type(settings_handler) == type(dict()): raise KeyError except: settings_handler = {'dark': False, "dbfile": "db.json"} else: settings_handler = {'dark': False, "dbfile": "db.json"} #dark try: self.settings['dark'] = settings_handler['dark'] except KeyError: self.settings['dark'] = False #database file try: self.dbfile = settings_handler['dbfile'] except KeyError: self.dbfile = "db.json" #save the settings for next time string = str({'dark': self.dark, 'dbfile': self.dbfile}) if not 'w' in f.mode: f.close() f = open(settings_file, 'wt') f.write(string) f.close() def get_file_path(self, mess: str, ext: str): wc_str = ext.upper() + ' Files (*.' + ext + ')|*.' + ext with wx.FileDialog(self, message=mess, wildcard=wc_str, style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: return dlg.GetPath() return "Nah" return "Nope"
def test_show_issue_list(self): args = "all label=bug,enhancement" obj = IL.show_issue_list(args) # if in vim then we should also print the elements as needed!