Ejemplo n.º 1
def screen(args):
    %prog screen scaffolds.fasta library.fasta

    Screen sequences against FASTA library. Sequences that have 95% id and 50%
    cov will be removed by default.
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast
    from jcvi.formats.blast import covfilter

    p = OptionParser(screen.__doc__)
    p.set_align(pctid=95, pctcov=50)
                 help="Get the best N hit [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    scaffolds, library = args
    pctidflag = "--pctid={0}".format(opts.pctid)
    blastfile = blast(
        [library, scaffolds, pctidflag, "--best={0}".format(opts.best)])

    idsfile = blastfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".ids"
        blastfile, scaffolds, "--union", "--ids=" + idsfile, pctidflag,

    pf = scaffolds.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    nf = pf + ".screen.fasta"
    cmd = "faSomeRecords {0} -exclude {1} {2}".format(scaffolds, idsfile, nf)

    logging.debug("Screened FASTA written to `{0}`.".format(nf))

    return nf
Ejemplo n.º 2
def screen(args):
    %prog screen scaffolds.fasta library.fasta

    Screen sequences against FASTA library. Sequences that have 95% id and 50%
    cov will be removed by default.
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast
    from jcvi.formats.blast import covfilter

    p = OptionParser(screen.__doc__)
    p.set_align(pctid=95, pctcov=50)
    p.add_option("--best", default=1, type="int",
            help="Get the best N hit [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    scaffolds, library = args
    pctidflag = "--pctid={0}".format(opts.pctid)
    blastfile = blast([library, scaffolds, pctidflag,

    idsfile = blastfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".ids"
    covfilter([blastfile, scaffolds, "--ids=" + idsfile,
               pctidflag, "--pctcov={0}".format(opts.pctcov)])

    pf = scaffolds.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    nf = pf + ".screen.fasta"
    cmd = "faSomeRecords {0} -exclude {1} {2}".format(scaffolds, idsfile, nf)

    logging.debug("Screened FASTA written to `{0}`.".format(nf))

    return nf
Ejemplo n.º 3
def install(args):
    %prog install patchers.bed patchers.fasta backbone.fasta alt.fasta

    Install patches into backbone, using sequences from alternative assembly.
    The patches sequences are generated via jcvi.assembly.patch.fill().

    The output is a bedfile that can be converted to AGP using
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast
    from jcvi.formats.fasta import SeqIO

    p = OptionParser(install.__doc__)
        help="Maximum size of patchers to be replaced",
    p.add_option("--prefix", help="Prefix of the new object")
        help="Only update if replacement has no gaps",
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 4:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    pbed, pfasta, bbfasta, altfasta = args
    maxsize = opts.maxsize  # Max DNA size to replace gap
    rclip = opts.rclip

    blastfile = blast([altfasta, pfasta, "--wordsize=100", "--pctid=99"])
    order = Bed(pbed).order
    beforebed, afterbed = blast_to_twobeds(
        blastfile, order, rclip=rclip, maxsize=maxsize

    beforefasta = fastaFromBed(beforebed, bbfasta, name=True, stranded=True)
    afterfasta = fastaFromBed(afterbed, altfasta, name=True, stranded=True)

    # Exclude the replacements that contain more Ns than before
    ah = SeqIO.parse(beforefasta, "fasta")
    bh = SeqIO.parse(afterfasta, "fasta")
    count_Ns = lambda x: x.seq.count("n") + x.seq.count("N")
    exclude = set()
    for arec, brec in zip(ah, bh):
        an = count_Ns(arec)
        bn = count_Ns(brec)
        if opts.strict:
            if bn == 0:

        elif bn < an:

        id = arec.id

        "Ignore {0} updates because of decreasing quality.".format(len(exclude))

    abed = Bed(beforebed, sorted=False)
    bbed = Bed(afterbed, sorted=False)
    abed = [x for x in abed if x.accn not in exclude]
    bbed = [x for x in bbed if x.accn not in exclude]

    abedfile = "before.filtered.bed"
    bbedfile = "after.filtered.bed"
    afbed = Bed()
    bfbed = Bed()


    shuffle_twobeds(afbed, bfbed, bbfasta, prefix=opts.prefix)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def install(args):
    %prog install patchers.bed patchers.fasta backbone.fasta alt.fasta

    Install patches into backbone, using sequences from alternative assembly.
    The patches sequences are generated via jcvi.assembly.patch.fill().

    The output is a bedfile that can be converted to AGP using
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast
    from jcvi.formats.fasta import SeqIO

    p = OptionParser(install.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--maxsize", default=300000, type="int",
            help="Maximum size of patchers to be replaced [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--prefix", help="Prefix of the new object [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--strict", default=False, action="store_true",
            help="Only update if replacement has no gaps [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 4:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    pbed, pfasta, bbfasta, altfasta = args
    maxsize = opts.maxsize  # Max DNA size to replace gap
    rclip = opts.rclip

    blastfile = blast([altfasta, pfasta,"--wordsize=100", "--pctid=99"])
    order = Bed(pbed).order
    beforebed, afterbed = blast_to_twobeds(blastfile, order, rclip=rclip,

    beforefasta = fastaFromBed(beforebed, bbfasta, name=True, stranded=True)
    afterfasta = fastaFromBed(afterbed, altfasta, name=True, stranded=True)

    # Exclude the replacements that contain more Ns than before
    ah = SeqIO.parse(beforefasta, "fasta")
    bh = SeqIO.parse(afterfasta, "fasta")
    count_Ns = lambda x: x.seq.count('n') + x.seq.count('N')
    exclude = set()
    for arec, brec in zip(ah, bh):
        an = count_Ns(arec)
        bn = count_Ns(brec)
        if opts.strict:
            if bn == 0:

        elif bn < an:

        id = arec.id

    logging.debug("Ignore {0} updates because of decreasing quality."\

    abed = Bed(beforebed, sorted=False)
    bbed = Bed(afterbed, sorted=False)
    abed = [x for x in abed if x.accn not in exclude]
    bbed = [x for x in bbed if x.accn not in exclude]

    abedfile = "before.filtered.bed"
    bbedfile = "after.filtered.bed"
    afbed = Bed()
    bfbed = Bed()


    shuffle_twobeds(afbed, bfbed, bbfasta, prefix=opts.prefix)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def expand(args):
    %prog expand bes.fasta reads.fastq

    Expand sequences using short reads. Useful, for example for getting BAC-end
    sequences. The template to use, in `bes.fasta` may just contain the junction
    sequences, then align the reads to get the 'flanks' for such sequences.
    import math

    from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
    from jcvi.formats.fastq import readlen, first, fasta
    from jcvi.formats.blast import Blast
    from jcvi.formats.base import FileShredder
    from jcvi.apps.bowtie import align, get_samfile
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast

    p = OptionParser(expand.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bes, reads = args
    size = Fasta(bes).totalsize
    rl = readlen([reads])
    expected_size = size + 2 * rl
    nreads = expected_size * opts.depth / rl
    nreads = int(math.ceil(nreads / 1000.)) * 1000

    # Attract reads
    samfile, logfile = align([bes, reads, "--reorder", "--mapped",

    samfile, mapped, _ = get_samfile(reads, bes, bowtie=True, mapped=True)
    logging.debug("Extract first {0} reads from `{1}`.".format(nreads, mapped))

    pf = mapped.split(".")[0]
    pf = pf.split("-")[0]
    bespf = bes.split(".")[0]
    reads = pf + ".expand.fastq"
    first([str(nreads), mapped, "-o", reads])

    # Perform mini-assembly
    fastafile = reads.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".fasta"
    qualfile = ""
    if need_update(reads, fastafile):
        fastafile, qualfile = fasta([reads])

    contigs = op.join(pf, "454LargeContigs.fna")
    if need_update(fastafile, contigs):
        cmd = "runAssembly -o {0} -cpu 8 {1}".format(pf, fastafile)
    assert op.exists(contigs)

    # Annotate contigs
    blastfile = blast([bes, contigs])
    mapping = {}
    for query, b in Blast(blastfile).iter_best_hit():
        mapping[query] = b

    f = Fasta(contigs, lazy=True)
    annotatedfasta = ".".join((pf, bespf, "fasta"))
    fw = open(annotatedfasta, "w")
    keys = list(Fasta(bes).iterkeys_ordered())  # keep an ordered list
    recs = []
    for key, v in f.iteritems_ordered():
        vid = v.id
        if vid not in mapping:
        b = mapping[vid]
        subject = b.subject
        rec = v.reverse_complement() if b.orientation == '-' else v
        rec.id = rid = "_".join((pf, vid, subject))
        rec.description = ""
        recs.append((keys.index(subject), rid, rec))

    recs = [x[-1] for x in sorted(recs)]
    SeqIO.write(recs, fw, "fasta")

    FileShredder([samfile, logfile, mapped, reads, fastafile, qualfile, blastfile, pf])
    logging.debug("Annotated seqs (n={0}) written to `{1}`.".\
                    format(len(recs), annotatedfasta))

    return annotatedfasta
Ejemplo n.º 6
def expand(args):
    %prog expand bes.fasta reads.fastq

    Expand sequences using short reads. Useful, for example for getting BAC-end
    sequences. The template to use, in `bes.fasta` may just contain the junction
    sequences, then align the reads to get the 'flanks' for such sequences.
    import math

    from jcvi.formats.fasta import Fasta, SeqIO
    from jcvi.formats.fastq import readlen, first, fasta
    from jcvi.formats.blast import Blast
    from jcvi.formats.base import FileShredder
    from jcvi.apps.bowtie import align, get_samfile
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast

    p = OptionParser(expand.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bes, reads = args
    size = Fasta(bes).totalsize
    rl = readlen([reads])
    expected_size = size + 2 * rl
    nreads = expected_size * opts.depth / rl
    nreads = int(math.ceil(nreads / 1000.)) * 1000

    # Attract reads
    samfile, logfile = align([bes, reads, "--reorder", "--mapped",

    samfile, mapped, _ = get_samfile(reads, bes, bowtie=True, mapped=True)
    logging.debug("Extract first {0} reads from `{1}`.".format(nreads, mapped))

    pf = mapped.split(".")[0]
    pf = pf.split("-")[0]
    bespf = bes.split(".")[0]
    reads = pf + ".expand.fastq"
    first([str(nreads), mapped, "-o", reads])

    # Perform mini-assembly
    fastafile = reads.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".fasta"
    qualfile = ""
    if need_update(reads, fastafile):
        fastafile, qualfile = fasta([reads])

    contigs = op.join(pf, "454LargeContigs.fna")
    if need_update(fastafile, contigs):
        cmd = "runAssembly -o {0} -cpu 8 {1}".format(pf, fastafile)
    assert op.exists(contigs)

    # Annotate contigs
    blastfile = blast([bes, contigs])
    mapping = {}
    for query, b in Blast(blastfile).iter_best_hit():
        mapping[query] = b

    f = Fasta(contigs, lazy=True)
    annotatedfasta = ".".join((pf, bespf, "fasta"))
    fw = open(annotatedfasta, "w")
    keys = list(Fasta(bes).iterkeys_ordered())  # keep an ordered list
    recs = []
    for key, v in f.iteritems_ordered():
        vid = v.id
        if vid not in mapping:
        b = mapping[vid]
        subject = b.subject
        rec = v.reverse_complement() if b.orientation == '-' else v
        rec.id = rid = "_".join((pf, vid, subject))
        rec.description = ""
        recs.append((keys.index(subject), rid, rec))

    recs = [x[-1] for x in sorted(recs)]
    SeqIO.write(recs, fw, "fasta")

    FileShredder([samfile, logfile, mapped, reads, fastafile, qualfile, blastfile, pf])
    logging.debug("Annotated seqs (n={0}) written to `{1}`.".\
                    format(len(recs), annotatedfasta))

    return annotatedfasta
Ejemplo n.º 7
def sizes(args):
    %prog sizes gaps.bed a.fasta b.fasta

    Take the flanks of gaps within a.fasta, map them onto b.fasta. Compile the
    results to the gap size estimates in b. The output is detailed below:

    Columns are:
    1.  A scaffold
    2.  Start position
    3.  End position
    4.  Gap identifier
    5.  Gap size in A (= End - Start)
    6.  Gap size in B (based on BLAST, see below)

    For each gap, I extracted the left and right sequence (mostly 2Kb, but can be shorter
    if it runs into another gap) flanking the gap. The flanker names look like gap.00003L
    and gap.00003R means the left and right flanker of this particular gap, respectively.

    The BLAST output is used to calculate the gap size. For each flanker sequence, I took
    the best hit, and calculate the inner distance between the L match range and R range.
    The two flankers must map with at least 98% identity, and in the same orientation.

    NOTE the sixth column in the list file is not always a valid number. Other values are:
    -   na: both flankers are missing in B
    -   Singleton: one flanker is missing
    -   Different chr: flankers map to different scaffolds
    -   Strand +|-: flankers map in different orientations
    -   Negative value: the R flanker map before L flanker
    from jcvi.formats.base import DictFile
    from jcvi.apps.align import blast

    p = OptionParser(sizes.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    gapsbed, afasta, bfasta = args
    pf = gapsbed.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    extbed = pf + ".ext.bed"
    extfasta = pf + ".ext.fasta"

    if need_update(gapsbed, extfasta):
        extbed, extfasta = flanks([gapsbed, afasta])

    q = op.basename(extfasta).split(".")[0]
    r = op.basename(bfasta).split(".")[0]
    blastfile = "{0}.{1}.blast".format(q, r)

    if need_update([extfasta, bfasta], blastfile):
        blastfile = blast([bfasta, extfasta, "--wordsize=50", "--pctid=98"])

    labelsfile = blast_to_twobeds(blastfile)
    labels = DictFile(labelsfile, delimiter='\t')
    bed = Bed(gapsbed)
    for b in bed:
        b.score = b.span
        accn = b.accn
        print "\t".join((str(x) for x in (b.seqid, b.start - 1, b.end, accn,
                        b.score, labels.get(accn, "na"))))