def Overlap(W_i, W_ev, N): """ Computes the overlap between the evolved state and the initial state with the Onishi Formula. """ #N =[0]/2) U_i = W_i[0:N, 0:N] V_i = W_i[N:2 * N, 0:N] #switch zero modes P1 = np.diag(np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.ones((N - 1))))) P = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((P1, (np.identity(N) - P1)), axis=1), np.concatenate(((np.identity(N) - P1), P1), axis=1))) w_i =, P) U_i2 = w_i[0:N, 0:N] V_i2 = w_i[N:2 * N, 0:N] U_ev = W_ev[0:N, 0:N] V_ev = W_ev[N:2 * N, 0:N] Overlap1 = np.abs( np.linalg.det( (, U_ev) +, V_ev)))) Overlap2 = np.abs( np.linalg.det( (, U_ev) +, V_ev)))) return np.max([Overlap1, Overlap2])
def final_fn(state, regularize=False): """ :param state: Current state of the scheme. :param bool regularize: Whether to adjust diagonal for numerical stability. :return: a triple of estimated covariance, the square root of precision, and the inverse of that square root. """ mean, m2, n = state # XXX it is not necessary to check for the case n=1 cov = m2 / (n - 1) if regularize: # Regularization from Stan scaled_cov = (n / (n + 5)) * cov shrinkage = 1e-3 * (5 / (n + 5)) if diagonal: cov = scaled_cov + shrinkage else: cov = scaled_cov + shrinkage * jnp.identity(mean.shape[0]) if jnp.ndim(cov) == 2: # copy the implementation of distributions.util.cholesky_of_inverse here tril_inv = jnp.swapaxes( jnp.linalg.cholesky(cov[..., ::-1, ::-1])[..., ::-1, ::-1], -2, -1) identity = jnp.identity(cov.shape[-1]) cov_inv_sqrt = solve_triangular(tril_inv, identity, lower=True) else: tril_inv = jnp.sqrt(cov) cov_inv_sqrt = jnp.reciprocal(tril_inv) return cov, cov_inv_sqrt, tril_inv
def initialize(self, n, m, x, T_0, K=None, Q=None, R=None): """ Description: Initialize the dynamics of the model Args: n (float/numpy.ndarray): dimension of the state m (float/numpy.ndarray): dimension of the controls x (postive int): initial state T_0 (int): system identification time K (float/numpy.ndarray): initial controller (optional) Q, R (float/numpy.ndarray): cost matrices (c(x, u) = x^T Q x + u^T R u) """ self.initialized = True self.n, self.m = n, m self.x = x self.T_0 = T_0 self.T = 0 Q = np.identity(n) if Q is None else Q R = np.identity(m) if R is None else R if K: self.K = K else: X = scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R) self.K = np.linalg.inv(B.T @ X @ B + R) @ (B.T @ X @ A)
def __init__(self, A: jnp.ndarray, B: jnp.ndarray, Q: jnp.ndarray = None, R: jnp.ndarray = None) -> None: """ Description: Initialize the infinite-time horizon LQR. Args: A (jnp.ndarray): system dynamics B (jnp.ndarray): system dynamics Q (jnp.ndarray): cost matrices (i.e. cost = x^TQx + u^TRu) R (jnp.ndarray): cost matrices (i.e. cost = x^TQx + u^TRu) Returns: None """ state_size, action_size = B.shape if Q is None: Q = jnp.identity(state_size, dtype=jnp.float32) if R is None: R = jnp.identity(action_size, dtype=jnp.float32) # solve the ricatti equation X = dare(A, B, Q, R) # compute LQR gain self.K = jnp.linalg.inv(B.T @ X @ B + R) @ (B.T @ X @ A)
def __init__( self, A: jnp.ndarray, B: jnp.ndarray, T: jnp.ndarray, Q: jnp.ndarray = None, R: jnp.ndarray = None, ) -> None: """ Description: initializes the Hinf agent Args: A (jnp.ndarray): B (jnp.ndarray): T (jnp.ndarray): Q (jnp.ndarray): R (jnp.ndarray): Returns: None """ d_x, d_u = B.shape if Q is None: self.Q = jnp.identity(d_x, dtype=jnp.float32) if R is None: self.R = jnp.identity(d_u, dtype=jnp.float32) # self.K, self.W = solve_hinf(A, B, Q, R, T) self.t = 0
def update_C_prior(self, params): sigma = params[0] theta = params[1] C_prior = np.identity(self.n_features) * 1 / theta C_prior_inv = np.identity(self.n_features) * theta return C_prior, C_prior_inv
def _randaugment_inner_for_loop(_, in_args): """ Loop body for for randougment. Args: i: loop iteration in_args: loop body arguments Returns: updated loop arguments """ (image, geometric_transforms, random_key, available_ops, op_probs, magnitude, cutout_const, translate_const, join_transforms, default_replace_value) = in_args random_keys = random.split(random_key, num=8) random_key = random_keys[0] # keep for next iteration op_to_select = random.choice(random_keys[1], available_ops, p=op_probs) mask_value = jnp.where(default_replace_value > 0, jnp.ones([image.shape[-1]]) * default_replace_value, random.randint(random_keys[2], [image.shape[-1]], minval=-1, maxval=256)) random_magnitude = random.uniform(random_keys[3], [], minval=0., maxval=magnitude) cutout_mask = color_transforms.get_random_cutout_mask( random_keys[4], image.shape, cutout_const) translate_vals = (random.uniform(random_keys[5], [], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0) * translate_const, random.uniform(random_keys[6], [], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0) * translate_const) negate = random.randint(random_keys[7], [], minval=0, maxval=2).astype('bool') args = level_to_arg(cutout_mask, translate_vals, negate, random_magnitude, mask_value) if DEBUG: print(op_to_select, args[op_to_select]) image, geometric_transform = _apply_ops(image, args, op_to_select) image, geometric_transform = jax.lax.cond( jnp.logical_or(join_transforms, jnp.all( jnp.not_equal(geometric_transform, jnp.identity(4)))), lambda op: (op[0], op[1]), lambda op: (transforms.apply_transform(op[0], op[1], mask_value=mask_value), jnp.identity(4)), (image, geometric_transform) ) geometric_transforms = jnp.matmul(geometric_transforms, geometric_transform) return(image, geometric_transforms, random_key, available_ops, op_probs, magnitude, cutout_const, translate_const, join_transforms, default_replace_value)
def test_mean_var(jax_dist, sp_dist, params): n = 20000 if jax_dist in [dist.LKJ, dist.LKJCholesky] else 200000 d_jax = jax_dist(*params) k = random.PRNGKey(0) samples = d_jax.sample(k, sample_shape=(n,)) # check with suitable scipy implementation if available if sp_dist and not _is_batched_multivariate(d_jax): d_sp = sp_dist(*params) try: sp_mean = d_sp.mean() except TypeError: # mvn does not have .mean() method sp_mean = d_sp.mean # for multivariate distns try .cov first if d_jax.event_shape: try: sp_var = np.diag(d_sp.cov()) except TypeError: # mvn does not have .cov() method sp_var = np.diag(d_sp.cov) except AttributeError: sp_var = d_sp.var() else: sp_var = d_sp.var() assert_allclose(d_jax.mean, sp_mean, rtol=0.01, atol=1e-7) assert_allclose(d_jax.variance, sp_var, rtol=0.01, atol=1e-7) if np.all(np.isfinite(sp_mean)): assert_allclose(np.mean(samples, 0), d_jax.mean, rtol=0.05, atol=1e-2) if np.all(np.isfinite(sp_var)): assert_allclose(np.std(samples, 0), np.sqrt(d_jax.variance), rtol=0.05, atol=1e-2) elif jax_dist in [dist.LKJ, dist.LKJCholesky]: if jax_dist is dist.LKJCholesky: corr_samples = np.matmul(samples, np.swapaxes(samples, -2, -1)) else: corr_samples = samples dimension, concentration, _ = params # marginal of off-diagonal entries marginal = dist.Beta(concentration + 0.5 * (dimension - 2), concentration + 0.5 * (dimension - 2)) # scale statistics due to linear mapping marginal_mean = 2 * marginal.mean - 1 marginal_std = 2 * np.sqrt(marginal.variance) expected_mean = np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(marginal_mean, np.shape(marginal_mean) + (1, 1)), np.shape(marginal_mean) + d_jax.event_shape) expected_std = np.broadcast_to(np.reshape(marginal_std, np.shape(marginal_std) + (1, 1)), np.shape(marginal_std) + d_jax.event_shape) # diagonal elements of correlation matrices are 1 expected_mean = expected_mean * (1 - np.identity(dimension)) + np.identity(dimension) expected_std = expected_std * (1 - np.identity(dimension)) assert_allclose(np.mean(corr_samples, axis=0), expected_mean, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(np.std(corr_samples, axis=0), expected_std, atol=0.01) else: if np.all(np.isfinite(d_jax.mean)): assert_allclose(np.mean(samples, 0), d_jax.mean, rtol=0.05, atol=1e-2) if np.all(np.isfinite(d_jax.variance)): assert_allclose(np.std(samples, 0), np.sqrt(d_jax.variance), rtol=0.05, atol=1e-2)
def norm_project(self, y, A, c): """ Project y using norm A on the convex set bounded by c. """ if np.any(np.isnan(y)) or np.all(np.absolute(y) <= c): return y y_shape = y.shape y_reshaped = np.ravel(y) dim_y = y_reshaped.shape[0] P = matrix(self.numpyify(A)) q = matrix(self.numpyify(, y_reshaped))) G = matrix(self.numpyify(np.append(np.identity(dim_y), -np.identity(dim_y), axis=0)), tc='d') h = matrix(self.numpyify(np.repeat(c, 2 * dim_y)), tc='d') solution = np.array(onp.array(solvers.qp(P, q, G, h)['x'])).squeeze().reshape(y_shape) return solution
def init_fn(z_info, rng_key, step_size=1.0, inverse_mass_matrix=None, mass_matrix_size=None): """ :param IntegratorState z_info: The initial integrator state. :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng_key: Random key to be used as the source of randomness. :param float step_size: Initial step size. :param inverse_mass_matrix: Inverse of the initial mass matrix. If ``None``, inverse of mass matrix will be an identity matrix with size is decided by the argument `mass_matrix_size`. :param int mass_matrix_size: Size of the mass matrix. :return: initial state of the adapt scheme. """ rng_key, rng_key_ss = random.split(rng_key) if inverse_mass_matrix is None: assert mass_matrix_size is not None if dense_mass: inverse_mass_matrix = jnp.identity(mass_matrix_size) else: inverse_mass_matrix = jnp.ones(mass_matrix_size) mass_matrix_sqrt = mass_matrix_sqrt_inv = inverse_mass_matrix else: if dense_mass: mass_matrix_sqrt_inv = jnp.swapaxes( jnp.linalg.cholesky( inverse_mass_matrix[..., ::-1, ::-1])[..., ::-1, ::-1], -2, -1) identity = jnp.identity(inverse_mass_matrix.shape[-1]) mass_matrix_sqrt = solve_triangular(mass_matrix_sqrt_inv, identity, lower=True) else: mass_matrix_sqrt_inv = jnp.sqrt(inverse_mass_matrix) mass_matrix_sqrt = jnp.reciprocal(mass_matrix_sqrt_inv) if adapt_step_size: step_size = find_reasonable_step_size(step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, z_info, rng_key_ss) ss_state = ss_init(jnp.log(10 * step_size)) mm_state = mm_init(inverse_mass_matrix.shape[-1]) window_idx = 0 return HMCAdaptState(step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, mass_matrix_sqrt, mass_matrix_sqrt_inv, ss_state, mm_state, window_idx, rng_key)
def sample(N, X=None, prior_var=1., censorship_temp=10, distance_threshold=.5, distance_var=0.1): """Samples from the latent position model. Args: N: The number of latent positions. prior: Either 'uniform' or 'gaussian', the form of the position prior. prior_var: The variance for the position prior if it is Gaussian. censorship_temp: The temperature of the sigmoid that defines the censorship distribution, is multiplied by the covariates before they are exponentiated. distance_threshold: The distance where the probability of censorship is 50%. distance_var: The variance of the conditional distribution of distance given the positions and censoring indicators. Returns: X: The positions. C: The censorship indicators, a 2D numpy array of 0s and 1s of length num_pos*(num_pos-1)/2. Is 0 if a distance was observed and 1 otherwise. D: The pairwise distance matrix, flattened. Distances that were censored are 0. """ if X is None: X = onp.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[0.,0.], cov=prior_var*np.identity(2), size=[N]) distances = oscipy.spatial.distance.pdist(X) censorship_probs = oscipy.special.expit(censorship_temp*(distances - distance_threshold)) C = onp.random.binomial(1, censorship_probs) uncensored_D = onp.random.normal(loc=distances, scale=onp.sqrt(distance_var)) D = uncensored_D*(1-C) return X, C, D
def system_id(self): """ returns current estimate of hidden system dynamics """ assert self.T > 0 k = self.k if self.k else int(0.15 * self.T) # transform eta and x eta_np = np.array(self.eta) x_np = np.array(self.x_history) # prepare vectors and retrieve B scan_len = self.T - k - 1 # need extra -1 because we iterate over j=0,..,k N_j = np.array([[j + 1:j + 1 + scan_len].T, eta_np[:scan_len]) for j in range(k + 1) ]) / scan_len B = N_j[0] #[1:].T, eta_np[:-1]) / (self.T-1) #B =[1:].T, eta_np[:-1]) / (self.T-1) # retrieve A C_0, C_1 = N_j[:-1], N_j[1:] C_inv = np.linalg.inv( np.tensordot(C_0, C_0, axes=([0, 2], [0, 2])) + self.gamma * np.identity(self.n)) A = np.tensordot(C_1, C_0, axes=([0, 2], [0, 2])) @ C_inv + B @ self.K return (A, B)
def kspring(self, kspring): """ Set new spring constant. Arguments --------- kspring: A scalar, array length `N` or symmetric `N x N` matrix. Restraining spring constant. """ # Ensure array kspring = np.asarray(kspring) shape = kspring.shape N = self._N if len(shape) > 2: raise RuntimeError( f"Wrong kspring shape {shape} (expected scalar, 1D or 2D)") elif len(shape) == 2: if shape != (N, N): raise RuntimeError( f"2D kspring with wrong shape, expected ({N}, {N}), got {shape}" ) if not np.allclose(kspring, kspring.T): raise RuntimeError("Spring matrix is not symmetric") self._kspring = kspring else: # len(shape) == 0 or len(shape) == 1 n = kspring.size if n != N and n != 1: raise RuntimeError( f"Wrong kspring size, expected 1 or {N}, got {n}.") self._kspring = np.identity(N) * kspring return self._kspring
def __init__(self, loc=jnp.array([0.]), cov=jnp.identity(1), sl=jnp.array([0.])): """ Check dimensions compatibility and initialize the parameters. Arguments: - loc: location parameter - cov: covariance matrix - sl: slant parameter """ assert loc.shape[-1] == cov.shape[-1] assert cov.shape[-1] == cov.shape[-2] assert loc.shape[-1] == sl.shape[-1] # assert (jnp.linalg.eigvalsh(cor - jnp.outer(skew, skew))).any() > 0 self.loc = loc self.cov = cov self.slant = sl self.scale = jnp.sqrt(jnp.diag(cov)) self.cor = jnp.einsum('i,ij,j->ij', 1. / self.scale, self.cov, 1. / self.scale) self.k = loc.shape[-1]
def kl_div(mu: np.ndarray, A_chol: np.ndarray, sigma_prior: float ) -> float: """ Computes the KL divergence between - the approximated posterior distribution N(mu, Sigma) - and the prior distribution on the parameters N(0, (sigma_prior ** 2) I) Instead of working directly with the covariance matrix Sigma, we will only deal with its Cholesky matrix A: It is the lower triangular matrix such that Sigma = A * A.T :param mu: mean of the posterior distribution approximated by variational inference :param A: Choleski matrix such that Sigma = A * A.T, where Sigma is the coveriance of the posterior distribution approximated by variational inference. :param sigma_prior: standard deviation of the prior on the parameters. We put the following prior on the parameters: N(mean=0, variance=(sigma_prior**2) I) :return: the value of the KL divergence """ # TODO covariance_post =,A_chol.T) mean_post = mu size = len(mu) mean_prior = np.zeros(shape=(A_chol.shape[0],1)) covariance_prior = sigma_prior**2*np.identity(A_chol.shape[0]) cov_ratio = np.linalg.det(covariance_prior)/np.linalg.det(covariance_post) # get ratio of 2 covariance matrices trace_matrices = np.trace(, covariance_post)) last_term = - mean_post).T,, (mean_prior - mean_post))) kl = 0.5*(np.log(cov_ratio) - size + trace_matrices + last_term) return kl[0][0]
def _get_posterior(self): loc = numpyro.param('{}_loc'.format(self.prefix), self._init_latent) scale_tril = numpyro.param('{}_scale_tril'.format(self.prefix), jnp.identity(self.latent_dim) * self._init_scale, constraint=constraints.lower_cholesky) return dist.MultivariateNormal(loc, scale_tril=scale_tril)
def _RuLSIF(self, x, y, alpha, s_sigma, s_lambda): if len(s_sigma) == 1 and len(s_lambda) == 1: sigma = s_sigma[0] lambda_ = s_lambda[0] else: optimized_params = self._optimize_sigma_lambda( x, y, alpha, s_sigma, s_lambda) sigma = optimized_params['sigma'] lambda_ = optimized_params['lambda'] phi_x = self.__kernel(r=x, sigma=sigma) phi_y = self.__kernel(r=y, sigma=sigma) H = (1. - alpha) * (, phi_y) / self.__y_num_row) + alpha * (, phi_x) / self.__x_num_row) # Phi* Phi h = np.average(phi_x, axis=0).T weights = np.linalg.solve(H + lambda_ * np.identity(self.__kernel_num), h).ravel() # weights[weights < 0] = 0. weights = jax.ops.index_update(weights, weights < 0, 0) # G2[G2<0]=0 self.__alpha = alpha self.__weights = weights self.__lambda = lambda_ self.__sigma = sigma self.__phi_x = phi_x self.__phi_y = phi_y
def covariance_matrix(self): # TODO: find a better solution to create a diagonal matrix new_diag = self.cov_diag[..., np.newaxis] * np.identity( self.loc.shape[-1]) covariance_matrix = new_diag + np.matmul( self.cov_factor, np.swapaxes(self.cov_factor, -1, -2)) return covariance_matrix
def test_lqr(steps=10, show_plot=True): T = steps n = 1 # dimension of the state x m = 1 # control dimension noise_magnitude = 0.2 noise_distribution = 'normal' environment_id = "LDS" environment_params = { 'n': n, 'm': m, 'noise_magnitude': noise_magnitude, 'noise_distribution': noise_distribution } C = np.identity(n + m) # quadratic cost LQR_params = {'C': C, 'T': T} LQR_results, LQR_norms, LQR_avg_results = get_trajectory((environment_id, environment_params), \ ('LQR', LQR_params), T = T) if (show_plot): plt.plot(LQR_norms, label="LQR") plt.title("LQR on LDS") print("test_lqr passed") return
def enumerate_support(self, expand=True): n = self.event_shape[-1] values = jnp.identity(n, dtype=canonicalize_dtype(self.dtype)) values = values.reshape((n,) + (1,) * len(self.batch_shape) + (n,)) if expand: values = jnp.broadcast_to(values, (n,) + self.batch_shape + (n,)) return values
def _onion(self, key, size): key_beta, key_normal = random.split(key) # Now we generate w term in Algorithm 3.2 of [1]. beta_sample = self._beta.sample(key_beta, size) # The following Normal distribution is used to create a uniform distribution on # a hypershere (ref: normal_sample = random.normal(key_normal, shape=size + self.batch_shape + (self.dimension * (self.dimension - 1) // 2, )) normal_sample = vec_to_tril_matrix(normal_sample, diagonal=0) u_hypershere = normal_sample / np.linalg.norm( normal_sample, axis=-1, keepdims=True) w = np.expand_dims(np.sqrt(beta_sample), axis=-1) * u_hypershere # put w into the off-diagonal triangular part cholesky = ops.index_add( np.zeros(size + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape), ops.index[..., 1:, :-1], w) # correct the diagonal # NB: we clip due to numerical precision diag = np.sqrt(np.clip(1 - np.sum(cholesky**2, axis=-1), a_min=0.)) cholesky = cholesky + np.expand_dims(diag, axis=-1) * np.identity( self.dimension) return cholesky
def _get_transform(self): loc = numpyro.param('{}_loc'.format(self.prefix), self._init_latent) scale_tril = numpyro.param('{}_scale_tril'.format(self.prefix), np.identity(self.latent_size) * self._init_scale, constraint=constraints.lower_cholesky) return MultivariateAffineTransform(loc, scale_tril)
def init_fn(z, rng, step_size=1.0, inverse_mass_matrix=None, mass_matrix_size=None): """ :param z: Initial position of the integrator. :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng: Random key to be used as the source of randomness. :param float step_size: Initial step size. :param inverse_mass_matrix: Inverse of the initial mass matrix. If ``None``, inverse of mass matrix will be an identity matrix with size is decided by the argument `mass_matrix_size`. :param int mass_matrix_size: Size of the mass matrix. :return: initial state of the adapt scheme. """ rng, rng_ss = random.split(rng) if inverse_mass_matrix is None: assert mass_matrix_size is not None if dense_mass: inverse_mass_matrix = np.identity(mass_matrix_size) else: inverse_mass_matrix = np.ones(mass_matrix_size) mass_matrix_sqrt = inverse_mass_matrix else: if dense_mass: mass_matrix_sqrt = cholesky_inverse(inverse_mass_matrix) else: mass_matrix_sqrt = np.sqrt(np.reciprocal(inverse_mass_matrix)) if adapt_step_size: step_size = find_reasonable_step_size(inverse_mass_matrix, z, rng_ss, step_size) ss_state = ss_init(np.log(10 * step_size)) mm_state = mm_init(inverse_mass_matrix.shape[-1]) window_idx = 0 return AdaptState(step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, mass_matrix_sqrt, ss_state, mm_state, window_idx, rng)
def inv_vec_transform(y): matrix = vec_to_tril_matrix(y, diagonal=-1) if constraint is constraints.corr_matrix: # fill the upper triangular part matrix = matrix + np.swapaxes( matrix, -2, -1) + np.identity(matrix.shape[-1]) return transform.inv(matrix)
def test_rot(): """Tests the rot function and computation of its gradient""" ket0 = jnp.array([1, 0], dtype=jnp.complex64) evo =[0.5, 0.7, 0.8]), ket0) back_evo =[0.5, 0.7, 0.8]), evo) assert jnp.all(rot([0, 0, 0]) == jnp.identity(2, dtype="complex64")) assert not jnp.all(jnp.equal(evo, back_evo))
def gamma_f(p: jnp.ndarray) -> jnp.ndarray: gamma_f_arr = jnp.block([[zeros5], [ jnp.identity(nn), self.objective_object.final_weight(p), zeros6 ], [zeros51]]) return gamma_f_arr
def _get_posterior(self): loc = numpyro.param("{}_loc".format(self.prefix), self._init_latent) scale_tril = numpyro.param( "{}_scale_tril".format(self.prefix), jnp.identity(self.latent_dim) * self._init_scale, constraint=self.scale_tril_constraint, ) return dist.MultivariateNormal(loc, scale_tril=scale_tril)
def step(t, state, dt, space, t_h, parameters): hamiltonian = init_hamiltonian(space, t + dt / 2, parameters, t_h) I = np.identity(len(state)) H = 0.5j * hamiltonian * dt # get the new state by solving a system of linear equations obtained by crank-nicolson state = np.linalg.solve(I + H, (I - H).dot(state)) t += dt return t, state
def cholesky_of_inverse(matrix): # This formulation only takes the inverse of a triangular matrix # which is more numerically stable. # Refer to: # tril_inv = jnp.swapaxes(jnp.linalg.cholesky(matrix[..., ::-1, ::-1])[..., ::-1, ::-1], -2, -1) identity = jnp.broadcast_to(jnp.identity(matrix.shape[-1]), tril_inv.shape) return solve_triangular(tril_inv, identity, lower=True)
def fill_cov(S, dim): m, m = S.shape S_eye = jnp.identity(dim - m) S_fill = jnp.zeros((m, dim - m)) S_fill_left = jnp.vstack((S_fill, S_eye)) S_final = jnp.vstack((S, S_fill.T)) S_final = jnp.hstack((S_final, S_fill_left)) return S_final