Ejemplo n.º 1
# $Id: intprog4a.py 597 2006-02-12 11:16:09Z kredel $
# CLO2, p374,c
# 3 A + 2 B +   C + D = 45
#   A + 2 B + 3 C + E = 21
# 2 A +   B +   C + F = 18
# max: 3 A + 4 B + 2 C 

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal

r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),(-3,-4,-2,0,0,0,0,0,0) )" );
#r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),( 6, 5, 5,1,1,1,0,0,0)*2 )" );
#r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),( 3, 1, 3,1,1,1,0,0,0)   )" );
#r = Ring(  "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),( 9, 6, 8,2,2,2,0,0,0)   )" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( z1^3 z2   z3^2 - w1 ),
 ( z1^2 z2^2 z3   - w2 ),
 ( z1   z2^3 z3   - w3 ),
 ( z1             - w4 ),
 ( z2             - w5 ),
 ( z3             - w6 )
Ejemplo n.º 2
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: nabeshima_cgbF01.py 1977 2008-08-03 10:40:23Z kredel $

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example Ex-4.3
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring( "IntFunc(a, b) (y,x) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( x y + x ),
 ( { a } x^2 + y + 2 ),
 ( { b } x y  + y )


f = r.paramideal( ps );
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
print "c:", c;

## c1 = c.evaluate( QQ(0) );
## print "c1:", c1;
## print;

s2c2 = s*s+c*c; # sin^2 + cos^2 = 1
print "s2c2:", s2c2;


# conversion from polynomials

pr = Ring("Q(x,y,z) L");
print "pr:", pr;

[one,xp,yp,zp] = pr.gens();

p1 = one;
p2 = one - yp;

ps1 = psr.fromPoly(p1);
ps2 = psr.fromPoly(p2);

# rational function as power series:
ps3 = ps1 / ps2;

print "p1:", p1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
# jython for jas example integer programming.
# $Id: intprog.py 597 2006-02-12 11:16:09Z kredel $
# CLO2, p370
# 4 A + 5 B + C = 37
# 2 A + 3 B + D = 20
# max: 11 A + 15 B

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal

r = Ring("Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,z1,z2) W( (0,0,0,0,1,1),(1,1,2,2,0,0) )")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( z1^4 z2^2 - w1 ),
 ( z1^5 z2^3 - w2 ),
 ( z1 - w3 ),
 ( z2 - w4 )

f = Ideal(r, ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: syz.py Proyecto: rjolly/jas
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

from jas import Ring

# trinks 7 example

r = Ring( "Rat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( 45 P + 35 S - 165 B - 36 ), 
 ( 35 P + 40 Z + 25 T - 27 S ), 
 ( 15 W + 25 S P + 30 Z - 18 T - 165 B**2 ), 
 ( - 9 W + 15 T P + 20 S Z ), 
 ( P W + 2 T Z - 11 B**3 ), 
 ( 99 W - 11 B S + 3 B**2 ),
 ( B**2 + 33/50 B + 2673/10000 )

f = r.ideal( ps );
print "Ideal: " + str(f);

#Katsura equations for N = 3:
Ejemplo n.º 6
import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

from edu.jas.arith import BigRational

# Legendre polynomial example
# P(0) = 1
# P(1) = x
# P(n) = 1/n [ (2n-1) * x * P(n-1) - (n-1) * P(n-2) ]

r = Ring( "Q(x) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(x) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
[one,x] = r.gens();

N = 10;
P = [one,x];
for n in range(2,N):
    p = (2*n-1) * x * P[n-1] - (n-1) * P[n-2];
    r = (1,n); # no rational numbers in python
    #r = [(1,n)]; # no complex rational numbers in python
    #r = ((1,n),(0,1)); # no complex rational numbers in python
    p = r * p; 
Ejemplo n.º 7

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog

# example from rose (modified)

#r = Ring( "Mod 19 (U3,U4,A46) L" );
#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (U3,U4,A46) L" ); # 2^60-93
#r = Ring( "Quat(U3,U4,A46) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(U3,U4,A46) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(U3,U4,A46) L" );

r = Ring( "Rat(A46,U3,U4) G" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( U4^4 - 20/7 A46^2 ), 
 ( A46^2 U3^4 + 7/10 A46 U3^4 + 7/48 U3^4 - 50/27 A46^2 - 35/27 A46 - 49/216 ), 
 ( A46^5 U4^3 + 7/5 A46^4 U4^3 + 609/1000 A46^3 
 U4^3 + 49/1250 A46^2 U4^3 - 27391/800000 A46 U4^3 
 - 1029/160000 U4^3 + 3/7 A46^5 U3 U4^2 + 3/5 A46^6 
 U3 U4^2 + 63/200 A46^3 U3 U4^2 + 147/2000 A46^2 
 U3 U4^2 + 4137/800000 A46 U3 U4^2 - 7/20 A46^4 
 U3^2 U4 - 77/125 A46^3 U3^2 U4 - 23863/60000 A46^2 
 U3^2 U4 - 1078/9375 A46 U3^2 U4 - 24353/1920000 
  U3^2 U4 - 3/20 A46^4 U3^3 - 21/100 A46^3 U3^3 
Ejemplo n.º 8
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# ideal elimination example

r = Ring( "Rat(x,y,z) G" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps1 = """
 ( x^2 - 2 ),
 ( y^2 - 3 ),
 ( z^3 - x * y )

F1 = r.ideal( ps1 );
print "Ideal: " + str(F1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

#import rational;

# trinks 6/7 example

#r = Ring( "Mod 19 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" ); # 2^60-93
#r = Ring( "Quat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(e,f)(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Q(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
print "r.gens() = ", [ str(f) for f in r.gens() ];
#[e,f,B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();
[B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();

f1 = 45 * P + 35 * S - 165 * B - 36;
f2 = 35 * P + 40 * Z + 25 * T - 27 * S;
f3 = 15 * W + 25 * S * P + 30 * Z - 18 * T - 165 * B**2;
f4 = - 9 * W + 15 * T * P + 20 * S * Z;
f5 = P * W + 2 * T * Z - 11 * B**3;
Ejemplo n.º 10
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

from java.lang import System
from java.lang import Integer

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import terminate
from jas import startLog

# polynomial examples: absolute factorization over Q

#r = Ring( "Rat(x) L" );
r = Ring( "Q(x) L" );

print "Ring: " + str(r);

[one,x] = r.gens();

#f = x**5 - 1;
#f = x**6 - 1;
f = x**3 - 2;
f = f*f;
#f = x**7 - 1;
#f = x**15 - 1;
#f = x * ( x + 1 )**2 * ( x**2 + x + 1 )**3;
#f = x**6 - 3 * x**5 + x**4 - 3 * x**3 - x**2 - 3 * x+ 1;
#f = x**(3*11*11) + 3 * x**(2*11*11) - x**(11*11);
Ejemplo n.º 11

import sys;

from jas import Ring, QQ
from jas import startLog, terminate

# example from rose (modified)

#r = Ring( "Mod 19 (U3,U4,A46) L" );
#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (U3,U4,A46) L" ); # 2^60-93
#r = Ring( "Quat(U3,U4,A46) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(U3,U4,A46) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(U3,U4,A46) L" );

r = Ring( "Rat(A46,U3,U4) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( U4^4 - 20/7 A46^2 ), 
 ( A46^2 U3^4 + 7/10 A46 U3^4 + 7/48 U3^4 - 50/27 A46^2 - 35/27 A46 - 49/216 ), 
 ( A46^5 U4^3 + 7/5 A46^4 U4^3 + 609/1000 A46^3 
 U4^3 + 49/1250 A46^2 U4^3 - 27391/800000 A46 U4^3 
 - 1029/160000 U4^3 + 3/7 A46^5 U3 U4^2 + 3/5 A46^6 
 U3 U4^2 + 63/200 A46^3 U3 U4^2 + 147/2000 A46^2 
 U3 U4^2 + 4137/800000 A46 U3 U4^2 - 7/20 A46^4 
 U3^2 U4 - 77/125 A46^3 U3^2 U4 - 23863/60000 A46^2 
 U3^2 U4 - 1078/9375 A46 U3^2 U4 - 24353/1920000 
Ejemplo n.º 12
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# ideal intersection example

r = Ring( "Rat(x,y,z) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps1 = """
 ( x - 1 ),
 ( y - 1 ),
 ( z - 1 )

ps2 = """
 ( x - 2 ),
 ( y - 3 ),
Ejemplo n.º 13
rs = """
# polynomial ring:
Rat(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2) G|3|

ps = """
 ( y1 + y2 - 1 ),
 ( x1 - y1^2 - y1 - y2 ),
 ( x2 - y1 - y2^2 ),
 ( x3 - y1 y2 )

r = Ring( rs );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

i = r.ideal( ps );
print "Ideal: " + str(i);

g = i.GB();
print "seq GB:", g;

rsi = """
# polynomial ring:
Rat(x1,x2,x3) G
Ejemplo n.º 14
from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog, terminate

#import rational;

# trinks 6/7 example

#r = Ring( "Mod 19 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" ); # 2^60-93
#r = Ring( "Quat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(e,f)(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Q(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
print "r.gens() = ", [ str(f) for f in r.gens() ];
#[one,e,f,B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();
#automatic: [one,B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();

f1 = 45 * P + 35 * S - 165 * B - 36;
f2 = 35 * P + 40 * Z + 25 * T - 27 * S;
f3 = 15 * W + 25 * S * P + 30 * Z - 18 * T - 165 * B**2;
f4 = - 9 * W + 15 * T * P + 20 * S * Z;
f5 = P * W + 2 * T * Z - 11 * B**3;
Ejemplo n.º 15
c = CC();
print "c:", c;
c = c.one();
print "c:", c;
c = CC((2,),(3,));
print "c:", c;
print "c^5:", c**5 + c.one();

c = CC( (2,),rn );
print "c:", c;

r = Ring( "Q(x,y) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
[x,y] = r.gens();
one = r.one();
zero = r.zero();

    f = RF();
    f = None;
print "f: " + str(f);

d = x**2 + 5 * x - 6;
Ejemplo n.º 16
import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

from edu.jas.arith import BigRational

# Legendre polynomial example
# P(0) = 1
# P(1) = x
# P(n) = 1/n [ (2n-1) * x * P(n-1) - (n-1) * P(n-2) ]

r = Ring("Q(x) L")
# r = Ring( "C(x) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r)

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
[x] = r.gens()

one = r.one()

N = 10
P = [one, x]
for n in range(2, N):
    p = (2 * n - 1) * x * P[n - 1] - (n - 1) * P[n - 2]
    r = (1, n)
    # no rational numbers in python
Ejemplo n.º 17
# $Id: hermite.py 2111 2008-09-06 19:32:49Z kredel $

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# hermite polynomial example
# H(0) = 1
# H(1) = 2 * x
# H(n) = 2 * x * H(n-1) - 2 * (n-1) * H(n-2)

r = Ring( "Z(x) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
[x] = r.gens();

one = r.one();
x2 = 2 * x;

N = 10;
H = [one,x2];
for n in range(2,N):
    h = x2 * H[n-1] - 2 * (n-1) * H[n-2];
    H.append( h );
Ejemplo n.º 18
# jython for jas example integer programming.
# $Id$
# CLO2, p370
# 4 A + 5 B + C = 37
# 2 A + 3 B + D = 20
# max: 11 A + 15 B

import sys;

from jas import Ring

r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,z1,z2) W( (0,0,0,0,1,1),(1,1,2,2,0,0) )" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( z1^4 z2^2 - w1 ),
 ( z1^5 z2^3 - w2 ),
 ( z1 - w3 ),
 ( z2 - w4 )

f = r.ideal( ps );
print "Ideal: " + str(f);
Ejemplo n.º 19
## \end{PossoExample}

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate


# Hawes & Gibson example 2
# rational function coefficients

r = Ring( "IntFunc(a, c, b) (y2, y1, z1, z2, x) G" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

[one,a,c,b,y2,y1,z1,z2,x] = r.gens();

p1 = x + 2 * y1 * z1 + 3 * a * y1**2 + 5 * y1**4 + 2 * c * y1;
p2 = x + 2 * y2 * z2 + 3 * a * y2**2 + 5 * y2**4 + 2 * c * y2;
p3 = 2 * z2 + 6 * a * y2 + 20 * y2**3 + 2 * c; 
p4 = 3 * z1**2 + y1**2 + b;
p5 = 3 * z2**2 + y2**2 + b; 

F = [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5];

g = r.ideal( list=F );
print "Ideal: " + str(g);
Ejemplo n.º 20
c = CC();
print "c:", c;
c = c.one();
print "c:", c;
c = CC((2,),(3,));
print "c:", c;
print "c^5:", c**5 + c.one();

c = CC( (2,),rn );
print "c:", c;

r = Ring( "Q(x,y) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
[one,x,y] = r.gens();
zero = r.zero();

    f = RF(r);
    f = None;
print "f: " + str(f);

d = x**2 + 5 * x - 6;
f = RF(r,d);
Ejemplo n.º 21
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

from java.lang import System
from java.lang import Integer

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import terminate
from jas import startLog

# polynomial examples: factorization over Q

#r = Ring( "Rat(x) L" );
r = Ring( "Q(x) L" );

print "Ring: " + str(r);

[one,x] = r.gens();

#f = x**15 - 1;
#f = x * ( x + 1 )**2 * ( x**2 + x + 1 )**3;
#f = x**6 - 3 * x**5 + x**4 - 3 * x**3 - x**2 - 3 * x+ 1;
#f = x**(3*11*11) + 3 * x**(2*11*11) - x**(11*11);
#f = x**(3*11*11*11) + 3 * x**(2*11*11*11) - x**(11*11*11);
#f = (x**2+1)*(x-3)*(x-5)**3;
#f = x**4 + 1;
#f = x**12 + x**9 + x**6 + x**3 + 1;
#f = x**24 - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: syzy3.py 1268 2007-07-29 11:05:03Z kredel $

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal

# ? example

r = Ring("Rat(x,y,z) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( z^3 - y ),
 ( y z - x ),
 ( y^3 - x^2 z ),
 ( x z^2 - y^2 )

f = Ideal(r, ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)

from edu.jas.module import SyzygyAbstract
from edu.jas.vector import ModuleList
from edu.jas.module import ModGroebnerBaseAbstract
Ejemplo n.º 23
from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F8
# modified, take care
# integral function coefficients

#r = Ring( "IntFunc(d, b, c, a) (w,z,y,x) G" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(b, c, a) (w,x,z,y) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(b, c) (z,y,w,x) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(b) (z,y,w,x) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(c) (z,y,w,x) L" );
r = Ring("IntFunc(c) (z,y,w,x) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( { 1 } x^2 + { 1 } y ),
 ( { 1 } w^2 + z ),
 ( ( x - z )^2 + ( y - w)^2 ),
 ( { 2 } x w - { 2 1 } y )

# ( { 1 } x^2 + { b } y ),
# ( { c } w^2 + z ),
# ( { a } x^2 + { b } y ),
Ejemplo n.º 24
        self.coFac = cofac;
    def map(self,ps):
        return ps.negate().integrate( self.coFac.getZERO() ).integrate( self.coFac.getONE() );

ps8 = psr.fixPoint( cosmap( psr.ring.coFac ) );
print "ps8:", ps8;

ps9 = ps8 - c;
print "ps9:", ps9;

# conversion from polynomials

pr = Ring("Q(y) L");
print "pr:", pr;

[yp] = pr.gens();

one = pr.one();
p1 = one;
p2 = one - yp;

ps1 = psr.from(p1);
ps2 = psr.from(p2);

# rational function as power series:
ps3 = ps1 / ps2;
Ejemplo n.º 25

from java.lang import System
from java.lang import Integer

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import terminate
from jas import startLog

# polynomial examples: factorization

# r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (x,y,z) L" );
# r = Ring( "Rat(x,y,z) L" );
# r = Ring( "C(x,y,z) L" );
r = Ring("Z(x,y,z) L")
# r = Ring( "Z(x) L" );
# r = Ring( "Mod 3 (x,y,z) L" );
# r = Ring( "Z(y,x) L" );

print "Ring: " + str(r)

[one, x, y, z] = r.gens()

# f = z * ( y + 1 )**2 * ( x**2 + x + 1 )**3;
# f = z * ( y + 1 ) * ( x**2 + x + 1 );
# f = ( y + 1 ) * ( x**2 + x + 1 );
# f = ( y + z**2 ) * ( x**2 + x + 1 );

# f = x**4 * y + x**3  + z + x   + z**2 + y * z**2;
Ejemplo n.º 26
from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog, terminate

#import rational;

# trinks 6/7 example

#r = Ring( "Mod 19 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" ); # 2^60-93
#r = Ring( "Quat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(e,f)(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
r = Ring("Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L")
#r = Ring( "Q(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r)

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
print "r.gens() = ", [str(f) for f in r.gens()]
#[one,e,f,B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();
#automatic: [one,B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();

f1 = 45 * P + 35 * S - 165 * B - 36
f2 = 35 * P + 40 * Z + 25 * T - 27 * S
f3 = 15 * W + 25 * S * P + 30 * Z - 18 * T - 165 * B**2
f4 = -9 * W + 15 * T * P + 20 * S * Z
f5 = P * W + 2 * T * Z - 11 * B**3
Ejemplo n.º 27

from java.lang import System
from java.lang import Integer

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import terminate
from jas import startLog

# polynomial examples: gcd

#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (x,y,z) L" );
#r = Ring( "Rat(x,y,z) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(x,y,z) L" );
r = Ring( "Z(x,y,z) L" );

print "Ring: " + str(r);

[one,x,y,z] = r.gens();

a = r.random();
b = r.random();
c = abs(r.random());
#c = 1; 
#a = 0;

f = x * a + b * y**2 + one * z**7;

print "a = ", a;
Ejemplo n.º 28
## \end{PossoExample}

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate


# Hawes & Gibson example 2
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring( "IntFunc(a, c, b) (y2, y1, z1, z2, x) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( x + 2 y1 z1 + { 3 a } y1^2 + 5 y1^4 + { 2 c } y1 ),
 ( x + 2 y2 z2 + { 3 a } y2^2 + 5 y2^4 + { 2 c } y2 ), 
 ( 2 z2 + { 6 a } y2 + 20 y2^3 + { 2 c } ), 
 ( 3 z1^2 + y1^2 + { b } ), 
 ( 3 z2^2 + y2^2 + { b } ) 

f = r.ideal( ps );
print "Ideal: " + str(f);
Ejemplo n.º 29
# katsura examples

knum = 4
tnum = 2

#r = Ring( "Mod 19 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" ); # 2^60-93
#r = Ring( "Quat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "C(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#r = Ring( "Rat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
#print "Ring: " + str(r);

k = Katsura(knum)
r = Ring(k.varList("Rat", "G"))
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = k.polyList()

f = Ideal(r, ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)

rg = f.parGB(tnum)
for th in range(tnum, 0, -1):
    rg = f.parGB(th)
    #print "par Output:", rg;
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F4
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring( "IntFunc(a, b, c, d) (y, x) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( { a } x^3 y + { c } x y^2 ),
 ( x^4 y + { 3 d } y ),
 ( { c } x^2 + { b } x y ),
 ( x^2 y^2 + { a } x^2 ),
 ( x^5 + y^5 )

# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F7
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring("IntFunc(a, b) (z,y,x) G")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( x^3 - { a } ),
 ( y^4 - { b } ),
 ( x + y - { a } z )


f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F1
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring( "IntFunc(a, b) (y,x) G" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( { a } x^4 y + x y^2 + { b } x ),
 ( x^3 + 2 x y ),
 ( { b } x^2 + x^2 y )


f = r.paramideal( ps );
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        self.coFac = cofac;
    def map(self,ps):
        return ps.negate().integrate( self.coFac.getZERO() ).integrate( self.coFac.getONE() );

ps8 = psr.fixPoint( cosmap( psr.ring.coFac ) );
print "ps8:", ps8;

ps9 = ps8 - c;
print "ps9:", ps9;

# conversion from polynomials

pr = Ring("Q(y) L");
print "pr:", pr;

[one,yp] = pr.gens();

p1 = one;
p2 = one - yp;

ps1 = psr.fromPoly(p1);
ps2 = psr.fromPoly(p2);

# rational function as power series:
ps3 = ps1 / ps2;

print "p1:", p1;
Ejemplo n.º 34
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: mark.py 1429 2007-10-13 12:58:29Z kredel $

#import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog

# mark, d-gb diplom example

r = Ring( "Z(x,y,z) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( z + x y**2 + 4 x**2 + 1 ),
 ( y**2 z + 2 x + 1 ),
 ( x**2 z + y**2 + x )

f = r.ideal( ps );
print "Ideal: " + str(f);

from edu.jas.ring import EGroebnerBaseSeq;
from edu.jas.ring import DGroebnerBaseSeq;
Ejemplo n.º 35
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: nabeshima_cgbF6.py 1977 2008-08-03 10:40:23Z kredel $

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F6
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring("IntFunc(a, b,c, d) (x) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( x^4 + { a } x^3 + { b } x2 + { c } x + { d } ),
 ( 4 x^3 + { 3 a } x^2 + { 2 b } x + { c } )


f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 36
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

from jas import Ring

# ? example

r = Ring( "Rat(x,y,z) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( z^3 - y ),
 ( y z - x ),
 ( y^3 - x^2 z ),
 ( x z^2 - y^2 )

f = r.ideal( ps );
print "Ideal: " + str(f);

rg = f.GB();
print "seq Output:", rg;

from edu.jas.gbufd  import SyzygySeq;

import sys;

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F8
# modified, take care
# integral function coefficients

#r = Ring( "IntFunc(d, b, a, c) (y,x,w,z) L" );
r = Ring( "IntFunc(d, b, a, c) (y,x,w,z) G" );

#r = Ring( "IntFunc(d, b, c, a) (w,z,y,x) G" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(b, c, a) (w,x,z,y) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(b, c) (z,y,w,x) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(b) (z,y,w,x) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(c) (z,y,w,x) L" );
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(c) (z,y,w,x) G" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ps = """
 ( { c } w^2 + z ),
 ( { a } x^2 + { b } y ),
 ( ( x - z )^2 + ( y - w)^2 ),
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F2
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring("IntFunc(b, a) (x,y) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( { a } x^2 y^3 + { b } y + y ),
 ( x^2 y^2 + x y + 2 ),
 ( { a } x^2 + { b } y + 2 )


f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 39
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example F3
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring("IntFunc(c, b, a, d) (x) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( { a } x^4 + { c } x^2 + { b } ),
 ( { b } x^3 + x^2 + 2 ),
 ( { c } x^2 + { d } x )


f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 40
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys

from jas import Ring, Ideal
from jas import startLog, terminate

# sicora, e-gb example

r = Ring("Z(t) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( 2 t + 1 ),
 ( t**2 + 1 )

f = r.ideal(ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)


g = f.eGB()
print "seq e-GB:", g
Ejemplo n.º 41
rs = """
# polynomial ring:
Rat(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2) G|3|

ps = """
 ( y1 + y2 - 1 ),
 ( x1 - y1^2 - y1 - y2 ),
 ( x2 - y1 - y2^2 ),
 ( x3 - y1 y2 )

r = Ring(rs)
print "Ring: " + str(r)

i = Ideal(r, ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(i)

g = i.GB()
print "seq GB:", g

rsi = """
# polynomial ring:
Rat(x1,x2,x3) G

ri = Ring(rsi)
print "Ring: " + str(ri)
Ejemplo n.º 42
## \end{Equations}
## \end{PossoExample}

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate


# Hawes & Gibson example 2
# rational function coefficients

r = Ring("RatFunc(a, c, b) (y2, y1, z1, z2, x) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( x + 2 y1 z1 + { 3 a } y1^2 + 5 y1^4 + { 2 c } y1 ),
 ( x + 2 y2 z2 + { 3 a } y2^2 + 5 y2^4 + { 2 c } y2 ), 
 ( 2 z2 + { 6 a } y2 + 20 y2^3 + { 2 c } ), 
 ( 3 z1^2 + y1^2 + { b } ), 
 ( 3 z2^2 + y2^2 + { b } ) 

f = r.ideal(ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 43
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal

from edu.jas.gb import Katsura

# katsura examples

knum = 4
tnum = 2

k = Katsura(knum)
r = Ring(k.varList("Rat", "G"))
#r = Ring.new( k.varList("Mod 23","G") );
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = k.polyList()

f = r.ideal(ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)

rg = f.parGB(tnum)
for th in range(tnum, 0, -1):
    rg = f.parGB(th)
    #print "par Output:", rg;
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def map(self, ps):
        return ps.negate().integrate(self.coFac.getZERO()).integrate(

ps8 = psr.fixPoint(cosmap(psr.ring.coFac))
print "ps8:", ps8

ps9 = ps8 - c
print "ps9:", ps9

# conversion from polynomials

pr = Ring("Q(y) L")
print "pr:", pr

[one, yp] = pr.gens()

p1 = one
p2 = one - yp

ps1 = psr.fromPoly(p1)
ps2 = psr.fromPoly(p2)

# rational function as power series:
ps3 = ps1 / ps2

print "p1:", p1
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Nabashima, ISSAC 2007, example Ex-4.8
# integral function coefficients

r = Ring("IntFunc(a, b, c) (y,x) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( { a } x^2 + { b } y^2 ),
 ( { c } x^2 + y^2 ),
 ( { 2 a } x - { 2 c } y )


f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 46
# The MAS DIIPEGB implementation contains an error because the output e-GB
# is not correct. Also the cited result from k-r contains this error.
# The polynomial
# ( 2 x * y^2 - x^13 + 2 x^11 -   x^9 + 2 x^7 - 2 x^3 ),
# is in the DIIPEGB output, but it must be
# ( 2 x * y^2 - x^13 + 2 x^11 - 3 x^9 + 2 x^7 - 2 x^3 ),
# Test by adding the polynomials to the input.
# Frist polynomial produces a different e-GB.
# Second polynomial reproduces the e-GB with the second polynomial.

r = Ring("Z(x,y) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( y**6 + x**4 y**4 - x**2 y**4 - y**4 - x**4 y**2 + 2 x**2 y**2 + x**6 - x**4 ),
 ( 2 x**3 y**4 - x y**4 - 2 x**3 y**2 + 2 x y**2 + 3 x**5 - 2 x** 3 ),
 ( 3 y**5 + 2 x**4 y**3 - 2 x**2 y**3 - 2 y**3 - x**4 y + 2 x**2 y )

f = r.ideal(ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 47
import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

from edu.jas.arith import ModIntegerRing


# Hawes & Gibson example 2
# rational function coefficients

r = Ring("RatFunc(a, c, b) (y2, y1, z1, z2, x) G")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( x + 2 y1 z1 + { 3 a } y1^2 + 5 y1^4 + { 2 c } y1 ),
 ( x + 2 y2 z2 + { 3 a } y2^2 + 5 y2^4 + { 2 c } y2 ), 
 ( 2 z2 + { 6 a } y2 + 20 y2^3 + { 2 c } ), 
 ( 3 z1^2 + y1^2 + { b } ), 
 ( 3 z2^2 + y2^2 + { b } ) 

f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 48
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: cgb_2.py 1977 2008-08-03 10:40:23Z kredel $

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import ParamIdeal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# 2 univariate polynomials of degree 2 example for comprehensive GB
# integral/rational function coefficients

#r = Ring( "RatFunc(u,v) (x,y) L" );
r = Ring("IntFunc(a2, a1, a0, b2, b1, b0) (x) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( { a2 } x^2 + { a1 } x + { a0 } ),
 ( { b2 } x^2 + { b1 } x + { b0 } )

f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)

Ejemplo n.º 49
# 3 A + 2 B +   C + D = 45
#   A + 2 B + 3 C + E = 21
# 2 A +   B +   C + F = 18
# max: 3 A + 4 B + 2 C

import sys

from jas import Ring

#r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),(-3,-4,-2,0,0,0,0,0,0) )" );
#r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),( 6, 5, 5,1,1,1,0,0,0)*2 )" );
#r = Ring( "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),( 3, 1, 3,1,1,1,0,0,0)   )" );
r = Ring(
    "Rat(w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6,z1,z2,z3) W( (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),( 9, 6, 8,2,2,2,0,0,0)   )"
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( z1^3 z2   z3^2 - w1 ),
 ( z1^2 z2^2 z3   - w2 ),
 ( z1   z2^3 z3   - w3 ),
 ( z1             - w4 ),
 ( z2             - w5 ),
 ( z3             - w6 )
Ejemplo n.º 50
import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# rational function coefficients
# IP (alpha,beta,gamma,epsilon,theta,eta)
# (c3,c2,c1) /G/
#r = Ring( "IntFunc(alpha,beta,gamma,epsilon,theta,eta)(c3,c2,c1) G" );
# ( { alpha } c1 - { beta } c1**2 - { gamma } c1 c2 + { epsilon } c3 ),
# ( - { gamma } c1 c2 + { epsilon + theta } c3 - { gamma } c2 ),
# ( { gamma } c2 c3 + { eta } c2 - { epsilon + theta } c3 )

r = Ring("IntFunc(a,b,g,e,t,eta)(c3,c2,c1) G")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( { a } c1 - { b } c1**2 - { g } c1 c2 + { e } c3 ),
 ( - { g } c1 c2 + { e + t } c3 - { g } c2 ),
 ( { g } c2 c3 + { eta } c2 - { e + t } c3 )

f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 51
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id$

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal

# logic example from Kreutzer JdM 2008

r = Ring( "Mod 2 (a,f,p,u) G" );
print "Ring: " + str(r);

ks = """
 ( a^2 - a ),
 ( f^2 - f ),
 ( p^2 - p ),
 ( u^2 - u )

ps = """
 ( p f + p ),
 ( p u + p + u + 1 ),
 ( a + u + 1 ),
 ( a + p + 1 )
Ejemplo n.º 52
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: pppj2006.py 1094 2007-05-24 20:56:35Z kredel $

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import Ideal

# pppj 2006 paper examples

r = Ring("Z(x1,x2,x3) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( 3 x1^2 x3^4 + 7 x2^5 - 61 )

#f = Ideal( r, ps );
#print "Ideal: " + str(f);

f = r.ideal(ps)
print "Ideal: " + str(f)

from java.lang import System
Ejemplo n.º 53
# jython examples for jas.
# $Id: raksanyi_cr.py 1986 2008-08-03 16:20:57Z kredel $

import sys

from jas import Ring
from jas import ParamIdeal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# Raksanyi & Walter example
# integral/rational function coefficients

#r = Ring( "RatFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) L" );
r = Ring("IntFunc(a1, a2, a3, a4) (x1, x2, x3, x4) L")
print "Ring: " + str(r)

ps = """
 ( x4 - { a4 - a2 } ),
 ( x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 - { a1 + a3 + a4 } ),
 ( x1 x3 + x1 x4 + x2 x3 + x3 x4 - { a1 a4 + a1 a3 + a3 a4 } ),
 ( x1 x3 x4 - { a1 a3 a4 } )

f = r.paramideal(ps)
print "ParamIdeal: " + str(f)
Ejemplo n.º 54
from jas import Ideal
from jas import startLog
from jas import terminate

# import rational;

# trinks 6/7 example

# r = Ring( "Mod 19 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
# r = Ring( "Mod 1152921504606846883 (B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" ); # 2^60-93
# r = Ring( "Quat(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
# r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
# r = Ring( "C(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
# r = Ring( "Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
# r = Ring( "IntFunc(e,f)(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
r = Ring("Z(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L")
# r = Ring( "Q(B,S,T,Z,P,W) L" );
print "Ring: " + str(r)

# sage like: with generators for the polynomial ring
print "r.gens() = ", [str(f) for f in r.gens()]
# [one,e,f,B,S,T,Z,P,W] = r.gens();
[one, B, S, T, Z, P, W] = r.gens()

f1 = 45 * P + 35 * S - 165 * B - 36
f2 = 35 * P + 40 * Z + 25 * T - 27 * S
f3 = 15 * W + 25 * S * P + 30 * Z - 18 * T - 165 * B ** 2
f4 = -9 * W + 15 * T * P + 20 * S * Z
f5 = P * W + 2 * T * Z - 11 * B ** 3