Ejemplo n.º 1
        def sample_scan(params, tup, x):
            """ Perform single step update of the network """
            _, (update_W, update_U,
                update_b), (reset_W, reset_U,
                            reset_b), (out_W, out_U, out_b), (sm_W,
                                                              sm_b) = params
            hidden = tup[3]
            logP = tup[2]
            key = tup[0]
            inp = tup[1]

            update_gate = sigmoid(
                np.dot(inp, update_W) + np.dot(hidden, update_U) + update_b)
            reset_gate = sigmoid(
                np.dot(inp, reset_W) + np.dot(hidden, reset_U) + reset_b)
            output_gate = np.tanh(
                np.dot(inp, out_W) +
                np.dot(np.multiply(reset_gate, hidden), out_U) + out_b)
            output = np.multiply(update_gate, hidden) + np.multiply(
                1 - update_gate, output_gate)
            hidden = output
            logits = np.dot(hidden, sm_W) + sm_b

            key, subkey = random.split(key)

            samples = random.categorical(
                subkey, logits, axis=1, shape=None)  # sampling the conditional
            samples = one_hot(
                samples, sm_b.shape[0])  # convert to one hot encoded vector
            log_P_new = np.sum(samples * log_softmax(logits), axis=1)
            log_P_new = log_P_new + logP  # update the value of the logP of the sample

            return (key, samples, log_P_new, output), samples
Ejemplo n.º 2
def model(ps):
    rate, gamma, seed, scale = ps['rate'], ps['gamma'], ps['seed'], ps['scale']
    dist(rate, Normal(0, 10))
    dist(scale, Normal(0, 1))
    dist(gamma, Normal(-2, 0.1))
    dist(seed, Normal(-10, 2))

    rate = sigmoid(rate)
    gamma = sigmoid(gamma)
    seed = sigmoid(seed)
    scale = np.exp(ps['scale'])

    out = vmap(sir)(cases, rate[:,period], gamma, seed)
    I, R, caught = out[:,:,1], out[:,:,2], out[:,:,3]

    dist(seropos, Normal((I+R)[serocountry, serodate], scale[serocountry,0]))

    R = np.log(rate) - np.log(I[:,periodi]) - np.log(gamma)[:,None]
    gp = GaussianProcess(Matern52(0.5,60/plen))
    dist(R, gp.at(np.arange(0, nperiods), 1e-5))

    capacity, cChange = ps['capacity'], ps['cChange']
    dist(capacity, Normal(0, 1))
    dist(cChange, Normal(0, 5))
    capacity = sigmoid(date/30/cChange + capacity[:,weekday])

    dist(cases*population, PoissonApprox((I-caught)*population*capacity, scale[:,1,None]))

    return out, R
Ejemplo n.º 3
def predict_proba(params, teamA_rating, teamB_rating, has_tie):
    dr = (teamA_rating - teamB_rating) * params["beta"]
    gamma = nn.relu(params["gamma"]) * has_tie
    pA = jnp.clip(nn.sigmoid(dr - gamma), __EPS__, 1 - __EPS__)
    pB = jnp.clip(nn.sigmoid(-dr - gamma), __EPS__, 1 - __EPS__)
    pD = nn.relu(1.0 - pA - pB) * has_tie
    s = pA + pB + pD
    return [jnp.array(x, float) for x in [pA / s, pD / s, pB / s]]
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def Ls(th):
     # th=jp.stack(th).reshape(-1)
     p_1, p_2 = sigmoid(th[0]), sigmoid(th[1])
     x, y = jp.array([p_1, 1 - p_1]), jp.array([p_2, 1 - p_2])
     # print(x.shape,y.shape,payout_mat_1.shape,payout_mat_2.shape)
     L_1 = jp.dot(jp.dot(x.T, payout_mat_1), y)
     L_2 = jp.dot(jp.dot(x.T, payout_mat_2), y)
     return jp.array([L_1.reshape(-1)[0], L_2.reshape(-1)[0]])
 def apply(params, inputs, **kwargs):
     prev_state = kwargs.pop("prev_state", initial_state())
     W, b = params
     xh = jnp.concatenate([inputs, prev_state.h], axis=-1)
     gated = jnp.matmul(xh, W) + b
     i, f, o, g = jnp.split(gated, indices_or_sections=4, axis=-1)
     c = sigmoid(f) * prev_state.c + sigmoid(i) * jnp.tanh(g)
     h = sigmoid(o) * jnp.tanh(c)
     return h, LSTMState(h, c)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def gru_cell(carry, x):
        def param(name):
            return parameter((x.shape[1] + carry_size, carry_size), param_init, name)

        both = np.concatenate((x, carry), axis=1)
        update = sigmoid(np.dot(both, param('update_kernel')))
        reset = sigmoid(np.dot(both, param('reset_kernel')))
        both_reset_carry = np.concatenate((x, reset * carry), axis=1)
        compute = np.tanh(np.dot(both_reset_carry, param('compute_kernel')))
        out = update * compute + (1 - update) * carry
        return out, out
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, state: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor],
                 inputs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor]:

        h_prev, c_prev = state
        concat_vec = np.hstack((inputs, h_prev))

        f = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(self.Wf, concat_vec) + self.bf)
        i = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(self.Wi, concat_vec) + self.bi)
        C_bar = np.tanh(np.dot(self.Wc, concat_vec) + self.bc)

        c = f * c_prev + i * C_bar
        o = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(self.Wo, concat_vec) + self.bo)
        h = o * np.tanh(c)

        # hidden state vector is copied as output
        return (h, c), h
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def apply_fun_scan(params, hidden, inp):
        """ Perform single timestep update of the network. """
        _, (update_W, update_U, update_b), (reset_W, reset_U, reset_b), (
            out_W, out_U, out_b) = params

        update_gate = sigmoid(np.dot(inp, update_W) + np.dot(hidden, update_U)
                              + update_b)
        reset_gate = sigmoid(np.dot(inp, reset_W) + np.dot(hidden, reset_U)
                             + reset_b)
        output_gate = np.tanh(np.dot(inp, out_W)
                              + np.dot(np.multiply(reset_gate, hidden), out_U)
                              + out_b)
        output = np.multiply(update_gate, hidden) + np.multiply(1-update_gate,
        hidden = output
        return hidden, hidden
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def apply_fun(params, inputs, **kwargs):
     # a * f(x) + (1 - a) * x
     (fx, logdet), (x, _) = inputs
     gate = sigmoid(params)
     out = gate * fx + (1 - gate) * x
     logdet = softplus(logdet + params) - softplus(params)
     return out, logdet
def GRU_forward(GRU_params, hidden, t, X):
    inp = jnp.concatenate((t, X), 0)  # M x D+1
    (update_W, update_U,
     update_b), (reset_W, reset_U, reset_b), (out_W, out_U, out_b) = GRU_params

    reset_gate = sigmoid(
        jnp.dot(inp, reset_W) + jnp.dot(hidden, reset_U) + reset_b)
    update_gate = sigmoid(
        jnp.dot(inp, update_W) + jnp.dot(hidden, update_U) + update_b)
    output_gate = jnp.tanh(
        jnp.dot(inp, out_W) +
        jnp.dot(jnp.multiply(reset_gate, hidden), out_U) + out_b)
    output = jnp.multiply(update_gate, hidden) + jnp.multiply(
        1 - update_gate, output_gate)

    return output
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def apply_fun(params, input, adj, activation=nn.relu, **kwargs):
        rng = kwargs.pop('rng', None)
        is_training = kwargs.pop('is_training', None)
        first_x, x = input # we need the first input for 'raw' infusion
        W_t, b_t, Theta, W_h, W_x = params

        x = drop_fun(None, x, is_training=is_training, rng=rng)

        # compute gate
        gate = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(x, W_t) + b_t)

        F_hom = np.dot(x, Theta)

        if infusion == 'inner':
            F_het = F_hom
        elif infusion == 'outer':
            F_het = np.dot(x, W_h) if x.shape[-1] != W_h.shape[-1] else x
        elif infusion == 'raw':
            F_het = np.dot(first_x, W_x)

        # k-hop convolution: adj is adj^k without self connections
        F_hom = matmul(adj, F_hom, F_hom.shape[0])
        F_hom = activation(F_hom)

        out = gate*F_hom + (1 - gate)*F_het

        return out
def infer_bottom_half(params, qz_params, train_image, seed=412):
    params: decoder
    qz_params: variational optimized posterior params
    train_image: single digit trained on

  Plots original whole image beside inferred greyscale.
    key = random.PRNGKey(seed)
    key, subkey = random.split(key)
    # sample z ~ approximate posterior q, feed it to decoder to find
    # Bernoulli means of p(bottom half of image | x).
    z = sample_diag_gaussian(*unpack_gaussian_params(qz_params), subkey)
    x = sigmoid(decoder(z, params['dec']))

    image_ = onp.zeros((28, 28))
    image_[:14, :] = train_image.reshape([28, 28])[:14, :]  # original top half
    image_[14:, :] = x.reshape([28, 28])[14:, :]  # inferred bottom half

    plt_im = onp.zeros((28, 28 * 2))
    plt_im[:, :28] = image_
    plt_im[:, 28:] = train_image.reshape([28, 28])

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.imshow(plt_im, cmap=plt.cm.binary)
    plt.savefig('frankenstein_bottom_to_top.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Ejemplo n.º 13
def logprob_from_conditional_params(images, means, inv_scales, logit_probs):
    images = np.expand_dims(images, 1)
    cdf = lambda offset: sigmoid((images - means + offset) * inv_scales)
    upper_cdf = np.where(images == 1, 1, cdf(1 / 255))
    lower_cdf = np.where(images == -1, 0, cdf(-1 / 255))
    all_logprobs = np.sum(np.log(np.maximum(upper_cdf - lower_cdf, 1e-12)), -1)
    log_mix_coeffs = logit_probs - logsumexp(logit_probs, -3, keepdims=True)
    return np.sum(logsumexp(log_mix_coeffs + all_logprobs, axis=-3), axis=(-2, -1))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def act(rngkey, theta):
        action, one of 1 (push) or -1 (don't push)
    prob_push = nn.sigmoid(theta)
    probs = jnp.array([prob_push, 1 - prob_push])
    return random.choice(rngkey, ACTION_SPACE, p=probs)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _lstm_cell(state, weights: LSTM_WEIGHTS, input):
    h, c = state
    i = sigmoid(
        jnp.matmul(input, weights.w_ii) + jnp.matmul(h, weights.w_hi) +
    f = sigmoid(
        jnp.matmul(input, weights.w_if) + jnp.matmul(h, weights.w_hf) +
    o = sigmoid(
        jnp.matmul(input, weights.w_io) + jnp.matmul(h, weights.w_ho) +
    g = tanh(
        jnp.matmul(input, weights.w_ig) + jnp.matmul(c, weights.w_hg) +
    c = f * c + i * g
    h = o * tanh(c)
    return jnp.stack((h, c)), h
Ejemplo n.º 16
def discretized_mix_logistic_loss(theta, y, num_class=256, log_scale_min=-7.):
    Discretized mixture of logistic distributions loss
    :param theta: B x T x 3 * nr_mix
    :param y:  B x T x 1
    theta_shape = theta.shape

    nr_mix = theta_shape[2] // 3

    # unpack parameters
    means = theta[:, :, :nr_mix]
    log_scales = np.maximum(theta[:, :, nr_mix:2 * nr_mix], log_scale_min)
    logit_probs = theta[:, :, nr_mix * 2:nr_mix * 3]

    # B x T x 1 => B x T x nr_mix
    y = np.broadcast_to(y, y.shape[:-1] + (nr_mix, ))

    centered_y = y - means
    inv_stdv = np.exp(-log_scales)
    plus_in = inv_stdv * (centered_y + 1. / (num_class - 1))
    cdf_plus = sigmoid(plus_in)
    min_in = inv_stdv * (centered_y - 1. / (num_class - 1))
    cdf_min = sigmoid(min_in)

    # log probability for edge case of 0 (before scaling):
    log_cdf_plus = plus_in - softplus(plus_in)
    # log probability for edge case of 255 (before scaling):
    log_one_minus_cdf_min = -softplus(min_in)

    cdf_delta = cdf_plus - cdf_min  # probability for all other cases
    mid_in = inv_stdv * centered_y

    log_pdf_mid = mid_in - log_scales - 2. * softplus(mid_in)

    log_probs = np.where(
        y < -0.999, log_cdf_plus,
            y > 0.999, log_one_minus_cdf_min,
            np.where(cdf_delta > 1e-5, np.log(np.maximum(cdf_delta, 1e-12)),
                     log_pdf_mid - np.log((num_class - 1) / 2))))

    log_probs = log_probs + log_softmax(logit_probs)
    return -np.sum(logsumexp(log_probs, axis=-1), axis=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def apply_fun_scan(params, hidden_cell, inp):
        """ Perform single timestep update of the network. """
        _, (forget_W, forget_U, forget_b), (in_W, in_U, in_b), (
            out_W, out_U, out_b), (change_W, change_U, change_b) = params

        hidden, cell = hidden_cell
        input_gate = sigmoid(np.dot(inp, in_W) + np.dot(hidden, in_U) + in_b)
        change_gate = np.tanh(np.dot(inp, change_W) + np.dot(hidden, change_U)
                              + change_b)
        forget_gate = sigmoid(np.dot(inp, forget_W) + np.dot(hidden, forget_U)
                              + forget_b)

        cell = np.multiply(change_gate, input_gate) + np.multiply(cell,

        output_gate = sigmoid(np.dot(inp, out_W)
                              + np.dot(hidden, out_U) + out_b)
        output = np.multiply(output_gate, np.tanh(cell))
        hidden_cell = (hidden, cell)
        return hidden_cell, hidden_cell
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def gated_resnet(inputs, aux=None):
     chan = inputs.shape[-1]
     c1 = Conv(chan)(nonlinearity(inputs))
     if aux is not None:
         c1 = c1 + NIN(chan)(nonlinearity(aux))
     c1 = nonlinearity(c1)
     if dropout_p > 0:
         c1 = Dropout(rate=dropout_p)(c1)
     c2 = Conv(2 * chan, init_scale=0.1)(c1)
     a, b = np.split(c2, 2, axis=-1)
     c3 = a * sigmoid(b)
     return inputs + c3
def generate_from_prior(gen_params,
    gen_params: decoder parameters
    num_samples: number of latent variable samples
    Fake data: Bernouilli means p(x|z)
    latents = random.normal(key, (num_samples, noise_dim))
    return sigmoid(neural_net_predict(gen_params, latents))
Ejemplo n.º 20
        def apply_fun_scan(params, tup, inp):
            """ Perform single step update of the network """
            _, (update_W, update_U,
                update_b), (reset_W, reset_U,
                            reset_b), (out_W, out_U, out_b), (sm_W,
                                                              sm_b) = params
            hidden = tup[0]
            logP = tup[1]

            update_gate = sigmoid(
                np.dot(inp, update_W) + np.dot(hidden, update_U) + update_b)
            reset_gate = sigmoid(
                np.dot(inp, reset_W) + np.dot(hidden, reset_U) + reset_b)
            output_gate = np.tanh(
                np.dot(inp, out_W) +
                np.dot(np.multiply(reset_gate, hidden), out_U) + out_b)
            output = np.multiply(update_gate, hidden) + np.multiply(
                1 - update_gate, output_gate)
            hidden = output
            logP = log_softmax(np.dot(hidden, sm_W) + sm_b)

            return (hidden, logP), (hidden, logP)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def sample(p, temperature, key, num_samples=1):
    Generate Binomial Concrete samples
    :param p: Binomial Concrete params (interpreted as Bernoulli probabilities) (jax.numpy array)
    :param temperature: temperature parameter
    :param key: PRNG key
    :param num_samples: number of samples
    tol = 1e-7
    p = np.clip(p, tol, 1 - tol)
    logit_p = logit(p)
    base_randomness = random.logistic(key, shape=(num_samples, *p.shape))
    return nn.sigmoid((logit_p + base_randomness) / (temperature + tol))
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def Ls(th):
     p_1_0 = sigmoid(th[0][0:1])
     p_2_0 = sigmoid(th[1][0:1])
     p = jp.stack([
         p_1_0 * p_2_0, p_1_0 * (1 - p_2_0), (1 - p_1_0) * p_2_0,
         (1 - p_1_0) * (1 - p_2_0)
     # print('p',p,p.shape)
     p_1 = jp.reshape(sigmoid(th[0][1:5]), (4, 1))
     p_2 = jp.reshape(sigmoid(th[1][1:5]), (4, 1))
     P = jp.stack([
         p_1 * p_2, p_1 * (1 - p_2), (1 - p_1) * p_2, (1 - p_1) * (1 - p_2)
                  axis=1).reshape((4, 4))
     # print('P',P,P.shape)
     # print('inv', jsp.linalg.inv(jp.eye(4)-gamma*P), jsp.linalg.inv(jp.eye(4)-gamma*P).shape)
     M = -jp.dot(p, jsp.linalg.inv(jp.eye(4) - gamma * P))
     # print('M',M)
     L_1 = jp.dot(M, jp.reshape(payout_mat_1, (4, 1)))
     L_2 = jp.dot(M, jp.reshape(payout_mat_2, (4, 1)))
     # print('L_1',L_1.reshape(-1)[0])
     # print('L_2',L_2.reshape(-1)[0])
     return jp.array([L_1.reshape(-1)[0], L_2.reshape(-1)[0]])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _predict(self, params, base_preds, context, return_probs, target=None):
        # Base logits
        base_preds = jnp.clip(base_preds,
                              a_max=(1.0 - self.pred_clipping))
        logits = jsp.special.logit(base_preds)
        logits = jnp.expand_dims(logits, axis=1)
        if self.num_classes == 2:
            logits = jnp.tile(logits, reps=(1, 1, 1))
            logits = jnp.tile(logits, reps=(1, self.num_classes, 1))

        # Turn target class into one-hot
        if target is not None:
            target = jnn.one_hot(target, num_classes=self.num_classes)
            if self.num_classes == 2:
                target = target[:, 1:]

        # Layers
        if target is None:
            for n, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
                logits = layer.predict(params=params[f'layer{n}'],
            for n, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
                params[f'layer{n}'], logits = layer.predict(

        logits = jnp.squeeze(logits, axis=-1)
        if self.num_classes == 2:
            logits = jnp.squeeze(logits, axis=1)

        # Output prediction
        if return_probs:
            prediction = jnn.sigmoid(logits)
        elif self.num_classes == 2:
            prediction = logits > 0.0
            prediction = jnp.argmax(logits, axis=1)

        if target is None:
            return prediction
            return params, prediction
def lin_interpolate(params, train_images, train_labels, examples):
    params: List[Tuple(W, b)] for each layer in NN
    train_images, train_labels = (10k, 784), (10k, 10)
    examples: List[Tuple[digit 1, digit 2]] samples to interpolate
  Examining latent variable model with continuous latent variables by 
  linearly interpolating between latent reps (mean vecs of encodings) of two points.
    def interpolate(za, zb, alpha):
        """Linear interpolation z_alpha = alpha * z_a + (1-a) * z_b
        z_alpha = alpha * za + (1 - alpha) * zb
        return z_alpha

    # sample 3 pairs of images, each having a different class
    labels_to_images = defaultdict(list)
    # encode data and get mean vectors
    labels = np.argmax(train_labels, axis=-1)
    # linearly interpolate between mean vectors
    for im, lab in tqdm(zip(train_images, labels)):
    print("labels to images", labels_to_images.keys())
    # plot Bernoulli means p(x|z_\alpha) at 10 equally spaced points
    image_ = onp.zeros([3 * 28, 10 * 28])
    # plot generative distribution along linear interpolation
    for row, pair in enumerate(examples):
        images = [labels_to_images[pair[0]][0], labels_to_images[pair[1]][0]]
        images = np.stack(images)
        mus, log_sigmas = vmap(encoder, in_axes=(0, None))(images,
        alphas = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)[::-1]
        interpolated_means = [interpolate(mus[0], mus[1], a) for a in alphas]
        interpolated_means = np.stack(interpolated_means)
        bern_mus = sigmoid(
            vmap(decoder, in_axes=(0, None))(interpolated_means,
        bern_ims = bern_mus.reshape([-1, 28, 28])
        print("bern ims", bern_ims.shape)
        for col in range(10):
            image_[row * 28:(row + 1) * 28,
                   col * 28:(col + 1) * 28] = bern_ims[col, ...]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.imshow(image_, cmap=plt.cm.binary)
    plt.savefig('interpolated_means.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Ejemplo n.º 25
def clipped_sigmoid(x):
    """Customize sigmoid function to avoid an overflow.

    x : ndarray

    x : ndarray
    # x is clipped because nn.sigmoid sometimes get overflow and return nan
    # restrict domain of sigmoid function within [1e-15, 1 - 1e-15]
    sigmoid_range = 34.538776394910684
    x = jnp.clip(x, -sigmoid_range, sigmoid_range)
    x = nn.sigmoid(x)
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 26
def conditional_sample(p, y, temperature, key):
    Generate conditional Binomial Concrete sample
    :param p: Binomial Concrete params (interpreted as Bernoulli probabilities) (jax.numpy array)
    :param y: Conditioning parameters (jax.numpy array)
    :param temperature: temperature parameter
    :param key: PRNG key
    tol = 1e-7
    p = np.clip(p, tol, 1 - tol)

    v = random.uniform(key, shape=y.shape)
    v_prime = (v * p + (1 - p)) * y + (v * (1 - p)) * (1 - y)
    v_prime = np.clip(v_prime, tol, 1 - tol)

    logit_v = logit(v_prime)
    logit_p = logit(p)
    return nn.sigmoid((logit_p + logit_v) / (temperature + tol))
Ejemplo n.º 27
  def apply_fn(params, inputs, **kwargs):
    """Applies layer.

      params: Layer parameters, (eta,).
      inputs: Float numpy array with shape
          (batch_size, num_grids, num_in_channels).
      **kwargs: Other key word arguments. Unused.

      Float numpy array with shape (batch_size, num_grids, num_channels).
    del kwargs
    eta, = params
    # shape (num_grids, num_grids, num_channels)
    kernels = _exponential_function_channels(
        displacements, widths=minval + (maxval - minval) * nn.sigmoid(eta))
    # shape (batch_size, num_grids, num_channels)
    return jnp.squeeze(
        # shape (batch_size, 1, num_grids, num_channels)
        jnp.tensordot(inputs, kernels, axes=(1, 0)) * dx,
Ejemplo n.º 28
def run_and_plot():
    key = random.PRNGKey(0)
    eta = .01
    theta = 3.
    a = 1.
    baseline = 0

    data = {}
    for _ in range(10000):
        key, subkey = random.split(key)
        a, r = run_episode(subkey, theta, a)
        policy_grad = single_ep_policy_grad(theta, a, r - baseline)
        baseline = update_baseline(baseline, r)

        aux = {
            "action": a,
            "reward": r,
            "theta": theta,
            "grad": policy_grad,

        theta = theta + eta * policy_grad
        append_to_log(data, aux)

    # plotting
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=[8, 8])
    axs = axs.flatten()

    axs[0].plot(data['theta'], label='theta')
    axs[1].plot(nn.sigmoid(data['theta']), label='prob(push)')
    for ax in axs:

Ejemplo n.º 29
def map_to_minusone_one(x):
    return 2 * sigmoid(x) - 1
Ejemplo n.º 30
      'cChange': np.zeros([ncountries, 1]) + 1.5,
      'gamma': np.zeros(ncountries)-2.0, # recovery
      'scale': np.zeros([ncountries, 2]),
      'seed': np.zeros(ncountries) - 10}

poirot.loglikelihood(model, ps)

state = InferenceState(ps)
state = infer(model, state)

i = countries.index("United Kingdom")
ps = state.mean()
out, R = model(ps)

plt.bar(dates, cases[i,:])


plt.plot([dates[i] for i in periodi], np.exp(R)[i,:])
plt.plot(dates, sigmoid(ps['rate'])[i,period])
plt.plot(dates, out[i,:,0]) # S
plt.plot(dates, out[i,:,1]) # I
plt.plot(dates, out[i,:,2]) # R
plt.plot(dates, out[i,:,3]) # caught

plt.plot(dates, sigmoid((date/30)/ps['cChange'][0] + ps['capacity'][0,weekday]))