Ejemplo n.º 1
 def identstr(self, value):
     Sets the ID string.
     :param value: the new ID string
     :type value: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setIDStr", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", value)
 def select_attributes_cv_split(self, instances):
     Performs attribute selection on the given cross-validation split.
     :param instances: the data to process
     :type instances: Instances
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "selectAttributesCVSplit", "(Lweka/core/Instances;)V", instances.jobject)
 def set_crossvalidation(self, crossvalidation):
     Sets whether to perform cross-validation.
     :param crossvalidation: whether to perform cross-validation
     :type crossvalidation: bool
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setXval", "(Z)V", crossvalidation)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def readable(self, value):
     Sets the 'human readable' string.
     :param value: the new readable string
     :type value: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setReadable", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", value)
 def select_attributes(self, instances):
     Performs attribute selection on the given dataset.
     :param instances: the data to process
     :type instances; Instances
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "SelectAttributes", "(Lweka/core/Instances;)V", instances.jobject)
 def set_ranking(self, ranking):
     Sets whether to perform a ranking, if possible.
     :param ranking: whether to perform a ranking
     :type ranking: bool
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setRanking", "(Z)V", ranking)
 def set_seed(self, seed):
     Sets the seed for cross-validation.
     :param seed: the seed value
     :type seed: int
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setSeed", "(I)V", seed)
 def set_search(self, search):
     Sets the search algorithm to use.
     :param search: the search algorithm
     :type search: ASSearch
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setSearch", "(Lweka/attributeSelection/ASSearch;)V", search.jobject)
 def set_folds(self, folds):
     Sets the number of folds to use for cross-validation.
     :param folds: the number of folds
     :type folds: int
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setFolds", "(I)V", folds)
 def build_evaluator(self, data):
     Builds the evaluator with the data.
     :param data: the data to use
     :type data: Instances
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "buildEvaluator", "(Lweka/core/Instances;)V", data.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def set_package(self, pkge):
     Sets the package.
     :param pkge: the package
     :type pkge: Package
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setPackage", "(Lorg/pentaho/packageManagement/Package;)V", pkge.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def weight(self, weight):
     Sets the weight of the attribute.
     :param weight: the weight of the attribute
     :type weight: float
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setWeight", "(D)V", weight)
 def set_evaluator(self, evaluator):
     Sets the evaluator to use.
     :param evaluator: the evaluator to use.
     :type evaluator: ASEvaluation
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setEvaluator", "(Lweka/attributeSelection/ASEvaluation;)V", evaluator.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def password(self, password):
     Sets the database password.
     :param password: the database password
     :type password: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setPassword", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", password)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def db_url(self, url):
     Sets the database URL.
     :param url: the database URL
     :type url: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setDatabaseURL", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", url)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def upper(self, upper):
     Sets the upper limit.
     :param upper: the upper limit
     :type upper: int
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setUpper", "(I)V", upper)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def user(self, user):
     Sets the database user.
     :param user: the database user
     :type user: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setUsername", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", user)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def sparse_data(self, sparse):
     Sets whether to generate sparse data.
     :param sparse: whether to generated sparse data
     :type sparse: bool
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setSparseData", "(Z)V", sparse)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def cp_stop_vm(kill=True):
    '''Shut down the Java VM

    Check for headlessness and the state of ImageJ and take
    whatever action is needed to stop AWT and the JVM.
    from imagej.imagej2 import allow_quit, the_imagej_context

        ij1 = javabridge.JClassWrapper("ij.IJ").getInstance()
    except javabridge.JavaException as e:
        logger.debug("No available instance: %s" % str(e))
        ij1 = None

    if the_imagej_context is not None:
        # Tell the app service that it's OK to quit without prompt
        javabridge.call(the_imagej_context.getContext(), "dispose", "()V")
    if ij1 is not None:
        # Yes, the proper way to get ImageJ to quit is
        # to start it.
    if kill:
 def dataset_format(self, inst):
     Sets the dataset format.
     :param inst: the Instances to use as dataset format
     :type inst: Instances
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setDatasetFormat", "(Lweka/core/Instances;)V", inst.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def query(self, query):
     Sets the SQL query to execute.
     :param query: the SQL query
     :type query: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setQuery", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", query)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def ident(self, value):
     Sets the integer ID of the tag.
     :param value: the new ID
     :type value: int
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setID", "(I)V", value)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def run(self, module_info,
         pre = None,
         post = None,
     '''Run a module
     module_info - the module_info of the module to run
     pre - list of PreprocessorPlugins to run before running module
     post - list of PostprocessorPlugins to run after running module
     *kwargs - names and values for input parameters
     input_map = J.make_map(kwargs)
     if pre is not None:
         pre = J.static_call("java/util/Arrays", "asList",
     if post is not None:
         post = J.static_call("java/util/Arrays", "asList",
     future = J.call(
         self.o, "run", 
         module_info, pre, post, input_map)
     return J.call(
         self.o, "waitFor", 
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def getModules(self):
     modules = J.call(o, "getModules", "()Ljava/util/List;")
     if modules is None:
         return []
     module_iterator = J.call(modules, "iterator", 
     return [wrap_module_info(x) for x in J.iterate_java(module_iterator)]
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def invert(self, invert):
     Sets the invert state.
     :param invert: whether to invert or not
     :type invert: bool
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setInvert", "(Z)V", invert)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def single_index(self, index):
     Sets the string index.
     :param index: the 1-based string index
     ::type index: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setSingleIndex", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", index)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def ranges(self, rng):
     Sets the string range.
     :param rng: the range to set
     :type rng: str
     javabridge.call(self.jobject, "setRanges", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", rng)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def sig(klass):
    '''Return the JNI signature for a class'''
    name = J.call(klass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;")
    if not (J.call(klass, "isPrimitive", "()Z") or 
            J.call(klass, "isArray", "()Z")):
        name = "L%s;" % name
    if name == 'void':
        return "V"
    if name == 'int':
        return "I"
    if name == 'byte':
        return "B"
    if name == 'boolean':
        return "Z"
    if name == 'long':
        return "J"
    if name == 'float':
        return "F"
    if name == 'double':
        return "D"
    if name == 'char':
        return "C"
    if name == 'short':
        return "S"
    return name.replace(".", "/")
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __call_static(self, method_name, *args):
     '''Call the appropriate overloaded method with the given name
     :param method_name: the name of the method to call
     :param *args: the arguments to the method, which are used to
                   disambiguate between similarly named methods
     env = J.get_env()
     last_e = None
     for method in self.methods[method_name]:
         params = env.get_object_array_elements(method.getParameterTypes())
         is_var_args = J.call(method.o, "isVarArgs", "()Z")
         if len(args) < len(params) - (1 if is_var_args else 0):
         if len(args) > len(params) and not is_var_args:
         if is_var_args:
             pm1 = len(params)-1
             args1 = args[:pm1] + [args[pm1:]]
             args1 = args
             cargs = [cast(o, klass) for o, klass in zip(args1, params)]
             last_e = sys.exc_info()[1]
         rtype = J.call(method.o, "getReturnType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;")
         args_sig = "".join(map(sig, params))
         rsig = sig(rtype)
         msig = "(%s)%s" % (args_sig, rsig)
         result =  J.static_call(self.cname, method_name, msig, *cargs)
         if isinstance(result, J.JB_Object):
             result = JWrapper(result)
         return result
     raise TypeError("No matching method found for %s" % method_name)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def execute_macro(macro_text):
    '''Execute a macro in ImageJ
    macro_text - the macro program to be run
    interp = J.make_instance("ij/macro/Interpreter", "()V")
    J.call(interp, "run", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", macro_text)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def summary(cls, inst):
        Generates a summary of the dataset.

        :param inst: the dataset
        :type inst: Instances
        :return: the summary
        :rtype: str
        return javabridge.call(inst.jobject, "toSummaryString",
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def reduce_dimensionality(self, data):
        Reduces the dimensionality of the provided Instance or Instances object.

        :param data: the data to process
        :type data: Instances
        :return: the reduced dataset
        :rtype: Instances
        if type(data) is Instance:
            return Instance(
                javabridge.call(self.jobject, "reduceDimensionality",
            return Instances(
                    self.jobject, "reduceDimensionality",
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def getService(self, class_name):
     '''Get a service with the given class name
     class_name - class name in dotted form
     returns the class or None if no implementor loaded.
     klass = J.class_for_name(class_name)
     return J.call(
         self.o, 'get', 
         '(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/scijava/service/Service;', klass)
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def multi_resultset_summary(self, comparison_column):
     Carries out a comparison between all resultsets, counting the number of datsets where one resultset
     outperforms the other.
     :param comparison_column: the 0-based index of the column to compare against
     :type comparison_column: int
     :return: the summary
     :rtype: str
     return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "multiResultsetSummary",
                            "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", comparison_column)
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def metric_value(self, name):
        Returns the named metric value for the rule.

        :param name: the name of the metric
        :type name: str
        :return: the metric value
        :rtype: float
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "getNamedMetricValue",
                               "(Ljava/lang/String;)D", name)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def parse_date(self, s):
        Parses the date string and returns the internal format value.

        :param s: the date string
        :type s: str
        :return: the internal format
        :rtype: float
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "parseDate",
                               "(Ljava/lang/String;)D", s)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def add_string_value(self, s):
        Adds the string value, returns the index.

        :param s: the string to add
        :type s: str
        :return: the index
        :rtype: int
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "addStringValue",
                               "(Ljava/lang/String;)I", s)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def __compareto__(self, other):
        Return the comparison result with the other rule.

        :param other: the other rule to compare with
        :type other: Item
        :return: the integer result, <0 is less than, =0 is equal to, >0 is greater than
        :rtype: int
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "compareTo",
                               "(Lweka/associations/Item;)I", other.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def add_relation(self, instances):
        Adds the relation value, returns the index.

        :param instances: the Instances object to add
        :type instances: Instances
        :return: the index
        :rtype: int
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "addRelation",
                               "(Lweka/core/Instances;)I", instances.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def value(self, index):
        Returns the label for the index.

        :param index: the 0-based index of the label to  return
        :type index: int
        :return: the label
        :rtype: str
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "value", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;",
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def equals(self, att):
        Checks whether this attributes is the same as the provided one.

        :param att: the Attribute to check against
        :type att: Attribute
        :return: whether the same
        :rtype: bool
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "equals",
                               "(Lweka/core/Attribute;)Z", att.jobject)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def __eq__(self, other):
        Returns whether this object is the same as the other one.

        :param other: the object to compare with
        :type other: AssociationRule
        :return: True if the same
        :rtype: bool
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "equals", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z",
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def index_of(self, label):
        Returns the index of the label in this attribute.

        :param label: the string label to get the index for
        :type label: str
        :return: the 0-based index
        :rtype: int
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "indexOfValue",
                               "(Ljava/lang/String;)I", label)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def get_stdev(self, col, row):
     Returns the standard deviation at this location (if valid location).
     :param col: the 0-based column index
     :type col: int
     :param row: the 0-based row index
     :type row: int
     :return: the standard deviation
     :rtype: float
     return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "getStdDev", "(II)D", col, row)
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def multi_resultset_ranking(self, comparison_column):
        Creates a ranking.

        :param comparison_column: the 0-based index of the column to compare against
        :type comparison_column: int
        :return: the ranking
        :rtype: str
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "multiResultsetRanking",
                               "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", comparison_column)
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def header(self, comparison_column):
     Creates a "header" string describing the current resultsets.
     :param comparison_column: the index of the column to compare against
     :type comparison_column: int
     :return: the header
     :rtype: str
     return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "header", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;",
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def test_read_write(self):
        Tests methods read and write.
        fname = self.tempfile("readwrite.ser")

        lin = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
        vin = javabridge.make_instance("java/util/Vector", "()V")
        for element in lin:
            javabridge.call(vin, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z", element)
        serialization.write(fname, vin)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname), msg="Failed to write to " + fname + "?")

        vout = serialization.read(fname)
        self.assertIsNotNone(vout, msg="Failed to read from " + fname + "?")
        enm = javabridge.call(vin, "elements", "()Ljava/util/Enumeration;")
        lout = typeconv.enumeration_to_list(enm)
        self.assertEqual(lin, lout, msg="Input/output differ")
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def get_mean(self, col, row):
     Returns the mean at this location (if valid location).
     :param col: the 0-based column index
     :type col: int
     :param row: the 0-based row index
     :type row: int
     :return: the mean
     :rtype: float
     return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "getMean", "(II)D", col, row)
 def get_ranked_attributes(self):
     Returns the matrix of ranked attributes from the last run.
     :return: the Numpy matrix
     :rtype: ndarray
     matrix = javabridge.call(self.jobject, "rankedAttributes", "()[[D")
     if matrix is None:
         return None
         return arrays.double_matrix_to_ndarray(matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def get_col_name(self, index):
        Returns the column name.

        :param index: the 0-based row index
        :type index: int
        :return: the column name, None if invalid index
        :rtype: str
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "getColName",
                               "(I)Ljava/lang/String;", index)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def url(self):
        Returns the URL of the package.

        :return: the url
        :rtype: str
        return str(
                javabridge.call(self.jobject, "getPackageURL",
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name in ("o", "class_wrapper", "methods"):
            raise AttributeError()
        if not hasattr(self, "methods"):
            # not initialized
            raise AttributeError()
            jfield = self.class_wrapper.getField(name)
            raise AttributeError()

        STATIC = J.get_static_field("java/lang/reflect/Modifier", "STATIC",
        if (J.call(jfield, "getModifiers", "()I") & STATIC) == STATIC:
            raise AttributeError()
        klass = J.call(jfield, "getType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;")
        result = J.get_field(self.o, name, sig(klass))
        if isinstance(result, J.JB_Object):
            result = JWrapper(result)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def check_constraint(self, pkge=None, constr=None):
        Checks the constraints.

        :param pkge: the package to check
        :type pkge: Package
        :param constr: the package constraint to check
        :type constr: PackageConstraint
        if not pkge is None:
            return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "checkConstraint",
        if not constr is None:
            return javabridge.call(
                self.jobject, "checkConstraint",
        raise Exception(
            "Either package or package constraing must be provided!")
 def get_selected_attributes(self):
     Returns the selected attributes from the last run.
     :return: the Numpy array of 0-based indices
     :rtype: ndarray
     array = javabridge.call(self.jobject, "selectedAttributes", "()[I")
     if array is None:
         return None
         return javabridge.get_env().get_int_array_elements(array)
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def can_produce_rules(self):
        Checks whether association rules can be generated.

        :return: whether scheme implements AssociationRulesProducer interface and association rules can be generated
        :rtype: bool
        if not self.check_type(self.jobject,
            return False
        return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "canProduceRules", "()Z")
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def target(self):
        Returns the target package constraint.

        :return: the package constraint
        :rtype: PackageConstraint
        return PackageConstraint(
                self.jobject, "getTarget",
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def graph(self):
        Returns the graph if classifier implements weka.core.Drawable, otherwise None.

        :return: the graph or None if not available
        :rtype: str
        if self.is_drawable:
            return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "graph", "()Ljava/lang/String;")
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def get_outputformat(self):
     Returns the output format.
     :return: the output format
     :rtype: Instances
     inst = javabridge.call(self.jobject, "getOutputFormat", "()Lweka/core/Instances;")
     if inst is None:
         return None
         return Instances(inst)
Ejemplo n.º 59
    def graph_type(self):
        Returns the graph type if classifier implements weka.core.Drawable, otherwise -1.

        :return: the type
        :rtype: int
        if self.is_drawable:
            return javabridge.call(self.jobject, "graphType", "()I")
            return -1
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def executeKFoldClassifier(self, featureInclusion, kFold):
        deleteFeatures = 0
        for i in range(0, len(featureInclusion)):
            if featureInclusion[i]:
                self.instances.deleteAttributeAt(i - deleteFeatures)
                deleteFeatures += 1
        self.instances.setClassIndex(self.instances.numAttributes - 1)

        cvParameterSelection = javabridge.make_instance(
            "weka/classifiers/meta/CVParameterSelection", "()V")
        javabridge.call(cvParameterSelection, "setNumFolds", "(I)V", kFold)

        eval = Evaluation(self.instances)
        eval.crossvalidate_model(cvParameterSelection, self.instances, kFold,

        return eval.percent_correct()