Ejemplo n.º 1
    def branch_hier_enforce_branch(self, branch_tup, branch_update_enabled):
      Checks the user's access to a branch at the requested revision, or 
      revisions, in the case of a Diff.

      We always check the user's access at the latest revision, to understand 
      what their access to the current branch really is.
        log.verbose1('self.req.revision.rev: %s' % (self.req.revision.rev, ))
        if isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Current):
            if branch_update_enabled:
                min_access = Access_Level.editor
                min_access = Access_Level.viewer
            self.access_level_id = self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(
                branch_tup, self.req.revision.rev, min_access)
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Historic):
            g.assurt(not branch_update_enabled)
            # In historic mode, access is always viewer
            self.access_level_id = Access_Level.viewer
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Diff):
            # The user needs view access or better to both revisions.
            acl_viewer = Access_Level.viewer
            g.assurt(not branch_update_enabled)
            rev = revision.Historic(self.req.revision.rev.rid_old)
            self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(branch_tup, rev, acl_viewer)
            rev = revision.Historic(self.req.revision.rev.rid_new)
            self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(branch_tup, rev, acl_viewer)
            # In historic mode, access is always viewer
            self.access_level_id = Access_Level.viewer
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Updated):
                'Updated revision requested. This is only secure for scripts.')
            raise GWIS_Error('GWIS does not support revision.Updated.')
        elif isinstance(self.req.revision.rev, revision.Comprehensive):
            self.access_level_id = self.branch_hier_enforce_revision(
                branch_tup, revision.Current(), Access_Level.viewer)
Ejemplo n.º 2
   def setup_qbs(self):

      username = self.wtem.created_by

      db = db_glue.new()

      if self.wtem.revision_id is None:
         rev = revision.Current()
         rev = revision.Historic(self.wtem.revision_id, allow_deleted=False)

      (branch_id, branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(db, 
                           self.wtem.branch_id, branch_hier_rev=rev)
      if not branch_hier:
         raise Exception(
            'Branch with stack_id %d not found in database at %s.'
            % (self.wtem.branch_id, rev.short_name(),))

      self.qb = Item_Query_Builder(db, username, branch_hier, rev)

      self.qb.item_mgr = self.qb.item_mgr

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setup_qb_src(self, all_errs):

        qb_src = None

        username = self.mjob.wtem.created_by

        # The source qb is just for reading...
        db = db_glue.new()
        # ... but we'll be making temporary tables of stack IDs, so start a
        # transaction.

        # The byways in the conflated were not marked deleted when they were
        # exported for conflation, so we don't need to look for deleted.
        # NOTE: The original MetC import script used based rev off
        #       self.target_branch.last_merge_rid rather than what's in the
        #       config file.
        revision_id = self.spf_conf.revision_id
        rev = revision.Historic(revision_id, allow_deleted=False)

        # Make the branch_hier.
         branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(db,

        # Put it all together.
        if branch_id is None:
            all_errs.append('setup_qb_src: not a branch: %s at %s' % (
            # Don't forget to close. Not too big a deal, but oddly, if we don't,
            # the next attempt by this thread to get the db will result in the
            # same DB() object being created and the same self.conn returned,
            # and then db_glue complains that it's got that self and conn in
            # conn_lookup.
            db = None
            qb_src = Item_Query_Builder(db, username, branch_hier, rev)

            # It's nice to have both the raw, opaque hexadecimal geometry as well
            # as the WKT geometry, since not all APIs are that flexible, and also
            # because it's easier to work with WKT in Python and OSGeo (and also
            # because [lb] hasn't seen an OGR fcn. to convert raw PostGIS geom,
            # but he's probably not looking hard enough).
            qb_src.filters.skip_geometry_raw = False
            qb_src.filters.skip_geometry_svg = True
            qb_src.filters.skip_geometry_wkt = False

            qb_src.item_mgr = Item_Manager()
            # FIXME: Is this right? What about tgraph?


            # Check that user has viewer access on the source branch.
            source_branch = self.verify_branch_access(qb_src,
            # NOTE: The job itself is already access-controlled, so generally the
            # user has arbiter access to the branch at the Current revision.

        self.qb_src = qb_src
Ejemplo n.º 4
   def make_branch(self):

      # FIXME: If user specifies --branch, we should make the new branch
      # descend from the specified branch.

      import_callback, export_callback = self.get_branch_callbacks()

      tile_skins = self.get_tile_skin_names()

      # FIXME: Ensure that name is unique! I.e., check the new branch name and
      #        check that the required group names are available.

      if self.cli_opts.is_basemap:
         parent_id = None
         parent_id = self.qb.branch_hier[0][0]

      last_merge_rid = self.cli_opts.last_merge_rid or self.qb.item_mgr.rid_new

      log.info('Making new branch: "%s" / parent_id: %s / last_merge_rid: %s'
               % (self.cli_opts.new_branch_name, parent_id, last_merge_rid,))

      new_branch = branch.One(
            # item_versioned
            'system_id'           : None, # assigned later
            'branch_id'           : None, # assigned later
            'stack_id'            : self.qb.item_mgr.get_next_client_id(),
            'version'             : 0,
            'deleted'             : False,
            'reverted'            : False,
            'name'                : self.cli_opts.new_branch_name,
            'valid_start_rid'     : None,
            'valid_until_rid'     : None,
            # branch
            'parent_id'           : parent_id,
            'last_merge_rid'      : last_merge_rid,
            'conflicts_resolved'  : True,
            'import_callback'     : import_callback,
            'export_callback'     : export_callback,
            'tile_skins'          : tile_skins,
            # Skipping: coverage_area. See gen_tilecache_cfg.py.

      # Make the user who's running the script the branch owner.
      # And give the new branch groups access, too.
      # Also make an entry for the Public, so it's easy to set this.
      # MAYBE: Maybe these are the groups and there are no other choices?
      # That would really simply the client and other operations involving
      # editing GIA records...
      pub_grp_id = group.Many.public_group_id(self.qb.db)
      target_groups = {
         self.qb.user_group_id   : Access_Level.owner,
         self.sid_editors        : Access_Level.editor,
         self.sid_arbiters       : Access_Level.arbiter,
         self.sid_owners         : Access_Level.owner,
         pub_grp_id              : Access_Level.denied,

      # All branches are access-style 'permissive'. Cyclopath might some day
      # support, e.g., 'usr_choice', on sub-branches, i.e., so an agency can
      # let their users create their own branches. But right now, since
      # branches are pretty specially wired into the system and require special
      # scripts to setup and maintain, we'll just stick with 'permissive'.
      new_branch.access_style_id = Access_Style.permissive
      # access_infer_id is set from item_stack.save_core.get_access_infer().

      # NOTE: We set the valid_start_rid to 1 so that the branch is viewable
      #       at historic revisions, i.e., that the user sees what the parent
      #       branch looked like back then. If we didn't do this, it makes some
      #       operations fail, i.e., valid_start_rid cannot be greater than
      #       last_merge_rid, so importing fails if the user cannot see the
      #       branch at the last_merge_rid.
      # Skipping: self.qb.item_mgr.rid_new.
      first_rid = 1

      log.info('Created branch: %s (%d)'
               % (new_branch.name, new_branch.stack_id,))

      # Make the branch_hier.
      revision_id = self.qb.item_mgr.rid_new
      rev = revision.Historic(revision_id, allow_deleted=False)
      (branch_id, branch_hier) = branch.Many.branch_id_resolve(self.qb.db,
                                 new_branch.stack_id, branch_hier_rev=rev)
      # not needed: self.qb.revision = branch_hier[0][1]

      # MEH: Set self.cli_args.branch_hier? No one should be using branch_hier
      # from cli_args, so, why bother... let the assurts fly instead.
      # Whatever: self.cli_args.branch_hier = branch_hier

      self.the_branch = new_branch
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def load_make_qb_new(self, rid_latest):

        g.assurt(rid_latest > 0)

        rid_min = self.rid_max
        self.rid_max = rid_latest
        if isinstance(self.revision, revision.Current):
            if rid_min > 0:
                update_only = True
            g.assurt(isinstance(self.revision, revision.Historic))
            self.rid_max = self.revision.rid

        rev = None
        branch_hier = None
        if rid_min == self.rid_max:
            # The caller should already have checked that we have work to do.
            log.error('load_make_qb_new: rid_min == self.rid_max')
            rev_hist = None
            # We always need a historic revision, since we always update the attr
            # and tag cache.
            rev_hist = revision.Historic(self.rid_max)
            # If rid_min is already set, do an Update.
            if rid_min > 0:
                log.debug('load_make_qb_new: fr. %d to %d' % (
                g.assurt(isinstance(self.revision, revision.Current))
                # If we've already loaded byways, we're updating the map,
                # and we want to fetch changed byways, including deleted or
                # restricted-access byways, so we can remove those edges from the
                # transportation graph.
                rev_fetch = revision.Updated(rid_min, self.rid_max)
                # We're loading the map for the first time.
                rev_fetch = rev_hist

        qb_fetch = None
        if rev_hist is not None:
            branch_hier = branch.Many.branch_hier_build(
                self.update_db, self.branch_hier[0][0], rev_hist)
            qb_fetch = Item_Query_Builder(self.update_db, self.username,
                                          branch_hier, rev_fetch)

            # The Item_Manager class will make a table of all changed items by
            # stack_id, and it'll join that against a normal Historic query, so
            # we need to keep the username for the Historic query.
            # NO:
            #     if isinstance(rev_fetch, revision.Updated):
            #        qb_fetch.username = None
            #        qb_fetch.filters.gia_userless = True

            # Because we're using revision.Updated, we need to tell search_get_sql
            # not to worry.
            qb_fetch.request_is_local = True
            qb_fetch.request_is_script = False  # True if user running it.
            # This populates the user gids and sets up geometry queries. Neither
            # or which should be necessary.
            if rev_fetch != rev_hist:
                qb_hist = Item_Query_Builder(self.update_db, self.username,
                                             branch_hier, rev_hist)
                qb_hist = qb_fetch
            # Load the link_value caches for the byways, since we need tags and
            # attributes for the cost function.
            qb_fetch.item_mgr = Item_Manager()
            # NOTE: Whether rev is Historic or Updated, we'll load attrs and tags
            # for a specific revision ID. For Historic, we'll load them for the
            # historic rev ID, and for Updated, we'll load 'em for rid_max.
            # BUG nnnn: With too many tags... we'll want to have a service
            #   running to handle web requests (so they can always be resident)?
            #   bahh...

        return qb_fetch
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def branch_hier_build(db,
        # Build the branch hierarchy, which is a list of tuples. The first
        # element is the branch ID and the second is the last_merge revision ID.
        # The first branch ID is the leaf branch, then its parent, etc., and the
        # baseline is the last item in the list, i.e., branch_hier[0] is the
        # leaf branch ID and branch_hier[-1] is the baseline branch ID.
        g.assurt(mainline_rev is not None)
        # The tuples indicate at which revision to fetch items from a branch.
        # So the last_merge_rid applies not to the self-same branch but to
        # its ascendant. We start with the leaf branch, which is descendantless.
        cur_branch_id = branch_id
        prev_last_merge_rid = None
        # Walk the hierarchy from leaf to root.
        branch_hier = []
        not_at_baseline = True
        latter_group_i = 0
        while not_at_baseline:
            # We set a limit on the length of branch hierarchies in the CONFIG.
            if len(branch_hier) > conf.max_parent_chain_len:
                log.warning('Leaf branch %d has very long parent chain' %
                raise GWIS_Error('Branch hierarchy has too many generations.')
            # Each branch must be checked out at the relevant revision.
            # EXPLAIN: Link to the Wiki docs (and make the Wiki docs first).
            #          Explaining how to make the branch hier could use some
            #          graphics....
            if prev_last_merge_rid is None:
                if (isinstance(mainline_rev, revision.Current)
                        or isinstance(mainline_rev, revision.Historic)
                        or isinstance(mainline_rev, revision.Comprehensive)):
                    rev = mainline_rev
                    if isinstance(mainline_rev, revision.Diff):
                        if (diff_group == 'latter') or (diff_group is None):
                            rev_id = mainline_rev.rid_new
                        elif diff_group == 'former':
                            rev_id = mainline_rev.rid_old
                    elif isinstance(mainline_rev, revision.Updated):
                        rev_id = mainline_rev.rid_max
                    rev = revision.Historic(rev_id)
                rev = revision.Historic(prev_last_merge_rid)
            # Grab the parent branch id
            # DOCS: All calls to psycopg2's sql() must use %s and not %d.
            # FIXME: Rename parent_id 2 parent_stack_id, 2 conform to 'the others'
            # FIXME: I was doing db.sql("blah %s", rev.as_sql_where()) but I get
            #        unicode, and wrapping with str() didn't help:
            # 	   AND E'((iv.valid_until_rid = 2000000000)
            #            AND (NOT iv.deleted))'

            basic_sql = ("""
               , iv.name
               , br.parent_id
               , br.last_merge_rid
               branch AS br
               item_versioned as iv
                  USING (system_id)
               br.stack_id = %d
               AND %%s
            """ % (cur_branch_id, ))

            br_sql = basic_sql % (rev.as_sql_where('iv'), )

            # 2014.08.19: Weird exception happening... but so far
            # just on test server?
            #  dump.20140813-12:25:48.456171_e3aa5_EXCEPT
            #  dump.20140816-18:44:21.885138_e3aa5_EXCEPT
            # 1 Traceback (most recent call last):
            # 2   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/gwis/request.py",
            #                                   line 454, in process_req
            # 3     self.command_process_req()
            # 4   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/gwis/request.py",
            #                                   line 513, in command_process_req
            # 5     self.decode_gwis()
            # 6   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/gwis/request.py",
            #                                   line 799, in decode_gwis
            # 7     self.parts.decode_gwis()
            # 8   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/gwis/request.py",
            #                                   line 62, in decode_gwis
            # 9     self.branch.decode_gwis()
            # 10   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/gwis/query_branch.py",
            #                                   line 52, in decode_gwis
            # 11     self.req.revision.rev)
            # 12   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/item/feat/branch.py",
            #                                   line 513, in branch_hier_build
            # 13     rows = db.sql(br_sql)
            # 14   File "/ccp/dev/cycloplan_test/pyserver/util_/db_glue.py",
            #                                   line 1321, in sql
            # 15     self.curs.execute(sql, parms)
            # 16 ProgrammingError: relation "branch" does not exist
            # 17 LINE 8:                branch AS br

                rows = db.sql(br_sql)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error('Unexcepted exception: %s' % (str(e), ))
                log.error('br_sql: %s' % (br_sql, ))

            if not rows:
                # This means the branch didn't exist at that revision, so just
                # run up the parent until we find a branch that does, and then
                # start the hierarchy from there.
                # EXPLAIN: When/Why does this happen?
                log.debug('Branch ID %d does not exist at %s' % (
                # We shouldn't have started to build the hier at this point.
                if branch_hier:
                        'branch_hier_build: parent br. %d missing at %s' % (
                # Note that if the user wants Current, the branch ID really d.n.e.
                if not isinstance(rev, revision.Current):
                    g.assurt(isinstance(rev, revision.Historic))
                    # Get the parent's branch ID using the first vers of the branch.
                    par_sql = basic_sql % ('iv.version = 1', )
                    rows = db.sql(par_sql)
                # Back up scope so we also raise on revision.Current.
                if not rows:
                    raise GWIS_Error('Branch ID %d does not exist.' %
                                     (cur_branch_id, ))
                # Now we've got one row and rev is Historic.
                g.assurt(len(rows) == 1)
                # Setup the next iteration.
                # [lb] isn't quite sure of the appropriate behavior here, but it
                # shouldn't really matter: if the requested revision is before the
                # first version's last_merge_rid, do we use last_merge_rid, or the
                # requsted rid (and show an earlier version of the parent)? Since
                # the branch did not exist at the requested revision, we can just
                # assume, if the branch existed, it was updated at every revision,
                # so just serve the parent branch at the requested revision.
                last_merge_rid = rows[0]['last_merge_rid']
                if last_merge_rid <= rev.rid:
                    prev_last_merge_rid = last_merge_rid
                    prev_last_merge_rid = rev.rid
                # NOTE: The convention is that a child branch's stack ID is always
                #       greater than its parent. This simplifies some of the SQL
                #       used with stacked branching.
                parent_id = rows[0]['parent_id']
                g.assurt(cur_branch_id > parent_id)
                cur_branch_id = parent_id
                g.assurt(len(rows) == 1)

                # Store the branch_hier tuple.
                brh_tup = (

                log.verbose('  >> br. hier tup: (%d, %s, %s)' % (

                # Setup the next iteration.
                prev_last_merge_rid = rows[0]['last_merge_rid']
                # NOTE: The convention is that a child branch's stack ID is always
                #       greater than its parent. This simplifies some of the SQL
                #       used with stacked branching.
                if rows[0]['parent_id']:
                    g.assurt(cur_branch_id > rows[0]['parent_id'])
                cur_branch_id = rows[0]['parent_id']

            # If the cur_branch_id is now not something, it means we're done.
            if not cur_branch_id:
                not_at_baseline = False  # Now we're not not at the baseline.