Ejemplo n.º 1
def systematics(units='muHz'):
    Return a list of known systematic effects from the Kepler satellite.
    ffile = config.get_datafile('catalogs/kepler','systematics.dat')
    systems = ascii.read2recarray(ffile)
    systems['frequency'] = conversions.nconvert(systems['unit'],units,systems['frequency'])
    systems['e_frequency'] = conversions.nconvert(systems['unit'],units,systems['e_frequency'])
    systems['w_frequency'] = conversions.nconvert(systems['unit'],units,systems['w_frequency'])
    return systems
Ejemplo n.º 2
def systematics(units='muHz'):
    Return a list of known systematic effects from the Kepler satellite.
    ffile = config.get_datafile('catalogs/kepler', 'systematics.dat')
    systems = ascii.read2recarray(ffile)
    systems['frequency'] = conversions.nconvert(systems['unit'], units,
    systems['e_frequency'] = conversions.nconvert(systems['unit'], units,
    systems['w_frequency'] = conversions.nconvert(systems['unit'], units,
    return systems
Ejemplo n.º 3
def update_info(zp=None):
    Update information in zeropoint file, e.g. after calibration.
    Call first L{ivs.sed.model.calibrate} without arguments, and pass the output
    to this function.
    @param zp: updated contents from C{zeropoints.dat}
    @type zp: recarray
    zp_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "zeropoints.dat")
    zp_, comms = ascii.read2recarray(zp_file, return_comments=True)
    existing = [str(i.strip()) for i in zp_["photband"]]
    resp_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "filters/*")))
    resp_files = [os.path.basename(ff) for ff in resp_files if not os.path.basename(ff) in existing]
    if zp is None:
        zp = zp_
        logger.info("No new calibrations; previous information on existing response curves is copied")
        logger.info("Received new calibrations contents of zeropoints.dat will be updated")

    # -- update info on previously non existing response curves
    new_zp = np.zeros(len(resp_files), dtype=zp.dtype)
    logger.info("Found {} new response curves, adding them with default information".format(len(resp_files)))
    for i, respfile in enumerate(resp_files):
        new_zp[i]["photband"] = respfile
        new_zp[i]["eff_wave"] = float(eff_wave(respfile))
        new_zp[i]["type"] = "CCD"
        new_zp[i]["vegamag"] = np.nan
        new_zp[i]["ABmag"] = np.nan
        new_zp[i]["STmag"] = np.nan
        new_zp[i]["Flam0_units"] = "erg/s/cm2/AA"
        new_zp[i]["Fnu0_units"] = "erg/s/cm2/AA"
        new_zp[i]["source"] = "nan"
    zp = np.hstack([zp, new_zp])
    sa = np.argsort(zp["photband"])
        comments=["#" + line for line in comms[:-2]],
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_info(photbands=None):
    Return a record array containing all filter information.
    The record arrays contains following columns:
        - photband
        - eff_wave
        - type
        - vegamag, vegamag_lit
        - ABmag, ABmag_lit
        - STmag, STmag_lit
        - Flam0, Flam0_units, Flam0_lit
        - Fnu0, Fnu0_units, Fnu0_lit,
        - source
    @param photbands: list of photbands to get the information from. The input
    order is equal to the output order. If C{None}, all filters are returned.
    @type photbands: iterable container (list, tuple, 1Darray)
    @return: record array containing all information on the requested photbands.
    @rtype: record array
    zp_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "zeropoints.dat")
    zp = ascii.read2recarray(zp_file)
    for iph in custom_filters:
        if iph == "_prefer_file":
        if "zp" in custom_filters[iph]:
            zp = np.hstack([zp, custom_filters[iph]["zp"]])
    zp = zp[np.argsort(zp["photband"])]

    # -- list photbands in order given, and remove those that do not have
    #   zeropoints etc.
    if photbands is not None:
        order = np.searchsorted(zp["photband"], photbands)
        zp = zp[order]
        keep = zp["photband"] == photbands
        zp = zp[keep]

    return zp
Ejemplo n.º 5
def search(ID,radius=1.,filename=None):
    Retrieve datafiles from the Coralie catalogue.
    We search on coordinates, pulled from SIMBAD. If the star ID is not
    recognised, a string search is performed to match the 'targ name' field in the
    FITS headers.
    Only the s1d_A data are searched.
    @param ID: ID of the star, understandable by SIMBAD
    @type ID: str
    @param radius: search radius around the coordinates
    @type radius: 1
    @param filename: write summary to outputfile if not None
    @type filename: str
    @return: record array with summary information on the observations, as well
    as their location (column 'filename')
    @rtype: numpy rec array
    data = ascii.read2recarray(config.get_datafile(os.path.join('catalogs','coralie'),'CoralieFullDataOverview.tsv'),splitchar='\t')
    info = sesame.search(ID)
    if info:
        ra,dec = info['jradeg'],info['jdedeg']
        keep = np.sqrt((data['ra']-ra)**2 + (data['dec']-dec)**2) < radius/60.
        keep = [((re.compile(ID).search(objectn) is not None) and True or False) for objectn in data['object']]
        keep = np.array(keep)
    data = data[keep]
    logger.info('Found %d spectra'%(len(data)))
    if filename is not None:
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_lines(teff,logg,z=0,atoms=None,ions=None,wrange=(-inf,inf),\
    Retrieve line transitions and strengths for a specific stellar type
    Selection wavelength range in angstrom.
    Ions should be a list of ions to include. This can either be a string or
    a number
    A lines is considerd a blend if the closest line is closer than C{blend} angstrom.
    Returns record array with fields C{wavelength}, C{ion} and C{depth}.
    Example usage:
    Retrieve all Silicon lines between 4500 and 4600 for a B1V star.
    >>> data = get_lines(20000,4.0,atoms=['Si'],wrange=(4500,4600))
    >>> p = pl.figure()
    >>> p = pl.vlines(data['wavelength'],1,1-data['depth'])
    See how the depth of the Halpha line varies wrt temperature:
    >>> teffs = range(5000,21000,1000) + range(22000,32000,2000) + range(30000,50000,50000)
    >>> depths = np.zeros((len(teffs),7))
    >>> for i,teff in enumerate(teffs):
    ...     data = get_lines(teff,5.0,ions=['HI'],wrange=(3800,7000))
    ...     depths[i] = data['depth']
    >>> p = pl.figure();p = pl.title('Depth of Balmer lines (Halpha-Heta)')
    >>> p = pl.plot(teffs,1-depths,'o-')
    >>> p = pl.xlabel('Effective temperature');p = pl.grid()
    #-- get filepath
    filename = 'mask.%d.%02d.p%02d'%(int(teff),int(logg*10),int(z))
    filename = config.get_datafile(stellar,filename)
    #-- read in the data and extract relevant columns
    data = ascii.read2recarray(filename,skip_lines=1,dtype=[('wavelength','f8'),('ion','f8'),('depth','f8'),('c3','f8'),('c4','f8'),('c5','f8')])
    data = pl.mlab.rec_drop_fields(data,['c3','c4','c5'])
    data['wavelength'] *= 10.
    #-- remove blends
    if blend>0:
        blends_left = np.hstack([0,np.diff(data['wavelength'])])
        blends_right= np.hstack([np.diff(data['wavelength']),1e10])
        keep = (blends_left>blend) & (blends_right>blend)
        data = data[keep]
    #-- only keep those transitions within a certain wavelength range
    keep = (wrange[0]<=data['wavelength']) & (data['wavelength']<=wrange[1])
    data = data[keep]
    #-- only keep those transitions that belong to certain ions or atoms
    if atoms is not None or ions is not None:
        keep = np.array(np.zeros(len(data)),bool)
        keep = np.array(np.ones(len(data)),bool)
    if atoms is not None:
        #-- convert all atoms to their number and select the appropriate ones
        atoms = [(isinstance(atom,str) and atomcode.index(atom.title()) or atom) for atom in atoms]
        for atom in atoms:
            keep = keep | (np.abs(data['ion']-atom)<0.5)
    if ions is not None:
        #-- convert all ions to their number and select the appropriate ones
        ions = [(isinstance(ion,str) and name2ioncode(ion) or ion) for ion in ions]
        for ion in ions:
            keep = keep | (np.abs(data['ion']-ion)<0.005)
    return data[keep]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    #-- store in easy to use recarrays
    dtype = [('name', 'a20')] + [(pb.split('.')[-1], 'f8') for pb in photbands]
    synthetic = np.array(synthetic, dtype=dtype)

    dtype = [('name', 'a20')] + [(pb.split('.')[-1] , 'f8') for pb in photbands] +\
          [('e_'+pb.split('.')[-1] , 'f8') for pb in photbands]
    observed = np.array(observed, dtype=dtype)

    #-- write results to file
    ascii.write_array(synthetic, synfile, sep=',')
    ascii.write_array(observed, obsfile, sep=',')

    #-- load results from file
    dtype = [('name', 'a20')] + [(pb.split('.')[-1], 'f8') for pb in photbands]
    synthetic = ascii.read2recarray(synfile, splitchar=',', dtype=dtype)
    dtype = [('name', 'a20')] + [(pb.split('.')[-1] , 'f8') for pb in photbands] +\
          [('e_'+pb.split('.')[-1] , 'f8') for pb in photbands]
    observed = ascii.read2recarray(obsfile, splitchar=',', dtype=dtype)

#-- add some minimal error is non is given observationaly
for band in ['e_' + pb.split('.')[-1] for pb in photbands]:
    observed[band] = np.where(observed[band] <= minerror, minerror,

# Zero point calculation and plotting

def fit_zp(ax, band, c1, c2):
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_lines(teff,logg,z=0,atoms=None,ions=None,wrange=(-inf,inf),\
    Retrieve line transitions and strengths for a specific stellar type
    Selection wavelength range in angstrom.
    Ions should be a list of ions to include. This can either be a string or
    a number
    A lines is considerd a blend if the closest line is closer than C{blend} angstrom.
    Returns record array with fields C{wavelength}, C{ion} and C{depth}.
    Example usage:
    Retrieve all Silicon lines between 4500 and 4600 for a B1V star.
    >>> data = get_lines(20000,4.0,atoms=['Si'],wrange=(4500,4600))
    >>> p = pl.figure()
    >>> p = pl.vlines(data['wavelength'],1,1-data['depth'])
    See how the depth of the Halpha line varies wrt temperature:
    >>> teffs = range(5000,21000,1000) + range(22000,32000,2000) + range(30000,50000,50000)
    >>> depths = np.zeros((len(teffs),7))
    >>> for i,teff in enumerate(teffs):
    ...     data = get_lines(teff,5.0,ions=['HI'],wrange=(3800,7000))
    ...     depths[i] = data['depth']
    >>> p = pl.figure();p = pl.title('Depth of Balmer lines (Halpha-Heta)')
    >>> p = pl.plot(teffs,1-depths,'o-')
    >>> p = pl.xlabel('Effective temperature');p = pl.grid()
    #-- get filepath
    filename = 'mask.%d.%02d.p%02d' % (int(teff), int(logg * 10), int(z))
    filename = config.get_datafile(stellar, filename)
    #-- read in the data and extract relevant columns
    data = ascii.read2recarray(filename,
                               dtype=[('wavelength', 'f8'), ('ion', 'f8'),
                                      ('depth', 'f8'), ('c3', 'f8'),
                                      ('c4', 'f8'), ('c5', 'f8')])
    data = pl.mlab.rec_drop_fields(data, ['c3', 'c4', 'c5'])
    data['wavelength'] *= 10.
    #-- remove blends
    if blend > 0:
        blends_left = np.hstack([0, np.diff(data['wavelength'])])
        blends_right = np.hstack([np.diff(data['wavelength']), 1e10])
        keep = (blends_left > blend) & (blends_right > blend)
        data = data[keep]

    #-- only keep those transitions within a certain wavelength range
    keep = (wrange[0] <= data['wavelength']) & (data['wavelength'] <=
    data = data[keep]
    #-- only keep those transitions that belong to certain ions or atoms
    if atoms is not None or ions is not None:
        keep = np.array(np.zeros(len(data)), bool)
        keep = np.array(np.ones(len(data)), bool)
    if atoms is not None:
        #-- convert all atoms to their number and select the appropriate ones
        atoms = [(isinstance(atom, str) and atomcode.index(atom.title())
                  or atom) for atom in atoms]
        for atom in atoms:
            keep = keep | (np.abs(data['ion'] - atom) < 0.5)
    if ions is not None:
        #-- convert all ions to their number and select the appropriate ones
        ions = [(isinstance(ion, str) and name2ioncode(ion) or ion)
                for ion in ions]
        for ion in ions:
            keep = keep | (np.abs(data['ion'] - ion) < 0.005)

    return data[keep]