def __init__(self,gap=0,pad=0): self.ctrl = HBox( gap ) self.setExpand = lambda x : HBox.setHgrow(x, Priority.ALWAYS) self.setAlignLeft = lambda : self.ctrl.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT) self.setAlignRight = lambda : self.ctrl.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_RIGHT) self.separatorOrientation = Orientation.VERTICAL self.ctrl.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER) self.ctrl.setSpacing( gap ) self.ctrl.setPadding( Insets( pad, pad, pad, pad ) )
def FxLayout(content,parent): from javafx.scene.control import Tooltip from javafx.scene.layout import Region vbox = FxVBox(1,1) for v in content: hbox = FxHBox(1,1) expand = False for h in v: name = h.get('name') if not name: if h.get('expand'): expand = h['expand'] continue if name == '<>' or name == 'Spacer': space = Region() HBox.setHgrow(space, Priority.ALWAYS) hbox.addItem(space) continue elif name == 'Label': f = FxLabel(h) elif name == 'ImageView': f = FxImageView(h,parent) elif name == 'ScrollImageView': f = FxScrollImageView(h,parent) elif name == 'Button': f = FxButton(h) elif name == 'ToggleButton': f = FxToggleButton(h) elif name == 'CheckBox': f = FxCheckBox(h) elif name == 'TextField': f = FxTextField(h) elif name == 'TextArea': f = FxTextArea(h) elif name == 'ChoiceBox': f = FxChoiceBox(h) elif name == 'ComboBox': f = FxComboBox(h) elif name == 'ListBox': f = FxListView(h) elif name == 'TreeView': f = FxTreeView(h) elif name == 'TableView': f = FxTableView(h) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = FxProgressBar(h) elif name == 'TabPane': f = FxTabPane(h) elif name == 'HSplit': f = FxHSplitPane(h) elif name == 'VSplit': f = FxVSplitPane(h) else: continue hbox.addItem(f.ctrl,expand=h.get('expand')) vbox.addItem(hbox.ctrl,expand=expand) return vbox.ctrl
def EzStatusBar(statusbar_table): from javafx.scene.control import Separator from javafx.scene.layout import Region hbox = EzHBox(1,1); for h in statusbar_table: if not h.get('name'): continue if h['name'] == '--' or h['name'] == '--': hbox.addItem(Separator()); continue if h['name'] == '<>': space = Region(); HBox.setHgrow(space, Priority.ALWAYS) hbox.addItem(space) continue name = h['name'] if name == 'Label': f = EzLabel(h) elif name == 'Button': f = EzButton(h) elif name == 'CheckBox': f = EzCheckBox(h) elif name == 'ChoiceBox': f = EzChoiceBox(h) elif name == 'ComboBox': f = EzComboBox(h) elif name == 'ProgressBar': f = EzProgressBar(h) elif name == 'ToggleButton': f = EzToggleButton(h) elif name == 'TextField': f = EzTextField(h) else: continue hbox.addItem(f.ctrl); return hbox.ctrl
def show(self): from javafx.scene.control import CheckBox, Button #Make Stage always on top self.license_check_stage.setAlwaysOnTop(True) #Set Max Height/Width self.license_check_stage.setMaxWidth(900) self.license_check_stage.setMaxHeight(500) #Disallow resizing self.license_check_stage.setResizable(False) #Center on screen self.license_check_stage.centerOnScreen() #Get input focus self.license_check_stage.requestFocus() #Block Main Stage from recieving events! self.license_check_stage.initModality( Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL ) #Why is this not in setter bean notation? Hmm. #License Check self.license_check_stage.setTitle( "License Terms & Conditions - EmeraldFX") #License Answer Placeholder license_answer = str() #Buttons yes = CheckBox() no = CheckBox() enter = Button() #Grab, icon, graphics, button graphics try: self.license_check_stage.getIcons().addAll(self.icons.get(0), self.icons.get(1), self.icons.get(2), self.icons.get(3), self.icons.get(4)) license_graphic = ImageView( Image( String( File('../resources/icons/license.png').toURI(). toString()), True)) yes.setGraphic( ImageView( Image( String( File('../resources/icons/YES.png').toURI(). toString()), True))) no.setGraphic( ImageView( Image( String( File('../resources/icons/NO.png').toURI().toString( )), True))) enter.setGraphic( ImageView( Image( String( File('../resources/icons/GO.png').toURI().toString( )), True))) except NullPointerException: print( "Log: One or more Application resouce files could not be found." ) #Disallow Indeterminate yes.setAllowIndeterminate(False) no.setAllowIndeterminate(False) #Header if == "Dark": top = ImageView( Image( File('../resources/icons/top_bar_license_dt.png').toURI(). toString())) elif == "Light": top = ImageView( Image( File('../resources/icons/top_bar_license_lt.png').toURI(). toString())) #Middle middle = HBox(15) #Set up WebEngine license_webView = WebView() webEng = license_webView.getEngine() webEng.load( #License Image license_logo = VBox() license_logo.getChildren().add( ImageView( Image( String( File('../resources/icons/license.png').toURI(). toString()), True))) license_logo.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER) #Put it all together middle.getChildren().addAll(license_logo, license_webView) middle.setPadding(Insets(0, 10, 0, 10)) #CheckBox Grouping bottom = HBox() bottom.getChildren().addAll(yes, no, enter) bottom.setSpacing(50) bottom.setPadding(Insets(0, 0, 0, 200)) #Set Theme Accordingly try: if == "Dark": BKG = File( '../resources/icons/bottom_bar_dt.png').toURI().toString() elif == "Light": BKG = File( '../resources/icons/bottom_bar_lt.png').toURI().toString() else: pass except NullPointerException: print( "Log: One or more Application resouce files could not be found." ) #Footer background_bottom = Background( array(BackgroundImage, [ BackgroundImage(Image(BKG), BackgroundRepeat.NO_REPEAT, BackgroundRepeat.NO_REPEAT, BackgroundPosition.DEFAULT, BackgroundSize.DEFAULT) ])) bottom.setBackground(background_bottom) bottom.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER) bottom.setPrefHeight(15) #Root Pane license_check_stage_root = VBox() license_check_stage_root.getChildren().addAll(top, middle, bottom) #Scene license_check_scene = Scene(license_check_stage_root, 895, 498) #Shortcuts not available for this scene. We will use defaults, for now. #Set Scene on Stage self.license_check_stage.setScene(license_check_scene) #Handle Selection class AnonInnerCL_E(EventHandler): def __init__(self, outer, yes, no): self.outer = outer = self.BS = outer.BS self.YES = yes self.NO = no self.license_check_stage_json = #@Override def handle(self, action): if (yes.isSelected()) ^ (no.isSelected()): if == "YES": #We're done here self.outer.license_check_stage.close() #Update properties.json self.license_check_stage_json['license'][ 'value'] = "YES" #Write Data, close stream with open("../resources/config/properties.json", "w") as prop: json.dump(self.license_check_stage_json, prop) else: # checked == "NO": BrowserSession.closeHistoryWriter(self.BS) Thread.sleep(300) Platform.exit() class AnonInnerCL_Y(EventHandler): def __init__(self, YES, NO, ENTER, app): self.YES = YES self.NO = NO self.ENTER = ENTER = app #@Override def handle(self, action): if self.YES.isSelected(): self.NO.setSelected(False) self.ENTER.setDisabled( False) if self.ENTER.isDisabled() else None = "YES" elif not self.YES.isSelected() and not self.NO.isSelected(): self.ENTER.setDisabled(True) class AnonInnerCL_N(EventHandler): def __init__(self, NO, YES, ENTER, app): self.NO = NO self.YES = YES self.ENTER = ENTER = app #@Override def handle(self, action): if self.NO.isSelected(): self.YES.setSelected(False) self.ENTER.setDisabled( False) if self.ENTER.isDisabled() else None = "NO" elif not self.NO.isSelected() and not self.YES.isSelected(): self.ENTER.setDisabled(True) #Disable Enter by Default enter.setDisabled(True) #Enter hit enter.setOnAction(AnonInnerCL_E(self, yes, no)) #Yes Checked yes.setOnAction(AnonInnerCL_Y(yes, no, enter, #No Checked no.setOnAction(AnonInnerCL_N(no, yes, enter, #If they enter no selection, exit self.license_check_stage.setOnCloseRequest( lambda event: [BrowserSession.closeHistoryWriter(self.BS), Platform.exit()]) #Display stage
def start(self, primaryStage): primaryStage.setTitle("JythonFX Draw") root = StackPane() screen = javafx.stage.Screen.getPrimary() rect = screen.visualBounds canvas = Canvas(rect.width/2 + 50, rect.height/2 + 300) graphics_context = canvas.graphicsContext2D def resetAction(event): graphics_context.clearRect(1,1, graphics_context.canvas.width-2, graphics_context.canvas.height-2) def colorAction(newval): idx = newval.value if idx == 0: new_color = Color.BLACK elif idx == 1: new_color = Color.BLUE elif idx == 2: new_color = Color.RED elif idx == 3: new_color = Color.GREEN elif idx == 4: new_color = Color.BROWN elif idx == 5: new_color = Color.ORANGE else: new_color = Color.BLACK graphics_context.setStroke(new_color) def sizeAction(newval): idx = newval.value if idx == 0: graphics_context.lineWidth = 1 elif idx == 1: graphics_context.lineWidth = 2 elif idx == 2: graphics_context.lineWidth = 3 elif idx == 3: graphics_context.lineWidth = 4 elif idx == 4: graphics_context.lineWidth = 5 else: graphics_context.lineWidth = 1 resetButton = javafx.scene.control.Button( "Reset", onAction=resetAction) resetButton.translateX = 10 colorChooser = javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox( FXCollections.observableArrayList( "Black", "Blue", "Red", "Green", "Brown", "Orange" )) cssm = colorChooser.selectionModel cssm.selectedIndexProperty().addListener(colorAction) sizeChooser = javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox( FXCollections.observableArrayList ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") ) scsm = sizeChooser.selectionModel scsm.selectedIndexProperty().addListener(sizeAction) def mouse_pressed(event): graphics_context.beginPath() graphics_context.moveTo(event.x, event.y) graphics_context.stroke() def mouse_dragged(event): graphics_context.lineTo(event.x, event.y) graphics_context.stroke() canvas.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, mouse_pressed) canvas.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, mouse_dragged) buttonBox = HBox() buttonBox.children.addAll(colorChooser, sizeChooser, resetButton) self.init_draw(graphics_context, canvas.layoutX, canvas.layoutY) container = BorderPane() = buttonBox = canvas root.children.add(container) scene = Scene(root, rect.height, rect.width) primaryStage.title = "JythonFX Draw" primaryStage.scene = scene