Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(doAllFuncs=True):
    #jayutils.configLogger('', logging.DEBUG)
    jayutils.configLogger('', logging.INFO)
    logger = jayutils.getLogger('stackstrings')
    logger.debug('Starting up now')
    filePath = jayutils.getInputFilepath()
    if filePath is None:
        self.logger.info('No input file provided. Stopping')
    vw = jayutils.loadWorkspace(filePath)
    ea = idc.ScreenEA()
    res = idc.AskYN(0, 'Use basic-block local aggregator')
    if res == -1:
        print 'User canceled'
    uselocalagg = (res == 1)
    ranges = getFuncRanges(ea, doAllFuncs)
    for funcStart, funcEnd in ranges:
            logger.debug('Starting on function: 0x%x', funcStart)
            stringList = runStrings(vw, funcStart, uselocalagg)
            for node, string in stringList:
                if isLikelyFalsePositiveString(string):
                    #if it's very likely a FP, skip annotating
                print '0x%08x: %s' % (node[0], string)
                #print '0x%08x: 0x%08x: %s %s' % (node[0], node[1], binascii.hexlify(string), string)
                idc.MakeComm(node[0], string.strip())

        except Exception, err:
            logger.exception('Error during parse: %s', str(err))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    #jayutils.configLogger(__name__, logging.DEBUG)
    jayutils.configLogger(__name__, logging.INFO)
    logger = jayutils.getLogger('')
    logger.debug('Starting up in main')
    #name = idc.AskStr('CreateThread', 'Enter function to find args for')
    #argNum = idc.AskLong(6)

    filePath = jayutils.getInputFilepath()
    if filePath is None:
        self.logger.info('No input file provided. Stopping')
    vw = jayutils.loadWorkspace(filePath)
    logger.debug('Loaded workspace')
    tracker = ArgTracker(vw)

    import idautils
    funcEa = idc.get_name_ea_simple('CreateThread')
    if funcEa == idc.BADADDR:
        logger.info('CreateThread not found. Returning now')
    for xref in idautils.XrefsTo(funcEa):
        argsList = tracker.getPushArgs(xref.frm, 6)
        for argDict in argsList:
            print '-' * 60
            pc, value = argDict[3]
            print '0x%08x: 0x%08x: 0x%08x' % (xref.frm, pc, value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    #jayutils.configLogger(__name__, logging.DEBUG)
    jayutils.configLogger(__name__, logging.INFO)
    logger = jayutils.getLogger('')
    logger.debug('Starting up in main')
    #name = idc.AskStr('CreateThread', 'Enter function to find args for')
    #argNum = idc.AskLong(6)

    filePath = jayutils.getInputFilepath()
    if filePath is None:
        self.logger.info('No input file provided. Stopping')
    vw = jayutils.loadWorkspace(filePath)
    logger.debug('Loaded workspace')
    tracker = ArgTracker(vw)

    import idautils
    funcEa = idc.LocByName('CreateThread')
    if funcEa == idc.BADADDR:
        logger.info('CreateThread not found. Returning now')
    for xref in idautils.XrefsTo(funcEa):
        argsList = tracker.getPushArgs(xref.frm, 6)
        for argDict in argsList:
            print '-'*60
            pc, value = argDict[3]
            print '0x%08x: 0x%08x: 0x%08x' % (xref.frm, pc, value)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(doAllFuncs=True):
    #jayutils.configLogger('', logging.DEBUG)
    jayutils.configLogger('', logging.INFO)
    logger = jayutils.getLogger('stackstrings')
    logger.debug('Starting up now')
    filePath = jayutils.getInputFilepath()
    if filePath is None:
        self.logger.info('No input file provided. Stopping')
    vw = jayutils.loadWorkspace(filePath)
    ea = idc.ScreenEA()
    res = idc.AskYN(0, 'Use basic-block local aggregator')
    if res == -1:
        print 'User canceled'
    uselocalagg = (res == 1)
    ranges = getFuncRanges(ea, doAllFuncs)
    for funcStart, funcEnd in ranges:
            logger.debug('Starting on function: 0x%x', funcStart)
            stringList = runStrings(vw, funcStart, uselocalagg)    
            for node, string in stringList:
                if isLikelyFalsePositiveString(string):
                    #if it's very likely a FP, skip annotating
                print '0x%08x: %s' % (node[0], string)
                #print '0x%08x: 0x%08x: %s %s' % (node[0], node[1], binascii.hexlify(string), string)
                idc.MakeComm(node[0], string.strip())
        except Exception, err:
            logger.exception('Error during parse: %s', str(err))