Ejemplo n.º 1
    def attribute_load(self, qb, attr_name):
        # DEPRECATED: See qb.item_mgr.cache_attrs/cache_attrnames.
        # 2012.08.14: This is still used by link_post... probably okay if it just
        #             happens once per checkout...
        # MAYBE: Can/Should we preload attributes for all pyserver instances?
        # Would only make sense if it runs before URL requests are received,
        # i.e., if Apache loads pyserver and then just forks it for each request.

        attr = None

        if (qb.item_mgr is not None) and (qb.item_mgr.loaded_cache):
                # Note that we're caching to the qb object so that this fcn. is
                # thread-, er, apache-thread-safe.
                attr = qb.item_mgr.cache_attrnames[attr_name]
            except KeyError:

        if attr is None:

            # CAVEAT: Callers should call qb.item_mgr.load_cache_attachments(qb)
            #         if they intend to load most of the attributes. If the caller
            #         is just intending to load a few attributes, this fcn. is
            #         fine, but if you want all the attributes, load the cache.

            qb_cur = qb.clone()
            qb_cur.revision = revision.Current()
            qb_cur.branch_hier[0] = (
            # Can call qb_cur.revision.setup_gids(qb_cur.db, qb_cur.username) or

            attrs = attribute.Many()
            attrs.search_by_internal_name(attr_name, qb_cur)
            log.verbose('attribute_load: %s (%d)' % (
            if len(attrs):
                g.assurt(len(attrs) == 1)
                attr = attrs[0]
                if qb.item_mgr.loaded_cache:
                    qb.item_mgr.cache_attrnames[attr_name] = attr

        if attr is not None:
            self.attr_stack_id = attr.stack_id
            self.the_attr = attr
            # This happens on import... but import not longer uses this fcn.
            # This fcn. is just called for checking out a thread and posts,
            # e.g., to get the stack ID of '/post/revision', so this is probably a
            # problem.
            log.warning('attribute_load: Attribute not found: %s' %
                        (attr_name, ))
            self.attr_stack_id = 0
            self.the_attr = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
   def reset_current_qb(self):

      self.current_qb = self.qb.clone(db_clone=False)
      branch_hier = copy.copy(self.current_qb.branch_hier)
      branch_hier[0] = (
         branch_hier[0][0], revision.Current(), branch_hier[0][2],)
Ejemplo n.º 3
   def add_members(self):

      log.info('Adding branch user group memberships.')

      # MAYBE: Use this script to update the public basemap after the
      #        v1-v2 upgrade? i.e., don't create group memberships in the
      #        upgrade scripts!

      # Group Memberships are saved with the basemap branch ID. We don't need
      # to clone the db, and if we did, we'd want to relock the 'revision'
      # table (i.e., grac_mgr expects: db.locked_tables == ['revision',]).
      basemap_qb = self.qb.clone(db_clone=False)
      # Use the basemap branch. At the Current revision.
      parentest = basemap_qb.branch_hier[-1]
      branch_hier = [(parentest[0], revision.Current(), parentest[2],),]

      common_row = {
         # From item_versioned
         'system_id'       : None, # assigned later
         'branch_id'       : None, # assigned later
         'version'         : 0,
         'deleted'         : False,
         'reverted'        : False,
         'name'            : '',
         'valid_start_rid' : 1,
         'valid_until_rid' : None,
         # From groupy_base
         #'group_name'     : None,#self.cli_opts.new_branch_name,
         # From group_membership
         'opt_out'         : False,
         #'group_desc'     : '',
         #'group_scope'    : Access_Scope.shared,
         'access_level_id' : Access_Level.editor,

      usernames = list(set(self.cli_opts.editors
                           + self.cli_opts.arbiters
                           + self.cli_opts.owners))
      self.add_members_to_group(basemap_qb, common_row,
                                self.sid_editors, usernames)

      usernames = list(set(self.cli_opts.arbiters
                           + self.cli_opts.owners))
      self.add_members_to_group(basemap_qb, common_row,
                                self.sid_arbiters, usernames)

      usernames = list(set(self.cli_opts.owners))
      self.add_members_to_group(basemap_qb, common_row,
                                self.sid_owners, usernames)
Ejemplo n.º 4
   def get_qb_for_branch(self, branch_id):


         branch_qb, the_branch = self.branch_qbs[branch_id]
         log.debug('get_qb_for_branch: existing qb: user: %s / branch_id: %s'
                   % (self.username, branch_id,))

      except KeyError:

         rev = revision.Current()
         branch_hier = branch.Many.branch_hier_build(self.db, branch_id, rev)
         branch_qb = Item_Query_Builder(self.db, self.username, branch_hier,
         g.assurt(branch_id == branch_hier[0][0])

         access_ok = True
         the_branch = None
         branches = branch.Many()
         branches.search_by_stack_id(branch_id, branch_qb)
         if branches:
            g.assurt(len(branches) == 1)
            the_branch = branches[0]
            if not the_branch.can_view():
                  'send_email_: user cannot access leafy branch: %s / %s'
                  % (self.username, branch_id,))
               access_ok = False
         parent_branches = branch_hier[1:]
         for parent in parent_branches:
            branches = branch.Many()
            branches.search_by_stack_id(parent[0], branch_qb)
            if branches:
               g.assurt(len(branches) == 1)
               if not branches[0].can_view():
                     'send_email_: user cannot access parent branch: %s / %s'
                     % (self.username, branches[0].stack_id,))
                  access_ok = False

         if (the_branch is None) or (not access_ok):
            branch_qb = None
         self.branch_qbs[branch_id] = (branch_qb, the_branch,)

         log.debug('get_qb_for_branch: new qb: user: %s / branch_id: %s / %s'
                   % (self.username, branch_id, branch_qb,))

      return (branch_qb, the_branch,)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def branch_hier_enforce_branch(self, branch_tup, branch_update_enabled):
      Checks the user's access to a branch at the requested revision, or 
      revisions, in the case of a Diff.

      We always check the user's access at the latest revision, to understand 
      what their access to the current branch really is.
        log.verbose1('self.req.revision.rev: %s' % (self.req.revision.rev, ))
        if isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Current):
            if branch_update_enabled:
                min_access = Access_Level.editor
                min_access = Access_Level.viewer
            self.access_level_id = self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(
                branch_tup, self.req.revision.rev, min_access)
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Historic):
            g.assurt(not branch_update_enabled)
            # In historic mode, access is always viewer
            self.access_level_id = Access_Level.viewer
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Diff):
            # The user needs view access or better to both revisions.
            acl_viewer = Access_Level.viewer
            g.assurt(not branch_update_enabled)
            rev = revision.Historic(self.req.revision.rev.rid_old)
            self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(branch_tup, rev, acl_viewer)
            rev = revision.Historic(self.req.revision.rev.rid_new)
            self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(branch_tup, rev, acl_viewer)
            # In historic mode, access is always viewer
            self.access_level_id = Access_Level.viewer
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Updated):
                'Updated revision requested. This is only secure for scripts.')
            raise GWIS_Error('GWIS does not support revision.Updated.')
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Comprehensive):
            self.access_level_id = self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(
                branch_tup, revision.Current(), Access_Level.viewer)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def output_cfg_for_branch(self, branch_):

        username = conf.anonymous_username
        rev = revision.Current()
        branch_hier = branch.Many.branch_hier_build(self.qb.db,
                                                    branch_.stack_id, rev)
        qb = Item_Query_Builder(self.qb.db, username, branch_hier, rev)

        # See byway.Many.branch_coverage_area_update and item_mgr.revision_save:
        # Computing the rubber-band polygon -- the so-called coverage area --
        # takes a number of seconds to compute. So best not to block a user's
        # GWIS call but to update the coverate area separately.
        # MAYBE: Move this to Mr. Do!
        # FIXME: revision.Revision.geosummary_update should move here, too?
        #        Or maybe to new Mr. Do! job?

        # See if we should bother doing this.

        needs_update = self.check_branch_last_rid_changed(qb, branch_)
        if self.cli_opts.force:
            needs_update = True

        if needs_update:
            self.branch_coverage_area_update(qb, branch_)

        # Now that we've got the branch bbox, generate the layers for each
        # branch-skin combo.

        skin_names = branch_.get_skin_names()
        for skin_name in skin_names:
            log.debug('Processing branch named "%s" (%d) / skin "%s"' % (
            self.out_cfg_for_brskin(qb, branch_, skin_name)

        if needs_update:
            self.update_branch_last_rid(qb, branch_)
Ejemplo n.º 7
   def setup_qbs(self):

      username = self.wtem.created_by

      db = db_glue.new()

      if self.wtem.revision_id is None:
         rev = revision.Current()
         rev = revision.Historic(self.wtem.revision_id, allow_deleted=False)

      (branch_id, branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(db, 
                           self.wtem.branch_id, branch_hier_rev=rev)
      if not branch_hier:
         raise Exception(
            'Branch with stack_id %d not found in database at %s.'
            % (self.wtem.branch_id, rev.short_name(),))

      self.qb = Item_Query_Builder(db, username, branch_hier, rev)

      self.qb.item_mgr = self.qb.item_mgr

Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, req):
     Query_Base.__init__(self, req)
     self.rev = revision.Current()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def setup_qb_cur(self, all_errs, min_acl=Access_Level.viewer):

        # For both import and export, qb_src is used to retrieve items from the
        # database, and qb_cur is used to check the user's group accesses and
        # maybe to search for regions if a restrictive bbox is being imposed.
        # But qb_cur is also used during import to save changes to the database;
        # qb_cur is not used during export to save anything to the database.
        # NOTE: On import, we row-lock on the grac tables, group_membership
        # and new_item_policy. We also row-lock the destination branch.
        # So other operations might block while this code runs.
        # CONFIRM: We don't lock anything on export, right?

        qb_cur = None

        username = self.mjob.wtem.created_by

        db = db_glue.new()

        rev = revision.Current(allow_deleted=False)
         branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(db,

        if branch_id is None:
            # EXPLAIN: How come we don't raise here, like we do in the else?
            #          Or, why doesn't the else block use all_errs?
            #          See: raise_error_on_branch.
            #          And if you look at export_cyclop.substage_initialize,
            #          you'll see that it assurts not all_errs, so I guess
            #          it expects us to raise.
            all_errs.append('setup_qb_cur: not a branch: %s at %s' % (

            g.assurt(branch_id == branch_hier[0][0])

            raise_error_on_branch = False

            if not self.spf_conf.branch_name:
                # This happens on export, since export_cyclop.substage_initialize
                # only sets branch_id when setting up the qbs. This is because it
                # uses the merge_job's branch_id, and since merge_job is just an
                # item_versioned item, all it has is its branch_id, as items do
                # not also store the branch name.
                self.spf_conf.branch_name = branch_hier[0][2]
            elif self.spf_conf.branch_name != branch_hier[0][2]:
                # The branch name in the shapefile should match.
                log.error('setup_qb_cur: branch_name mismatch: %s / %s' % (
                raise_error_on_branch = True
            # else, the branch_name in the conf matches the one we loaded by ID.
            if self.spf_conf.branch_id != branch_id:
                # But the branch ID we can tolerate being wrong.
                log.warning('setup_qb_cur: unexpected spf_conf.branch_id: %s' %
                            (self.spf_conf.branch_id, ))
                # For the Metc Bikeways shapefile, this just means [lb] hasn't
                # update the branch ID attribute in the shapefile...
                 try_branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(
                     db, self.spf_conf.branch_name, branch_hier_rev=rev)
                if try_branch_id == branch_id:
                    log.warning('setup_qb_cur: ok: overriding branch_id: %s' %
                                (branch_id, ))
                    self.spf_conf.branch_id = branch_id
                        'setup_qb_cur: try_branch_id != branch_id: %s != %s' %
                    raise_error_on_branch = True

            if raise_error_on_branch:
                if conf.break_on_assurt:
                    import pdb
                raise GWIS_Error(
                    'Shapefile branch ID and name do not match job details: '
                    'work_item: %s/%s | shapefile: %s/%s' % (

            qb_cur = Item_Query_Builder(db, username, branch_hier, rev)

            # Load both the raw geometry and the WKT geometry; we need to be
            # flexible.
            qb_cur.filters.skip_geometry_raw = False
            qb_cur.filters.skip_geometry_svg = True
            qb_cur.filters.skip_geometry_wkt = False

            # To save things, we need to set the group ID explicitly.
            self.user_group_id = User.private_group_id(qb_cur.db, username)
            qb_cur.user_group_id = self.user_group_id

            qb_cur.item_mgr = Item_Manager()
            # Load the attachment cache now. On import, if we create new
            # attributes (see metc_bikeways_defs.py), we'll keep it updated.


            # FIXME: This comment. I like it. But it's not true... yet.
            #  Getting row lock in branches_prepare. So don't table lock.
            # Start the transaction, since the grac_mgr does some row locking.
            # We'll keep the rows locked until we've verified permissions.
            # FIXME: Verify you rollback and start a new 'revision' lock...
            #        or maybe just start a new 'revision' lock? or can you
            #        write to a Shapfile first and zip through the Shapefile
            #        to save quickly and not hold the lock so long?
            # BUG nnnn: Investigate using a row-level branch lock; for now,
            #           just lock rev.

            qb_cur.grac_mgr = Grac_Manager()
            load_grp_mmbrshps = True
            qb_cur.grac_mgr.prepare_mgr('user', qb_cur, load_grp_mmbrshps)

            # FIXME: Does qb_src need grac_mgr?
            #self.qb_src.grac_mgr = qb_cur.grac_mgr

            # Check user's minimum access level.
            target_branch = self.verify_branch_access(qb_cur, min_acl,
            g.assurt(target_branch.stack_id == self.spf_conf.branch_id)
            if (self.spf_conf.branch_name and
                (self.spf_conf.branch_name != qb_cur.branch_hier[0][2])):
                log.warning('Unexpected spf_conf.branch_name: %s' %
                            (self.spf_conf.branch_name, ))
            self.spf_conf.branch_name = qb_cur.branch_hier[0][2]

        self.qb_cur = qb_cur

        log.debug('setup_qb_cur: spf_conf: %s' % (str(self.spf_conf), ))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def setup_links(self):

        # First count some table rows and double-check the upgrade so far. We
        # want to be confident we're getting all the CcpV1 records and making
        # appropriate CcpV2 records.
            log.warning('setup_links: old CcpV1 already dropped; moving on...')

        # Now get the unique set of usernames. We're going to create items owned
        # by certain users, and we'll need to setup resources for each user, like
        # the query_builder and the grac_mgr.

        usernames_sql = ("""
         SELECT DISTINCT (username)
         FROM item_watcher_bug_nnnn
         ORDER BY username

        # NOTE: We're not bothering with dont_fetchall.
        #       There are only a few hundred rows...

        rows = self.qb.db.sql(usernames_sql)

        log.debug('setup_links: found %d unique users with watchers' %
                  (len(rows), ))

        if not rows:
            log.error('setup_links: nothing found')

        for row in rows:

            username = row['username']

            # Hmm. There's no user.One() class to load a user. It's all custom.
            user_rows = self.qb.db.sql(
                "SELECT login_permitted FROM user_ WHERE username = %s" %
                (self.qb.db.quoted(username), ))
            g.assurt(len(user_rows) == 1)
            if not user_rows[0]['login_permitted']:
                log.debug('setup_links: skipping: !user_.login_permitted: %s' %
                          (username, ))

            log.verbose2('setup_links: processing username: %s' % (username, ))

            g.assurt(isinstance(self.qb.revision, revision.Current))
            rev_cur = revision.Current()

            user_qb = Item_Query_Builder(self.qb.db, username,
                                         self.qb.branch_hier, rev_cur)
            user_qb.grac_mgr = Grac_Manager()
            user_qb.grac_mgr.prepare_mgr('user', user_qb)
                     and (user_qb.username != conf.anonymous_username))
            user_qb.user_group_id = User.private_group_id(
                user_qb.db, user_qb.username)
            # Use the same item_mgr so we pull client stack IDs from the same
            # pool.
            user_qb.item_mgr = self.qb.item_mgr

            # Finalize the query. This sets revision.gids so it'll include the
            # user's private group (and the anonymous and All Users groups).

            # We can still get deleted regions and add links for them.
            user_qb.revision.allow_deleted = True

            # Finally, update the database. Oi, there's a lot of setup!

            # The way Item_Query_Builder works, it usually wires the branch_hier
            # revision to the revision revision.
            g.assurt(self.qb.branch_hier[0][1] == rev_cur)
            # We'll reuse the branch_hier so clear this user's gids.
            self.qb.branch_hier[0][1].gids = None
Ejemplo n.º 11
    (clopts, args) = op.parse_args()

    items_fetched = item_factory.get_item_module(clopts.item_type).Many()

    if (not clopts.quieter):
        print('...checking revision')

    rev = None
    if (clopts.revision):
        rev = revision.Revision.revision_object_get(rev)
        rev = revision.Current()

    if (not clopts.quieter):
        print('...checking viewport')

    # NOTE Ignoring bbox_exclude
    vp = None
    areq = None
    req = gwis.request.Request(areq)
    if (clopts.viewport):
        bbox = clopts.viewport
        vp = query_viewport.Query_Viewport(req)
        vp.parse_strs(bbox, None)
    elif (not clopts.viewport_none):
        bbox = '483690,4978196,487454,4981236'
        vp = query_viewport.Query_Viewport(req)
Ejemplo n.º 12
   def update_branch(self):

      #branch_id = branch.Many.public_branch_id(self.qb)
      #revision_id = self.qb.item_mgr.rid_new
      #rev = revision.Historic(revision_id, allow_deleted=False)
      rev = revision.Current()
      (branch_id, branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(self.qb.db,
                           self.cli_opts.update_branch, branch_hier_rev=rev)

      # Be sure to get the item_stack table or, when we save, access_style_id
      # won't be set and our not null constraint will complain.
      self.qb.filters.include_item_stack = True

      branches = branch.Many()
      branches.search_by_stack_id(branch_id, self.qb)

      if len(branches) != 1:
         raise Exception('Branch named "%s" not found.'
                         % (self.cli_opts.update_branch,))

      g.assurt(len(branches) == 1)
      the_branch = branches[0]

      # Currently, all branches are 'permissive'.
      g.assurt(the_branch.access_style_id == Access_Style.permissive)


      import_callback, export_callback = self.get_branch_callbacks()

      if ((import_callback or export_callback)
          or (self.cli_opts.tile_skins is not None)):

         if import_callback or export_callback:

            log.debug('Overwriting import_callback: was: "%s" / now: "%s"'
                      % (the_branch.import_callback, import_callback,))
            the_branch.import_callback = import_callback

            log.debug('Overwriting export_callback: was: "%s" / now: "%s"'
                      % (the_branch.export_callback, export_callback,))
            the_branch.export_callback = export_callback

         if self.cli_opts.tile_skins is not None:

            tile_skins = self.get_tile_skin_names()
            log.debug('Overwriting tile_skins: was: "%s" / now: "%s"'
                      % (the_branch.tile_skins, tile_skins,))
            the_branch.tile_skins = tile_skins

         # MAYBE: Call prepare_and_save_item? Or just do it ourselves?
         #        NOTE: grac_mgr.prepare_existing_from_stack_id calls
         #              validize, which calls groups_access_load_from_db...
         #              which we just call ourselves. I think this works.

         is_new_item = False
         the_branch.validize(self.qb, is_new_item,

         rid_new = self.qb.item_mgr.rid_new
         the_branch.version_finalize_and_increment(self.qb, rid_new)
         the_branch.save(self.qb, rid_new)

      self.the_branch = the_branch
Ejemplo n.º 13
   def regions_coalesce_geometry(req=None, from_qb=None):

      # Calculate the region-filter geometry. Do it now so we can cache the
      # value and use an explicit value in the SQL where clause. (This is 
      # bug nnnn, don't use SQL fcns. in WHERE clauses).
      # Note that the region-filter is either the geometry of one or more
      # regions the client specifically indicate, or the geometry is the
      # geometry of regions that the user is watching.
      # Note also that we use the Current revision of the regions and ignore
      # whatever revision the client might really be requesting. This is by
      # design, so users can make new regions and use them on historical
      # queries. It also makes working with the autocomplete edit box in
      # the client easier, since it only has to get the list of current
      # regions.

      g.assurt((req is not None) ^ (from_qb is not None))

      if from_qb is None:
         g.assurt(False) # Deprecated.
         db = req.db
         username = req.client.username
         branch_hier = req.branch.branch_hier
         the_rev = req.revision.rev
         filters = req.filters
         # NOTE: Cannot call as_iqb(addons=False), because that fcn. calls
         #       finalize_query(). So we make our own qb, below.
         db = from_qb.db
         username = from_qb.username
         branch_hier = from_qb.branch_hier
         the_rev = from_qb.revision
         filters = from_qb.filters

      if not isinstance(the_rev, revision.Current):
         the_rev = revision.Current()
         branch_hier = branch.Many.branch_hier_build(
                        db, branch_hier[0][0], the_rev)
         g.assurt(id(the_rev) == id(branch_hier[0][1]))
         # [lb] is not sure this is always true. Just curious...
         g.assurt(id(the_rev) == id(branch_hier[0][1]))
         g.assurt(not isinstance(the_rev, revision.Comprehensive))

      qb = Item_Query_Builder(db, username, branch_hier, the_rev)

      g.assurt(qb.revision == the_rev)

      # Use from_qb.item_mgr?
      # Cannot import Item_Manager:
      # Nope: qb.item_mgr = Item_Manager()
      g.assurt(from_qb is not None)
      g.assurt(from_qb.item_mgr is not None)
      qb.item_mgr = from_qb.item_mgr

      # Create a Many() object to perform the search
      # 2013.03.29: MAYBE: We're really fetching regions...
      region_geoms = region.Many()
      # Tell the sql builder not to double-check the multi geom
      region_geoms.search_for_geom(qb, filters.filter_by_regions,

      g.assurt(len(region_geoms) == 1) # Because of the aggregrate, ST_Union.
      # Normally geometry_svg gets set but only for an outer select.
      # Our select had nothing nested, so geometry is raw only.
      geom = region_geoms[0].geometry
      if geom is None:
         # If there's no geometry, we won't find anything, so short-circuit.
         # MAYBE: Alert user that region name was not found, or no watched
         #        regions were found? Except we're called from a filter...
         #        so the lack of results should be clue enough.
         log.debug('fetch_n_save: GWIS_Nothing_Found: nothing found')
         raise GWIS_Nothing_Found()
      log.debug('fetch_n_save: len(geom): %s' % (len(geom),))

      # Set the geometry we calculated in the source qb.
      filters.only_in_multi_geometry = geom