def _bellman_ford_relaxation(G, pred, dist, source, weight):
    """Relaxation loop for Bellman–Ford algorithm

    G : NetworkX graph

    pred: dict
        Keyed by node to predecessor in the path

    dist: dict
        Keyed by node to the distance from the source

    source: list
        List of source nodes

    weight: string
       Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight

    Returns two dictionaries keyed by node to predecessor in the
       path and to the distance from the source respectively.

       If the (di)graph contains a negative cost (di)cycle, the
       algorithm raises an exception to indicate the presence of the
       negative cost (di)cycle.  Note: any negative weight edge in an
       undirected graph is a negative cost cycle
    if G.is_multigraph():
        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return min(eattr.get(weight, 1) for eattr in edge_dict.values())
        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return edge_dict.get(weight, 1)

    G_succ = G.succ if G.is_directed() else G.adj
    inf = float('inf')
    n = len(G)

    count = {}
    q = deque(source)
    in_q = set(source)
    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if the predecessor of u is in the queue.
        if pred[u] not in in_q:
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in G_succ[u].items():
                dist_v = dist_u + get_weight(e)
                if dist_v < dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        if count_v == n:
                            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                                "Negative cost cycle detected.")
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = u

    return pred, dist
Ejemplo n.º 2
def bellman_ford(G, source, weight='weight'):
    """Compute shortest path lengths and predecessors on shortest paths
    in weighted graphs.

    The algorithm has a running time of O(mn) where n is the number of
    nodes and m is the number of edges.  It is slower than Dijkstra but
    can handle negative edge weights.

    G : NetworkX graph
       The algorithm works for all types of graphs, including directed
       graphs and multigraphs.

    source: node label
       Starting node for path

    weight: string, optional (default='weight')
       Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight

    pred, dist : dictionaries
       Returns two dictionaries keyed by node to predecessor in the
       path and to the distance from the source respectively.

       If the (di)graph contains a negative cost (di)cycle, the
       algorithm raises an exception to indicate the presence of the
       negative cost (di)cycle.  Note: any negative weight edge in an
       undirected graph is a negative cost cycle.

    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> G = nx.path_graph(5, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
    >>> pred, dist = nx.bellman_ford(G, 0)
    >>> sorted(pred.items())
    [(0, None), (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3)]
    >>> sorted(dist.items())
    [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]

    >>> from import assert_raises
    >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(5, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
    >>> G[1][2]['weight'] = -7
    >>> assert_raises(nx.NetworkXUnbounded, nx.bellman_ford, G, 0)

    Edge weight attributes must be numerical.
    Distances are calculated as sums of weighted edges traversed.

    The dictionaries returned only have keys for nodes reachable from
    the source.

    In the case where the (di)graph is not connected, if a component
    not containing the source contains a negative cost (di)cycle, it
    will not be detected.

    if source not in G:
        raise KeyError("Node %s is not found in the graph" % source)

    for u, v, attr in G.selfloop_edges(data=True):
        if attr.get(weight, 1) < 0:
            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded("Negative cost cycle detected.")

    dist = {source: 0}
    pred = {source: None}

    if len(G) == 1:
        return pred, dist

    if G.is_multigraph():
        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return min(eattr.get(weight, 1) for eattr in edge_dict.values())
        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return edge_dict.get(weight, 1)

    if G.is_directed():
        G_succ = G.succ
        G_succ = G.adj

    inf = float('inf')
    n = len(G)

    count = {}
    q = deque([source])
    in_q = set([source])

    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if the predecessor of u is in the queue.
        if pred[u] not in in_q:
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in G_succ[u].items():
                dist_v = dist_u + get_weight(e)
                if dist_v < dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        if count_v == n:
                            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                                "Negative cost cycle detected.")
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = u

    return pred, dist
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _bellman_ford_relaxation(G, pred, dist, source, weight):
    """Relaxation loop for Bellman–Ford algorithm

    G : NetworkX graph

    pred: dict
        Keyed by node to predecessor in the path

    dist: dict
        Keyed by node to the distance from the source

    source: list
        List of source nodes

    weight: string
       Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight

    Returns two dictionaries keyed by node to predecessor in the
       path and to the distance from the source respectively.

       If the (di)graph contains a negative cost (di)cycle, the
       algorithm raises an exception to indicate the presence of the
       negative cost (di)cycle.  Note: any negative weight edge in an
       undirected graph is a negative cost cycle
    if G.is_multigraph():

        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return min(eattr.get(weight, 1) for eattr in edge_dict.values())

        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return edge_dict.get(weight, 1)

    G_succ = G.succ if G.is_directed() else G.adj
    inf = float('inf')
    n = len(G)

    count = {}
    q = deque(source)
    in_q = set(source)
    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if the predecessor of u is in the queue.
        if pred[u] not in in_q:
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in G_succ[u].items():
                dist_v = dist_u + get_weight(e)
                if dist_v < dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        if count_v == n:
                            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                                "Negative cost cycle detected.")
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = u

    return pred, dist
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _bellman_ford_relaxation(G, pred, dist, source, weight):
    """Relaxation loop for Bellman–Ford algorithm

    G : NetworkX graph

    pred: dict
        Keyed by node to predecessor in the path

    dist: dict
        Keyed by node to the distance from the source

    source: list
        List of source nodes

    weight : function
       The weight of an edge is the value returned by the function. The
       function must accept exactly three positional arguments: the two
       endpoints of an edge and the dictionary of edge attributes for
       that edge. The function must return a number.

    Returns two dictionaries keyed by node to predecessor in the
       path and to the distance from the source respectively.

       If the (di)graph contains a negative cost (di)cycle, the
       algorithm raises an exception to indicate the presence of the
       negative cost (di)cycle.  Note: any negative weight edge in an
       undirected graph is a negative cost cycle
    G_succ = G.succ if G.is_directed() else G.adj
    inf = float('inf')
    n = len(G)

    count = {}
    q = deque(source)
    in_q = set(source)
    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if the predecessor of u is in the queue.
        if pred[u] not in in_q:
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in G_succ[u].items():
                dist_v = dist_u + weight(u, v, e)
                if dist_v < dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        if count_v == n:
                            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                                "Negative cost cycle detected.")
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = u

    return pred, dist
Ejemplo n.º 5
def bellman_ford(G, source, weight='weight'):
    """Compute shortest path lengths and predecessors on shortest paths
    in weighted graphs.

    The algorithm has a running time of O(mn) where n is the number of
    nodes and m is the number of edges.  It is slower than Dijkstra but
    can handle negative edge weights.

    G : NetworkX graph
       The algorithm works for all types of graphs, including directed
       graphs and multigraphs.

    source: node label
       Starting node for path

    weight: string, optional (default='weight')
       Edge data key corresponding to the edge weight

    pred, dist : dictionaries
       Returns two dictionaries keyed by node to predecessor in the
       path and to the distance from the source respectively.

       If the (di)graph contains a negative cost (di)cycle, the
       algorithm raises an exception to indicate the presence of the
       negative cost (di)cycle.  Note: any negative weight edge in an
       undirected graph is a negative cost cycle.

    >>> import networkx as nx
    >>> G = nx.path_graph(5, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
    >>> pred, dist = nx.bellman_ford(G, 0)
    >>> sorted(pred.items())
    [(0, None), (1, 0), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3)]
    >>> sorted(dist.items())
    [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]

    >>> from import assert_raises
    >>> G = nx.cycle_graph(5, create_using = nx.DiGraph())
    >>> G[1][2]['weight'] = -7
    >>> assert_raises(nx.NetworkXUnbounded, nx.bellman_ford, G, 0)

    Edge weight attributes must be numerical.
    Distances are calculated as sums of weighted edges traversed.

    The dictionaries returned only have keys for nodes reachable from
    the source.

    In the case where the (di)graph is not connected, if a component
    not containing the source contains a negative cost (di)cycle, it
    will not be detected.

    if source not in G:
        raise KeyError("Node %s is not found in the graph" % source)

    for u, v, attr in G.selfloop_edges(data=True):
        if attr.get(weight, 1) < 0:
            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded("Negative cost cycle detected.")

    dist = {source: 0}
    pred = {source: None}

    if len(G) == 1:
        return pred, dist

    if G.is_multigraph():

        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return min(eattr.get(weight, 1) for eattr in edge_dict.values())

        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return edge_dict.get(weight, 1)

    if G.is_directed():
        G_succ = G.succ
        G_succ = G.adj

    inf = float('inf')
    n = len(G)

    count = {}
    q = deque([source])
    in_q = set([source])

    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if the predecessor of u is in the queue.
        if pred[u] not in in_q:
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in G_succ[u].items():
                dist_v = dist_u + get_weight(e)
                if dist_v < dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        if count_v == n:
                            raise nx.NetworkXUnbounded(
                                "Negative cost cycle detected.")
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = u

    return pred, dist
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bellman_ford(
    G: Type[nx.DiGraph],
    source: str,
    weight_index: str = 'weight'
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Optional[int]], Dict[str, Optional[int]]]:
    Computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph (allowing for negative weights).

    if source not in G:
        raise KeyError("Node %s is not found in the graph" % source)

    dist = {source: 0}
    pred = {source: None}

    if len(G) == 1:
        return pred, dist

    if G.is_multigraph():

        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return min(
                eattr.get(weight_index, 1)
                for eattr in list(edge_dict.values()))

        def get_weight(edge_dict):
            return edge_dict.get(weight_index, 1)

    if G.is_directed():
        G_succ = G.succ
        G_succ = G.adj

    inf = float('inf')
    n = len(G)

    count = {}
    q = deque([source])
    in_q = set([source])

    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if the predecessor of u is in the queue.
        if pred[u] not in in_q:
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in list(G_succ[u].items()):
                dist_v = dist_u + get_weight(e)
                if dist_v < dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        if count_v == n:
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = u

    return pred, dist