Ejemplo n.º 1
def reload_cycle_scenario(request, tmp_path_factory, rc_data_size):
    """Set up a Platform with *rc_data_size* of  random data."""
    # Command-line option for the JVM memory limit
    kwarg = dict()
    jvm_mem_limit = int(request.config.getoption("--jvm-mem-limit"))
    if jvm_mem_limit > 0:
        kwarg["jvmargs"] = f"-Xmx{jvm_mem_limit}M"

    # Path for this database
    path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("reload_cycle") / "base"

    # Create the Platform. This should be the first in the process, so the
    # jvmargs are used in :func:`.jdbc.start_jvm`.
    mp = ixmp.Platform(backend="jdbc", driver="hsqldb", path=path, **kwarg)

    s0 = ixmp.Scenario(mp, model="foo", scenario="bar 0", version="new")

    # Add data

    # currently omitted: time series data with *rc_data_size* elements
    # s0.add_timeseries(random_ts_data(rc_data_size))

    # A set named 'random_set' and parameter 'random_par' with *rc_data_size*
    # elements
    add_random_model_data(s0, rc_data_size)


    yield s0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reload_cycle_scenario(request, tmp_path_factory, rc_data_size):
    """Set up a Platform with *rc_data_size* of  random data."""
    # Command-line option for the JVM memory limit
    kwarg = dict()
    jvm_mem_limit = int(request.config.getoption('--jvm-mem-limit'))
    if jvm_mem_limit > 0:
        kwarg['jvmargs'] = f'-Xmx{jvm_mem_limit}M'

    # Path for this database
    path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('reload_cycle') / 'base'

    # Create the Platform. This should be the first in the process, so the
    # jvmargs are used in :func:`.jdbc.start_jvm`.
    mp = ixmp.Platform(backend='jdbc', driver='hsqldb', path=path, **kwarg)

    s0 = ixmp.Scenario(mp, model='foo', scenario='bar 0', version='new')

    # Add data

    # currently omitted: time series data with *rc_data_size* elements
    # s0.add_timeseries(random_ts_data(rc_data_size))

    # A set named 'random_set' and parameter 'random_par' with *rc_data_size*
    # elements
    add_random_model_data(s0, rc_data_size)


    yield s0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_read_excel_big(test_mp, tmp_path):
    """Excel files with model items split across sheets can be read.

    tmp_path /= 'output.xlsx'

    # Write a 25-element parameter with max_row=10 → split across 3 sheets
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, **models['dantzig'], version="new")
    add_random_model_data(scen, 25)
    scen.to_excel(tmp_path, items=ixmp.ItemType.MODEL, max_row=10)

    # Initialize target scenario for reading
    scen_empty = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, "foo", "bar", version="new")
    scen_empty.init_par("random_par", scen.idx_sets("random_par"),

    # File can be read

    assert len(scen_empty.par("random_par")) == 25