Ejemplo n.º 1
def buy():

    raw_input('"Buying stuff, eh? ' + "Let's see what I got." + '"\n')

    choice = 'poop'

    if player.get_money() == 0:
        raw_input('"Hey, you have no money! Nice try!"\n')
        choice = 'done buying'

    while choice != 'done buying':

        sale = items_lists.random_weapon()
        markup = sale.copy(None, None, None, sale.get_cost() * 2)
        # print 'yolo'

        purchasable = False
        if player.get_money() >= markup.get_cost():
            purchasable = True
        if purchasable:
            choice = helpful.pick_item(['yes', 'more options', 'done buying'],
                                       'Buy ' + str(sale) + '?')
            if choice == 'done buying':
            if choice == 'yes':
                    markup.get_cost())  #see that shady deal? ooh so shady

        else:  #too expensive
            raw_input('"Never mind... You seem to be a bit short on cash."\n')
            choice = helpful.pick_item(['more options', 'done buying'],
                                       'Keep shopping?')

        if choice == 'done buying':

        print '"We also have this fine item..."\n'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def buy():

    raw_input('"Buying stuff, eh? ' + "Let's see what I got." +'"\n')

    choice = 'poop'

    if player.get_money() == 0:
	raw_input('"Hey, you have no money! Nice try!"\n')
	choice = 'done buying'

    while choice != 'done buying':

	sale = items_lists.random_weapon()
	markup = sale.copy(None,None,None,sale.get_cost()*2)
	# print 'yolo'

	purchasable = False
	if player.get_money() >= markup.get_cost():
	    purchasable = True
	if purchasable:
	    choice = helpful.pick_item(['yes','more options','done buying'],'Buy ' + str(sale) + '?')
	    if choice == 'done buying':
	    if choice == 'yes':
		player.lose_money(markup.get_cost()) #see that shady deal? ooh so shady

	else: #too expensive
	    raw_input('"Never mind... You seem to be a bit short on cash."\n')
	    choice = helpful.pick_item(['more options','done buying'],'Keep shopping?')

	if choice == 'done buying':

	print '"We also have this fine item..."\n'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def start_game():


    global press_enter, enter_two, enter_four
    global hardcore; hardcore = False
    global player
    global debug; debug = False
    global monsters_defeated; monsters_defeated = 0;
    global bongo_string; bongo_string = 'sevenya'

    global world_map #well I hope so
    world_map = False
    global map_0; map_0 = '		|	  |    '
    global map_1; map_1 = '		|	  |    '
    global map_2; map_2 = '		|	  |    '

    global tavern_name; tavern_name = ''
    global bartender_name; bartender_name = ''
    global traveler_name; traveler_name = ''
    global arena_boss; arena_boss = ''
    global BORIS_CRED; BORIS_CRED = 0

    global cheated; cheated = False
    global in_tavern; in_tavern = False

    ### the story begins ###

    print('\n'*100) #clear screen

    print '	     AVENTUREGAME!	    \n'
    print '< use numbers/letters to choose >\n'
    press_enter = getpass.getpass( '<	 press enter to continue    >\n' )

    if press_enter[0:4] =='yolo':
	hardcore = True ###TODO remove this and make this actually do things, like double score, etc
	cheated = True
	raw_input('<hardcore mode activated>\n')

    name = raw_input('Name?\n\n')
    if name == '':
	name = 'Nameless One'
    if name == 'debug':
	name = 'Valiant Beta Tester'
	print "<debug mode activated>\n"
	debug = True

    player = helpful.Player(name) #name character

    if debug:
	print "Helpful debug commands:\n\n"
	print "money int\nhealth int\nloc place\nfight\n\n"

	raw_input('\nWelcome, '+ str(player) +'!\n')
	raw_input('You wake up slightly dizzy and very thirsty. You are sitting on a dirt path.\n')
	raw_input('You have no idea how you got here, or even who you are.\n')
	raw_input('The last thing you remember is an old man telling you...\n')
	raw_input("Telling you...\n")
	raw_input("Wow, you really can't remember anything. Your head hurts a lot.\n")
	raw_input("You can't remember exactly what he told you. Something about dragons.\n")
	raw_input("There's a weird fruit next to you. It has a note on it:\n")
	raw_input("  MYTHICAL KUMQUAT\n" + \
		  "		     \n" + \
		  "  (do not lose me)\n")
	raw_input("There's also a basket of supplies. You should take some.\n")

    print ('\n'*10)

    bag =      [

    num_choices = 1
    if not hardcore:
	num_choices = 3

    while num_choices > 0:
	text = str(num_choices) + ' starting weapons left to choose!'
	if num_choices == 1:
	    text = 'Last one!'
	item = helpful.pick_item(bag,text)
	print 'You acquired a ' + str(item) + '.\n'
	num_choices -= 1

    if not hardcore:
	bag =  [
	item = helpful.pick_item(bag,'Now choose a foodstuff!')

    raw_input('Let the adventure begin!\n')

    player.grab(helpful.Item('mythical kumquat',0,0,1000))
    enter_two = ''
    enter_four = ''

    next_location = 'woods' #start here

    while next_location: #the main journey loop! aaaaand we're off

	# raw_input('next up: ' + str(next_location) + '\n')
	next_location = visit(next_location)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def start_game():


    global press_enter, enter_two, enter_four
    global hardcore
    global player
    global monsters_defeated
    global bongo_string

    global world_map  #well I hope so
    global map_0
    global map_1
    global map_2

    global tavern_name
    global bartender_name
    global traveler_name
    global arena_boss

    global cheated

    hardcore = False
    monsters_defeated = 0
    bongo_string = 'sevenya'

    world_map = False
    map_0 = '|         |    '
    map_1 = '|         |    '
    map_2 = '|         |    '

    tavern_name = ''
    bartender_name = ''
    traveler_name = ''
    arena_boss = ''

    in_tavern = False
    cheated = False

    ### the story begins ###

    print('\n' * 100)  #clear screen

    print '          AVENTUREGAME!          \n'
    print '< use numbers/letters to choose >\n'
    press_enter = getpass.getpass('<    press enter to continue    >\n')
    print('\n' * 100)

    if press_enter[0:4] == 'yolo':
        hardcore = True
        cheated = True  ###TODO remove this and make this actually do things, like double score, etc
        raw_input('<hardcore mode activated>\n')

    name = raw_input('Name?\n\n')
    if name == '':
        name = 'Nameless One'
    player = helpful.Player(name)  #name character

    raw_input('\nWelcome, ' + str(player) + '!\n')
    print 'You are a poor orphan, determined to make your way in the world.\n'
    raw_input('You have nothing but the clothes on your back (which you stole) ' + \
              'and an odd-looking fruit.\n')
    raw_input("You've heard rumors of a giant, horrifying dragon terrorizing the " + \
              'land.\n\nIf you can defeat him, surely you will be remembered ' + \
              'as more than just a smelly, penniless orphan.\n')
    raw_input('Good luck!\n')

    print('\n' * 10)
    bag = [
        helpful.Item('apple', 50, 0, 5, 1),
        helpful.Item('pizza', 10, 0, 14.99, 8),
        helpful.Item('laser', 0, 50, 0, 15)

    num_choices = 3
    while num_choices > 0:
        item = helpful.pick_item(
            str(num_choices) + ' starting items left to choose!')
        print 'You acquired a ' + str(item) + '.\n'
        num_choices -= 1

    raw_input('Let the adventure begin!\n')

    player.grab(helpful.Item('mythical kumquat', 0, 0, 1000))
    enter_two = ''
    enter_four = ''

    next_location = 'woods'  #start here

    while next_location:  #the main journey loop! aaaaand we're off

        # raw_input('next up: ' + str(next_location) + '\n')
        next_location = visit(next_location)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    for item in stringo:
        new += chr(item - 17)
    return new

def unconfus(listo):
    new = []
    for item in listo:
        new.append(ord(item) + 17)
    return new

if __name__ != '__main__':

    config0 = [126, 118, 131, 125, 122, 127, 131, 128, 115, 128, 133]
    config1 = items_lists.random_weapon(
        confus([115, 128, 132, 132, 112, 136, 118, 114, 129, 128, 127, 132]))
    config2 = [129, 125, 114, 116, 122, 117, 128]
    config3 = [128, 138, 238, 119, 111]
    config4 = [132, 122, 137, 129, 114, 116, 124, 133, 128, 120, 128]
    config5 = [123, 112, 147, 117, 118, 192, 123, 128]

    ha0 = 'b6fe35296e44d8d2955ef7f609f90904'
    ha1 = ''

    ha2 = '75b3adc3bb2a0dcd9e309612c3cedcff'
    ha3 = '76a61453ff19529bd4f230b688f1f416'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    for i in range(1):
        yolo = raw_input()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def start_game():


    global press_enter, enter_two, enter_four
    global hardcore
    global player
    global monsters_defeated
    global bongo_string

    global world_map #well I hope so
    global map_0
    global map_1
    global map_2

    global tavern_name
    global bartender_name
    global traveler_name
    global arena_boss

    global cheated

    hardcore = False
    monsters_defeated = 0
    bongo_string = 'sevenya'

    world_map = False
    map_0 = '|         |    '
    map_1 = '|         |    '
    map_2 = '|         |    '

    tavern_name = ''
    bartender_name = ''
    traveler_name = ''
    arena_boss = ''

    in_tavern = False
    cheated = False

    ### the story begins ###

    print('\n'*100) #clear screen

    print '          AVENTUREGAME!          \n'
    print '< use numbers/letters to choose >\n'
    press_enter = getpass.getpass( '<    press enter to continue    >\n' )

    if press_enter[0:4] =='yolo':
        hardcore = True
        cheated = True ###TODO remove this and make this actually do things, like double score, etc
        raw_input('<hardcore mode activated>\n')

    name = raw_input('Name?\n\n')
    if name == '':
        name = 'Nameless One'
    player = helpful.Player(name) #name character

    raw_input('\nWelcome, '+ str(player) +'!\n')
    print 'You are a poor orphan, determined to make your way in the world.\n'
    raw_input('You have nothing but the clothes on your back (which you stole) ' + \
              'and an odd-looking fruit.\n')
    raw_input("You've heard rumors of a giant, horrifying dragon terrorizing the " + \
              'land.\n\nIf you can defeat him, surely you will be remembered ' + \
              'as more than just a smelly, penniless orphan.\n')
    raw_input('Good luck!\n')

    print ('\n'*10)
    bag =      [

    num_choices = 3
    while num_choices > 0:
        item = helpful.pick_item(bag,str(num_choices) + ' starting items left to choose!')
        print 'You acquired a ' + str(item) + '.\n'
        num_choices -= 1

    raw_input('Let the adventure begin!\n')

    player.grab(helpful.Item('mythical kumquat',0,0,1000))
    enter_two = ''
    enter_four = ''

    next_location = 'woods' #start here
    while next_location: #the main journey loop! aaaaand we're off

        # raw_input('next up: ' + str(next_location) + '\n')
        next_location = visit(next_location)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    new = ''
    for item in stringo:
        new += chr(item-17)
    return new

def unconfus(listo):
    new = []
    for item in listo:
    return new

if __name__ != '__main__':

    config0 = [126, 118, 131, 125, 122, 127, 131, 128, 115, 128, 133]
    config1 = items_lists.random_weapon(confus([115, 128, 132, 132, 112, 136, 118, 114, 129, 128, 127, 132]))
    config2 = [129, 125, 114, 116, 122, 117, 128]
    config3 = [128, 138, 238, 119, 111]
    config4 = [132, 122, 137, 129, 114, 116, 124, 133, 128, 120, 128]
    config5 = [123, 112, 147, 117, 118, 192, 123, 128]

    ha0 = 'b6fe35296e44d8d2955ef7f609f90904'
    ha1 = ''

    ha2 = '75b3adc3bb2a0dcd9e309612c3cedcff'
    ha3 = '76a61453ff19529bd4f230b688f1f416'

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ejemplo n.º 8
def config():
    if confus(unconfus('bob')) == 'bob':
        print '<secrets configured successfully>'

def confus(b):
    return ''.join([chr(a-17) for a in b])

def unconfus(a):
    return [ord(b)+17 for b in a]

if __name__ != '__main__':

    config0 = [126, 118, 131, 125, 122, 127, 131, 128, 115, 128, 133]
    config1 = random_weapon(confus([115, 128, 132, 132, 112, 136, 118, 114, 129, 128, 127, 132]))
    config2 = [129, 125, 114, 116, 122, 117, 128]
    config3 = [128, 138, 238, 119, 111]
    config4 = [132, 122, 137, 129, 114, 116, 124, 133, 128, 120, 128]
    config5 = [123, 112, 147, 117, 118, 192, 123, 128]

    ha0 = 'b6fe35296e44d8d2955ef7f609f90904'
    ha1 = ''

    ha2 = '75b3adc3bb2a0dcd9e309612c3cedcff'
    ha3 = '76a61453ff19529bd4f230b688f1f416'

if __name__ == '__main__':
