Ejemplo n.º 1
def remove_vars_match(mat, fmla):
    """ Remove the variables bindings from a match. This is used to
    prevent variable capture when applying the match to premises. Make sure free variables
    are not captured by fmla """
    res = dict((s, v) for s, v in mat.iteritems() if il.is_ui_sort(s))
    sympairs = [(s, v) for s, v in mat.iteritems() if il.is_constant(s)]
    symfmlas = il.rename_vars_no_clash([v for s, v in sympairs], [fmla])
    res.update((s, w) for (s, v), w in zip(sympairs, symfmlas))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
def remove_vars_match(mat,fmla):
    """ Remove the variables bindings from a match. This is used to
    prevent variable capture when applying the match to premises. Make sure free variables
    are not captured by fmla """
    res = dict((s,v) for s,v in mat.iteritems() if il.is_ui_sort(s))
    sympairs = [(s,v) for s,v in mat.iteritems() if il.is_constant(s)]
    symfmlas = il.rename_vars_no_clash([v for s,v in sympairs],[fmla])
    res.update((s,w) for (s,v),w in zip(sympairs,symfmlas))
#    show_match(res)
    return res