Ejemplo n.º 1
def clr(args):
    %prog blastfile fastafiles

    Calculate the vector clear range file based BLAST to the vectors.
    p = OptionParser(clr.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) < 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blastfile = args[0]
    fastafiles = args[1:]

    sizes = {}
    for fa in fastafiles:
        f = Fasta(fa)

    b = Blast(blastfile)
    seen = set()
    for query, hits in b.iter_hits():

        qsize = sizes[query]
        vectors = list((x.qstart, x.qstop) for x in hits)
        vmin, vmax = range_minmax(vectors)

        left_size = vmin - 1
        right_size = qsize - vmax

        if left_size > right_size:
            clr_start, clr_end = 0, vmin
            clr_start, clr_end = vmax, qsize

        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (query, clr_start, clr_end))
        del sizes[query]

    for q, size in sorted(sizes.items()):
        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (q, 0, size))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: ca.py Proyecto: rrane/jcvi
def clr(args):
    %prog blastfile fastafiles

    Calculate the vector clear range file based BLAST to the vectors.
    p = OptionParser(clr.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) < 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blastfile = args[0]
    fastafiles = args[1:]

    sizes = {}
    for fa in fastafiles:
        f = Fasta(fa)

    b = Blast(blastfile)
    seen = set()
    for query, hits in b.iter_hits():

        qsize = sizes[query]
        vectors = list((x.qstart, x.qstop) for x in hits)
        vmin, vmax = range_minmax(vectors)

        left_size = vmin - 1
        right_size = qsize - vmax

        if left_size > right_size:
            clr_start, clr_end = 0, vmin
            clr_start, clr_end = vmax, qsize

        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (query, clr_start, clr_end))
        del sizes[query]

    for q, size in sorted(sizes.items()):
        print "\t".join(str(x) for x in (q, 0, size))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def loss(args):
    %prog loss a.b.i1.blocks [a.b-genomic.blast]

    Extract likely gene loss candidates between genome a and b.
    p = OptionParser(loss.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--bed", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Genomic BLAST is in bed format [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--gdist", default=20, type="int",
                 help="Gene distance [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--bdist", default=20000, type="int",
                 help="Base pair distance [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) not in (1, 2):
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blocksfile = args[0]
    emptyblast = (len(args) == 1)
    if emptyblast:
        genomicblast = "empty.blast"
        sh("touch {0}".format(genomicblast))
        genomicblast = args[1]

    gdist, bdist = opts.gdist, opts.bdist
    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blocksfile, p, opts)
    blocks = []
    fp = open(blocksfile)
    genetrack = {}
    proxytrack = {}
    for row in fp:
        a, b = row.split()
        genetrack[a] = b
        blocks.append((a, b))

    data = []
    for key, rows in groupby(blocks, key=lambda x: x[-1]):
        rows = list(rows)
        data.append((key, rows))

    imax = len(data) - 1
    for i, (key, rows) in enumerate(data):
        if i == 0 or i == imax:
        if key != '.':

        before, br = data[i - 1]
        after, ar = data[i + 1]
        bi, bx = sorder[before]
        ai, ax = sorder[after]
        dist = abs(bi - ai)
        if bx.seqid != ax.seqid or dist > gdist:

        start, end = range_minmax(((bx.start, bx.end), (ax.start, ax.end)))
        start, end = max(start - bdist, 1), end + bdist
        proxy = (bx.seqid, start, end)
        for a, b in rows:
            proxytrack[a] = proxy

    tags = {}
    if opts.bed:
        bed = Bed(genomicblast, sorted=False)
        key = lambda x: gene_name(x.accn.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        for query, bb in groupby(bed, key=key):
            bb = list(bb)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.seqid, b.start, b.end)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.seqid, best_b.start, best_b.end)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

        blast = Blast(genomicblast)
        for query, bb in blast.iter_hits():
            bb = list(bb)
            query = gene_name(query)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.subject, b.sstart, b.sstop)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.subject, best_b.sstart, best_b.sstop)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

    for b in qbed:
        accn = b.accn
        target_region = genetrack[accn]
        if accn in proxytrack:
            target_region = region_str(proxytrack[accn])
            if accn in tags:
                ptag = "[{0}]".format(tags[accn])
                ptag = "[NF]"
            target_region = ptag + target_region

        print "\t".join((b.seqid, accn, target_region))

    if emptyblast:
        sh("rm -f {0}".format(genomicblast))
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: qc.py Proyecto: bennyyu/jcvi
def rnaseq(args):
    %prog rnaseq blastfile ref.fasta

    Evaluate de-novo RNA-seq assembly against a reference gene set (same or
    closely related organism). Ideally blatfile needs to be supermap'd.

    Following metric is used (Martin et al. 2010, Rnnotator paper):
    Accuracy: % of contigs share >=95% identity with ref genome (TODO)
    Completeness: % of ref genes covered by contigs to >=80% of their lengths
    Contiguity: % of ref genes covered by a *single* contig >=80% of lengths
    Chimer: % of contigs that contain two or more annotated genes >= 50bp
    from jcvi.algorithms.supermap import supermap

    p = OptionParser(rnaseq.__doc__)

    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:

    blastfile, reffasta = args
    sizes = Sizes(reffasta).mapping
    known_genes = len(sizes)

    querysupermap = blastfile + ".query.supermap"
    refsupermap = blastfile + ".ref.supermap"

    if not op.exists(querysupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="query")
    if not op.exists(refsupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="ref")

    blast = Blast(querysupermap)
    chimers = 0
    goodctg80 = set()
    goodctg50 = set()
    for ctg, hits in blast.iter_hits():
        bps = defaultdict(int)
        for x in hits:
            bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

        valid_hits = bps.items()
        for vh, length in valid_hits:
            rsize = sizes[vh]
            ratio = length * 100. / rsize
            if ratio >= 80:
            if ratio >= 50:

        # Chimer
        if len(valid_hits) > 1:
            chimers += 1

    blast = Blast(refsupermap)
    goodref80 = set()
    goodref50 = set()
    bps = defaultdict(int)
    for x in blast.iter_line():
        bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

    for vh, length in bps.items():
        rsize = sizes[vh]
        ratio = length * 100. / rsize
        if ratio >= 80:
        if ratio >= 50:

    print >> sys.stderr, "Reference set: `{0}`,  # of transcripts {1}".\
            format(reffasta, known_genes)
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 80% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg80))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 50% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg50))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} reference transcripts ({1:.1f}%) have 80% covered" \
            .format(len(goodref80), len(goodref80) * 100. / known_genes)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def loss(args):
    %prog loss a.b.i1.blocks [a.b-genomic.blast]

    Extract likely gene loss candidates between genome a and b.
    p = OptionParser(loss.__doc__)
                 help="Genomic BLAST is in bed format [default: %default]")
                 help="Gene distance [default: %default]")
                 help="Base pair distance [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) not in (1, 2):
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blocksfile = args[0]
    emptyblast = (len(args) == 1)
    if emptyblast:
        genomicblast = "empty.blast"
        sh("touch {0}".format(genomicblast))
        genomicblast = args[1]

    gdist, bdist = opts.gdist, opts.bdist
    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blocksfile, p, opts)
    blocks = []
    fp = open(blocksfile)
    genetrack = {}
    proxytrack = {}
    for row in fp:
        a, b = row.split()
        genetrack[a] = b
        blocks.append((a, b))

    data = []
    for key, rows in groupby(blocks, key=lambda x: x[-1]):
        rows = list(rows)
        data.append((key, rows))

    imax = len(data) - 1
    for i, (key, rows) in enumerate(data):
        if i == 0 or i == imax:
        if key != '.':

        before, br = data[i - 1]
        after, ar = data[i + 1]
        bi, bx = sorder[before]
        ai, ax = sorder[after]
        dist = abs(bi - ai)
        if bx.seqid != ax.seqid or dist > gdist:

        start, end = range_minmax(((bx.start, bx.end), (ax.start, ax.end)))
        start, end = max(start - bdist, 1), end + bdist
        proxy = (bx.seqid, start, end)
        for a, b in rows:
            proxytrack[a] = proxy

    tags = {}
    if opts.bed:
        bed = Bed(genomicblast, sorted=False)
        key = lambda x: gene_name(x.accn.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        for query, bb in groupby(bed, key=key):
            bb = list(bb)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.seqid, b.start, b.end)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.seqid, best_b.start, best_b.end)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

        blast = Blast(genomicblast)
        for query, bb in blast.iter_hits():
            bb = list(bb)
            query = gene_name(query)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.subject, b.sstart, b.sstop)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.subject, best_b.sstart, best_b.sstop)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

    for b in qbed:
        accn = b.accn
        target_region = genetrack[accn]
        if accn in proxytrack:
            target_region = region_str(proxytrack[accn])
            if accn in tags:
                ptag = "[{0}]".format(tags[accn])
                ptag = "[NF]"
            target_region = ptag + target_region

        print "\t".join((b.seqid, accn, target_region))

    if emptyblast:
        sh("rm -f {0}".format(genomicblast))
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: qc.py Proyecto: linlifeng/jcvi
def rnaseq(args):
    %prog rnaseq blastfile ref.fasta

    Evaluate de-novo RNA-seq assembly against a reference gene set (same or
    closely related organism). Ideally blatfile needs to be supermap'd.

    Following metric is used (Martin et al. 2010, Rnnotator paper):
    Accuracy: % of contigs share >=95% identity with ref genome (TODO)
    Completeness: % of ref genes covered by contigs to >=80% of their lengths
    Contiguity: % of ref genes covered by a *single* contig >=80% of lengths
    Chimer: % of contigs that contain two or more annotated genes >= 50bp
    from jcvi.algorithms.supermap import supermap

    p = OptionParser(rnaseq.__doc__)

    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:

    blastfile, reffasta = args
    sizes = Sizes(reffasta).mapping
    known_genes = len(sizes)

    querysupermap = blastfile + ".query.supermap"
    refsupermap = blastfile + ".ref.supermap"

    if not op.exists(querysupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="query")
    if not op.exists(refsupermap):
        supermap(blastfile, filter="ref")

    blast = Blast(querysupermap)
    chimers = 0
    goodctg80 = set()
    goodctg50 = set()
    for ctg, hits in blast.iter_hits():
        bps = defaultdict(int)
        for x in hits:
            bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

        valid_hits = bps.items()
        for vh, length in valid_hits:
            rsize = sizes[vh]
            ratio = length * 100. / rsize
            if ratio >= 80:
            if ratio >= 50:

        # Chimer
        if len(valid_hits) > 1:
            chimers += 1

    blast = Blast(refsupermap)
    goodref80 = set()
    goodref50 = set()
    bps = defaultdict(int)
    for x in blast.iter_line():
        bps[x.subject] += abs(x.sstop - x.sstart) + 1

    for vh, length in bps.items():
        rsize = sizes[vh]
        ratio = length * 100. / rsize
        if ratio >= 80:
        if ratio >= 50:

    print >> sys.stderr, "Reference set: `{0}`,  # of transcripts {1}".\
            format(reffasta, known_genes)
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 80% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg80))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} contigs map to 50% of a reference"\
            " transcript".format(len(goodctg50))
    print >> sys.stderr, "A total of {0} reference transcripts ({1:.1f}%) have 80% covered" \
            .format(len(goodref80), len(goodref80) * 100. / known_genes)