Ejemplo n.º 1
## FORM LOSS AND JACOBIAN ***********************************************************************************
L0 = lambda xi, IC: r(z, xi, IC)[0, :] - IC['R0']
Ld0 = lambda xi, IC: IC['c'] * v(z, xi, IC)[0, :] - IC['V0']
Lf = lambda xi, IC: r(z, xi, IC)[-1, :]
Ldf = lambda xi, IC: IC['c'] * v(z, xi, IC)[-1, :]

Ls = lambda xi, IC: IC['c']**2 * a(z, xi, IC) - IC['ag'] + lam(z, xi)

# Htf = lambda xi,IC: np.dot(lam(z,xi)[-1,:],(-1./2.*lam(z,xi)[-1,:] + IC['ag']))
# Updated because need to at lam_r * v term for spectral method
Htf = lambda xi,IC: np.dot(lam(z,xi)[-1,:],(-1./2.*lam(z,xi)[-1,:] + IC['ag'])) \
                  + np.dot(-IC['c'] *lamr(z,xi)[-1,:], IC['c'] * v(z,xi,IC)[-1,:]) + IC['Gam']

L = jit(lambda xi,IC: np.hstack(( Ls(xi,IC)[1:-1,:].flatten(), \
                                  L0(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                  Ld0(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                  Lf(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                  Ldf(xi,IC).flatten() )) )

## INITIALIZE VARIABLES *************************************************************************************
xis = onp.zeros((Hs(z).shape[1], 3))
xic = onp.zeros((Hc(z).shape[1], 3))

if W == False:
    b = np.sqrt(2) * onp.ones(1)
    b = np.sqrt(10) * onp.ones(1)

xi = TFCDictRobust({'xis':xis,\
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def apply_psi(params, inputs, signal):
     inputs = jnp.hstack((inputs, signal))
     for fun, param in zip(apply_funs1, params):
         inputs = fun(param, inputs)
     return inputs
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def apply_g(params, inputs, signal, **kwargs):
     inputs = jnp.hstack((inputs, signal))
     for fun, param in zip(apply_funs2, params):
         inputs = fun(param, inputs)
     return inputs
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def compute_mle(self, y, compute_ci=True):
        """Compute maximum likelihood estimates.


        y: jnp.array or dict, (n_samples)
            Response. if dict is

        if self.compute_ci is None:
            self.compute_ci = compute_ci

        if type(y) is dict:
            y_train = y['train']
            if len(y['train']) == 0:
                raise ValueError('Training set is empty after burned in.')
            y_dev = y.get('dev', None)
            y = {'train': y}
            y_train = y['train']

        n_samples = len(y_train) - self.burn_in
        X = jnp.hstack([
                jnp.ones(n_samples)[:, jnp.newaxis], self.XS['train'][name]
            ]) if name in self.S else jnp.hstack(
                [jnp.ones(n_samples)[:, jnp.newaxis], self.X['train'][name]])
            for name in self.filter_names
        X = jnp.hstack([jnp.ones(n_samples)[:, jnp.newaxis], X])

        XtX = X.T @ X
        Xty = X.T @ y_train[self.burn_in:]

        mle = jnp.linalg.lstsq(XtX, Xty, rcond=None)[0]

        self.b['mle'] = {}
        self.w['mle'] = {}
        self.intercept['mle'] = {}

        # slicing the mle matrix into each filter
        l = jnp.cumsum(
                [0, [self.n_features[name] + 1 for name in self.n_features]]))
        idx = [jnp.array((l[i], l[i + 1])) for i in range(len(l) - 1)]
        self.idx = idx

        for i, name in enumerate(self.filter_names):
            mle_params = mle[idx[i][0]:idx[i][1]][:, jnp.newaxis].astype(
            self.intercept['mle'][name] = mle_params[0]
            if name in self.S:
                self.b['mle'][name] = mle_params[1:]
                self.w['mle'][name] = self.S[name] @ self.b['mle'][name]
                self.w['mle'][name] = mle_params[1:]

        self.intercept['mle']['global'] = mle[0]

        self.p['mle'] = {}
        self.y_pred['mle'] = {}

        for name in self.filter_names:
            if name in self.S:
                self.p['mle'].update({name: self.b['mle'][name]})
                self.p['mle'].update({name: self.w['mle'][name]})

        self.p['mle']['intercept'] = self.intercept['mle']
        self.y['train'] = y_train[self.burn_in:]

        if len(self.y['train']) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Training set is empty after burned in.')

        self.y_pred['mle']['train'] = self.forwardpass(self.p['mle'],

        # # get filter confidence interval
        if self.compute_ci:
            self._get_response_variance(w_type='mle', kind='train')

        if type(y) is dict and 'dev' in y:
            self.y['dev'] = y_dev[self.burn_in:]
            if len(self.y['dev']) == 0:
                raise ValueError('Dev set is empty after burned in.')

            self.y_pred['mle']['dev'] = self.forwardpass(self.p['mle'],
            if self.compute_ci:
                self._get_response_variance(w_type='mle', kind='dev')

        self.mle_computed = True
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def aug_b(t):
     bval = b(t)
     return np.hstack((bval, bval))
Ejemplo n.º 6
## FORM LOSS AND JACOBIAN ***********************************************************************************
L0 = lambda xi, IC: r(z, xi, IC)[0, :] - IC['R0']
Ld0 = lambda xi, IC: xi['b']**2 * v(z, xi, IC)[0, :] - IC['V0']
Lf = lambda xi, IC: r(z, xi, IC)[-1, :]
Ldf = lambda xi, IC: xi['b']**2 * v(z, xi, IC)[-1, :]

Ls = lambda xi, IC: xi['b']**4 * a(z, xi, IC) - IC['ag'] + lam(z, xi)

# Htf = lambda xi,IC: np.dot(lam(z,xi)[-1,:],(-1./2.*lam(z,xi)[-1,:] + IC['ag']))
# Updated because need to at lam_r * v term for spectral method
Htf = lambda xi,IC: np.dot(lam(z,xi)[-1,:],(-1./2.*lam(z,xi)[-1,:] + IC['ag'])) \
                  + np.dot(-xi['b']**2 *lamr(z,xi)[-1,:], xi['b']**2 * v(z,xi,IC)[-1,:]) + IC['Gam']

L = jit(lambda xi,IC: np.hstack([Ls(xi,IC)[1:-1,:].flatten(), \
                                 L0(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                 Ld0(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                 Lf(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                 Ldf(xi,IC).flatten(), \
                                 Htf(xi,IC)] ))

## INITIALIZE VARIABLES *************************************************************************************
xis = onp.zeros((Hs(z).shape[1], 3))
xic = onp.zeros((Hc(z).shape[1], 3))

if W == False:
    b = np.sqrt(2) * onp.ones(1)
    b = np.sqrt(10) * onp.ones(1)

xi = TFCDictRobust({'xis':xis,\
Ejemplo n.º 7
            egrad(u, 2), 2)(xi, *x)
        L = lambda xi, *x: laplace(xi, *x) - np.exp(-x[0]) * (x[0] - 2. + x[1]
                                                              **3 + 6. * x[1])

        # Calculate the A and B matrices
        zXi = np.zeros((tfc.basisClass.numBasisFunc))
        A = np.vstack([
            jacfwd(L, 0)(zXi, *x),
            H(x[0][x0ind], x[1][x0ind]),
            H(x[0][xfind], x[1][xfind]),
            H(x[0][y0ind], x[1][y0ind]),
            H(x[0][yfind], x[1][yfind])
        B = np.hstack([
            -L(zXi, *x), x[1][x0ind]**3, (1. + x[1][xfind]**3) * np.exp(-1.),
            x[0][y0ind] * np.exp(-x[0][y0ind]),
            (x[0][yfind] + 1.) * np.exp(-x[0][yfind])

        # Calculate the xi values
        xi = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(A), B)

        # Calculate the error
        dark = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x0[0], xf[0], n),
                           np.linspace(x0[1], xf[1], n))
        x = (dark[0].flatten(), dark[1].flatten())

        ur = real(*x)
        ue = u(xi, *x)
        err = ur - ue
        testErr[j, k] = np.max(np.abs(err))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_fun5(p, t, w1, w2):
    X = jnp.hstack([p, t])
    z1 = nonlin(jnp.matmul(X, w1))
    z2 = jnp.matmul(z1, w2)
    return jnp.reshape(z2, ())
Ejemplo n.º 9
def model_bnn(p, t, w1, b1, w2, b2, w3, b3):
    X = jnp.hstack([p, t])  # jnp.concatenate((p, t), axis=1)
    z1 = nonlin(jnp.matmul(X, w1) + jnp.transpose(b1))
    z2 = nonlin(jnp.matmul(z1, w2) + jnp.transpose(b2))
    z3 = jnp.matmul(z2, w3) + jnp.transpose(b3)
    return jnp.reshape(z3, ())  # z3.squeeze()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def jacres_u(U, Uold, peq, neq, sepq, accq, zccq):
    Mp = peq.M
    Mn = neq.M
    Ms = sepq.M
    Ma = accq.M
    Mz = zccq.M
    Np = peq.N
    Nn = neq.N

    cmat_pe, cmat_ne, \
    uvec_pe, uvec_sep, uvec_ne,\
    Tvec_acc, Tvec_pe, Tvec_sep, Tvec_ne, Tvec_zcc, \
    phie_pe, phie_sep, phie_ne, phis_pe, phis_ne, \
    j_pe,j_ne,eta_pe,eta_ne = unpack(U, Mp, Np, Mn, Nn, Ms, Ma, Mz)

    cmat_old_pe, cmat_old_ne,\
    uvec_old_pe, uvec_old_sep, uvec_old_ne,\
    Tvec_old_acc, Tvec_old_pe, Tvec_old_sep, Tvec_old_ne, Tvec_old_zcc,\
    _, _, \
    _, _,\
    _,_,_= unpack(Uold,Mp, Np, Mn, Nn, Ms, Ma, Mz)

    bc_u0p = peq.bc_zero_neumann(uvec_pe[0], uvec_pe[1])
    res_up = vmap(peq.electrolyte_conc)(uvec_pe[0:Mp], uvec_pe[1:Mp + 1],
                                        uvec_pe[2:Mp + 2], Tvec_pe[0:Mp],
                                        Tvec_pe[1:Mp + 1], Tvec_pe[2:Mp + 2],
                                        j_pe[0:Mp], uvec_old_pe[1:Mp + 1])
    bc_uMp = peq.bc_u_sep_p(uvec_pe[Mp], uvec_pe[Mp + 1], Tvec_pe[Mp],
                            Tvec_pe[Mp + 1], uvec_sep[0], uvec_sep[1],
                            Tvec_sep[0], Tvec_sep[1])

    bc_u0s = peq.bc_inter_cont(uvec_pe[Mp], uvec_pe[Mp + 1], uvec_sep[0],
    res_us = vmap(sepq.electrolyte_conc)(uvec_sep[0:Ms], uvec_sep[1:Ms + 1],
                                         uvec_sep[2:Ms + 2], Tvec_sep[0:Ms],
                                         Tvec_sep[1:Ms + 1],
                                         Tvec_sep[2:Ms + 2],
                                         uvec_old_sep[1:Ms + 1])
    bc_uMs = sepq.bc_u_sep_n(uvec_ne[0], uvec_ne[1], Tvec_ne[0], Tvec_ne[1],
                             uvec_sep[Ms], uvec_sep[Ms + 1], Tvec_sep[Ms],
                             Tvec_sep[Ms + 1])

    bc_u0n = neq.bc_inter_cont(uvec_ne[0], uvec_ne[1], uvec_sep[Ms],
                               uvec_sep[Ms + 1])
    res_un = vmap(neq.electrolyte_conc)(uvec_ne[0:Mn], uvec_ne[1:Mn + 1],
                                        uvec_ne[2:Mn + 2], Tvec_ne[0:Mn],
                                        Tvec_ne[1:Mn + 1], Tvec_ne[2:Mn + 2],
                                        j_ne[0:Mn], uvec_old_ne[1:Mn + 1])
    bc_uMn = neq.bc_zero_neumann(uvec_ne[Mn], uvec_ne[Mn + 1])
    """ positive electrode"""
    arg_up = [
        uvec_pe[0:Mp], uvec_pe[1:Mp + 1], uvec_pe[2:Mp + 2], Tvec_pe[0:Mp],
        Tvec_pe[1:Mp + 1], Tvec_pe[2:Mp + 2], j_pe[0:Mp], uvec_old_pe[1:Mp + 1]
    arg_uMp = [
        uvec_pe[Mp], uvec_pe[Mp + 1], Tvec_pe[Mp], Tvec_pe[Mp + 1],
        uvec_sep[0], uvec_sep[1], Tvec_sep[0], Tvec_sep[1]

    A_up = vmap(grad(peq.electrolyte_conc, range(0, len(arg_up) - 1)))(*arg_up)
    bc_u0p_grad = np.array([[-1, 1]]).T
    bc_uMp_grad = ((jax.grad(peq.bc_u_sep_p, range(0,

    bc_uup = {"right": bc_u0p_grad[0:2], "left": bc_uMp_grad[0:2]}
    J_uupp = build_tridiag(Mp, A_up[0:3], **bc_uup)
    # interface boundar8
    J_uups = coo_matrix(
        (np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_uMp_grad[4:6])), ([Mp + 1, Mp + 1], [0, 1])),
        shape=(Mp + 2, Ms + 2 + Mn + 2))
    J_uup = hstack([J_uupp, J_uups])

    # uT
    bc_uTp = {"left": bc_uMp_grad[2:4]}
    J_uTpp = build_tridiag(Mp, A_up[3:6], **bc_uTp)
    # interface
    J_uTps = coo_matrix(
        (np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_uMp_grad[6:8])), ([Mp + 1, Mp + 1], [0, 1])),
        shape=(Mp + 2, Ms + 2 + Mn + 2))
    J_uTp = hstack([J_uTpp, J_uTps])

    # uj
    J_ujp = build_diag(Mp, A_up[6], "long")
    """ Separator """
    arg_u0s = [uvec_pe[Mp], uvec_pe[Mp + 1], uvec_sep[0], uvec_sep[1]]
    arg_us = [
        uvec_sep[0:Ms], uvec_sep[1:Ms + 1], uvec_sep[2:Ms + 2], Tvec_sep[0:Ms],
        Tvec_sep[1:Ms + 1], Tvec_sep[2:Ms + 2], uvec_old_sep[1:Ms + 1]
    arg_uMs = [
        uvec_ne[0], uvec_ne[1], Tvec_ne[0], Tvec_ne[1], uvec_sep[Ms],
        uvec_sep[Ms + 1], Tvec_sep[Ms], Tvec_sep[Ms + 1]

    A_us = vmap(grad(sepq.electrolyte_conc, range(0,
                                                  len(arg_us) - 1)))(*arg_us)
    bc_u0s_grad = (jax.grad(peq.bc_inter_cont, range(0,
    bc_uMs_grad = (jax.grad(sepq.bc_u_sep_n, range(0, len(arg_uMs))))(*arg_uMs)

    bc_uus = {"right": bc_u0s_grad[2:4], "left": bc_uMs_grad[4:6]}
    J_uuss = build_tridiag(Ms, A_us[0:3], **bc_uus)
    # positive sep interface
    J_uusp = coo_matrix(
        (np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_u0s_grad[0:2])), ([0, 0], [Mp, Mp + 1])),
        shape=(Ms + 2, Mp + 2))
    #negative sep interface
    J_uusn = coo_matrix(
        (np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_uMs_grad[0:2])), ([Ms + 1, Ms + 1], [0, 1])),
        shape=(Ms + 2, Mn + 2))
    J_uus = hstack([J_uusp, J_uuss, J_uusn])

    # uT
    bc_uTs = {"left": bc_uMs_grad[6:8]}
    J_uTss = build_tridiag(Ms, A_us[3:6], **bc_uTs)
    #    J_uTsp = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_u0s_grad[2:4])),([0,0],[Mp,Mp+1] )),shape=(Ms+2,Mp+2))
    J_uTsp = empty_rec(Ms + 2, Mp + 2)
    J_uTsn = coo_matrix(
        (np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_uMs_grad[2:4])), ([Ms + 1, Ms + 1], [0, 1])),
        shape=(Ms + 2, Mn + 2))
    J_uTs = hstack([J_uTsp, J_uTss, J_uTsn])
    """ negative electrode"""
    arg_un = [
        uvec_ne[0:Mn], uvec_ne[1:Mn + 1], uvec_ne[2:Mn + 2], Tvec_ne[0:Mn],
        Tvec_ne[1:Mn + 1], Tvec_ne[2:Mn + 2], j_ne[0:Mn], uvec_old_ne[1:Mn + 1]
    arg_u0n = [uvec_ne[0], uvec_ne[1], uvec_sep[Ms], uvec_sep[Ms + 1]]

    A_un = vmap(grad(neq.electrolyte_conc, range(0, len(arg_un) - 1)))(*arg_un)
    bc_u0n_grad = grad(neq.bc_inter_cont, range(0, len(arg_u0n)))(*arg_u0n)
    bc_uMn_grad = np.array([[-1, 1]]).T

    bc_uun = {"right": bc_u0n_grad[0:2], "left": bc_uMn_grad[0:2]}
    J_uunn = build_tridiag(Mn, A_un[0:3], **bc_uun)
    J_uuns = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_u0n_grad[2:4])),
                         ([0, 0], [Mp + 2 + Ms, Mp + 2 + Ms + 1])),
                        shape=(Mn + 2, Ms + 2 + Mp + 2))
    J_uun = hstack([J_uuns, J_uunn])
    # uT

    J_uTnn = build_tridiag(Mn, A_un[3:6])

    J_uTns = empty_rec(Mn + 2, Ms + 2 + Mp + 2)
    J_uTn = hstack([J_uTns, J_uTnn])

    # uj
    J_ujn = build_diag(Mn, A_un[6], "long")

    res_u = np.hstack((bc_u0p, res_up, bc_uMp, bc_u0s, res_us, bc_uMs, bc_u0n,
                       res_un, bc_uMn))

    J_u = hstack([
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2,
                  Mp * (Np + 2) + Mn * (Nn + 2)),  # c
        vstack([J_uup, J_uus, J_uun]),
            empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2, Ma + 2),  # acc 
            vstack([J_uTp, J_uTs, J_uTn]),
            empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2, Mz + 2)  # zcc
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2),  #phie
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Mn + 2),  #phis
            hstack([J_ujp, empty_rec(Mp + 2, Mn)]),
            empty_rec(Ms + 2, Mp + Mn),
            hstack([empty_rec(Mn + 2, Mp), J_ujn])
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + Mn)

    return res_u, J_u
 def _rmatmat(self, X):
     """Default implementation of _rmatmat defers to rmatvec or adjoint."""
     if type(self)._adjoint == LinearOperator._adjoint:
         return np.hstack([self.rmatvec(col.reshape(-1, 1)) for col in X.T])
         return self.H.matmat(X)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: mtfc.py Proyecto: leakec/tfc
    def __init__(self, n, nC, deg, dim=2, basis="CP", x0=None, xf=None):

        # Store givens
        self._elm_classes = [
            "ELMSigmoid", "ELMTanh", "ELMSin", "ELMSwish", "ELMReLU"
        self.deg = deg
        self.dim = dim

        # Set N based on user input
        if isinstance(n, np.ndarray):
            if not n.flatten().shape[0] == dim:
                    "n has length " + str(n.flatten().shape[0]) +
                    ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, " +
                    str(dim) + ".")
            self.n = n.astype(np.int32)
            if not len(n) == dim:
                    "n has length " + str(n) +
                    ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, " +
                    str(dim) + ".")
            self.n = np.array(n, dtype=np.int32)
        self.N = int(np.prod(self.n, dtype=np.int32))

        self.basis = basis

        # Set x0 based on user input
        if x0 is None:
            self.x0 = np.zeros(dim)
            if isinstance(x0, np.ndarray):
                if not x0.flatten().shape[0] == dim:
                        "x0 has length " + str(x0.flatten().shape[0]) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")
                self.x0 = x0
                if not len(x0) == dim:
                        "x0 has length " + len(x0) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")
                self.x0 = np.array(x0).flatten()
                if not self.x0.shape[0] == dim:
                        "x0 has length " + str(x0.flatten().shape[0]) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")

        # Set xf based on user input
        if xf is None:
            self.xf = np.zeros(dim)
            if isinstance(xf, np.ndarray):
                if not xf.flatten().shape[0] == dim:
                        "xf has length " + str(xf.flatten().shape[0]) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")
                self.xf = xf
                if not len(xf) == dim:
                        "xf has length " + len(xf) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")
                self.xf = np.array(xf).flatten()
                if not self.xf.shape[0] == dim:
                        "xf has length " + str(xf.flatten().shape[0]) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")

        # Create nC matrix based on user input
        if basis in self._elm_classes:
            if isinstance(nC, int):
                self.nC = onp.arange(nC, dtype=onp.int32)
            elif isinstance(nC, np.ndarray):
                self.nC = nC.astype(onp.int32)
            elif isinstance(nC, list):
                self.nC = np.array(nC, dtype=np.int32)
            if self.nC.shape[0] > self.deg:
                    "Number of basis functions is less than number of constraints!"
            if np.any(self.nC < 0):
                    "To set nC to -1 (no constraints) either use nC = -1 or nC = 0 (i.e., use an integer not a list or array). Do not put only -1 in a list or array, this will cause issues in the C++ layer."
            if isinstance(nC, np.ndarray) and len(nC.shape) > 1:
                if not nC.shape[0] == self.dim:
                        "nC has " + str(nC.flatten().shape[0]) +
                        " rows, but the row number should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")
                self.nC = nC.astype(np.int32)
                if isinstance(nC, np.ndarray):
                    nC = nC.tolist()
                if not len(nC) == dim:
                        "nC has length " + str(len(nC)) +
                        ", but it should be equal to the number of dimensions, "
                        + str(dim) + ".")
                nCmax = 0
                for k in range(dim):
                    if isinstance(nC[k], np.ndarray):
                        nCk = np.array(nC[k]).flatten()
                        nCk = np.array([nC[k]]).flatten()
                    if nCk.shape[0] == 1:
                        maxk = nCk[0]
                        maxk = nCk.shape[0]
                    if maxk > nCmax:
                        nCmax = maxk

                if nCmax > self.deg:
                        "Number of basis functions is less than the number of constraints!"

                onC = onp.zeros((dim, nCmax))
                for k in range(dim):
                    if isinstance(nC[k], np.ndarray):
                        nCk = np.array(nC[k]).flatten()
                        nCk = onp.array([nC[k]]).flatten()
                    n = nCk.shape[0]
                    if n == 1:
                        nCk = onp.arange(nCk[0])
                        n = nCk.shape[0]
                    if n < nCmax:
                        if n == 0:
                            nCk = -1.0 * onp.ones(nCmax)
                            nCk = np.hstack([nCk, -1 * np.ones(nCmax - n)])
                    onC[k, :] = nCk.astype(np.int32)
                self.nC = np.array(onC.tolist(), dtype=np.int32)

        # Setup the basis function
        if self.basis == "CP":
            from .utils.BF import nCP

            self.basisClass = nCP(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC, self.deg + 1)
            z0 = -1.0
            zf = 1.0
        elif self.basis == "LeP":
            from .utils.BF import nLeP

            self.basisClass = nLeP(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC, self.deg + 1)
            z0 = -1.0
            zf = 1.0
        elif self.basis == "FS":
            from .utils.BF import nFS

            self.basisClass = nFS(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC, self.deg + 1)
            z0 = -np.pi
            zf = np.pi
        elif self.basis == "ELMSigmoid":
            from .utils.BF import nELMSigmoid

            self.basisClass = nELMSigmoid(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC,
                                          self.deg + 1)
            z0 = 0.0
            zf = 1.0
        elif self.basis == "ELMTanh":
            from .utils.BF import nELMTanh

            self.basisClass = nELMTanh(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC, self.deg + 1)
            z0 = 0.0
            zf = 1.0
        elif self.basis == "ELMSin":
            from .utils.BF import nELMSin

            self.basisClass = nELMSin(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC, self.deg + 1)
            z0 = 0.0
            zf = 1.0
        elif self.basis == "ELMSwish":
            from .utils.BF import nELMSwish

            self.basisClass = nELMSwish(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC,
                                        self.deg + 1)
            z0 = 0.0
            zf = 1.0
        elif self.basis == "ELMReLU":
            from .utils.BF import nELMReLU

            self.basisClass = nELMReLU(self.x0, self.xf, self.nC, self.deg + 1)
            z0 = 0.0
            zf = 1.0
                "Invalid basis selection. Please select a valid basis")

        if self.basisClass.numBasisFunc > self.N:
                "Warning, you have more basis functions than points!\nThis may lead to large solution errors!"

        self.c = self.basisClass.c

        # Calculate z points and corresponding x
        self.z = onp.zeros((self.dim, self.N))
        x = tuple([onp.zeros(self.N) for x in range(self.dim)])
        if self.basis in ["CP", "LeP"]:
            for k in range(self.dim):
                nProd = onp.prod(self.n[k + 1:])
                nStack = onp.prod(self.n[0:k])
                n = self.n[k] - 1
                I = onp.linspace(0, n, n + 1).reshape((n + 1, 1))
                dark = onp.cos(np.pi * (n - I) / float(n))
                dark = onp.hstack([dark] * nProd).flatten()
                self.z[k, :] = onp.array([dark] * nStack).flatten()
                x[k][:] = (self.z[k, :] - z0) / self.c[k] + self.x0[k]
            for k in range(self.dim):
                nProd = onp.prod(self.n[k + 1:])
                nStack = onp.prod(self.n[0:k])
                dark = onp.linspace(z0, zf, num=self.n[k]).reshape(
                    (self.n[k], 1))
                dark = onp.hstack([dark] * nProd).flatten()
                self.z[k, :] = onp.array([dark] * nStack).flatten()
                x[k][:] = (self.z[k, :] - z0) / self.c[k] + self.x0[k]

        self.z = np.array(self.z.tolist())
        self.x = tuple([np.array(x[k].tolist()) for k in range(self.dim)])

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, placebo=0, autodiff=True, method="3-point"):
        self.nsamples = 0
        self.m, self.l, self.g, self.dt, self.H = 0.1, 0.2, 9.81, 0.05, 100
        self.initial_state, self.goal_state, self.goal_action = (
            jnp.array([1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            jnp.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            jnp.array([self.m * self.g / 2.0, self.m * self.g / 2.0]),
        self.goal_action = jnp.hstack((self.goal_action, jnp.zeros(placebo)))

        self.viewer = None
        self.action_dim, self.state_dim = 2 + placebo, 6
        self.last_u = jnp.zeros((2, ))

        def f(x, u):
            self.nsamples += 1
            state = x
            x, y, th, xdot, ydot, thdot = state
            u1, u2 = u[:2]
            m, g, l, dt = self.m, self.g, self.l, self.dt
            xddot = -(u1 + u2) * jnp.sin(th) / m
            yddot = (u1 + u2) * jnp.cos(th) / m - g
            thddot = l * (u2 - u1) / (m * l**2)
            state_dot = jnp.array([xdot, ydot, thdot, xddot, yddot, thddot])
            new_state = state + state_dot * dt
            return new_state

        def c(x, u):
            return 0.1 * (u - self.goal_action) @ (u - self.goal_action) + (
                x - self.goal_state) @ (x - self.goal_state)

        def f_x(x, u):
            return approx_derivative(lambda x: f(x, u), x, method=method)

        def f_u(x, u):
            return approx_derivative(lambda u: f(x, u), u, method=method)

        def c_x(x, u):
            return 2 * (x - self.goal_state)

        def c_u(x, u):
            return 2 * 0.1 * (u - self.goal_action)

        def c_xx(x, u):
            return 2 * jnp.eye(self.state_dim)

        def c_uu(x, u):
            return 2 * 0.1 * jnp.eye(self.action_dim)

        if autodiff:
            self.f, self.f_x, self.f_u = (
                jax.jacfwd(f, argnums=0),
                jax.jacfwd(f, argnums=1),
            self.c, self.c_x, self.c_u, self.c_xx, self.c_uu = (
                jax.grad(c, argnums=0),
                jax.grad(c, argnums=1),
                jax.hessian(c, argnums=0),
                jax.hessian(c, argnums=1),
            self.f, self.f_x, self.f_u = f, f_x, f_u
            self.c, self.c_x, self.c_u, self.c_xx, self.c_uu = c, c_x, c_u, c_xx, c_uu
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _dminput(xr, xc):
     if xc is None:
         x = xr
         x = jnp.hstack((xr, xc))
     return x
Ejemplo n.º 15
def jacres_phis(acc, pe, sep, ne, zcc):
    Mp = peq.M
    Mn = neq.M
    Ms = sepq.M
    Ma = accq.M
    Mz = zccq.M
    Np = peq.N
    Nn = neq.N
    #    def solid_poten(self,phisn, phisc, phisp, j):
    #        hx = self.hx; a = self.a
    #        sigeff = self.sigma*(1-self.eps-self.epsf)
    #        ans = sigeff*( phisn - 2*phisc + phisp)/hx**2 - a*F*j
    #        return ans.reshape()
    #    def bc_phis(self,phis0, phis1, source):
    #        sigeff = self.sigma*(1-pe.eps-pe.epsf)
    #        bc = sigeff*( phis1 - phis0 )/pe.hx - source
    #        return bc.reshape()
    """ Positive electrode"""
    arg_phis0p = [pe.phisvec[0], pe.phisvec[1], -Iapp]
    arg_phisp = [
        pe.phisvec[0:Mp], pe.phisvec[1:Mp + 1], pe.phisvec[2:Mp + 2],
    arg_phisMp = [pe.phisvec[Mp], pe.phisvec[Mp + 1]]

    bc_phis0p = peq.bc_phis(*arg_phis0p)
    res_phisp = vmap(peq.solid_poten)(*arg_phisp)
    bc_phisMp = peq.bc_zero_neumann(*arg_phisMp)

    bc_phis0p_grad = grad(peq.bc_phis, range(0, 2))(*arg_phis0p)
    A_phisp = vmap(grad(peq.solid_poten, range(0, 4)))(*arg_phisp)
    bc_phisMp_grad = grad(peq.bc_zero_neumann, range(0, 2))(*arg_phisMp)

    bcphisp = {"right": bc_phis0p_grad, "left": bc_phisMp_grad}
    J_phisphisp = build_tridiag(Mp, A_phisp[0:3], **bcphisp)

    J_phisjp = build_diag(Mp, A_phisp[3], "long")
    """ Negative electrode"""
    arg_phis0n = [ne.phisvec[0], ne.phisvec[1]]
    arg_phisn = [
        ne.phisvec[0:Mn], ne.phisvec[1:Mn + 1], ne.phisvec[2:Mn + 2],
    arg_phisMn = [ne.phisvec[Mn], ne.phisvec[Mn + 1], -Iapp]

    bc_phis0n = neq.bc_zero_neumann(*arg_phis0n)
    res_phisn = vmap(neq.solid_poten)(*arg_phisn)
    bc_phisMn = neq.bc_phis(*arg_phisMn)

    bc_phis0n_grad = grad(neq.bc_zero_neumann, range(0, 2))(*arg_phis0n)
    A_phisn = vmap(grad(neq.solid_poten, range(0, 4)))(*arg_phisn)
    bc_phisMn_grad = grad(neq.bc_phis, range(0, 2))(*arg_phisMn)

    bcphisn = {"right": bc_phis0n_grad, "left": bc_phisMn_grad}
    J_phisphisn = build_tridiag(Mn, A_phisn[0:3], **bcphisn)

    J_phisjn = build_diag(Mn, A_phisn[3], "long")

    J_phisphis = block_diag((J_phisphisp, J_phisphisn))
    J_phisj = block_diag((J_phisjp, J_phisjn))

    res_phis = np.hstack(
        (bc_phis0p, res_phisp, bc_phisMp, bc_phis0n, res_phisn, bc_phisMn))
    J_phis = hstack([
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2,
                  Mp * (Np + 2) + Mn * (Nn + 2)),  #c
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2),  #u
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2,
                  Ma + 2 + Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2 + Mz + 2),  #T
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2),  #phie
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + Mn)

    return res_phis, J_phis
Ejemplo n.º 16
Ntot_pe = (Np + 2) * (Mp) + 4 * (Mp + 2) + 2 * (Mp)
Ntot_ne = (Nn + 2) * (Mn) + 4 * (Mn + 2) + 2 * (Mn)

Ntot_sep = 3 * (Ms + 2)
Ntot_acc = Ma + 2
Ntot_zcc = Mz + 2
Ntot = Ntot_pe + Ntot_ne + Ntot_sep + Ntot_acc + Ntot_zcc

U = np.hstack([
    peq.cavg * np.ones(Mp * (Np + 2)), neq.cavg * np.ones(Mn * (Nn + 2)),
    1000 + np.zeros(Mp + 2), 1000 + np.zeros(Ms + 2), 1000 + np.zeros(Mn + 2),
    np.zeros(Mp + 2) +
    peq.open_circuit_poten(peq.cavg, peq.cavg, Tref, peq.cmax),
    np.zeros(Mn + 2) +
    neq.open_circuit_poten(neq.cavg, neq.cavg, Tref, neq.cmax),
    np.zeros(Mp + 2) + 0,
    np.zeros(Ms + 2) + 0,
    np.zeros(Mn + 2) + 0, Tref + np.zeros(Ma + 2), Tref + np.zeros(Mp + 2),
    Tref + np.zeros(Ms + 2), Tref + np.zeros(Mn + 2), Tref + np.zeros(Mz + 2)

#from  https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/autodiff_cookbook.html
def indirect(fn):
    def jacfn(U, Uold):
        y, vjp_fun = jax.vjp(fn, U, Uold)
        J = jax.vmap(jax.jit(vjp_fun))(np.eye(len(U)))
        return J
Ejemplo n.º 17
def image_grid(nrow, ncol, imagevecs, imshape):
  """Reshape a stack of image vectors into an image grid for plotting."""
  images = iter(imagevecs.reshape((-1,) + imshape))
  return np.vstack([np.hstack([next(images).T for _ in range(ncol)][::-1])
                    for _ in range(nrow)]).T
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_Cdmo(plot=False):
    def generate_donut(nmeans=10, nsamps_per_mean=50):
        from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
        from numpy import exp

        def pol2cart(theta, rho):
            x = (rho * np.cos(theta)).reshape(-1, 1)
            y = (rho * np.sin(theta)).reshape(-1, 1)
            return np.concatenate([x, y], axis=1)

        comp_distribution = multivariate_normal(np.zeros(2), np.eye(2) / 100)
        means = pol2cart(np.linspace(0, 2 * 3.141, nmeans + 1)[:-1], 1)

        rvs = comp_distribution.rvs(nmeans * nsamps_per_mean) + np.repeat(
            means, nsamps_per_mean, 0)
        true_dens = lambda samps: exp(
            location_mixture_logpdf(samps, means,
                                    np.ones(nmeans) / nmeans, comp_distribution
        return rvs, means, true_dens

    x1 = np.ones((1, 1))
    x2 = np.zeros((1, 1))
    (rvs, means, true_dens) = generate_donut(50, 10)
    invec = FiniteVec(GaussianKernel(0.5), rvs[:, :1])
    outvec = FiniteVec(GaussianKernel(0.5), rvs[:, 1:])
    refervec = FiniteVec(outvec.k, np.linspace(-4, 4, 5000)[:, None])
    cd = Cdo(invec, outvec, refervec, 0.1)
    cm = Cmo(invec, outvec, 0.1)
    (true_x1, est_x1, este_x1, true_x2, est_x2, este_x2) = [
        lambda samps: true_dens(
            np.hstack([np.repeat(x1, len(samps), 0), samps])),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cd, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x1)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps))))),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cm, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x1)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps))))),
        lambda samps: true_dens(
            np.hstack([np.repeat(x2, len(samps), 0), samps])),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cd, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x2)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps))))),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cm, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x2)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps)))))

    t = np.array(
        (true_x1(refervec.inspace_points), true_x2(refervec.inspace_points)))
    e = np.array(
        (est_x1(refervec.inspace_points), est_x2(refervec.inspace_points)))
    if plot:
        import pylab as pl

        (fig, ax) = pl.subplots(1, 3, False, False)
        ax[0].plot(refervec.inspace_points, t[0])
        ax[0].plot(refervec.inspace_points, e[0], "--", label="dens")

        ax[1].plot(refervec.inspace_points, t[1])
        ax[1].plot(refervec.inspace_points, e[1], "--", label="dens")

    assert (np.allclose(e, t, atol=0.5))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def p2d_fn(Np, Nn, Mp, Mn, Ms, Ma, Mz, fn, jac_fn):
    peq, neq, sepq, accq, zccq = get_battery_sections(Np, Nn, Mp, Ms, Mn, Ma,
    #    grid = pack_grid(Mp,Np,Mn,Nn,Ms,Ma,Mz)

    U = np.hstack([
        peq.cavg * np.ones(Mp * (Np + 2)), neq.cavg * np.ones(Mn * (Nn + 2)),
        1000 + np.zeros(Mp + 2), 1000 + np.zeros(Ms + 2),
        1000 + np.zeros(Mn + 2),
        np.zeros(Mp + 2) +
        peq.open_circuit_poten(peq.cavg, peq.cavg, Tref, peq.cmax),
        np.zeros(Mn + 2) +
        neq.open_circuit_poten(neq.cavg, neq.cavg, Tref, neq.cmax),
        np.zeros(Mp + 2) + 0,
        np.zeros(Ms + 2) + 0,
        np.zeros(Mn + 2) + 0, Tref + np.zeros(Ma + 2), Tref + np.zeros(Mp + 2),
        Tref + np.zeros(Ms + 2), Tref + np.zeros(Mn + 2),
        Tref + np.zeros(Mz + 2)

    Tf = 100
    steps = Tf / delta_t
    #    steps = 2
    #    jac_fn = jax.jit(jacfwd(fn))
    voltages = []
    temps = []
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    #    for i  in range(0,int(steps)):
    #        [U, fail] = newton(fn, jac_fn, body_fun, U)
    #        cmat_pe, cmat_ne,uvec_pe, uvec_sep, uvec_ne, \
    #        Tvec_acc, Tvec_pe, Tvec_sep, Tvec_ne, Tvec_zcc, \
    #        phie_pe, phie_sep, phie_ne, phis_pe, phis_ne, jvec_pe, jvec_ne, eta_pe, eta_ne = unpack(U,Mp, Np, Mn, Nn, Ms, Ma, Mz)
    #        volt = phis_pe[1] - phis_ne[Mn]
    #        voltages.append(volt)
    #        temps.append(np.mean(Tvec_pe[1:Mp+1]))
    #        if (fail == 0):
    #            pass
    #    #        print("timestep:", i)
    #        else:
    #            print('Premature end of run\n')
    #            break
    #    for i  in range(0,int(steps)):
    #    [U, fail] = lax_newton(fn, jac_fn, U, maxit=5, tol=1e-8)
    #        cmat_pe, cmat_ne,uvec_pe, uvec_sep, uvec_ne, \
    #        Tvec_acc, Tvec_pe, Tvec_sep, Tvec_ne, Tvec_zcc, \
    #        phie_pe, phie_sep, phie_ne, phis_pe, phis_ne, jvec_pe, jvec_ne, eta_pe, eta_ne = unpack(U,Mp, Np, Mn, Nn, Ms, Ma, Mz)
    #        volt = phis_pe[1] - phis_ne[Mn]
    #        voltages.append(volt)
    #        temps.append(np.mean(Tvec_pe[1:Mp+1]))
    #        if (fail == 0):
    #            pass
    #    #        print("timestep:", i)
    #        else:
    #            print('Premature end of run\n')
    #            break

    print("entering newton")
    [state, fail] = newton(fn, jac_fn, U)
    #    state = lax_newton(fn, jac_fn, U, maxit=5, tol=1e-7)

    end = timeit.default_timer()
    time = end - start

    #    return U, voltages, temps,time
    return state, time
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_Cdo_timeseries(plot=False):
    if plot:
        import pylab as pl
    x = np.linspace(0, 40, 400).reshape((-1, 1))
    y = np.sin(x) + randn(len(x)).reshape((-1, 1)) * 0.2
    proc_data = np.hstack([x, y])
    if plot:
        pl.plot(x.flatten(), y.flatten())

    invec = FiniteVec(GaussianKernel(0.5),
                      np.array([y.squeeze()[i:i + 10] for i in range(190)]))
    outvec = FiniteVec(GaussianKernel(0.5), y[10:200])
    refervec = FiniteVec(
        np.linspace(y[:-201].min() - 2, y[:-201].max() + 2, 5000)[:, None])
    cd = Cdo(invec, outvec, refervec, 0.1)
    cd = Cmo(invec, outvec, 0.1)
    sol2 = np.array([
        multiply(cd, FiniteVec(invec.k,
                               y[end - 10:end].T)).normalized().get_mean_var()
        for end in range(200, 400)
    if plot:
        pl.plot(x[200:].flatten(), sol2.T[0].flatten())
    invec = CombVec(
        FiniteVec(PeriodicKernel(np.pi, 5), x[:200, :]),
        SpVec(SplitDimsKernel([0, 1, 2],
                              [PeriodicKernel(np.pi, 5),
              proc_data[:200, :],
              use_subtrajectories=True), np.multiply)
    outvec = FiniteVec(GaussianKernel(0.5), y[1:-199])
    #cd = Cdo(invec, outvec, refervec, 0.1)
    cd = Cmo(invec, outvec, 0.1)
    #sol = (cd.inp_feat.inner(SpVec(invec.k, proc_data[:230], np.array([230]), use_subtrajectories=True)))
    #sol = [(cd.inp_feat.inner(SiEdSpVec(invec.k_obs, y[:end], np.array([end]), invec.k_idx, use_subtrajectories=False ))) for end in range(200,400) ]
    #pl.plot(np.array([sol[i][-1] for i in range(len(sol))]))

    #sol = np.array([multiply (cd, SpVec(invec.k, proc_data[:end], np.array([end]), use_subtrajectories=False)).normalized().get_mean_var() for end in range(200,400) ])
    sol = multiply(
            FiniteVec(invec.v1.k, x),

    return sol2.T[0], sol.T[0][200:], y[200:]
    (true_x1, est_x1, este_x1, true_x2, est_x2, este_x2) = [
        lambda samps: true_dens(
            np.hstack([np.repeat(x1, len(samps), 0), samps])),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cd, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x1)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps))))),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cm, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x1)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps))))),
        lambda samps: true_dens(
            np.hstack([np.repeat(x2, len(samps), 0), samps])),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cd, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x2)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps))))),
        lambda samps: np.squeeze(
                multiply(cm, FiniteVec.construct_RKHS_Elem(invec.k, x2)).
                FiniteVec(refervec.k, samps, prefactors=np.ones(len(samps)))))

    t = np.array(
        (true_x1(refervec.inspace_points), true_x2(refervec.inspace_points)))
    e = np.array(
        (est_x1(refervec.inspace_points), est_x2(refervec.inspace_points)))
    if plot:
        import pylab as pl

        (fig, ax) = pl.subplots(1, 3, False, False)
        ax[0].plot(refervec.inspace_points, t[0])
        ax[0].plot(refervec.inspace_points, e[0], "--", label="dens")

        ax[1].plot(refervec.inspace_points, t[1])
        ax[1].plot(refervec.inspace_points, e[1], "--", label="dens")

    assert (np.allclose(e, t, atol=0.5))
    def get_min_accepted(self,
        """Iteratively run ABC until a minimum number of samples are accepted

        Setting a maximum distance that simulation summaries can be allowed to
        be from the summaries of each target an iterative scheme can be used to
        get ``n_samples`` simulations at a time, compress them and calculate
        the distances until the minimum number of desired samples are within
        the allowed cutoff distance. If multiple targets are being inferred
        then the simulations are run until all targets have at least the
        minimum number of accepted samples.

        rng : int(2,)
            A random number generator to draw the parameters and make
            simulations with
        ϵ : float or float(n_targets)
            The acceptance distance between summaries from simulations and the
            summary of the target data. A different epsilon can be passed for
            each target.
        accepted : int
            The minimum number of samples to be accepted within the `ϵ` cutoff
        n_simulations : int, default=1
            The number of simulations to do at once
        max_iterations : int, default=10
            Maximum number of iterations in the while loop to prevent infinite
            runs. Note if max_iterations is reached then there are probably
            not the required number of accepted samples
        smoothing : float or None, default=None
            A Gaussian smoothing for the marginal distributions
        verbose : bool, default=True
            Whether to print out the running stats (number accepted,
            iterations, etc)

        float(any, n_params)
            All parameters values drawn
        float(any, n_summaries)
            All summaries of simulations made
        float(n_target, any)
            The distance of every summary to each target
        def loop(inputs):
            return jax.lax.while_loop(loop_cond, loop_body, inputs)

        def loop_cond(inputs):
            return np.logical_and(np.less(np.min(inputs[-2]), accepted),
                                  np.less(inputs[-1], max_iterations))

        def loop_body(inputs):
            rng, parameters, summaries, distances, n_accepted, iteration = \
            rng, key = jax.random.split(rng)
            parameter_samples = self.prior.sample(n_simulations, seed=key)
            rng, key = jax.random.split(rng)
            summary_samples = self.compressor(
                self.simulator(key, parameter_samples))
            distance_samples = jax.vmap(
                lambda target, F: self.distance_measure(
                    summary_samples, target, F))(self.target_summaries, self.F)
            indices = jax.lax.dynamic_slice(
                np.arange(n_simulations * max_iterations),
                [n_simulations * iteration], [n_simulations])
            parameters = jax.ops.index_update(parameters,
            summaries = jax.ops.index_update(summaries, jax.ops.index[indices],
            distances = jax.ops.index_update(distances, jax.ops.index[:,
            n_accepted = np.int32(np.less(distances, ϵ).sum(1))
            return rng, parameters, summaries, distances, n_accepted, \
                iteration + np.int32(1)

        parameters = np.ones((max_iterations * n_simulations, self.n_params))
        summaries = np.ones((max_iterations * n_simulations, self.n_summaries))
        distances = np.ones(
            (self.n_targets, max_iterations * n_simulations)) * np.inf
        if self.parameters.all is not None:
            parameters = np.vstack([parameters, self.parameters.all])
            summaries = np.vstack([summaries, self.summaries.all])
            distances = np.hstack([distances, self.distances.all])
            if self.parameters.n_accepted is None:
                self.set_accepted(ϵ, smoothing=smoothing)
            n_accepted = np.int32(self.parameters.n_accepted)
            n_accepted = np.zeros(self.n_targets, dtype=np.int32)
        current_accepted = n_accepted
        iteration = 0
        _, parameters, summaries, distances, n_accepted, iteration = loop(
            (rng, parameters, summaries, distances, n_accepted, iteration))
        keep = ~np.any(np.isinf(distances), 0)
        parameters = parameters[keep]
        summaries = summaries[keep]
        distances = distances[:, keep]
        if verbose:
            print(f"{n_accepted - current_accepted} accepted in last ",
                  f"{iteration} iterations ",
                  f"({n_simulations * iteration} simulations done).")
        return parameters, summaries, distances
Ejemplo n.º 22
def jacres_phie(acc, pe, sep, ne, zcc):
    Mp = peq.M
    Mn = neq.M
    Ms = sepq.M
    Ma = accq.M
    Mz = zccq.M
    Np = peq.N
    Nn = neq.N
    """ Positive Electrode"""
    #electrolyte_poten(self,un, uc, up, phien, phiec, phiep, Tn, Tc, Tp,j):
    arg_phie0p = [pe.phievec[0], pe.phievec[1]]
    arg_phiep = [
        pe.uvec[0:Mp], pe.uvec[1:Mp + 1], pe.uvec[2:Mp + 2], pe.phievec[0:Mp],
        pe.phievec[1:Mp + 1], pe.phievec[2:Mp + 2], pe.Tvec[0:Mp],
        pe.Tvec[1:Mp + 1], pe.Tvec[2:Mp + 2], pe.jvec[0:Mp]
    #bc_phie_p(self,phie0_p, phie1_p, phie0_s, phie1_s, u0_p, u1_p, u0_s, u1_s, T0_p, T1_p, T0_s, T1_s)
    arg_phieMp = [
        pe.phievec[Mp], pe.phievec[Mp + 1], sep.phievec[0], sep.phievec[1],
        pe.uvec[Mp], pe.uvec[Mp + 1], sep.uvec[0], sep.uvec[1], pe.Tvec[Mp],
        pe.Tvec[Mp + 1], sep.Tvec[0], sep.Tvec[1]

    bc_phie0p = peq.bc_zero_neumann(*arg_phie0p)
    res_phiep = vmap(peq.electrolyte_poten)(*arg_phiep)
    bc_phieMp = peq.bc_phie_p(*arg_phieMp)

    bc_phie0p_grad = np.array([[-1, 1]]).T
    A_phiep = vmap((grad(peq.electrolyte_poten,
                         range(0, len(arg_phiep)))))(*arg_phiep)
    bc_phieMp_grad = grad(peq.bc_phie_p, range(0,

    bcphiep = {"right": bc_phie0p_grad, "left": bc_phieMp_grad[0:2]}
    J_phiephiepp = build_tridiag(Mp, A_phiep[3:6], **bcphiep)
    J_phieps = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phieMp_grad[2:4])),
                           ([Mp + 1, Mp + 1], [0, 1])),
                          shape=(Mp + 2, Ms + 2 + Mn + 2))
    J_phiephiep = hstack([J_phiephiepp, J_phieps])

    bc_phieup = {"left": bc_phieMp_grad[4:6]}
    J_phieupp = build_tridiag(Mp, A_phiep[0:3], **bc_phieup)
    J_phieups = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phieMp_grad[6:8])),
                            ([Mp + 1, Mp + 1], [0, 1])),
                           shape=(Mp + 2, Ms + 2 + Mn + 2))
    J_phieup = hstack([J_phieupp, J_phieups])

    bc_phieTp = {"left": bc_phieMp_grad[8:10]}
    J_phieTpp = build_tridiag(Mp, A_phiep[6:9], **bc_phieTp)
    J_phieTps = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phieMp_grad[10:12])),
                            ([Mp + 1, Mp + 1], [0, 1])),
                           shape=(Mp + 2, Ms + 2 + Mn + 2))
    J_phieTp = hstack([J_phieTpp, J_phieTps])

    J_phiejp = build_diag(Mp, A_phiep[9], "long")
    """ Separator """

    arg_phie0s = [
        sep.phievec[0], sep.phievec[1], pe.phievec[Mp], pe.phievec[Mp + 1]
    arg_phies = [
        sep.uvec[0:Ms], sep.uvec[1:Ms + 1], sep.uvec[2:Ms + 2],
        sep.phievec[0:Ms], sep.phievec[1:Ms + 1], sep.phievec[2:Ms + 2],
        sep.Tvec[0:Ms], sep.Tvec[1:Ms + 1], sep.Tvec[2:Ms + 2]
    # bc_phie_sn(self,phie0_n, phie1_n, phie0_s, phie1_s, u0_n, u1_n, u0_s, u1_s, T0_n, T1_n, T0_s, T1_s):
    arg_phieMs = [
        ne.phievec[0], ne.phievec[1], sep.phievec[Ms], sep.phievec[Ms + 1],
        ne.uvec[0], ne.uvec[1], sep.uvec[Ms], sep.uvec[Ms + 1], ne.Tvec[0],
        ne.Tvec[1], sep.Tvec[Ms], sep.Tvec[Ms + 1]

    bc_phie0s = peq.bc_inter_cont(*arg_phie0s)
    res_phies = vmap(sepq.electrolyte_poten)(*arg_phies)
    bc_phieMs = sepq.bc_phie_sn(*arg_phieMs)

    bc_phie0s_grad = grad(peq.bc_inter_cont,
                          range(0, len(arg_phie0s)))(*arg_phie0s)
    A_phies = vmap(grad(sepq.electrolyte_poten,
                        range(0, len(arg_phies))))(*arg_phies)
    bc_phieMs_grad = grad(sepq.bc_phie_sn, range(0,

    bcphies = {"right": bc_phie0s_grad[0:2], "left": bc_phieMs_grad[2:4]}
    J_phiephiess = build_tridiag(Ms, A_phies[3:6], **bcphies)
    J_phiephiesp = coo_matrix(
        (np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phie0s_grad[2:4])), ([0, 0], [Mp, Mp + 1])),
        shape=(Ms + 2, Mp + 2))
    J_phiephiesn = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phieMs_grad[0:2])),
                               ([Ms + 1, Ms + 1], [0, 1])),
                              shape=(Ms + 2, Mn + 2))
    J_phiephies = hstack([J_phiephiesp, J_phiephiess, J_phiephiesn])

    bcphieus = {"left": bc_phieMs_grad[6:8]}
    J_phieuss = build_tridiag(Ms, A_phies[0:3], **bcphieus)
    J_phieusp = empty_rec(Ms + 2, Mp + 2)
    J_phieusn = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phieMs_grad[4:6])),
                            ([Ms + 1, Ms + 1], [0, 1])),
                           shape=(Ms + 2, Mn + 2))
    J_phieus = hstack([J_phieusp, J_phieuss, J_phieusn])

    bcphieTs = {"left": bc_phieMs_grad[10:12]}
    J_phieTss = build_tridiag(Ms, A_phies[6:9], **bcphieTs)
    J_phieTsp = empty_rec(Ms + 2, Mp + 2)
    J_phieTsn = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phieMs_grad[8:10])),
                            ([Ms + 1, Ms + 1], [0, 1])),
                           shape=(Ms + 2, Mn + 2))
    J_phieTs = hstack([J_phieTsp, J_phieTss, J_phieTsn])
    """ Negative Electrode"""
    arg_phie0n = [
        ne.phievec[0], ne.phievec[1], sep.phievec[Ms], sep.phievec[Ms + 1]
    arg_phien = [
        ne.uvec[0:Mn], ne.uvec[1:Mn + 1], ne.uvec[2:Mn + 2], ne.phievec[0:Mn],
        ne.phievec[1:Mn + 1], ne.phievec[2:Mn + 2], ne.Tvec[0:Mn],
        ne.Tvec[1:Mn + 1], ne.Tvec[2:Mn + 2], ne.jvec[0:Mn]
    arg_phieMn = [ne.phievec[Mn], ne.phievec[Mn + 1]]

    bc_phie0n = neq.bc_inter_cont(*arg_phie0n)
    res_phien = vmap(neq.electrolyte_poten)(*arg_phien)
    bc_phieMn = neq.bc_zero_dirichlet(*arg_phieMn)

    bc_phie0n_grad = grad(neq.bc_inter_cont,
                          range(0, len(arg_phie0n)))(*arg_phie0n)
    A_phien = vmap(grad(neq.electrolyte_poten,
                        range(0, len(arg_phien))))(*arg_phien)
    bc_phieMn_grad = np.array([[1 / 2, 1 / 2]]).T

    bcphien = {"right": bc_phie0n_grad[0:2], "left": bc_phieMn_grad}
    J_phiephienn = build_tridiag(Mn, A_phien[3:6], **bcphien)
    J_phiephiens = coo_matrix((np.ravel(np.asarray(bc_phie0n_grad[2:4])),
                               ([0, 0], [Mp + 2 + Ms, Mp + 2 + Ms + 1])),
                              shape=(Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Ms + 2))
    J_phiephien = hstack([J_phiephiens, J_phiephienn])

    J_phieunn = build_tridiag(Mn, A_phien[0:3])
    J_phieuns = empty_rec(Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Ms + 2)
    J_phieun = hstack([J_phieuns, J_phieunn])

    J_phieTnn = build_tridiag(Mn, A_phien[6:9])
    J_phieTns = empty_rec(Mn + 2, Mp + 2 + Ms + 2)
    J_phieTn = hstack([J_phieTns, J_phieTnn])

    J_phiejn = build_diag(Mn, A_phien[9], "long")

    J_phieu = vstack((J_phieup, J_phieus, J_phieun))
    J_phiephie = vstack((J_phiephiep, J_phiephies, J_phiephien))
    J_phieT = hstack([
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2 + Ms + 2, Ma + 2),
        vstack((J_phieTp, J_phieTs, J_phieTn)),
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2 + Ms + 2, Mz + 2)
    J_phiej = vstack([
        hstack([J_phiejp, empty_rec(Mp + 2, Mn)]),
        empty_rec(Ms + 2, Mp + Mn),
        hstack([empty_rec(Mn + 2, Mp), J_phiejn])

    J_phiec = empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2,
                        Mp * (Np + 2) + Mn * (Nn + 2))

    res_phie = np.hstack(
        (bc_phie0p, res_phiep, bc_phieMp, bc_phie0s, res_phies, bc_phieMs,
         bc_phie0n, res_phien, bc_phieMn))
    J_phie = hstack([
        J_phiec, J_phieu, J_phieT, J_phiephie,
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Mn + 2 + Ms + 2, Mp + 2 + Mn + 2), J_phiej,
        empty_rec(Mp + 2 + Ms + 2 + Mn + 2, Mp + Mn)

    return res_phie, J_phie