Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_dexpmtree_nonsquareQ_assertionerror(self):
            Test that dexpm_tree returns an assertion error if given a non-square
            Q matrix.
        Q = np.array([[-1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, -1]], dtype=np.double, order="C")
        t = np.array([1.0])

            cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)
        except AssertionError as e:
            self.assertEqual('q must be square', str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def test_dexpmtree_nonsquareQ_assertionerror(self):
            Test that dexpm_tree returns an assertion error if given a non-square
            Q matrix.
            Q = np.array([[-1,1], [-1,1], [1,-1]], dtype=np.double, order="C")
            t = np.array([1.0])

                cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)
            except AssertionError, e:
                self.assertEquals('q must be square', e.message)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def test_dexpmtree_twithzeroes_assertionerror(self):
            Test that dexpm_tree returns an assertion error if given a t-array
            with zero or negative values
            Q = np.array([[-1,1,],
                          [1,-1,]], dtype=np.double, order="C")
            t = np.array([0.0, 1.0])

                cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)
            except AssertionError, e:
                self.assertEquals("All branch lengths must be greater than zero", e.message)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_dexpmtree_oneQtwoT2by2difT_returnsP(self):
            Basic test case for exponentiating a matrix and storing it in a pre-allocated
            array. 2 x 2 Q matrix. List t of length 2
        Q = np.array([[
        ], [
        ]], dtype=np.double, order="C")
        t = np.array([1.0, 2.0])  # Array of branch lengths

        expectedP = np.array(
                    [0.56766765, 0.43233236],  # The expected value of e^Q*1
                    [0.43233236, 0.56766764]
                    [0.50915782, 0.49084218],  # The expected value of e^Q*1
                    [0.49084218, 0.50915782]
        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(
            Q, t)  # Important to note that this changes p in place

            np.testing.assert_allclose(expectedP, p)
            self.fail("expectedP != p")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_dexpmtree_twithzeroes_assertionerror(self):
            Test that dexpm_tree returns an assertion error if given a t-array
            with zero or negative values
        Q = np.array([[
        ], [
        ]], dtype=np.double, order="C")
        t = np.array([0.0, 1.0])

            cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)
        except AssertionError as e:
            self.assertEqual("All branch lengths must be greater than zero",
    def test_hrmMk_threetiptree_matchesByHand(self):
        Two observed states: 0 and 1
        Two hidden states per observed state: fast and slow
        tree = self.threetiptree
        chars = [0,1,1]

        # Qarray rows: 0S, 1S, 0F, 1F
        # State transitions more likely than rate transitions
        Q = np.array([[-.15, .1, 0.05, 0],[0.05,-.12,0,0.07],[0.06,0,-.26, .2],[0,0.08,0.3,-.38]])
        t = np.array([i.length for i in tree.descendants()])
        # Tips are assumed to be in both hidden states at once
        # Likelihoods for tip A
        L0SA = 1;L0FA = 1;L1SA = 0;L1FA = 0
        # Likelhoods for tip B
        L0SB = 0;L0FB = 0;L1SB = 1;L1FB = 1
        # Likelihoods for tip D
        L0SD = 0;L0FD = 0;L1SD = 1;L1FD = 1

        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)

        pvals = {}
        for i,node in enumerate(["C","A","B","D"]):
            for i1,state1 in enumerate(["0S","1S","0F","1F"]):
                for i2,state2 in enumerate(["0S","1S","0F","1F"]):
                    pvals[state1 + state2 + node] = p[i,i1,i2]

        L0SC = (pvals["0S0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["0S1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["0S0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["0S1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["0S0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["0S1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["0S0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["0S1FB"] * L1FB)
        L0FC = (pvals["0F0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["0F1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["0F0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["0F1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["0F0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["0F1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["0F0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["0F1FB"] * L1FB)
        L1SC = (pvals["1S0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["1S1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["1S0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["1S1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["1S0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["1S1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["1S0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["1S1FB"] * L1FB)
        L1FC = (pvals["1F0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["1F1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["1F0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["1F1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["1F0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["1F1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["1F0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["1F1FB"] * L1FB)

        L0Sr = (pvals["0S0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["0S1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["0S0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["0S1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["0S0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["0S1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["0S0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["0S1FD"] * L1FD)
        L0Fr = (pvals["0F0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["0F1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["0F0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["0F1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["0F0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["0F1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["0F0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["0F1FD"] * L1FD)
        L1Sr = (pvals["1S0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["1S1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["1S0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["1S1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["1S0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["1S1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["1S0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["1S1FD"] * L1FD)
        L1Fr = (pvals["1F0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["1F1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["1F0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["1F1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["1F0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["1F1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["1F0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["1F1FD"] * L1FD)

        predictedLikelihood = math.log(L0Sr*.25 + L0Fr*.25 + L1Sr * .25 + L1Fr *.25)
        corHMMLikelihood = -2.980018

        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.hrm_mk(tree, chars, Q,2, pi="Equal")

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_nodelikelihood_2tiptreeSymmetricQ2x2_returnslikelihood(self):
        charstates = self.charstates_01
        tree = self.simpletree

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.leaves()):
            node.charstate = charstates[i]

        Q = self.Q2x2_sym
        t = [node.length for node in tree.descendants()]
        t = np.array(t, dtype=np.double)
        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.descendants()):
            node.pmat = p[i]
        node = tree

        predictedLikelihood = 0.16483997131
        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.nodeLikelihood(node)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))
    def test_nodelikelihood_2tiptreeSymmetricQ2x2difblens_returnslikelihood(self):
        charstates = self.charstates_01
        tree = self.simpletreedifblens

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.leaves()):
            node.charstate = charstates[i]

        Q = self.Q2x2_sym
        t = [ node.length for node in tree.descendants() ]
        t = np.array(t, dtype=np.double)
        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q,t)

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.descendants()):
            node.pmat = p[i]
        node = tree

        predictedLikelihood = 0.22559418195297778
        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.nodeLikelihood(node)
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))
    def test_nodelikelihood_2tiptreesinglenodeSymmetricQ3x3_returnslikelihood(self):
        charstates = self.charstates_01
        tree = self.simpletree

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.leaves()):
            node.charstate = charstates[i]

        Q = self.Q3x3_sym
        t = [ node.length for node in tree.descendants() ]
        t = np.array(t, dtype=np.double)
        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q,t)

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.descendants()):
            node.pmat = p[i]
        node = tree

        predictedLikelihood = 0.0863939177214389
        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.nodeLikelihood(node)
        self.assertTrue((predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))
Ejemplo n.º 10
        def test_dexpmtree_oneQtwoT2by2difT_returnsP(self):
            Basic test case for exponentiating a matrix and storing it in a pre-allocated
            array. 2 x 2 Q matrix. List t of length 2
            Q = np.array([[-1,1,],
                          [1,-1,]], dtype=np.double, order="C")
            t = np.array([1.0,2.0]) # Array of branch lengths

            expectedP = np.array([[[0.56766765, 0.43233236], # The expected value of e^Q*1
                                   [0.43233236, 0.56766764]],
                                   [[0.50915782, 0.49084218], # The expected value of e^Q*1
                                   [0.49084218, 0.50915782]]],
                                        dtype=np.double, order="C")
            p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t) # Important to note that this changes p in place

                np.testing.assert_allclose(expectedP, p)
                self.fail("expectedP != p")
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_mkFlatroot_2tiptreeSymmetricQ2x2difblens_returnslikelihood(self):
        charstates = self.charstates_01
        tree = self.simpletreedifblens

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.leaves()):
            node.charstate = charstates[i]

        Q = self.Q2x2_sym
        t = [node.length for node in tree.descendants()]
        t = np.array(t, dtype=np.double)
        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.descendants()):
            node.pmat = p[i]
        node = tree

        predictedLikelihood = math.log(0.11279709097648889)
        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.mk(tree, charstates, Q)

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))
    def test_mkFlatroot_2tiptreeSymmetricQ2x2difblens_returnslikelihood(self):
        charstates = self.charstates_01
        tree = self.simpletreedifblens

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.leaves()):
            node.charstate = charstates[i]

        Q = self.Q2x2_sym
        t = [ node.length for node in tree.descendants() ]
        t = np.array(t, dtype=np.double)
        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q,t)

        for i, node in enumerate(tree.descendants()):
            node.pmat = p[i]
        node = tree

        predictedLikelihood = math.log(0.11279709097648889)
        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.mk(tree, charstates, Q)

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))
Ejemplo n.º 13
import unittest
import ivy
from ivy.chars.expokit import cyexpokit
import numpy as np
import random

Q = np.array([[-1,1,0,0],
                      [0,0,0,0]], dtype=np.double, order='C')
t = np.array([ random.random() for x in range(10000) ])

%timeit -n2 -r3 cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_hrmMk_threetiptree_matchesByHand(self):
        Two observed states: 0 and 1
        Two hidden states per observed state: fast and slow
        tree = self.threetiptree
        chars = [0, 1, 1]

        # Qarray rows: 0S, 1S, 0F, 1F
        # State transitions more likely than rate transitions
        Q = np.array([[-.15, .1, 0.05, 0], [0.05, -.12, 0, 0.07],
                      [0.06, 0, -.26, .2], [0, 0.08, 0.3, -.38]])
        t = np.array([i.length for i in tree.descendants()])
        # Tips are assumed to be in both hidden states at once
        # Likelihoods for tip A
        L0SA = 1
        L0FA = 1
        L1SA = 0
        L1FA = 0
        # Likelhoods for tip B
        L0SB = 0
        L0FB = 0
        L1SB = 1
        L1FB = 1
        # Likelihoods for tip D
        L0SD = 0
        L0FD = 0
        L1SD = 1
        L1FD = 1

        p = cyexpokit.dexpm_tree(Q, t)

        pvals = {}
        for i, node in enumerate(["C", "A", "B", "D"]):
            for i1, state1 in enumerate(["0S", "1S", "0F", "1F"]):
                for i2, state2 in enumerate(["0S", "1S", "0F", "1F"]):
                    pvals[state1 + state2 + node] = p[i, i1, i2]

        L0SC = (pvals["0S0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["0S1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["0S0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["0S1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["0S0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["0S1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["0S0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["0S1FB"] * L1FB)
        L0FC = (pvals["0F0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["0F1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["0F0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["0F1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["0F0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["0F1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["0F0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["0F1FB"] * L1FB)
        L1SC = (pvals["1S0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["1S1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["1S0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["1S1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["1S0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["1S1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["1S0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["1S1FB"] * L1FB)
        L1FC = (pvals["1F0SA"] * L0SA + pvals["1F1SA"] * L1SA + pvals["1F0FA"] * L0FA + pvals["1F1FA"] * L1FA) *\
               (pvals["1F0SB"] * L0SB + pvals["1F1SB"] * L1SB + pvals["1F0FB"] * L0FB + pvals["1F1FB"] * L1FB)

        L0Sr = (pvals["0S0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["0S1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["0S0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["0S1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["0S0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["0S1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["0S0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["0S1FD"] * L1FD)
        L0Fr = (pvals["0F0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["0F1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["0F0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["0F1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["0F0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["0F1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["0F0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["0F1FD"] * L1FD)
        L1Sr = (pvals["1S0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["1S1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["1S0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["1S1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["1S0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["1S1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["1S0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["1S1FD"] * L1FD)
        L1Fr = (pvals["1F0SC"] * L0SC + pvals["1F1SC"] * L1SC + pvals["1F0FC"] * L0FC + pvals["1F1FC"] * L1FC) *\
               (pvals["1F0SD"] * L0SD + pvals["1F1SD"] * L1SD + pvals["1F0FD"] * L0FD + pvals["1F1FD"] * L1FD)

        predictedLikelihood = math.log(L0Sr * .25 + L0Fr * .25 + L1Sr * .25 +
                                       L1Fr * .25)
        corHMMLikelihood = -2.980018

        calculatedLikelihood = discrete.hrm_mk(tree, chars, Q, 2, pi="Equal")

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(predictedLikelihood, calculatedLikelihood))