Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_ranges_tst(ranges, expected_tagmap, expected_axislist):
    if isinstance(ranges, list):
        ranges = dict([("tag%d" % n, tagrange) for n, tagrange in enumerate(ranges)])
    tagmap = Ranges.calculateaxes(ranges)
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(tagmap, expected_tagmap)
    axismap = Ranges.tagmaptoaxismap(tagmap)
    axislist = Ranges.sortaxes(axismap)
    assert axislist == expected_axislist
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_missing_attr(self):
     d = DictUtils.setattrdict()
     d.VaLuE = 5
     assert "HeGeMoNy" not in d.keys()
     assert d.get("HeGeMoNy", 5) == 5
     assert raises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, "HeGeMoNy")
     assert getattr(d, "HeGeMoNy", 9) == 9
     assert raises(AttributeError, getattr, d, "HeGeMoNy")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_default_attr(self):
     d = DictUtils.attrdict()
     d.VaLuE = 5
     assert "HeGeMoNy" not in d.keys()
     assert d.get("HeGeMoNy", 5) == 5
     assert raises(KeyError, d.__getitem__, "HeGeMoNy")
     assert getattr(d, "HeGeMoNy") == 32
     assert getattr(d, "HeGeMoNy", 9) == 32
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_set_attrs(self):
     """tests setting attributes both dict- and object-style"""
     d = DictUtils.setattrdict()
     d["VaLuE"] = 5
     assert d["VaLuE"] == 5
     assert d.VaLuE == 5
     d.ReDeeM = "price"
     assert d["ReDeeM"] == "price"
     assert d.ReDeeM == "price"
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_key_and_value_ordering(self):
        k = [5,1,2,3,7,6]
        v = ["a","b","c","d","e","f"]
        d = DictUtils.ordereddict(zip(k,v))

        assert d.keys() == k
        assert d.values() == v
        assert d.items() == zip(k,v)
        assert list(d.iterkeys()) == k
        assert list(d.itervalues()) == v
        assert list(d.iteritems()) == zip(k,v)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_dict(self):
        # Make an empty one
        cleand = DictUtils.ordereddict()

        # Make one from another
        k = [5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6]
        v = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]
        d = DictUtils.ordereddict(DictUtils.ordereddict(list(zip(k, v))))

        def bad_dict():
            d = DictUtils.ordereddict(*k)

        d.setdefault(5, "g")
        assert d.get(5, None) == "a"
        assert d["t"] == "g"
        d.update([(7, "g")])
        assert d[7] == "g"
        d.update({8: "h"})
        assert d[8] == "h"
        assert raises(TypeError, bad_dict)

        del d[1]
        assert d.keys() == [5, 2, 3, 7, 6, "t", 8]
        copyd = d.copy()

        assert list(copyd.keys()) == [5, 2, 3, 7, 6, "t", 8]
        assert list(copyd.values()) == ["a", "c", "d", "g", "f", "g", "h"]

        assert list(copyd.items())

        assert raises(KeyError, cleand.popitem)
        assert copyd.popitem() == (8, "h")
        assert copyd.pop(9, "default") == "default"
        assert copyd.pop(3) == "d"

        assert copyd.keys() == [5, 2, 7, 6, "t"]
        assert copyd.keys() == []
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_setting(self):
        k = [5,1,2,3,7,6]
        v = ["a","b","c","d","e","f"]
        d = DictUtils.ordereddict(zip(k,v))

        assert d.keys() == k
        assert d.values() == v
        assert d.items() == zip(k,v)
        assert list(d.iterkeys()) == k
        assert list(d.itervalues()) == v
        assert list(d.iteritems()) == zip(k,v)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_assert_dicts_equal(self):
        d1 = {1:2, 3:4}
        d2 = {1:2, 3:4}
        d3 = {1:3, 3:5}
        d4 = {2:1, 4:3}

        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(d1, d2)
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_not_equal(d1, d3)
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_not_equal(d1, d4)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def setup_class(cls):
        for prefix, dims in cls.DIMENSIONS.iteritems():
            # call dim setup methods
            for dim in dims:

            # create attribute dictionaries for use as self.iterdata values
            for varnames in cls.permuteVars(prefix):
                cls._METHOD_DATA[(prefix,tuple(varnames))] = DictUtils.attrdict()

            # call prefix's class setup methods
            setupmeth = getattr(cls,"setup_class_" + prefix,None)
            if callable(setupmeth):
                for varnames in cls.permuteVars(prefix):
                    cls.iterdata = cls._METHOD_DATA[(prefix,tuple(varnames))]

                    args = cls.getMethodArgs(prefix,varnames)
                    except Exception as e:
                        cls.iterdata['_iterativetest_setup_class_failed'] = (e,sys.exc_info()[2])

                    del cls.iterdata
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_dict(self):
        """tests the normal dict functions, with thecidict peculiarities"""
        d = DictUtils.cidict({'VaLuE': 5})

        def setvalue(k, v):
            d[k] = v

        def delvalue(k):
            del d[k]

        def invalue(k):
            return k in d

        assert raises(TypeError, lambda: d[5])
        assert raises(IndexError, lambda: d['5'])
        assert raises(TypeError, setvalue, 5, 5)

        d['value'] = 6
        assert d['VaLuE'] == 6

        assert d['VaLuE'] == 7
        d.update([('VALUE', 8)])
        assert d['VaLuE'] == 8
        d.update({'VAlue': 9})
        assert d['VaLuE'] == 9

        assert raises(TypeError, delvalue, 5)
        assert raises(IndexError, delvalue, '5')
        d['5'] = 5
        del d['5']
        assert d.get('5', None) is None

        assert raises(TypeError, invalue, 5)
        assert 'VALuE' in d
        assert d.has_key('vALUE')
        assert d.get('vaLUE') == 9
def test_get_or_pop_arg():
    def my_arg_function(foo, bar, jim=3):

    args = (1, 2)
    kw = {'jim': 3}

    assert Decorators.get_or_pop_arg('bar', args, kw,
                                     inspect.getargspec(my_arg_function)) == 2
    assert args == (1, 2)
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(kw, {'jim': 3})
    assert Decorators.get_or_pop_arg('jim', args, kw,
                                     inspect.getargspec(my_arg_function)) == 3
    assert args == (1, 2)
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(kw, {'jim': 3})

    kw['billybob'] = 4
    assert Decorators.get_or_pop_arg('billybob', args, kw,
                                     inspect.getargspec(my_arg_function)) == 4
    assert args == (1, 2)
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(kw, {'jim': 3})
def test_get_right_args():
    def my_arg_function(foo, bar, jim=3):

    rightargs = Decorators.getrightargs(my_arg_function, {
        'foo': 1,
        'bar': 2,
        'bob': 3,
        'mary': 4,
        'jim': 5
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(rightargs, {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'jim': 5})
    rightargs = Decorators.getrightargs(my_arg_function, {
        'foo': 1,
        'bar': 2,
        'bob': 3,
        'mary': 4
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(rightargs, {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2})

    class my_arg_class(object):
        def __init__(self, foo, filip):

    rightargs = Decorators.getrightargs(my_arg_class, {
        'foo': 1,
        'bar': 2,
        'bob': 3,
        'mary': 4
    DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(rightargs, {'foo': 1, 'filip': None})

    rightargs, rightkw = Decorators.conform_to_argspec((1, 2), {
        'billybob': 5,
        'jim': 3
    }, inspect.getargspec(my_arg_function))
    assert rightargs == [1, 2, 3]
    assert not rightkw
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def bad_dict():
     d = DictUtils.ordereddict(*k)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_unique_items(self):
     l = [9, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 3, 9]
     assert list(DictUtils.unique_items(l)) == [9, 3, 4, 2, 5]
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_attribify(self):
     nested = DictUtils.attribify([{"this": "is", "a": ["nested", {"dictionary": 4}]}])
     assert nested[0].this == "is"
     assert nested[0].a[0] == "nested"
     assert nested[0].a[1].dictionary == 4
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_attrs(self):
     d = DictUtils.attrdict()
     d["VaLuE"] = 5
     assert d["VaLuE"] == 5
     assert d.VaLuE == 5
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_retaincase(self):
     """tests that the key's original case is retained"""
     d = DictUtils.cidict()
     d["VaLuE"] = 5
     assert "VaLuE" in d.keys()
     assert "value" not in d.keys()
Ejemplo n.º 18
            "3": 4,
            "5": 6
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(DictUtils.mapdict(td, None, valuemap), {
            1: 3,
            3: 5,
            5: 7
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(DictUtils.mapdict(td, keymap, valuemap), {
            "1": 3,
            "3": 5,
            "5": 7

simple_od = DictUtils.ordereddict()
simple_od[99] = [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
simple_od[1] = [('c', 3), ('d', 4)]
simple_od[7] = [('e', 5), ('f', 6)]

class OrderedDictInABox(object):
    def __init__(self, message, ordered_dict):
        self.message = message
        self.od = ordered_dict

inner_od = DictUtils.ordereddict()
inner_od['first'] = datetime_tz.datetime_tz(1979, 8, 8, 16)
inner_od['second'] = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
inner_od['third'] = OrderedDictInABox(
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_get(self):
     d = DictUtils.cidict()
     d["VaLuE"] = 5
     assert d["value"] == 5
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_mapdict(self):
        td = {1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6}

        def keymap(x):
            return str(x)

        def valuemap(y):
            return y + 1

        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(DictUtils.mapdict(td, None, None), td)
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(DictUtils.mapdict(td, keymap, None), {
            "1": 2,
            "3": 4,
            "5": 6
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(DictUtils.mapdict(td, None, valuemap), {
            1: 3,
            3: 5,
            5: 7
        DictUtils.assert_dicts_equal(DictUtils.mapdict(td, keymap, valuemap), {
            "1": 3,
            "3": 5,
            "5": 7