#Save all results to CSV files.
	print "Saving the test results into zipped CSV files...\n"
	filePath = "testResults.zip"
	with open(filePath, "wb+") as statsFile:
		api.getStatsCsvZipToFile(result.testId, statsFile)
	# Get results after test run.
	# The functions below can also be used while the test is running, by using session.startTest() to start the execution,
	# calling any of the results retrieval functions during the run, and using session.waitTestStopped() to wait for test end.
	# You can use time.sleep() to call the results retrieval functions from time to time.
	# These functions will return statistics for all the timestamps reported since the beginning of the test until the current moment.
	# Get test level results.
	# Note: the statistic names should be identical to those that appear in the results CSV
	# results = ixchariotApi.getTestLevelResults(session, ["Throughput"])
	results = ixchariotApi.getTestLevelResults(session, ["Avg Mos"])
	# results = ixchariotApi.getTestLevelResults(session, ["Min Mos"])
	print "Test Level Results: \n"
	for res in results:
		# Each object in the list of results is of type Statistic (contains the statistic name and a list of StatisticValue objects).
		print res.name
		for val in res.values:
			# The list will contain StatisticValue objects for all the reported timestamps since the beginning of the test.
			# Each StatisticValue object contains the timestamp and the actual value.
			print str(val.timestamp) + "      " + str(val.value)
		print ""
	# Get flow level results
	# Note: the statistic names should be identical to those that appear in the results CSV
	#Save all results to CSV files.
	print "Saving the test results into zipped CSV files...\n"
	filePath = "testResults.zip"
	with open(filePath, "wb+") as statsFile:
		api.getStatsCsvZipToFile(result.testId, statsFile)
	# Get results after test run.
	# The functions below can also be used while the test is running, by using session.startTest() to start the execution,
	# calling any of the results retrieval functions during the run, and using session.waitTestStopped() to wait for test end.
	# You can use time.sleep() to call the results retrieval functions from time to time.
	# These functions will return statistics for all the timestamps reported since the beginning of the test until the current moment.
	# Get test level results.
	# Note: the statistic names should be identical to those that appear in the results CSV
	results = ixchariotApi.getTestLevelResults(session, ["Throughput"])
	print "Test Level Results: \n"
	for res in results:
		# Each object in the list of results is of type Statistic (contains the statistic name and a list of StatisticValue objects).
		print res.name
		for val in res.values:
			# The list will contain StatisticValue objects for all the reported timestamps since the beginning of the test.
			# Each StatisticValue object contains the timestamp and the actual value.
			print str(val.timestamp) + "      " + str(val.value)
		print ""
	# Get group level results.
	# Note: the statistic names should be identical to those that appear in the results CSV
	results = ixchariotApi.getGroupLevelResults(session, ["Throughput"], "AppMix 1")