def latent_diffusion_function(self, x, t, param_dict, gp_matrices): if self.config["constant_diffusion"]: concentration, rate = param_dict["gamma_params"]) self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) inverse_lambdas = numpyro.sample("inverse_lambdas", InverseGamma( nn.softplus(concentration), nn.softplus(rate)), rng_key=subkey) return np.tile( np.expand_dims(aux_math.diag(inverse_lambdas), axis=0), [x.shape[0], 1, 1]) else: if self.config["time_dependent_gp"]: time = np.ones(shape=(x.shape[0], 1)) * t y = np.concatenate((x, time), axis=1) return aux_math.diag( np.transpose( self.sde_gp_diffusion(y, param_dict["sde_gp"], gp_matrices))) return aux_math.diag( np.transpose( self.sde_gp_diffusion(x, param_dict["sde_gp"], gp_matrices)))
def __call__(self, y, sc, multiplicative_factor=None): net = self.predict(sc["encoder_params"], y) if multiplicative_factor is None: scale_tril = aux_math.diag(nn.softplus(net[..., self.output_dims:])) else: scale_tril = np.einsum( "ab,cbd->cad", multiplicative_factor, aux_math.diag(nn.softplus(net[..., self.output_dims:]))) return net[..., :self.output_dims], scale_tril
def step(self, x_0, time): shape = [np.shape(x_0)[0], self.beta_dims] # Vector of zeros beta_mean_vector = np.concatenate((np.zeros(shape), np.zeros(shape)), axis=1) # Covariance matrix for the betas and gammas beta_covariance_top_left = self.delta_t ** 3 / 3 * aux_math.diag(np.ones(shape)) beta_covariance_top_right = self.delta_t ** 2 / 2 * aux_math.diag(np.ones(shape)) beta_covariance_bottom_right = self.delta_t * aux_math.diag(np.ones(shape)) beta_covariance_top = np.concatenate((beta_covariance_top_left, beta_covariance_top_right), axis=2) beta_covariance_bottom = np.concatenate((beta_covariance_top_right, beta_covariance_bottom_right), axis=2) beta_covariance = np.concatenate((beta_covariance_top, beta_covariance_bottom), axis=1) self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) delta_gamma_beta = numpyro.sample("delta_gamma_beta", MultivariateNormal(loc=beta_mean_vector, covariance_matrix=beta_covariance), rng_key=subkey) delta_gamma = delta_gamma_beta[:, 0:self.beta_dims] delta_beta = delta_gamma_beta[:, self.beta_dims:] # Supporting values drift_0 = self.drift_function(x_0, time) * self.delta_t init_x_1 = x_0 + drift_0 + np.einsum("abc,ac->ab", self.diffusion_function(x_0, time), delta_beta) def scan_fn(carry, s): x_1 = carry x_0_plus = \ x_0 + drift_0 / self.beta_dims + \ self.diffusion_function(x_0, time)[..., s] * np.sqrt(self.delta_t) x_0_minus = \ x_0 + drift_0 / self.beta_dims - \ self.diffusion_function(x_0, time)[..., s] * np.sqrt(self.delta_t) drift_0_plus = self.drift_function(x_0_plus, time) drift_0_minus = self.drift_function(x_0_minus, time) x_1 += 0.25 * self.delta_t * (drift_0_plus + drift_0_minus) x_1 -= 0.5 * drift_0 x_1 += \ 1. / (2 * np.sqrt(self.delta_t)) * (drift_0_plus-drift_0_minus) * \ np.expand_dims(delta_gamma[:, s], axis=-1) return x_1, None final_x_1, _ = lax.scan(scan_fn, init_x_1, np.arange(self.beta_dims)) return final_x_1
def loss(self, y_input, t_indices: list, param_dict, num_steps): if type(t_indices) is not list: raise TypeError("Time indices object must be a list") # if self.config["mapping"] == "neural_ode_with_softplus" and 0 not in t_indices: # print(f"For mapping {self.config['mapping']}, the initial point (index 0) is required.") y_0 = y_input[0].reshape(y_input[0].shape[0], -1) gp_matrices, latent_drift_function, latent_diffusion_function = param_dict) self.sde_var.drift_function = latent_drift_function self.sde_var.diffusion_function = latent_diffusion_function self.y_t, self.paths_y = self.sde_var(y_0, num_steps) y_t_to_compare = self.paths_y[ops.index[t_indices]] metrics = dict() metrics["reco"] = \ np.mean( aux_math.log_prob_multivariate_normal( y_t_to_compare, aux_math.diag(np.sqrt(nn.softplus(["likelihood"])))), y_input[t_indices])) self.get_metrics(metrics, gp_matrices, param_dict) return -metrics["elbo"], metrics
def __call__(self, x: Array, t: float) -> Array: j = self.output_size diag = hk.get_parameter("diag", shape=[j], dtype=x.dtype, init=hk.initializers.RandomNormal()) return aux_math.diag(jax.nn.softplus(diag))
def __call__(self, y_input: Array, t_mask: Array, training: int) -> Tuple[Metrics, ItoGeneralOutput]: x_0 = self.initial_latents() likelihood = self.likelihood() t_seq, paths_x, paths_y, paths_y_generated = self.sde( x_0, y_input, t_mask, training) # Drifts and diffusions drift_y = jax.vmap(lambda x, t: self.drift_y(x, t), (0, 0))(paths_x, t_seq) diffusion_y = jax.vmap(lambda x, t: self.diffusion_y(x, t), (0, 0))(paths_x, t_seq) drift_x = jax.vmap(lambda x, t: self.drift_x(x, t), (0, 0))(paths_x, t_seq) diff_x = aux_math.diag_part( jax.vmap(lambda x, t: self.diffusion_x(x, t), (0, 0))(paths_x, t_seq)) # Objectives y_objective = y_input * t_mask + jnp.abs(t_mask - 1) * paths_y elbo = jnp.mean( aux_math.log_prob_multivariate_normal( paths_y[1:], aux_math.diag(diffusion_y[:-1] * jnp.sqrt(, y_objective[1:])) elbo_generated = jnp.mean( aux_math.log_prob_multivariate_normal( paths_y_generated[1:], aux_math.diag(diffusion_y[:-1] * jnp.sqrt(, y_objective[1:])) mse = jnp.mean(jnp.sum((paths_y[1:] - y_objective[1:])**2, axis=-1)) paths_y = paths_y_generated * training + jnp.abs(1 - training) * paths_y return \ Metrics(elbo, elbo_generated, mse), \ ItoGeneralOutput(t_seq, paths_x, drift_x, diff_x, paths_y, drift_y, diffusion_y, t_mask)
def step(self, x_0, time): self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) shape = np.array([np.shape(x_0)[0], self.beta_dims], dtype=np.int8) delta_beta = numpyro.sample("delta_gamma_beta", MultivariateNormal( loc=np.zeros(shape), scale_tril=np.sqrt(self.delta_t) * aux_math.diag(np.ones(shape))), rng_key=subkey) x_1 = x_0 + self.drift_function(x_0, time) * self.delta_t + \ np.einsum("abc,ac->ab", self.diffusion_function(x_0, time), delta_beta) return x_1
def __call__(self) -> Array: likelihood = hk.get_parameter( "likelihood", [self.output_size], init=hk.initializers.RandomNormal(mean=-5)) return aux_math.diag(jax.nn.softplus(likelihood))