Ejemplo n.º 1
def upsert_document(collection, doc_id, document):
    Function to upsert document into couchbase server using Java sdk
    :param collection: Collection object to the default collection of
    the bucket
    :type collection: Collection
    :param doc_id: Document id to upsert
    :type doc_id: str
    :param document: Document to insert
    :type document: dict
    :return: Nothing
    :rtype: None
    doc_to_insert = get_json_object(document)
    duration = Duration.ofDays(7)
    upsert_option = UpsertOptions.upsertOptions().expiry(duration)
        collection.upsert(doc_id, doc_to_insert, upsert_option)
        print('upserted %s' % doc_id)
    except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
from mil.army.usace.hec.vortex.io import DataReader

from java.time import ZonedDateTime
from java.time import LocalDateTime
from java.time import ZoneId
from java.time import Duration

source = "C:/Temp/qpe.dss"
normals = "C:/Temp/prism.dss"

sourceGrids = DataReader.getVariables(source)
normalGrids = DataReader.getVariables(normals)

start = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0), ZoneId.of("UTC"))
end = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.of(2017, 1, 3, 0, 0), ZoneId.of("UTC"))
interval = Duration.ofDays(1)

destination = 'C:/Temp/normalized.dss'

options = {'partF': 'my normalized grids'}

normalizer = Normalizer.builder() \
    .startTime(start) \
    .endTime(end) \
    .interval(interval) \
    .pathToSource(source) \
    .sourceVariables(sourceGrids) \
    .pathToNormals(normals) \
    .normalsVariables(normalGrids) \
    .destination(destination) \
    .writeOptions(options) \