Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_weights(experiment_resource: ExperimentResource):
    Get weights using experiment resource. All weight values in the output will be integers.
    if experiment_resource.spec.strategy.testingPattern == TestingPattern.CONFORMANCE:
        return WeightsAnalysis(data = [], \
            message = "weight computation is not applicable to a conformance experiment")

    versions = [experiment_resource.spec.versionInfo.baseline]
    versions += experiment_resource.spec.versionInfo.candidates

    messages = []

    # create exploration weights; in fraction
    # if there are three versions:
    #   exploration_weights = [1/3, 1/3, 1/3]
    exploration_weights = np.full((len(versions), ), 1.0 / len(versions))

    def get_exploitation_weights():
        """Create exploitation weights; in fraction
        if there are three versions:
          if there are no best versions:
              exploitation_weights = [1.0, 0, 0], i.e., baseline gets to be exploited
          if there is a single best version, say, the 2nd version:
              exploitation_weights = [0, 1.0, 0], i.e., the best version gets exploited
          if there are two best versions, say, the 2nd and 3rd versions:
              exploitation_weights = [0, 0.5, 0.5], i.e., best versions get exploited evenly
        exploitation_weights = np.full((len(versions), ), 0.0)
            bvs = experiment_resource.status.analysis.winner_assessment.data.bestVersions
            assert len(bvs) > 0
                                    "found best version(s)"))
            for i, version in enumerate(versions):
                if version.name in bvs:
                    exploitation_weights[i] = 1 / len(bvs)
        except (KeyError, AssertionError):
            exploitation_weights = np.full((len(versions), ), 0.0)
            exploitation_weights[0] = 1.0
                Message(MessageLevel.INFO, "no best version(s) found"))
        return exploitation_weights

    exploitation_weights = get_exploitation_weights()

    def get_constrained_weights(input_weights):
        Take input weights in percentage.
        Apply weight constraints and return modified weights.

        Example illustrating the inner workings of this function:
            old_weights = [20, 40, 40]
            input_weights = [20, 30, 50]
            maxCandidateWeightIncrement = 10
            maxCandidateWeight = 40
            after i = 0, constrained_weights = [20, 30, 50]
            during i = 1
                increase = -10
                excess = max(0, -10 - 10, 30 - 40) = max(0, -20, -10) = 0
            after i = 1, constrained_weights = [20, 30, 50]
            during i = 2
                increase = 10
                excess = max(0, 10 - 10, 50 - 40) = 10
            after i = 2, constrained_weights = [30, 30, 40]
        # Suppose there are 3 versions. old_weights initialized to [100, 0, 0]
        old_weights = [100] + ([0] * (len(versions) - 1))
        # and then, old_weights are updated to currentWeightDistribution, e.g., [5, 25, 70]
        if experiment_resource.status.currentWeightDistribution is not None:
            old_weights = list(map(lambda x: x.value, \

        logger.debug("Old weights: %s", old_weights)
        logger.debug("Input weights: %s", input_weights)

        constrained_weights = input_weights.copy()
        if experiment_resource.spec.strategy.weights is not None:
            for i in range(len(versions)):
                if i == 0:
                # for each candidate, compute excess
                increase = input_weights[i] - old_weights[i]
                excess = max(0, \
                    increase - \
                    experiment_resource.spec.strategy.weights.maxCandidateWeightIncrement, \
                    input_weights[i] - experiment_resource.spec.strategy.weights.maxCandidateWeight)
                # cap candidate weight and add the excess to baseline
                constrained_weights[i] -= excess
                constrained_weights[0] += excess

        logger.debug("Constrained weights: %s", constrained_weights)

        return constrained_weights

    # create mix-weight: in fraction
    ewf = AdvancedParameters.exploration_traffic_percentage / 100.0
    # Suppose, ewf = 0.1 (i.e., exploration_traffic_percentage = 10%)
    # Let exploration_weights = [1/3, 1/3, 1/3]
    # Let exploitation_weights = [0, 0.5, 0.5]
    # Then, mix_weights = 0.1 * exploration_weights + 0.9 * exploitation_weights
    #                   = 0.1 * [1/3, 1/3, 1/3] + 0.9 * [0, 0.5, 0.5]
    #                   = [0.033333, 0.033333, 0.033333] + [0.0, 0.45, 0.45]
    #                   = [0.033333, 0.483333, 0.483333]
    mix_weights = (exploration_weights * ewf) + (exploitation_weights *
                                                 (1 - ewf))

    # create mix-weight: in percent
    # in the above example, we have mix_weights (in percent) = [3.3333, 48.3333, 48.3333]
    mix_weights *= 100.0

    # apply weight constraints
    constrained_weights = get_constrained_weights(mix_weights)

    # perform rounding of weights, so that they sum up to 100
    integral_weights = gen_round(constrained_weights, 100)
    data = []
    for version in versions:
            VersionWeight(name=version.name, value=next(integral_weights)))
    _weights = WeightsAnalysis(data=data)
    _weights.message = Message.join_messages(
        [Message(MessageLevel.INFO, "all ok")])
    logger.debug("weights: %s", pprint.PrettyPrinter().pformat(_weights))
    return _weights
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_experiment_abn_response_objects():