Ejemplo n.º 1
 def make_generator(self, up=True):
     """Returns a generator that cycles through every combination of Ar
     if up is True starts generating from the empty set to Ar, otherwise
     starts generating from Ar to the empty set
     if up:
         for i in range(len(self._Ar)+1):
             for j in _combinations(self._Ar, i):
                 yield set(j)
         for i in range(len(self._Ar), -1, -1): # iterate from top to bottom
             for j in _combinations(self._Ar, i):
                 yield set(j)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def provisionsets_combinations(provisionsets, choose0=True):

    The authentication security provision sets that are yielded by
    combinations of given sets.

    :param provisionsets:
        A set of security provision sets.
    :type provisionsets: ~[:class:`ProvisionSetABC`]

    :param bool choose0:
        Whether to include the empty choice.  If true, then the empty set of
        security provisions is always included in the result.  Otherwise, it
        is included only if *provisionsets* contains it.

    :rtype: :class:`ProvisionSetABC`


    if choose0:
        yield iter(provisionsets).next().__class__()

    for combination \
            in _chain(*(_combinations(provisionsets, nchoices)
                        for nchoices in range(1, len(provisionsets) + 1))):
        yield _reduce(_or, combination)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _is_stereogenic(atm_key):
     atm_bnd_keys = atm_bnd_keys_dct[atm_key]
     bnchs = [_branch(xgr, atm_key, bnd_key) for bnd_key in atm_bnd_keys]
     assert len(atm_bnd_keys) in (3, 4)
     _ans = not any(
         _starmap(_backbone_isomorphic, _combinations(bnchs, r=2)))
     return _ans
Ejemplo n.º 4
def combinations(seq, k):
    """ Return j length subsequences of elements from the input iterable.

    This version uses Numpy/Scipy and should be preferred over itertools. It avoids
    the creation of all intermediate Python objects.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from itertools import combinations as iter_comb
    >>> x = np.arange(3)
    >>> c1 = combinations(x, 2)
    >>> print(c1)
    [[0 1]
     [0 2]
     [1 2]]
    >>> c2 = np.array(tuple(iter_comb(x, 2)))
    >>> print(c2)
    [[0 1]
     [0 2]
     [1 2]]
    from itertools import combinations as _combinations, chain
    from scipy.special import comb

    count = comb(len(seq), k, exact=True)
    res = np.fromiter(chain.from_iterable(_combinations(seq, k)),
                      count=count * k)
    return res.reshape(-1, k)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def factors(number):
	'''Find all positive factors of a positive integer.'''

	_prime_factors = prime_factors(number)
	combinations = set()
	for i in range(1, len(_prime_factors) + 1):
		combinations.update(_combinations(_prime_factors, i))
	return {_functools.reduce(_mul, combination) for combination in combinations}.union({1})
Ejemplo n.º 6
def powerset(iterable):
    """Generate another iterable composed of tuple that is a subset of iterable
    >>> list(powerset([1,2,3]))
    [(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)]
    seq = tuple(iterable)
    return _chain.from_iterable(map(lambda i: _combinations(seq, i),
        range(len(seq) + 1)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def p012(min_divisors):
	i = 1
	jump = 2
	while True:
		prime_factors = tuple(prime_factor(i))
		number_of_factors = sum(len(set(_combinations(prime_factors, i))) for i in range(1, len(prime_factors) + 1)) + 1
		if number_of_factors > min_divisors:
			return i
		i += jump
		jump += 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def forall(self,t="product"):
		if t.startswith("pr"):
			_k = list([list(i) for i in _product(self,repeat=2)])
		elif t.startswith("pe"):
			_k = list([list(i) for i in _permutations(self,2)])
		elif t.startswith("c") and t.endswith("s"):
			_k = list([list(i) for i in _combinations(self,2)])
			_k = list([list(i) for i in _combinations_with_replacement(self,2)])
		return lzlist(_k)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _transform_array(self, X):
     d = min(X.shape[1], self._take_max_dim)
     Y = _np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.dimension()), dtype=X.dtype)
     Y[:, 0:
       d] = X[:, 0:
              d]  # orig. data = products with the implicit 1 eigenfunctions
     # TODO: optimize
     for i in range(d):
         Y[:, i + d] = X[:, i] * X[:, i]  # squares
     for i, (k, l) in enumerate(_combinations(range(d), 2)):
         Y[:, i + 2 * d] = X[:, k] * X[:, l]  # products
     return Y
Ejemplo n.º 10
def connectivity_graph(geo):
    """ connectivity graph
    syms = _symbols(geo)
    xyzs = _coordinates(geo)

    def _are_bonded(idx_pair):
        xyz1, xyz2 = map(xyzs.__getitem__, idx_pair)
        sym1, sym2 = map(syms.__getitem__, idx_pair)
        dist = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(xyz1, xyz2))
        return (False if 'X' in (sym1, sym2) else
                (dist < RH_BOND_MAX) if 'H' in (sym1, sym2) else
                (dist < RQ_BOND_MAX))

    idxs = range(len(xyzs))
    bnds = list(filter(_are_bonded, _combinations(idxs, r=2)))
    return _graph_from_data(atom_symbols=syms, bond_keys=bnds)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _process_first_window(graph, tokens, split_text):
    """Sets an edges between nodes taken from first :const:`~gensim.parsing.keywords.WINDOW_SIZE`
    words of `split_text` if they exist in `tokens` and `graph`, inplace.

    graph : :class:~gensim.summarization.graph.Graph
        Given graph.
    tokens : dict
        Original units (words) as keys and processed units (tokens) as values.
    split_text : list of str
        Splitted text.

    first_window = _get_first_window(split_text)
    for word_a, word_b in _combinations(first_window, 2):
        _set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word_a, word_b)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def carpanlar(sayi):
    asal_carpanlar = asalCarpanlar(sayi)
    if len(asal_carpanlar) == 1:
        return [1] + [sayi]
    sonuc = [1]
    for i in range(1,len(asal_carpanlar)):
        for carpilcaklar in _combinations(asal_carpanlar, i):
            carpim = carpilcaklar[0]
            for j in range(1,i):
                carpim *= carpilcaklar[j]

    return sorted(tuple(set(sonuc)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _process_first_window(graph, tokens, split_text):
    """Sets an edges between nodes taken from first :const:`~samenvattr.parsing.keywords.WINDOW_SIZE`
    words of `split_text` if they exist in `tokens` and `graph`, inplace.

    graph : :class:~samenvattr.summarization.graph.Graph
        Given graph.
    tokens : dict
        Original units (words) as keys and processed units (tokens) as values.
    split_text : list of str
        Splitted text.

    first_window = _get_first_window(split_text)
    for word_a, word_b in _combinations(first_window, 2):
        _set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word_a, word_b)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _process_first_window(graph, tokens, split_text):
    first_window = _get_first_window(split_text)
    for word_a, word_b in _combinations(first_window, 2):
        _set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word_a, word_b)
Ejemplo n.º 15
from ... import digest as _digest
from .. import _std as _std_http

_DIGEST_USER_OPTIONAL_TOKENS = ('qop', 'digest_algorithm', 'client_nonce',
                                'opaque', 'server_nonce_use_count')

_DIGEST_USER_REQUIRED_TOKENS = ('user', 'realm', 'server_nonce', 'digest_uri',

    _frozenusetset(_chain(_DIGEST_USER_REQUIRED_TOKENS, optional_tokens)
                   for optional_tokens
                   in _chain((),
                                             n + 1)
                               for n
                               in range(len(_DIGEST_USER_OPTIONAL_TOKENS)))))

class HttpDigestClerk(_std_http.HttpStandardClerk):

    """An authentication clerk for HTTP Digest authentication"""

    __metaclass__ = _abc.ABCMeta



Ejemplo n.º 16
def tokens_combinations(tokens_or_names):
    names = tokens_names(tokens_or_names)
    return _chain(*(_combinations(names, ntokens)
                    for ntokens in range(len(names) + 1)))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def combinations(r, it):
    return _combinations(it, r)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def powerset_reverse(iterable):
    seq = tuple(reversed(iterable))
    return _chain.from_iterable(map(lambda i: _combinations(seq, i),
        range(len(seq), 0, -1)))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _process_first_window(graph, tokens, split_text):
    first_window = _get_first_window(split_text)
    for word_a, word_b in _combinations(first_window, 2):
        _set_graph_edge(graph, tokens, word_a, word_b)