Ejemplo n.º 1
def _createPackage(templateDir, packageName):

    # Create new package output directory
    pkgRoot = os.path.join(config.bldDir(), packageName)
    formatSubs = {ixtemplate.tag: packageName}

    # Copy files over
    templateDirLen = len(templateDir) + 1
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(templateDir):
        # determine the new root name and make the appropriate name substitution
        newRoot, _ = ixre.subf(os.path.join(pkgRoot, root[templateDirLen:]),
        # Rename new directories that are created
        for d in dirs:
            newDir, _ = ixre.subf(d, formatSubs)
            os.mkdir(os.path.join(newRoot, newDir))

        # Any files that are copied over have a format substitution
        for f in files:
            # Read the old file
            text = ixfs.read(os.path.join(root, f))

            # Make the substitutions in new text
            text, _ = ixre.subf(text, formatSubs)

            # Get the new filename
            filename, _ = ixre.subf(f, formatSubs)

            # Save in a new file
            ixfs.write(os.path.join(newRoot, filename), text)

    return pkgRoot
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _modifyLocalService(serviceName, methodName, constMethodName, dataObj,
    filepath = fs.findr(fileDir, f"{serviceName}LocalService.java")
    if filepath == None:
        print(f"Unable to find: {serviceName}LocalService.java")
        return False
    fileTxt = fs.read(filepath)

    match = _doMethodRE.search(fileTxt)
    doMethodBody = fileTxt[match.start(1):match.end(1)]
    lastIf = doMethodBody.rfind("if")
    endElseBlock = match.start(1) + javaClass.getCorresponding(
        doMethodBody[lastIf:], "{", "}") + lastIf + 1

    classClose = fileTxt.rfind("}")
    doMethod = javaClass.Method("private", "ServiceResponseManifest",
                                "doMethod_" + methodName)
    doMethod.addArgument("ServiceRequestManifest", "srvcReqMan")
    doMethod.body = "// " + config.TODO_Tag + " to be implemented.\n"

    newFile = open(filepath, "w+")
        fileTxt[:endElseBlock] + f"""
    if (srvcReqMan.getMethodName().equals({serviceName}Const.{_srvcMthdPrefix}{constMethodName})) {{ 
      return doMethod_{methodName}(srvcReqMan);
    }}""" + fileTxt[endElseBlock:classClose] + "\n" +
        srvcMethod.createDoMethod(serviceName, methodName, dataObj) + "\n" +
        srvcMethod.createIsValidMethod(serviceName, methodName, dataObj) +
        "\n" + srvcMethod.createImplMethod(serviceName, methodName, dataObj) +
        "\n" + fileTxt[classClose:])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def python(directory):

    file_pttrn = re.compile(r"\.py")
    method_pttrn = re.compile(r"(\s*)def(\s+)(.+)\((.+)\):\n")
    # class_pttrn = re.compile(r"(\s*)class(\s+)(.+)\((.+)\):\n")
    whitespace = re.compile(r"\s*")

    for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):

        for f in files:

            # Skip all non python files
            if file_pttrn.search(f) is None:

            filepath = os.path.join(root, f)
            text = ixfs.read(filepath)

            for m in method_pttrn.finditer(text):
                docNdxSt = text.find('"""', m.endpos)

                # Skip if it found a docstring
                if whitespace.match(text[m.endpos:docNdxSt]) is not None:

                print(f"Unable to find docstring for method({m.group()})"
                      f"at line ({ixregex.get_line_number(text, m.start())}")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def append_to_line(fp, line_no, append_text):
  file_text = ixfs.read(fp)

  for ndx, match in enumerate(_line_pttrn.finditer(file_text, 0)):

    if ndx == line_no - 1:
      ixfs.write(fp, "".join([

  print(f"Unable to find line number {line_no} in ({fp}")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _modifyProviderFile(serviceName, methodName, constMethodName, isSync,
                        dataObj, fileDir):
    filepath = fs.findr(fileDir, f"{serviceName}Provider.java")
    if filepath == None:
        print(f"Unable to find: {serviceName}Provider.java")
        return False
    fileTxt = fs.read(filepath)

    classClose = fileTxt.rfind("}")

    newFile = open(filepath, "w+")
        fileTxt[:classClose] + "\n" + srvcMethod.createProviderMethod(
            serviceName, methodName, constMethodName, isSync, dataObj) +

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _modifyConstFile(serviceName, methodName, constMethodName, fileDir):
    filepath = fs.findr(fileDir, f"{serviceName}Const.java")
    if filepath == None:
        print(f"Unable to find: {serviceName}Const.java")
        return False
    fileTxt = fs.read(filepath)

    lastConstEndLine = fileTxt.rfind(_srvcMthdPrefix)
    lastConstEndLine = fileTxt[lastConstEndLine:].find(
        ";") + lastConstEndLine + 1

    newFile = open(filepath, "w+")
    newFile.write(fileTxt[:lastConstEndLine] + f"""
  public static final String {_srvcMthdPrefix}{constMethodName} = "{methodName}";"""
                  + fileTxt[lastConstEndLine:])

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_package(template_dir):
    Name = ixre.to_pascal(request.args["name"])
    name = ixre.to_camel(request.args["name"])

    fmt_subs = ixre.to_template_dict(tag, name)
    fp = BytesIO()
    zf = ZipFile(fp, mode="w", compresslevel=ZIP_DEFLATED)

    template_dir_len = len(template_dir) + 1
    for root, _, files in os.walk(template_dir):
        new_root = ixre.subkv(fmt_subs, root[template_dir_len:])

        for f in files:
            text = ixre.subkv(fmt_subs, ixfs.read(os.path.join(root, f)))
            new_filename = ixre.subkv(fmt_subs, f)
            zf.writestr(os.path.join(new_root, new_filename), text)

    return send_file(fp, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=f"{Name}.zip")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def subr(directory, file_regex, search_regex, replace_regex):
  """Recursively search through a directory and search and replace in each file.

    directory: str
      Directory to start the search
    search_regex: str
      pattern to match in the file
    replace_regex: str
      pattern to replace in the file
    file_regex: str
      regex pattern to match files

  # Compile patterns
  search_pttrn = re.compile(search_regex)
  file_pttrn = re.compile(file_regex)

  # Recursively search through directory
  total_subs = 0
  for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
    for f in files:

      # If a pattern is supplied and it isn't matched, skip the file
      if file_pttrn is not None and file_pttrn.search(f) is None:

      # Read the file
      filepath = os.path.join(root, f)
      text = fs.read(filepath)

      # Make the appropriate substitutions
      text, n = search_pttrn.subn(replace_regex, text)
      if n > 0:
        print(f"({n}) substitutions in file({filepath})")
        total_subs += n

        fs.write(filepath, text)

  print(f"Total substitutions: {total_subs}")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def apply_template(template, src_fp, dst_dir, fmt_subs=None):

    # Substitution map
    if fmt_subs is None:
        fmt_subs = {tag: template}
        fmt_subs[tag] = template

    # read the file
    text = ixfs.read(src_fp)

    # make the substitutions
    text, _ = ixre.subf(text, fmt_subs)

    # Get the templated name
    dst_fp = os.path.join(dst_dir,
                          ixre.subf(os.path.basename(src_fp), fmt_subs)[0])

    # write out the destination file
    ixfs.write(dst_fp, text)

    return dst_fp
Ejemplo n.º 10
def multiTemplate(srcFilename, dstFilename, *templates):
    """Create multiple files from one template"""

    # Creat substitution map
    fmt_subs = {tag: ""}

    # Get outfile name
    filepath = os.path.join(config.bldDir(), dstFilename)
    ixfs.write(filepath, "")  # clear the file

    for template in templates:
        # Build sub map
        fmt_subs[tag] = template

        # read the file
        text = ixfs.read(ixfs.findr(config.srcDir(), srcFilename))

        # make the substitutions
        text, _ = ixre.subf(text, fmt_subs)

        # append to file
        ixfs.append(filepath, text)

    return filepath
Ejemplo n.º 11
def generateTemplate(src_fp, dst_dir, key, value=None):

    # read the file
    text = ixfs.read(src_fp)

    # check if there is a different substitution value
    if value is None:
        value_camel = tag
        value_pascal = Tag
        value_const = TAG
        value_camel = ixre.toCamel(value)
        value_pascal = ixre.toPascal(value)
        value_const = ixre.toConst(value)

    # Make the substitutions
    text = ixre.to_template(ixre.toCamel(key), value_camel, text)
    text = ixre.to_template(ixre.toPascal(key), value_pascal, text)
    text = ixre.to_template(ixre.toConst(key), value_const, text)

    filename = ixre.to_template(key, Tag, os.path.basename(src_fp))

    # write out the file
    ixfs.write(os.path.join(dst_dir, filename), text)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def findr(directory, file_regex, search_regex=None, **kwargs):
  """Search recursively in a directory for a file that matches file_regex.
  If a search regex is supplied then it will search the file for that pattern

    directory: str
      Root directory to search in
    file_regex: str
      Regular expression to match file names
    search_regex: str
      Regular expression to match in the file

  Optional Parameters:
    filter: func():bool
      additional filter logic, return True on match
    print: str
      print in a different format {match, line}

  file_pttrn = re.compile(file_regex)

  filterMatch = kwargs['filter'] if 'filter' in kwargs else None
  printType = kwargs['print'] if 'print' in kwargs else 'line'
  fp_matches = []

  if search_regex is not None:
    search_pttrn = re.compile(search_regex)

  fileMatches = 0
  totalMatches = 0
  for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
    for f in files:
      if file_pttrn.search(f) is None:

      filepath = os.path.join(root, f)
      if search_regex is None:
        fileMatches += 1
        print(f"Matched file({filepath}).")

      text = fs.read(filepath)
      matches = 0
      for m in search_pttrn.finditer(text):
        lineNo = get_line_number(m.start(), text)

        if filterMatch is not None and not filterMatch(m):

        matches += 1

        if printType == 'match':
        elif printType == 'line':
          print(f"Match at line ({lineNo}) in file({filepath})")

      totalMatches += matches
      if matches > 0:
        fileMatches += 1

  print(f"Found {totalMatches} matches in {fileMatches} file(s).")
  return fp_matches
Ejemplo n.º 13
def substitute_multi_template(dst_dir, key, value, *src_fps):
    subs = ixre.to_fmt_dict(key, value)
    for src_fp in src_fps:
            os.path.join(dst_dir, ixre.subkv(subs, os.path.basename(src_fp))),
            ixre.subkv(subs, ixfs.read(src_fp)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
from flask import request, send_file
from flask_restful import Resource
import os
import ix.fs as ixfs
import ix.regex as ixre
from ix.code.template import tag

packageData = ixfs.read("generate/src/CreatePackageData.java")
loadCommandStr = ixfs.read("generate/src/LoadCommand.java")
tcd = ixfs.read("generate/src/Tcd.java")
tcdField = ixfs.read("generate/src/TcdField.java")

class AdfPackage(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return create_package("generate/src/@AdfTemplate")

class BxPackage(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return create_package("generate/src/@BxTemplate")

class CreatePackageData(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return apply_template(packageData, "Create%sData.java")

class LoadCommand(Resource):