Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_reporter_apply():
    # Reporter with two scalar values
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('foo', (lambda x: x, 42))
    r.add('bar', (lambda x: x, 11))

    N = len(r.keys())

    # A computation
    def _product(a, b):
        return a * b

    # A generator function that yields keys and computations
    def baz_qux(key):
        yield key + ':baz', (_product, key, 0.5)
        yield key + ':qux', (_product, key, 1.1)

    # Apply the generator to two targets
    r.apply(baz_qux, 'foo')
    r.apply(baz_qux, 'bar')

    # Four computations were added to the reporter
    N += 4
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
    assert r.get('foo:baz') == 42 * 0.5
    assert r.get('foo:qux') == 42 * 1.1
    assert r.get('bar:baz') == 11 * 0.5
    assert r.get('bar:qux') == 11 * 1.1

    # A generator that takes two arguments
    def twoarg(key1, key2):
        yield key1 + '__' + key2, (_product, key1, key2)

    r.apply(twoarg, 'foo:baz', 'bar:qux')

    # One computation added to the reporter
    N += 1
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
    assert r.get('foo:baz__bar:qux') == 42 * 0.5 * 11 * 1.1

    # A useless generator that does nothing
    def useless():


    # Nothing added to the reporter
    assert len(r.keys()) == N

    # Adding with a generator that takes Reporter as the first argument
    def add_many(rep: Reporter, max=5):
        [rep.add(f'foo{x}', _product, 'foo', x) for x in range(max)]

    r.apply(add_many, max=10)

    # Function was called, adding keys
    assert len(r.keys()) == N + 10

    # Keys work
    assert r.get('foo9') == 42 * 9
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_reporter_add_queue():
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('foo-0', (lambda x: x, 42))

    # A computation
    def _product(a, b):
        return a * b

    # A queue of computations to add. Only foo-1 succeeds on the first pass;
    # only foo-2 on the second pass, etc.
    strict = dict(strict=True)
    queue = [
        (('foo-4', _product, 'foo-3', 10), strict),
        (('foo-3', _product, 'foo-2', 10), strict),
        (('foo-2', _product, 'foo-1', 10), strict),
        (('foo-1', _product, 'foo-0', 10), {}),

    # Maximum 3 attempts → foo-4 fails on the start of the 3rd pass
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match='foo-3'):
        r.add(queue, max_tries=3, fail='raise')

    # But foo-2 was successfully added on the second pass, and gives the
    # correct result
    assert r.get('foo-2') == 42 * 10 * 10
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_missing_keys():
    """Adding computations that refer to missing keys raises KeyError."""
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('a', 3)
    r.add('d', 4)

    def gen(other):
        """A generator for apply()."""
        return (lambda a, b: a * b, 'a', other)

    # One missing key
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"\['b'\]"):
        r.add_product('ab', 'a', 'b')

    # Two missing keys
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"\['c', 'b'\]"):
        r.add_product('abc', 'c', 'a', 'b')

    # Using apply() targeted at non-existent keys also raises an Exception
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"\['e', 'f'\]"):
        r.apply(gen, 'd', 'e', 'f')

    # add(..., strict=True) checks str or Key arguments
    g = Key('g', 'hi')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"\['b', g:h-i\]"):
        r.add('foo', (computations.product, 'a', 'b', g), strict=True)

    # aggregate() and disaggregate() call add(), which raises the exception
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"\[g:h-i\]"):
        r.aggregate(g, 'tag', 'i')
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r"\[g:h-i\]"):
        r.disaggregate(g, 'j')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_reporter_apply():
    # Reporter with two scalar values
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('foo', (lambda x: x, 42))
    r.add('bar', (lambda x: x, 11))

    N = len(r.keys())

    # A computation
    def _product(a, b):
        return a * b

    # A generator method that yields keys and computations
    def baz_qux(key):
        yield key + ':baz', (_product, key, 0.5)
        yield key + ':qux', (_product, key, 1.1)

    # Apply the generator to two targets
    r.apply(baz_qux, 'foo')
    r.apply(baz_qux, 'bar')

    # Four computations were added to the reporter
    N += 4
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
    assert r.get('foo:baz') == 42 * 0.5
    assert r.get('foo:qux') == 42 * 1.1
    assert r.get('bar:baz') == 11 * 0.5
    assert r.get('bar:qux') == 11 * 1.1

    # A generator that takes two arguments
    def twoarg(key1, key2):
        yield key1 + '__' + key2, (_product, key1, key2)

    r.apply(twoarg, 'foo:baz', 'bar:qux')

    # One computation added to the reporter
    N += 1
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
    assert r.get('foo:baz__bar:qux') == 42 * 0.5 * 11 * 1.1

    # A useless generator that does nothing
    def useless(key):

    r.apply(useless, 'foo:baz__bar:qux')

    # Nothing added to the reporter
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_reporter_disaggregate():
    r = Reporter()
    foo = Key('foo', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
    r.add(foo, '<foo data>')
    r.add('d_shares', '<share data>')

    # Disaggregation works
    r.disaggregate(foo, 'd', args=['d_shares'])

    assert 'foo:a-b-c-d' in r.graph
    assert r.graph['foo:a-b-c-d'] == (computations.disaggregate_shares,
                                      'foo:a-b-c', 'd_shares')

    # Invalid method
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        r.disaggregate(foo, 'd', method='baz')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_reporter_add():
    """Adding computations that refer to missing keys raises KeyError."""
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('a', 3)
    r.add('d', 4)

    # Adding an existing key with strict=True
    with pytest.raises(KeyExistsError, match=r"key 'a' already exists"):
        r.add('a', 5, strict=True)

    def gen(other):
        """A generator for apply()."""
        return (lambda a, b: a * b, 'a', other)

    def msg(*keys):
        """Return a regex for str(MissingKeyError(*keys))."""
        return 'required keys {!r} not defined'.format(tuple(keys)) \
                                               .replace('(', '\\(') \
                                               .replace(')', '\\)')

    # One missing key
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('b')):
        r.add_product('ab', 'a', 'b')

    # Two missing keys
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('c', 'b')):
        r.add_product('abc', 'c', 'a', 'b')

    # Using apply() targeted at non-existent keys also raises an Exception
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('e', 'f')):
        r.apply(gen, 'd', 'e', 'f')

    # add(..., strict=True) checks str or Key arguments
    g = Key('g', 'hi')
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('b', g)):
        r.add('foo', (computations.product, 'a', 'b', g), strict=True)

    # aggregate() and disaggregate() call add(), which raises the exception
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg(g)):
        r.aggregate(g, 'tag', 'i')
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg(g)):
        r.disaggregate(g, 'j')

    # add(..., sums=True) also adds partial sums
    r.add('foo:a-b-c', [], sums=True)
    assert 'foo:b' in r
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_reporter_full_key():
    r = Reporter()

    # Without index, the full key cannot be retrieved
    r.add('a:i-j-k', [])
    with pytest.raises(KeyError, match='a'):

    # Using index=True adds the full key to the index
    r.add('a:i-j-k', [], index=True)
    assert r.full_key('a') == 'a:i-j-k'

    # The full key can be retrieved by giving only some of the indices
    assert r.full_key('a:j') == 'a:i-j-k'

    # Same with a tag
    r.add('a:i-j-k:foo', [], index=True)
    # Original and tagged key can both be retrieved
    assert r.full_key('a') == 'a:i-j-k'
    assert r.full_key('a::foo') == 'a:i-j-k:foo'
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_reporting_units():
    """Test handling of units within Reporter computations."""
    r = Reporter()

    # Create some dummy data
    dims = dict(coords=['a b c'.split()], dims=['x'])
          Quantity(xr.DataArray([1., 3, 8], attrs={'_unit': 'MJ'}, **dims)))
          Quantity(xr.DataArray([5., 6, 8], attrs={'_unit': 'hour'}, **dims)))
    r.add('efficiency', Quantity(xr.DataArray([0.9, 0.8, 0.95], **dims)))

    # Aggregation preserves units
    r.add('energy', (computations.sum, 'energy:x', None, ['x']))
    assert r.get('energy').attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('MJ')

    # Units are derived for a ratio of two quantities
    r.add('power', (computations.ratio, 'energy:x', 'time'))
    assert r.get('power').attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('MJ/hour')

    # Product of dimensioned and dimensionless quantities keeps the former
    r.add('energy2', (computations.product, 'energy:x', 'efficiency'))
    assert r.get('energy2').attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('MJ')
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def add_many(rep: Reporter, max=5):
     [rep.add(f'foo{x}', _product, 'foo', x) for x in range(max)]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_reporter_add():
    """Adding computations that refer to missing keys raises KeyError."""
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('a', 3)
    r.add('d', 4)

    # Adding an existing key with strict=True
    with pytest.raises(KeyExistsError, match=r"key 'a' already exists"):
        r.add('a', 5, strict=True)

    def gen(other):
        """A generator for apply()."""
        return (lambda a, b: a * b, 'a', other)

    def msg(*keys):
        """Return a regex for str(MissingKeyError(*keys))."""
        return (f'required keys {repr(tuple(keys))} not defined'.replace(
            '(', '\\(').replace(')', '\\)'))

    # One missing key
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('b')):
        r.add_product('ab', 'a', 'b')

    # Two missing keys
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('c', 'b')):
        r.add_product('abc', 'c', 'a', 'b')

    # Using apply() targeted at non-existent keys also raises an Exception
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('e', 'f')):
        r.apply(gen, 'd', 'e', 'f')

    # add(..., strict=True) checks str or Key arguments
    g = Key('g', 'hi')
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('b', g)):
        r.add('foo', (computations.product, 'a', 'b', g), strict=True)

    # aggregate() and disaggregate() call add(), which raises the exception
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg(g)):
        r.aggregate(g, 'tag', 'i')
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg(g)):
        r.disaggregate(g, 'j')

    # add(..., sums=True) also adds partial sums
    r.add('foo:a-b-c', [], sums=True)
    assert 'foo:b' in r

    # add(name, ...) where name is the name of a computation
    r.add('select', 'bar', 'a', indexers={'dim': ['d0', 'd1', 'd2']})

    # add(name, ...) with keyword arguments not recognized by the computation
    # raises an exception
    msg = "unexpected keyword argument 'bad_kwarg'"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
        r.add('select', 'bar', 'a', bad_kwarg='foo', index=True)