Ejemplo n.º 1
def __recurser(node, permutation, inCondition=False):

    # Support block commands
    # These come with their own node.type
    if node.type == "if":

        # Pre-process condition
        # We manually process each child in for if-types
        __recurser(node.condition, permutation, True)

        # Cast condition to Python boolean type
        resultValue = None
            resultValue = Operation.castToBool(node.condition)
        except Operation.OperationError as ex:
            Console.debug("Walked into unprocessed condition. Waiting for actual execution. Message: %s", ex)

        if not resultValue is None:

            # Process relevant part of the sub tree
            if resultValue is True:
                # Fix missing processing of result node
                __recurser(node.thenPart, permutation)

                # Finally replace if-node with result node
                node.parent.replace(node, node.thenPart)

            elif resultValue is False and hasattr(node, "elsePart"):
                # Fix missing processing of result node
                __recurser(node.elsePart, permutation)

                # Finally replace if-node with result node
                node.parent.replace(node, node.elsePart)

                # Cleanup original if-node

            # All done including child nodes

    # Process children first (resolve logic is inner-out)
    for child in list(node):
        if child is not None:
            __recurser(child, permutation, inCondition)

    # Inside of conditions replace identifiers with their actual value (from current permutation)
    if inCondition and node.type == "identifier":
        if not permutation.has(node.value):
            raise ResolverError("Could not find field %s" % node.value, node)

        repl = Util.castNativeToNode(permutation.get(node.value))
        node.parent.replace(node, repl)

    # Support inline @field() commands
    elif node.type == "command" and node.name == "field":
        if len(node.params) == 0:
            raise ResolverError("Missing parameter to insert field via @field.", node)

        identifierNode = node.params[0]
        if identifierNode.type != "identifier":
            raise ResolverError("Invalid parameter to @field call: %s" % identifierNode.type, identifierNode)

        identifier = identifierNode.value
        if not permutation.has(identifier):
            raise ResolverError("Could not find field with the name %s" % identifier, identifierNode)

        repl = Util.castNativeToNode(permutation.get(identifier))
        node.parent.replace(node, repl)

    # Support typical operators
    elif node.type in Util.ALL_OPERATORS:
        repl = Operation.compute(node)
        if repl is not None:
            node.parent.replace(node, repl)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compute(node, first=None, second=None, operator=None, session=None):
    Recursively processes given operation node.

    Consumes optional hints for the first/second child of an operation as well as the operator itself (in cases where it
    could not be figured out automatically). The session is useful for supporting commands inside of operations.


    # Fill gaps in empty arguments
    if operator is None:
        operator = node.type

    # Fill missing first/second param
    if first is None and len(node) >= 1:
        first = node[0]

    if second is None and len(node) >= 2:
        second = node[1]

    # Error handling
    if node is None or operator is None:
        raise OperationError("Missing arguments for operation compute()", node)

    # Solve inner operations first
    if first is not None:
        if first.type in Util.ALL_OPERATORS:
            first = compute(first, session=session)
        elif first.type == "command":
            first = Util.executeCommand(first, session)

    if second is not None:
        if second.type in Util.ALL_OPERATORS:
            second = compute(second, session=session)
        elif second.type == "command":
            second = Util.executeCommand(second, session)

    # Support for not-/and-/or-operator
    if operator == "not":
        return Util.castNativeToNode(not castToBool(first))
    elif operator == "and":
        return Util.castNativeToNode(castToBool(first) and castToBool(second))
    elif operator == "or":
        return Util.castNativeToNode(castToBool(first) or castToBool(second))

    # Support for default set operator "?=" when variable was not defined before
    elif operator == "questionmark" and first is None:
        return second

    # Ignore when not yet processed
    if first.type in ("command", "variable") or second.type in ("command", "variable"):

    # Compare operation types
    elif first.type == second.type:
        if first.type in ("true", "false", "null"):
            if operator in ("eq", "ge", "le"):
                return Util.castNativeToNode(True)
                return Util.castNativeToNode(False)

        elif first.type == "number":
            firstUnit = getattr(first, "unit", None)
            secondUnit = getattr(second, "unit", None)

            if operator in Util.COMPARE_OPERATORS:
                if firstUnit == secondUnit or firstUnit is None or secondUnit is None:
                    if operator == "eq":
                        return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value == second.value)
                    elif operator == "ne":
                        return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value != second.value)
                    elif operator == "gt":
                        return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value > second.value)
                    elif operator == "lt":
                        return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value < second.value)
                    elif operator == "ge":
                        return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value >= second.value)
                    elif operator == "le":
                        return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value <= second.value)

                    raise OperationError("Unsupported unit combination for number comparison", node)

            elif firstUnit == secondUnit or firstUnit is None or secondUnit is None:
                if operator in Util.MATH_OPERATORS:
                    repl = Node.Node(type="number")

                    if firstUnit is not None:
                        repl.unit = firstUnit
                    elif secondUnit is not None:
                        repl.unit = secondUnit

                    if operator == "plus":
                        repl.value = first.value + second.value
                    elif operator == "minus":
                        repl.value = first.value - second.value
                    elif operator == "mul":
                        repl.value = first.value * second.value
                    elif operator == "div":
                        repl.value = first.value / second.value
                    elif operator == "mod":
                        repl.value = first.value % second.value

                    return repl

                elif operator == "questionmark":
                    return first

                    raise OperationError("Unsupported number operation", node)

            elif firstUnit == "%" or secondUnit == "%":

                if operator in ("mul", "div"):
                    repl = Node.Node(type="number")

                    if operator == "mul":
                        repl.value = first.value * second.value / 100
                    elif operator == "mul":
                        repl.value = first.value / second.value / 100

                    if firstUnit == "%":
                        repl.unit = secondUnit
                        repl.unit = firstUnit

                    return repl

                    raise OperationError("Could not compute mixed percent operations for operators other than \"*\" and \"/\"", node)

                raise OperationError("Could not compute result from numbers of different units: %s vs %s" % (first.unit, second.unit), node)

        elif first.type == "string":
            if operator == "plus":
                repl = Node.Node(type="string")
                repl.value = first.value + second.value
                return repl

            elif operator == "eq":
                return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value == second.value)
            elif operator == "ne":
                return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value != second.value)
                raise OperationError("Unsupported string operation", node)

        elif first.type == "list":
            if len(first) == len(second):
                repl = Node.Node(type="list")
                for pos, child in enumerate(first):
                    childRepl = compute(node, first=child, second=second[pos], session=session)
                    if childRepl is not None:

                return repl

                raise OperationError("For list operations both lists have to have the same length!", node)

            raise OperationError("Unsupported operation on %s" % first.type, node)

    elif first.type == "true" and second.type == "false":
        return Util.castNativeToNode(False)

    elif first.type == "false" and second.type == "true":
        return Util.castNativeToNode(False)

    elif first.type == "list" and second.type != "list":
        repl = Node.Node(type="list")
        for child in first:
            childRepl = compute(node, first=child, second=second, session=session)
            if childRepl is not None:

        return repl

    elif first.type != "list" and second.type == "list":
        repl = Node.Node(type="list")
        for child in second:
            childRepl = compute(node, first=first, second=child, session=session)
            if childRepl is not None:

        return repl

    elif first.type == "string" or second.type == "string":
        repl = Node.Node(type="string")

        if first.type == "identifier" or second.type == "identifier":
            if operator == "plus":
                repl.value = first.value + second.value
                return repl
            elif operator == "eq":
                return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value == second.value)
            elif operator == "ne":
                return Util.castNativeToNode(first.value != second.value)

                raise OperationError("Unsupported string/identifier operation", node)


            if operator == "plus":
                repl.value = str(first.value) + str(second.value)
                return repl
                raise OperationError("Unsupported string operation", node)

    # Just handle when not both are null - equal condition is already done before
    elif first.type == "null" or second.type == "null":
        if operator == "eq":
            return Util.castNativeToNode(False)
        elif operator == "ne":
            return Util.castNativeToNode(True)
        elif operator in Util.MATH_OPERATORS:
            return Util.castNativeToNode(None)
            raise OperationError("Unsupported operation on null type", node)

        raise OperationError("Different types in operation: %s vs %s" % (first.type, second.type), node)