Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    print '''

    print '''
<div class="key">
	      <span class="na"> very negative (produce, etc.) </span>
	      <span class="bad"> slightly negative (counting error?) </span>
	      <span class="out"> out (0 in stock) </span>
              <span class="low"> &lt;14 day supply in stock </span>
         <div>Click table headers to sort</div>
         <div>Click distributor to change info there. + or - signs add or remove the distributor respectively.  To change any of the other columns make your modifications and click the word update at the end of the row.</div>
         <div>Note that this currently only supports SINGLE barcodes, and needs to be redone (probably in a similar manner to categories etc) to support multiple </div>
         <div>The M-Edit checkbox allows you to add/remove things to multiple items at once </div>
         <div style="clear: both; height: 15px;"> </div>'''
    print '''</body></html>'''
    print '''<form name="options" action="manage_items.py" method="get">'''
    options = idf.print_form()
    print '''<input type="submit" value="Change options" /> </form>'''
    print '''<br> <br>'''
    print '''<table border=0 id="main" class="sortable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
             <thead class="col-header">
             <th class="th">M-Edit</th>
             <th class="th">Name</th>
             <th class="th">Dist Info</th>
             <th class="th">OP SKU</th>
             <th class="th">Barcodes</th>
             <th class="th">Category</th>
             <th class="th">Tax Category</th>
             <th class="th">Stocked</th>
             </thead><tbody id=\"item-stats\">\n'''
    for i,item in enumerate(db.get_items(**options)):
        count = item.get_count()
        item_id = item.get_id()
        day14 = db.get_sales_in_range(item_id,14)

        if count < -10.0:
            print '''<tr id="tr_%d" class="na" title="%d">''' % (item_id,day14)
        elif count < 0.0:
            print '''<tr id="tr_%d" class="bad" title="%d">''' % (item_id,day14)
        elif count < 1.0:
            print '''<tr id="tr_%d" class="out" title="%d">''' % (item_id,day14)
        elif count < day14:
            print '''<tr id="tr_%d" class="low" title="%d">''' % (item_id,day14)
            print '<tr id="tr_%d" title="%d">' % (item_id,day14)
        print '''<div class='div_%d'>''' % (item_id)
        print '''<td> <input class="multi" type="checkbox" id="%d" /></td>''' % (item_id,)
	print '''<td><input type="text" class="itemname" id="%d_name" value="%s" />[%s]''' % (item.get_id(), item.get_name(),item.get_size_str())
        print '''<td id="%d_dist" style='border-left: 1px solid #999; border-right: 1px solid #999; padding-left: 1em;'> %s &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id, item.get_distributors_str())

	print '''<td style='text-align: center;'> <a href="%s" onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank'); return false;">%d </a></td>''' % (db.get_item_info_page_link(item_id),item_id)
        barcode = item.get_first_barcode()
        if barcode != None:
            print '''<td> <input size="16" type="text" class="itembarcode" id="%d_%s_bc" value="%s" /> &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id,barcode.get_barcode(), barcode.get_barcode())
            print '''<td> <input size="16" type="text" class="itembarcode" id="%d_%s_bc" value="%s" /> &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id, 'None', 'None')
        print '''<td style='border-left: 1px solid #999; border-right: 1px solid #999;' id='%d_cat'> %s &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id, item.get_categories_str(), )
        print '''<td style='border-right: 1px solid #999;' id='%d_tax'> %s &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id, str(item.get_tax_category()), )
        if not item.get_is_discontinued():
            print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked" onClick="discontinueItem(this)" checked /> </td>''' % (item_id,)
            print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked"  onClick="discontinueItem(this)"/> </td>''' % (item_id,)                                                                             
        print '''</div>'''
        print '''</tr>\n'''

    print '''</tbody></table>\n'''
    print '''</body></html>'''
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    print '''
    print '''
         <div>Click table headers to sort</div>
         <div>To change a price, enter the new price in the text field and hit ENTER </div>
         <div>To change an item's price group, enter the new group and hit ENTER </div>
         <div>To split an item from the given group click the 'split' button. It will be given a new price_id </div>
         <div>To log a delivery select the appropriate distributor from the dropdown, type in the number delievered (positive or negative integer) and press ENTER </div>
         <div style="clear: both; height: 15px;"> </div>'''
    print '''<form name="options" action="manage_prices.py" method="get">'''
    options = idf.print_form()
    print '''<input type="submit" value="Change options" /> </form>'''
    print '''<br><br>'''
    print '''<table border=0 id="main" class="sortable" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
             <thead class="col-header">
             <th class="th">Price ID </th>
             <th class="th">OP Price</th>
             <th class="th">SaleUnit</th>
             <th class="th">Name</th>
             <th class="th">SKU</th>
             <th class="th">Count</th>
             <th class="th">Deliv</th>
             <th class="th">Distributor</th>
             <th class="th">D ItemID </th>
             <th class="th">Case Cost</th>
             <th class="th">Case Size</th>
             <th class="th">Case Units</th>
             <th class="th">Each Cost</th>
             <th class="th">Margin</th>
             <th class="th">Change P_ID</th>
             <th class="th">Split</th>
             <th class="th">Stocked</th>
             </thead><tbody id="item-stats">\n'''
    cur_price = -1
    cur_item = -1

    units = [(u.get_id(), u.get_name()) for u in db.get_units()]

    for price,item,dist,dist_item in db.get_distributor_items(**options):
        item_id = item.get_id()
        price_id = price.get_id()
        if cur_price != price_id:
            if cur_price != -1:
                # end previous row
                print '</tbody>'
                print '</table></td></tr>'
            print '<tr class="color-row" id="%d_price"><td class="td">%d</td><td class="td">$<input type="text" class="price" id="%d_price_input" size="3" value="%.2f"></input></td>'  % (price_id, price_id, price_id, price.get_unit_cost())
            print '''<td class="td"> <select class="saleunit" id="%d_sale_unit" onChange="setPriceSaleUnit(%d)">''' % (price_id,price_id)
            for unit in units:
                print '''<option value="%d"''' % (unit[0],)
                if unit[0] == price.get_sale_unit_id():
                    print ''' selected>'''
                    print '''>'''
                print unit[1], ''' </option>'''

            print '''</select></td>'''

            print'<td colspan="%d" class="td"><table id="%d_table" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>' % (colspan,price_id)
            print '<tbody class="inner_table">'
            cur_price = price_id
        print '<tr class="%d_tr">' % (item_id,)
        if cur_item != item_id:
            item_dist_count = item.get_distributor_count()
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' id='%d_td' width='400' style='padding-left: 1em;'> %s </td>''' %  (item_dist_count, item_id, str(item))
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width='80'> <a href='%s' onclick="window.open(this.href,'_blank'); return false;">%d</a> </td>''' % (item_dist_count,db.get_item_info_page_link(item_id),item_id)
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width='80' id="%d_amt"> %d </td>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id,item.get_count())
            print '''<td rowspan="%d" width='100'><input class="amt" id="%d_in" name="%d_in" size="2"/>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id, item_id)
            print '''<select id="%d_dist_in" name="%d_dist_in">''' % (item_id, item_id)
            for d in item.get_distributors():
                print '''<option value="%s"> %s </option>''' % (d.get_dist_id(),d.get_distributor())
            print '''</select>'''
            print '''</td>\n'''
        print '''<td width="100"> %s </td>''' % (dist,)
        print '''<td width="100"> <input class="ditemid" size="10" value="%s" id="%d_%d_ditemid" /> </td>''' % (dist_item.get_dist_item_id(),item.get_id(), dist.get_id())

        each_cost = dist_item.get_each_cost()
        op_price = item.get_price()
        tax = item.get_tax_value()

        if op_price - tax > 0:
            margin = (1.0 - each_cost/(op_price - tax)) * 100
            margin = 100

	print '''<td width="100">$<input class="casecost" size="6" value="%.2f" id="%d_%d_%d_casecost" /></td>''' % (dist_item.get_wholesale_price(), item.get_id(), dist.get_id(), price_id)
        print '''<td width="80" ><input class="casesize" size="5" value="%.2f" id="%d_%d_%d_casesize"/> </td>''' % (dist_item.get_case_size(), item.get_id(), dist.get_id(), price_id)
        print '''<td width="80">%s </td>''' % (dist_item.get_case_unit(),)

	print '''<td width="80" id="%d_%d_each">$%.2f </td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(),each_cost)
        if margin <= 20:
            print '''<td width="80" class="bad" id="%d_%d_margin"> %.0f%% &nbsp;</td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(), margin)
        elif margin <= 30:
            print '''<td width="80" class="mid" id="%d_%d_margin"> %.0f%% &nbsp; </td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(), margin)
            print '''<td width="80" class="good" id="%d_%d_margin"> %.0f%% &nbsp; </td>''' % (item_id,dist.get_id(), margin)

        if cur_item != item_id:
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width="100"><input class="group" id="%d_group" type="text" size="3"></input></td>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id)
            print '''<td rowspan='%s' width="80"><div onClick="split(%d)">split</div></td>''' % (item_dist_count,item_id)
            if not item.get_is_discontinued():
                print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked" onClick="discontinueItem(this)" checked /> </td>''' % (item_id,)
                print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked"  onClick="discontinueItem(this)"/> </td>''' % (item_id,)                                             
            cur_item = item_id
        print '''</tr>\n'''

    print '</table></td></tr>'
    print '''</tbody></table>\n'''
    print '''</body></html>'''
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    print '''
<div class="key">
	      <span class="na"> very negative (produce, etc.) </span>
	      <span class="bad"> slightly negative (counting error?) </span>
	      <span class="out"> out (0 in stock) </span>
              <span class="low"> &lt;14 day supply in stock </span>
         <div>Click table headers to sort</div>
         <div>Click distributor to change</div>
         <div>Type and hit ENTER to change item number or to adjust quantity</div>
         <div>Boxes will be grayed out until the update happens to the database.  If a box doesn't become normal after a few seconds, then likely something is wrong with the database or the server</div>
         <div>The Out in column estimates the number of days of stock left in store.  It uses the average # units sold per day for the last 14 days to get its estimate</div>
         <div>The Spec column shows the estimated stock count for 'Speculate stock for date:' day.  Speculation is based on average # units sold per day for the last 14 days. The default date is for the next Thursday</div>
         <div>The New count field is meant to change an item's count after doing a manual count.  Deliveries should be logged under manage_prices.  Type a new count and press ENTER </div>
         <div style="clear: both; height: 15px;"> </div>'''
    print '''<form name="options" action="catalog.py" method="get">'''
    options = idf.print_form()    # prints out all of the options for item displaying

    print '''Speculate stock for date'''
    if "exp_date" in form:
        speculate_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(form.getvalue("exp_date"), spec_date_format)
        days_to_speculate = (speculate_date - datetime.datetime.now()).days
        print_dates(14, speculate_date)
        today = datetime.datetime.now()
        days_to_speculate = (6 - today.weekday() + 4) % 7  # weekday goes Monday=0, Sunday=6 so: 6-today = days to next sunday
        print_dates(14, today+datetime.timedelta(days=days_to_speculate))
    print ''' <br /><input type="submit" value="Change options" /> </form>'''
    print '''<br /><br />'''
    print '''<table border=0 class="sortable" cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0>
             <thead class="col-header"><tr>
             <th class="th">dist (case size/units/price)</th>
             <th class="th">d item id</th>
             <th class="th">name</th>
             <th class="th">size</th>
             <th class="th">price</th>
             <th class="th">7d</th>
             <th class="th">14d</th>
             <th class="th">30d</th>
             <th class="th" class="sorttable_numeric">Out in</th>
             <th class="th">Spec</th>
             <th class="th">#stocked</th>
             <th class="th">New count</th>
             <th class="th">OP SKU</th>
             <th class="th">barcodes</th>
             <th class="th">Stocked</th>
             </thead><tbody id="item-stats">\n'''

    distributors = dict([(d.get_id(), d) for d in db.get_distributors()])
    for item in db.get_items(**options):
        # Need to make these floats b/c comparison b/t Decimal and float work strangely
        count = float(item.get_count())
        item_id = item.get_id()
        day7, day14, day30 = db.get_sales_in_multi_range(item_id,7,14,30)
        stock_strings = ['%.2f'%day7,'%.2f'%day14,'%.2f'%day30]
        dist_list = item.get_distributors()     
        dist_count = len(dist_list)
        for i in range(max(1,dist_count)):   # need the max in case the item has no distributors            
            row_color = ""
            if count < -10.0:
                row_color = "na"
            elif count < 0.0:
                row_color = "bad"
            elif count < 1.0:
                row_color = "out"
            elif count < day14:
                row_color = "low"
            print '<tr id="tr_%d_%.2f" class="%s">' % (item_id, day14,row_color)
            print '<div class="div_%d">' % (item_id)
            if dist_count == 0:  # don't have any distributors so we just print blanks in first two spots
                print '''<td> - &nbsp; </td> <td> - &nbsp; </td>'''
                d_i = dist_list[i]
                dist = distributors[d_i.get_dist_id()]
                case_str = '''%.2f''' % d_i.get_case_size()
                price_str = '''$%.2f''' % d_i.get_wholesale_price()
                print '''<td>''',str(dist),'(',case_str,' ',d_i.get_case_unit(),' ',price_str,') </td> <td>',d_i.get_dist_item_id(),' </td>'''
            print '''<td style='padding-left: 1em;'>''',str(item),'</td>'''
            print '''<td>''',item.get_size_str(),'''</td>'''
            print '''<td>''',item.get_price_str(),'''</td>'''
            print '<td>',stock_strings[0],'</td><td>',stock_strings[1],'</td><td>',stock_strings[2],'</td>'
            if count > 0:
                if float(day14) > 0:
                    days_of_stock = float(count) *14.0/ float(day14)
                    print '<td>','%.0f'%days_of_stock,' days</td>'
                    print '''<td>No sales</td>'''
                print '''<td>0 days</td>'''

            speculated = count - day14/14*days_to_speculate   # days_to_speculate determined outside of loop
            print '''<td id="%d_spec_%d" class="spec">''' % (item_id,i)
            print '%d'%speculated,'''</td>'''
            print '''<td id="%d_amt_%d" style="border-left: 1px solid #999; padding-left: 1em;">''' % (item_id, i)
            print int(count),'''</td>'''
            print '''<td><input class="count default" id="%d_count_%d" size="3" /></td>''' % (item_id,i)
            print '''<td style='text-align: center;'> <a href="''',db.get_item_info_page_link(item_id),'''" target="_blank">''',str(item_id),'''</a> </td>'''
            print '''<td>''',item.get_barcodes_str(),'''&nbsp;</td>'''
            if not item.get_is_discontinued():
                print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked" onClick="discontinueItem(this)" checked /> </td>''' % (item_id,)
                print '''<td><input type="checkbox" id="%d_isStocked"  onClick="discontinueItem(this)"/> </td>''' % (item_id,)                                             
            print '''</div>'''
            print '''</tr>\n'''
    print '''</tbody></table>\n'''
    print '''</body></html>'''