Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get_r57_from_theta(self, theta):
     p2 = self._theta_to_p2(theta)
     for p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 in self.get_p34567(p2):
         if p3 is None:
             yield None
             yield tools.length(p5 - p7)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testsidechain(self):
     import StringIO
     mol = read.readxyz(StringIO.StringIO(test_in))
     coords1 = mol.coords
     coords2 = coords1.copy()
     coords2[1] = coords1[3]
     coords2[2] = coords1[4]
     coords2[3] = coords1[1]
     coords2[4] = coords1[2]
     newcoords = sidechain.movesidechain(coords1, coords2,
                                         (0, 1, 2),
                                         (3, 4))
     for key in newcoords:
         coord = newcoords[key]
         assert isinstance(coord, numpy.ndarray) and coord.shape == (3,) and coord.dtype == float, (coord, coord.shape, coord.dtype)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(tools.length(newcoords[3] - coords2[3]), 0, 4)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(tools.length(newcoords[4] - coords2[4]), 0, 4)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _test():
    mol = '''    17  molden generated tinker .xyz (mm3 param.)
     1  N+     0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    39     2
     2  C      0.000000    0.000000    1.460000     1     1     3
     3  C      1.403962    0.000000    2.015868     3     2     4     5
     4  N      2.195124   -0.904100    1.422348     9     3     6
     5  O      1.755111    0.752517    2.909631     7     3
     6  C      3.591293   -1.058240    1.820536     1     4     7
     7  C      4.358438    0.233498    1.668879     3     6     8     9
     8  N      4.140177    0.829026    0.488494     9     7    10
     9  O      5.091799    0.666773    2.542294     7     7
    10  C      4.792149    2.091022    0.151005     1     8    11
    11  C      4.466440    3.170859    1.154979     3    10    12    13
    12  N      3.158394    3.235806    1.438521     9    11    14
    13  O      5.320944    3.893369    1.640987     7    11
    14  C      2.642777    4.216977    2.388806     1    12    15
    15  C      3.289555    4.070161    3.745355     3    14    16    17
    16  O      3.401864    2.975815    4.272794    47    15
    17  O      3.724636    5.023075    4.370703    47    15

    import StringIO
    mol = StringIO.StringIO(mol)
    from itcc.molecule import read
    mol = read.readxyz(mol)

    from itcc.molecule import tools
    distmat = tools.distmat(mol)

    idxs = [2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,14]
    idxs = [x - 1 for x in idxs]

    import sys
    for x in idxs[2:-2]:
        sys.stdout.write('%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n' % tuple(mol.coords[x]))

    mezeipro2 = Mezeipro2(mol.coords, distmat, idxs)

    results = list(mezeipro2())
    print len(results)
    for result in results:
        _print_result(sys.stdout, result)
        if result[3] is not None:
            print tools.length(result[3]-result[5]), mezeipro2._dismatrix(5, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def R6(self, coords, atmidx, dismat):
        '''resolve a fragment of protein:

known the coords of p1, p2, p8, p9, and all the bond length and
bond length and bond angles, to calculate the coords from p3 to p7
        self.dismat = dismat
        self.atmidx = atmidx
        r1 = coords[0]
        r2 = coords[1]
        r8 = coords[7]
        r9 = coords[8]
        i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9 = tuple(atmidx)
        r27 = 0.0
        while r27 <= 10.0:
            print r27,
            r7s = pyramid(r2, r8, r9, r27, self.r(7,8), self.r(7,9))
#            print 'r7s =', r7s
            for r7 in r7s:
                r5s = pyramid(r2, r7, r8, self.r(2,5), self.r(5,7), self.r(5,8))
#                print 'r5s =', r5s 
                for r5 in r5s:
                    r6s = pyramid(r5, r7, r8, self.r(6,5), self.r(6,7), self.r(6,8))
#                    print 'r6s =', r6s 
                    r3s = pyramid(r1, r2, r5, self.r(3,1), self.r(3,2), self.r(3,5))
#                    print 'r3s =', r3s 
                    for r3 in r3s:
                        r4s = pyramid(r2, r3, r5, self.r(4,2), self.r(4,3), self.r(4,5))
                        for r4 in r4s:
                            for r6 in r6s:
                                if r4 is None or r6 is None:
                                    print 0.0,
                                    print tools.length(r4-r6),
            r27 += 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def rg(mol):
    center = molecule.CoordType()
    mass = 0.0
    for i in range(len(mol)):
        thismass = mol.atoms[i].mass
        mass += thismass
        center += mol.coords[i] * thismass
    center /= mass

    result = 0.0
    for i in range(len(mol)):
        result += tools.length(mol.coords[i] - center) ** 2 * mol.atoms[i].mass
    result /= mass
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __call__(self, angle):
     self.p3 = self.p3o + self.p3x * cos(angle) + self.p3y * sin(angle)
     p2s, z2s = pyramid(self.p0, self.p1, self.p3, self.d02,
                        self.d12, self.d23)
     if z2s < self.threshold:
         return None
     p4s, z4s = pyramid(self.p6, self.p5, self.p3, self.d46,
                        self.d45, self.d34)
     if z4s < self.threshold:
         return None
     if self.mode == -1:
         return (p2s, p4s)
         i2 = self.mode / 2
         i4 = self.mode % 2
         self.p2 = p2s[i2]
         self.p4 = p4s[i4]
         return tools.length(self.p2-self.p4) - self.d24
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _calc_p3(self, points, d13, d35):
        p0 = points[0]
        p1 = points[1]
        p5 = points[2]
        V15 = p5 - p1
        d15 = tools.length(V15)

        if d13 + d35 < d15 or d13 + d15 < d35 or d15 + d35 < d13:
            return None

        c = (d13 * d13 - d35 * d35) / ( 2 * d15 * d15) + 0.5
        r = sqrt(d13 * d13 - c * c * d15 * d15)
        p3o = p1 + c * V15

        Oz = tools.normal(V15)
        p3y = tools.normal(numpy.cross(Oz, p0-p1)) * r
        p3x = numpy.cross(p3y, Oz)
        return (p3o, p3x, p3y)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self):
        result = [[] for i in range(16)]

        stepsize = math.pi * 2 / self.steps
        ref = self._dismatrix(5, 7)
        for i in range(self.steps):
            p2 = self.p2o \
                 + self.p2x * math.cos(stepsize * i) \
                 + self.p2y * math.sin(stepsize * i)
            tmps = list(self.get_p34567(p2))
            assert len(tmps) == 16
            for idx, tmp in enumerate(tmps):
                if tmp[0] is None:
                    result[idx].append(tools.length(tmp[2] - tmp[4]) - ref)

        for i in range(16):

        for i in range(16):
            def _Func(x):
                    return tuple(self.get_r57_from_theta(x))[i] - ref
                except TypeError:
                    return None
            func = _Func
            for j in range(self.steps):
                if result[i][j] is None: continue
                if result[i][j+1] is None: continue
                if result[i][j] * result[i][j+1] > 0: continue
                    tmp = rtbis.rtbis(func, j*stepsize, (j+1)*stepsize, self.acc)
                    p2 = self._theta_to_p2(tmp)
                    tmp2 = self.get_p34567(p2)
                    for _k in range(i+1):
                        tmp3 = tmp2.next()
                    yield tuple([p2,] + list(tmp3))
                except rtbis.Error:
Ejemplo n.º 9
def pyramid2(A, B, rAX, rBX):
    '''pyramid2(A, B, rAX, rBX) -> (O, OXx, OXy)

    known the coords of A, B and rAX, rBX, then X will be on a
    circle. return the circle center and 2 vertical axis.
    AB = B - A
    rAB = tools.length(AB)
    if rAX + rBX < rAB or abs(rAX - rBX) > rAB:
        return (None, None, None)

    c = (rAX * rAX - rBX * rBX) / ( 2 * rAB * rAB) + 0.5
    rAO = c * rAB
    rXO = math.sqrt(rAX * rAX - rAO * rAO)
    O = A + c * AB

    ABn = _normal(AB)
    if abs(ABn[0]) < 0.7071:
        OXx = _normal(cross(ABn, numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]))) * rXO
        OXx = _normal(cross(ABn, numpy.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]))) * rXO
    OXy = cross(OXx, ABn)
    return (O, OXx, OXy)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def r6_base(self, points, len1, len2, error=0.1):
        """r6_base(points, len1, len2) -> iterator

        len(points) == 4
        len(len1) == 4
        len(len2) == 5

        return all results fulfill following conditions in a iterator,
        len(result) will be 3.

        distance(points[1], result[0]) = len1[0];
        distance(result[0], result[1]) = len1[1];
        distance(result[1], result[2]) = len1[2];
        distance(result[2], points[2]) = len1[3];
        distance(points[0], result[0]) = len2[0];
        distance(points[1], result[1]) = len2[1];
        distance(result[0], result[2]) = len2[2];
        distance(result[1], points[2]) = len2[3];
        distance(result[2], points[3]) = len2[4];

        assert(len(points) == 4 and
               len(len1) == 4 and
               len(len2) == 5)
        p0, p1, p5, p6 = tuple(points)
        d12, d23, d34, d45 = tuple(len1)
        d02, d13, d24, d35, d46 = tuple(len2)

        p3_result = self._calc_p3((p0, p1, p5), d13, d35)
        if p3_result is None:
        p3o, p3x, p3y = p3_result

        steps = config.get('Mezei_R6_steps', 36)
        step = 2 * pi / steps

        d24s = numpy.zeros((4, steps+1), float)
        for i in range(steps):
            angle = i * step
            p24_result = self._calc_p2_p4(points, len1, len2, p3_result, angle)
            if p24_result:
                p2s, p4s = p24_result
                d24s[0][i] = tools.length(p2s[0] - p4s[0])
                d24s[1][i] = tools.length(p2s[0] - p4s[1])
                d24s[2][i] = tools.length(p2s[1] - p4s[0])
                d24s[3][i] = tools.length(p2s[1] - p4s[1])
        d24s[0][steps] = d24s[0][0]
        d24s[1][steps] = d24s[1][0]
        d24s[2][steps] = d24s[2][0]
        d24s[3][steps] = d24s[3][0]

        p24_res = self.p24_Resolver(points, len1, len2, p3_result)
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(steps):
                if d24s[i][j] and d24s[i][j+1] and \
                       (d24s[i][j] - d24)*(d24s[i][j+1] - d24) <= 0:
                        angle = rtbis.rtbis(p24_res, j*step, (j+1)*step, error)
                        yield (i, angle, p24_res.p2, p24_res.p3, p24_res.p4)
                    except rtbis.Error:
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __call__(self, angle):
     result = tuple(self.r6sub(angle))[self.mode]
     if result[1] is None: return None
     return tools.length(result[1] - result[3]) - self.d46ref
Ejemplo n.º 12
def getd46rela(p4, p6, d46ref):
    if p4 is None or p6 is None:
        return None
    return tools.length(p4 - p6) - d46ref
Ejemplo n.º 13
def shake3(r1, r2, new_dis):
    dr = r2 - r1
    dr = (new_dis / tools.length(dr) - 1.0) / 2.0 * dr
    return r1 - dr, r2 + dr