Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_2D_overlap(chain, eclusters):
    Implements a sweep line algorithm, that has better running time than naive O(n^2):
    assume block has x_ends, and y_ends for the bounds
    1. sort x_ends, and take a sweep line to scan the x_ends
    2. if left end, test y-axis intersection of current block with `active` set;
       also put this block in the `active` set
    3. if right end, remove block from the `active` set
    mergeables = Grouper()
    active = set()

    x_ends = []
    for i, (range_x, range_y, score) in enumerate(eclusters):
        chr, left, right = range_x
        x_ends.append((chr, left, 0, i))  # 0/1 for left/right-ness
        x_ends.append((chr, right, 1, i))

    chr_last = ""
    for chr, pos, left_right, i in x_ends:
        if chr != chr_last:
        if left_right == 0:
            for x in active:
                # check y-overlap
                if range_overlap(eclusters[x][1], eclusters[i][1]):
                    mergeables.join(x, i)
        else:  # right end

        chr_last = chr

    return mergeables
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: quota.py Proyecto: rrane/jcvi
def get_2D_overlap(chain, eclusters):
    Implements a sweep line algorithm, that has better running time than naive O(n^2):
    assume block has x_ends, and y_ends for the bounds

    1. sort x_ends, and take a sweep line to scan the x_ends
    2. if left end, test y-axis intersection of current block with `active` set;
       also put this block in the `active` set
    3. if right end, remove block from the `active` set
    mergeables = Grouper()
    active = set()

    x_ends = []
    for i, (range_x, range_y, score) in enumerate(eclusters):
        chr, left, right = range_x
        x_ends.append((chr, left, 0, i))  # 0/1 for left/right-ness
        x_ends.append((chr, right, 1, i))

    chr_last = ""
    for chr, pos, left_right, i in x_ends:
        if chr != chr_last: active.clear()
        if left_right == 0:
            for x in active:
                # check y-overlap
                if range_overlap(eclusters[x][1], eclusters[i][1]):
                    mergeables.join(x, i)
        else: # right end

        chr_last = chr

    return mergeables
Ejemplo n.º 3
def bambus(args):
    %prog bambus bambus.bed bambus.mates total.fasta

    Insert unplaced scaffolds based on mates.
    from jcvi.formats.bed import BedLine
    from jcvi.formats.posmap import MatesFile

    p = OptionParser(bambus.__doc__)
        help="Prefix of the unplaced scaffolds",
        help="Minimum number of links to place",
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bedfile, matesfile, fastafile = args
    pf = matesfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    logfile = pf + ".log"
    log = open(logfile, "w")

    mf = MatesFile(matesfile)
    maxdist = max(x.max for x in mf.libraries.values())
    logging.debug("Max separation: {0}".format(maxdist))

    prefix = opts.prefix
    minlinks = opts.minlinks

    is_unplaced = lambda x: x.startswith(prefix)
    bed = Bed(bedfile, sorted=False)
    beds = []
    unplaced = defaultdict(list)

    for a, b in pairwise(bed):
        aname, bname = a.accn, b.accn
        aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid

        if aname not in mf:

        pa, la = mf[aname]
        if pa != bname:

        ia = is_unplaced(aseqid)
        ib = is_unplaced(bseqid)
        if ia == ib:

        if ia:
            a, b = b, a

        unplaced[b.seqid].append((a, b))
        beds.extend([a, b])

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile)
    candidatebed = Bed()
    cbeds = []
    # For each unplaced scaffold, find most likely placement and orientation
    for scf, beds in sorted(unplaced.items()):
        ranges = []
        for a, b in beds:
            aname, astrand = a.accn, a.strand
            bname, bstrand = b.accn, b.strand
            aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid
            pa, lib = mf[aname]

            print(a, file=log)
            print(b, file=log)

            flip_b = astrand == bstrand
            fbstrand = "-" if flip_b else "+"
            if flip_b:

            lmin, lmax = lib.min, lib.max

            L = sizes.get_size(scf)
            assert astrand in ("+", "-")
            if astrand == "+":
                offset = a.start - b.end
                sstart, sstop = offset + lmin, offset + lmax
                offset = a.end - b.start + L
                sstart, sstop = offset - lmax, offset - lmin

            # Prevent out of range error
            size = sizes.get_size(aseqid)
            sstart = max(0, sstart)
            sstop = max(0, sstop)
            sstart = min(size - 1, sstart)
            sstop = min(size - 1, sstop)

            start_range = (aseqid, sstart, sstop, scf, 1, fbstrand)
            print("*" + "\t".join(str(x) for x in start_range), file=log)

        mranges = [x[:3] for x in ranges]
        # Determine placement by finding the interval with the most support
        rd = ranges_depth(mranges, sizes.mapping, verbose=False)
        alldepths = []
        for depth in rd:
        print(alldepths, file=log)

        maxdepth = max(alldepths, key=lambda x: x[-1])[-1]
        if maxdepth < minlinks:
            print("Insufficient links ({0} < {1})".format(maxdepth, minlinks), file=log)

        candidates = [x for x in alldepths if x[-1] == maxdepth]
        nseqids = len(set(x[0] for x in candidates))
        if nseqids != 1:
            msg = "Multiple conflicting candidates found"
            print(msg, file=log)

        seqid, mmin, mmax, depth = candidates[0]
        mmin, mmax = range_minmax([x[1:3] for x in candidates])

        if mmin >= mmax:
            msg = "Invalid (min, max) range"
            print("Invalid (min, max) range", file=log)

        if (mmax - mmin) > maxdist:
            msg = "(min, max) distance greater than library maxdist"
            print(msg, file=log)

        # Determine orientation by voting
        nplus, nminus = 0, 0
        arange = (seqid, mmin, mmax)
        for sid, start, end, sf, sc, fbstrand in ranges:
            brange = (sid, start, end)
            if range_overlap(arange, brange):
                if fbstrand == "+":
                    nplus += 1
                    nminus += 1

        fbstrand = "+" if nplus >= nminus else "-"

        candidate = (seqid, mmin, mmax, scf, depth, fbstrand)
        bedline = BedLine("\t".join((str(x) for x in candidate)))
        print("Plus: {0}, Minus: {1}".format(nplus, nminus), file=log)
        print(candidate, file=log)

    logging.debug("A total of {0} scaffolds can be placed.".format(len(candidatebed)))

    candidatebedfile = pf + ".candidate.bed"
    candidatebed.print_to_file(candidatebedfile, sorted=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def loss(args):
    %prog loss a.b.i1.blocks [a.b-genomic.blast]

    Extract likely gene loss candidates between genome a and b.
    p = OptionParser(loss.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--bed", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Genomic BLAST is in bed format [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--gdist", default=20, type="int",
                 help="Gene distance [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--bdist", default=20000, type="int",
                 help="Base pair distance [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) not in (1, 2):
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blocksfile = args[0]
    emptyblast = (len(args) == 1)
    if emptyblast:
        genomicblast = "empty.blast"
        sh("touch {0}".format(genomicblast))
        genomicblast = args[1]

    gdist, bdist = opts.gdist, opts.bdist
    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blocksfile, p, opts)
    blocks = []
    fp = open(blocksfile)
    genetrack = {}
    proxytrack = {}
    for row in fp:
        a, b = row.split()
        genetrack[a] = b
        blocks.append((a, b))

    data = []
    for key, rows in groupby(blocks, key=lambda x: x[-1]):
        rows = list(rows)
        data.append((key, rows))

    imax = len(data) - 1
    for i, (key, rows) in enumerate(data):
        if i == 0 or i == imax:
        if key != '.':

        before, br = data[i - 1]
        after, ar = data[i + 1]
        bi, bx = sorder[before]
        ai, ax = sorder[after]
        dist = abs(bi - ai)
        if bx.seqid != ax.seqid or dist > gdist:

        start, end = range_minmax(((bx.start, bx.end), (ax.start, ax.end)))
        start, end = max(start - bdist, 1), end + bdist
        proxy = (bx.seqid, start, end)
        for a, b in rows:
            proxytrack[a] = proxy

    tags = {}
    if opts.bed:
        bed = Bed(genomicblast, sorted=False)
        key = lambda x: gene_name(x.accn.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        for query, bb in groupby(bed, key=key):
            bb = list(bb)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.seqid, b.start, b.end)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.seqid, best_b.start, best_b.end)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

        blast = Blast(genomicblast)
        for query, bb in blast.iter_hits():
            bb = list(bb)
            query = gene_name(query)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.subject, b.sstart, b.sstop)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.subject, best_b.sstart, best_b.sstop)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

    for b in qbed:
        accn = b.accn
        target_region = genetrack[accn]
        if accn in proxytrack:
            target_region = region_str(proxytrack[accn])
            if accn in tags:
                ptag = "[{0}]".format(tags[accn])
                ptag = "[NF]"
            target_region = ptag + target_region

        print "\t".join((b.seqid, accn, target_region))

    if emptyblast:
        sh("rm -f {0}".format(genomicblast))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def napus(args):
    %prog napus napus.bed brapa.boleracea.i1.blocks diploid.napus.fractionation

    Extract napus gene loss vs diploid ancestors. We are looking specifically
    for anything that has the pattern:

        BR - BO    or     BR - BO
        |                       |
        AN                     CN

    Step 1: extract BR - BO syntenic pairs
    Step 2: get diploid gene retention patterns from BR or BO as query
    Step 3: look for if AN or CN is NS(non-syntenic) or NF(not found) and
    specifically with NS, the NS location is actually the homeologous site.
    Step 4: categorize gene losses into singleton, or segmental (defined as
    consecutive losses with a maximum skip of 1
    from jcvi.utils.cbook import SummaryStats

    p = OptionParser(napus.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    napusbed, brbo, dpnp = args
    retention = {}
    fp = open(dpnp)
    for row in fp:
        seqid, query, hit = row.split()
        retention[query] = hit

    order = Bed(napusbed).order

    quartetsfile = "quartets"
    fp = open(brbo)
    fw = open(quartetsfile, "w")
    AL = "AN LOST"
    CL = "CN LOST"
    for row in fp:
        br, bo = row.split()
        if '.' in (br, bo):
        an, cn = retention[br], retention[bo]
        row = "\t".join((br, bo, an, cn))
        if '.' in (an, cn):
            #print row

        # label loss candidates
        antag, anrange = get_tag(an, order)
        cntag, cnrange = get_tag(cn, order)

        if range_overlap(anrange, cnrange):
            if (antag, cntag) == ("NS", None):
                row = row + "\t{0}|{1}".format(AL, br)
            if (antag, cntag) == (None, "NS"):
                row = row + "\t{0}|{1}".format(CL, bo)

        print >> fw, row

    logging.debug("Quartets and gene losses written to `{0}`.".\

    # Parse the quartets file to extract singletons vs.segmental losses
    fp = open(quartetsfile)
    fw = open(quartetsfile + ".summary", "w")
    data = [x.rstrip().split("\t") for x in fp]
    skip = 1  # max distance between losses

    g = Grouper()
    losses = [(len(x) == 5) for x in data]
    for i, d in enumerate(losses):
        if not d:
        g.join(i, i)
        itag = data[i][-1].split("|")[0]
        for j in xrange(i + 1, i + skip + 1):
            jtag = data[j][-1].split("|")[0]
            if j < len(losses) and losses[j] and itag == jtag:
                g.join(i, j)

    losses = list(g)
    singletons = [x for x in losses if len(x) == 1]
    segments = [x for x in losses if len(x) > 1]
    ns, nm = len(singletons), len(segments)
    assert len(losses) == ns + nm

    grab_tag = lambda pool, tag: \
            [x for x in pool if all(data[z][-1].startswith(tag) for z in x)]

    an_loss_singletons = grab_tag(singletons, AL)
    cn_loss_singletons = grab_tag(singletons, CL)
    als, cls = len(an_loss_singletons), len(cn_loss_singletons)

    an_loss_segments = grab_tag(segments, AL)
    cn_loss_segments = grab_tag(segments, CL)
    alm, clm = len(an_loss_segments), len(cn_loss_segments)
    mixed = len(segments) - alm - clm
    assert mixed == 0

    logging.debug("Singletons: {0} (AN LOSS: {1}, CN LOSS: {2})".\
                        format(ns, als, cls))
    logging.debug("Segments: {0} (AN LOSS: {1}, CN LOSS: {2})".\
                        format(nm, alm, clm))
    print >> sys.stderr, SummaryStats([len(x) for x in losses])

    for x in singletons + segments:
        print >> fw, "### LENGTH =", len(x)
        for i in x:
            print >> fw, "\t".join(data[i])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bambus(args):
    %prog bambus bambus.bed bambus.mates total.fasta

    Insert unplaced scaffolds based on mates.
    from jcvi.utils.iter import pairwise
    from jcvi.formats.posmap import MatesFile

    p = OptionParser(bambus.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--prefix", default="scaffold",
                 help="Prefix of the unplaced scaffolds [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--minlinks", default=3, type="int",
                 help="Minimum number of links to place [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    bedfile, matesfile, fastafile = args
    pf = matesfile.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    logfile = pf + ".log"
    log = open(logfile, "w")

    mf = MatesFile(matesfile)
    maxdist = max(x.max for x in mf.libraries.values())
    logging.debug("Max separation: {0}".format(maxdist))

    prefix = opts.prefix
    minlinks = opts.minlinks

    is_unplaced = lambda x: x.startswith(prefix)
    bed = Bed(bedfile, sorted=False)
    beds = []
    unplaced = defaultdict(list)

    for a, b in pairwise(bed):
        aname, bname = a.accn, b.accn
        aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid

        if aname not in mf:

        pa, la = mf[aname]
        if pa != bname:

        ia = is_unplaced(aseqid)
        ib = is_unplaced(bseqid)
        if ia == ib:

        if ia:
            a, b = b, a

        unplaced[b.seqid].append((a, b))
        beds.extend([a, b])

    sizes = Sizes(fastafile)
    candidatebed = Bed()
    cbeds = []
    # For each unplaced scaffold, find most likely placement and orientation
    for scf, beds in sorted(unplaced.items()):
        print >> log
        ranges = []
        for a, b in beds:
            aname, astrand = a.accn, a.strand
            bname, bstrand = b.accn, b.strand
            aseqid, bseqid = a.seqid, b.seqid
            pa, lib = mf[aname]

            print >> log, a
            print >> log, b

            flip_b = (astrand == bstrand)
            fbstrand = '-' if flip_b else '+'
            if flip_b:

            lmin, lmax = lib.min, lib.max

            L = sizes.get_size(scf)
            assert astrand in ('+', '-')
            if astrand == '+':
                offset = a.start - b.end
                sstart, sstop = offset + lmin, offset + lmax
                offset = a.end - b.start + L
                sstart, sstop = offset - lmax, offset - lmin

            # Prevent out of range error
            size = sizes.get_size(aseqid)
            sstart = max(0, sstart)
            sstop = max(0, sstop)
            sstart = min(size - 1, sstart)
            sstop = min(size - 1, sstop)

            start_range = (aseqid, sstart, sstop, scf, 1, fbstrand)
            print >> log, "*" + "\t".join(str(x) for x in start_range)

        mranges = [x[:3] for x in ranges]
        # Determine placement by finding the interval with the most support
        rd = ranges_depth(mranges, sizes.mapping, verbose=False)
        alldepths = []
        for depth in rd:
        print >> log, alldepths

        maxdepth = max(alldepths, key=lambda x: x[-1])[-1]
        if maxdepth < minlinks:
            print >> log, "Insufficient links ({0} < {1})".format(maxdepth, minlinks)

        candidates = [x for x in alldepths if x[-1] == maxdepth]
        nseqids = len(set(x[0] for x in candidates))
        msg = "Multiple conflicting candidates found"
        if nseqids != 1:
            print >> log, msg

        seqid, mmin, mmax, depth = candidates[0]
        mmin, mmax = range_minmax([x[1:3] for x in candidates])
        if (mmax - mmin) > maxdist:
            print >> log, msg

        # Determine orientation by voting
        nplus, nminus = 0, 0
        arange = (seqid, mmin, mmax)
        for sid, start, end, sf, sc, fbstrand in ranges:
            brange = (sid, start, end)
            if range_overlap(arange, brange):
                if fbstrand == '+':
                    nplus += 1
                    nminus += 1

        fbstrand = '+' if nplus >= nminus else '-'

        candidate = (seqid, mmin, mmax, scf, depth, fbstrand)
        bedline = BedLine("\t".join((str(x) for x in candidate)))
        print >> log, "Plus: {0}, Minus: {1}".format(nplus, nminus)
        print >> log, candidate

    logging.debug("A total of {0} scaffolds can be placed.".\

    candidatebedfile = pf + ".candidate.bed"
    candidatebed.print_to_file(candidatebedfile, sorted=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def paint(self, a, b, color):
     if range_overlap((0, self.start + 1, self.end - 1), (0, a, b)):
         self.r1.color = self.r2.color = self.color = color
Ejemplo n.º 8
def trimUTR(args):
    %prog trimUTR gffile

    Remove UTRs in the annotation set.

    If reference GFF3 is provided, reinstate UTRs from reference
    transcripts after trimming.

    Note: After running trimUTR, it is advised to also run
    `python -m jcvi.formats.gff fixboundaries` on the resultant GFF3
    to adjust the boundaries of all parent 'gene' features
    import gffutils
    from jcvi.formats.base import SetFile

    p = OptionParser(trimUTR.__doc__)
        help="File containing gene list for 5' UTR trimming",
        help="File containing gene list for 3' UTR trimming",
        help="File containing gene list for UTR trim back" +
        "based on suggested (start, stop) coordinate range",
        help="Reference GFF3 used as fallback to replace UTRs",
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    (gffile, ) = args
    gff = make_index(gffile)

    trim_both = False if (opts.trim5 or opts.trim3) else True
    trim5 = SetFile(opts.trim5) if opts.trim5 else set()
    trim3 = SetFile(opts.trim3) if opts.trim3 else set()
    trimrange = dict()
    if opts.trimrange:
        trf = must_open(opts.trimrange)
        for tr in trf:
            assert (len(tr.split("\t")) == 3
                    ), "Must specify (start, stop) coordinate range"
            id, start, stop = tr.split("\t")
            trimrange[id] = (int(start), int(stop))

    refgff = make_index(opts.refgff) if opts.refgff else None

    fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
    for feat in gff.iter_by_parent_childs(featuretype="gene",
                                          order_by=("seqid", "start"),
        for c in feat:
            cid, ctype, cparent = (
                c.attributes.get("Parent", [None])[0],
            t5, t3 = False, False
            if ctype == "gene":
                t5 = True if cid in trim5 else False
                t3 = True if cid in trim3 else False
                start, end = get_cds_minmax(gff, cid)
                trim(c, start, end, trim5=t5, trim3=t3, both=trim_both)
                fprint(c, fw)
            elif ctype == "mRNA":
                utr_types, extras = [], set()
                if any(id in trim5 for id in (cid, cparent)):
                    t5 = True
                if any(id in trim3 for id in (cid, cparent)):
                    t3 = True
                refc = None
                if refgff:
                        refc = refgff[cid]
                        refctype = refc.featuretype
                        refptype = refgff[refc.attributes["Parent"]
                        if refctype == "mRNA" and refptype == "gene":
                            if cmp_children(cid, gff, refgff, cftype="CDS"):
                                if t5:
                                if t3:
                                for utr_type in utr_types:
                                    for utr in refgff.children(
                                            refc, featuretype=utr_type):
                                        for exon in refgff.region(
                                            if exon.attributes["Parent"][
                                                    0] == cid:
                            refc = None
                    except gffutils.exceptions.FeatureNotFoundError:
                start, end = get_cds_minmax(gff, cid, level=1)
                if cid in trimrange:
                    start, end = range_minmax([trimrange[cid], (start, end)])
                if not refc:
                    trim(c, start, end, trim5=t5, trim3=t3, both=trim_both)
                fprint(c, fw)
                for cc in gff.children(cid, order_by="start"):
                    _ctype = cc.featuretype
                    if _ctype not in utr_types:
                        if _ctype != "CDS":
                            if _ctype == "exon":
                                eskip = [
                                    range_overlap(to_range(cc), to_range(x))
                                    for x in extras if x.featuretype == "exon"
                                if any(eskip):
                            fprint(cc, fw)
                            fprint(cc, fw)
                for x in extras:
                    fprint(x, fw)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def loss(args):
    %prog loss a.b.i1.blocks [a.b-genomic.blast]

    Extract likely gene loss candidates between genome a and b.
    p = OptionParser(loss.__doc__)
                 help="Genomic BLAST is in bed format [default: %default]")
                 help="Gene distance [default: %default]")
                 help="Base pair distance [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) not in (1, 2):
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    blocksfile = args[0]
    emptyblast = (len(args) == 1)
    if emptyblast:
        genomicblast = "empty.blast"
        sh("touch {0}".format(genomicblast))
        genomicblast = args[1]

    gdist, bdist = opts.gdist, opts.bdist
    qbed, sbed, qorder, sorder, is_self = check_beds(blocksfile, p, opts)
    blocks = []
    fp = open(blocksfile)
    genetrack = {}
    proxytrack = {}
    for row in fp:
        a, b = row.split()
        genetrack[a] = b
        blocks.append((a, b))

    data = []
    for key, rows in groupby(blocks, key=lambda x: x[-1]):
        rows = list(rows)
        data.append((key, rows))

    imax = len(data) - 1
    for i, (key, rows) in enumerate(data):
        if i == 0 or i == imax:
        if key != '.':

        before, br = data[i - 1]
        after, ar = data[i + 1]
        bi, bx = sorder[before]
        ai, ax = sorder[after]
        dist = abs(bi - ai)
        if bx.seqid != ax.seqid or dist > gdist:

        start, end = range_minmax(((bx.start, bx.end), (ax.start, ax.end)))
        start, end = max(start - bdist, 1), end + bdist
        proxy = (bx.seqid, start, end)
        for a, b in rows:
            proxytrack[a] = proxy

    tags = {}
    if opts.bed:
        bed = Bed(genomicblast, sorted=False)
        key = lambda x: gene_name(x.accn.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        for query, bb in groupby(bed, key=key):
            bb = list(bb)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.seqid, b.start, b.end)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.seqid, best_b.start, best_b.end)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

        blast = Blast(genomicblast)
        for query, bb in blast.iter_hits():
            bb = list(bb)
            query = gene_name(query)
            if query not in proxytrack:

            proxy = proxytrack[query]
            tag = "NS"
            best_b = bb[0]
            for b in bb:
                hsp = (b.subject, b.sstart, b.sstop)
                if range_overlap(proxy, hsp):
                    tag = "S"
                    best_b = b

            hsp = (best_b.subject, best_b.sstart, best_b.sstop)
            proxytrack[query] = hsp
            tags[query] = tag

    for b in qbed:
        accn = b.accn
        target_region = genetrack[accn]
        if accn in proxytrack:
            target_region = region_str(proxytrack[accn])
            if accn in tags:
                ptag = "[{0}]".format(tags[accn])
                ptag = "[NF]"
            target_region = ptag + target_region

        print "\t".join((b.seqid, accn, target_region))

    if emptyblast:
        sh("rm -f {0}".format(genomicblast))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def napus(args):
    %prog napus napus.bed brapa.boleracea.i1.blocks diploid.napus.fractionation

    Extract napus gene loss vs diploid ancestors. We are looking specifically
    for anything that has the pattern:

        BR - BO    or     BR - BO
        |                       |
        AN                     CN

    Step 1: extract BR - BO syntenic pairs
    Step 2: get diploid gene retention patterns from BR or BO as query
    Step 3: look for if AN or CN is NS(non-syntenic) or NF(not found) and
    specifically with NS, the NS location is actually the homeologous site.
    Step 4: categorize gene losses into singleton, or segmental (defined as
    consecutive losses with a maximum skip of 1
    from jcvi.utils.cbook import SummaryStats

    p = OptionParser(napus.__doc__)
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 3:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    napusbed, brbo, dpnp = args
    retention = {}
    fp = open(dpnp)
    for row in fp:
        seqid, query, hit = row.split()
        retention[query] = hit

    order = Bed(napusbed).order

    quartetsfile = "quartets"
    fp = open(brbo)
    fw = open(quartetsfile, "w")
    AL = "AN LOST"
    CL = "CN LOST"
    for row in fp:
        br, bo = row.split()
        if '.' in (br, bo):
        an, cn = retention[br], retention[bo]
        row = "\t".join((br, bo, an, cn))
        if '.' in (an, cn):
            #print row

        # label loss candidates
        antag, anrange = get_tag(an, order)
        cntag, cnrange = get_tag(cn, order)

        if range_overlap(anrange, cnrange):
            if (antag, cntag) == ("NS", None):
                row = row + "\t{0}|{1}".format(AL, br)
            if (antag, cntag) == (None, "NS"):
                row = row + "\t{0}|{1}".format(CL, bo)

        print >> fw, row

    logging.debug("Quartets and gene losses written to `{0}`.".\

    # Parse the quartets file to extract singletons vs.segmental losses
    fp = open(quartetsfile)
    fw = open(quartetsfile + ".summary", "w")
    data = [x.rstrip().split("\t") for x in fp]
    skip = 1  # max distance between losses

    g = Grouper()
    losses = [(len(x) == 5) for x in data]
    for i, d in enumerate(losses):
        if not d:
        g.join(i, i)
        itag = data[i][-1].split("|")[0]
        for j in xrange(i + 1, i + skip + 1):
            jtag = data[j][-1].split("|")[0]
            if j < len(losses) and losses[j] and itag == jtag:
                g.join(i, j)

    losses = list(g)
    singletons = [x for x in losses if len(x) == 1]
    segments = [x for x in losses if len(x) > 1]
    ns, nm = len(singletons), len(segments)
    assert len(losses) == ns + nm

    grab_tag = lambda pool, tag: \
            [x for x in pool if all(data[z][-1].startswith(tag) for z in x)]

    an_loss_singletons = grab_tag(singletons, AL)
    cn_loss_singletons = grab_tag(singletons, CL)
    als, cls = len(an_loss_singletons), len(cn_loss_singletons)

    an_loss_segments = grab_tag(segments, AL)
    cn_loss_segments = grab_tag(segments, CL)
    alm, clm = len(an_loss_segments), len(cn_loss_segments)
    mixed = len(segments) - alm - clm
    assert mixed == 0

    logging.debug("Singletons: {0} (AN LOSS: {1}, CN LOSS: {2})".\
                        format(ns, als, cls))
    logging.debug("Segments: {0} (AN LOSS: {1}, CN LOSS: {2})".\
                        format(nm, alm, clm))
    print >> sys.stderr, SummaryStats([len(x) for x in losses])

    for x in singletons + segments:
        print >> fw, "### LENGTH =", len(x)
        for i in x:
            print >> fw, "\t".join(data[i])
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def paint(self, a, b, color):
     if range_overlap((0, self.start + 1 , self.end - 1),
                      (0, a, b)):
         self.r1.color = self.r2.color = self.color = color
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_range_overlap(a, b, ratio, expected):
    from jcvi.utils.range import range_overlap

    assert range_overlap(a, b, ratio) == expected
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: qc.py Proyecto: arvin580/jcvi
def trimUTR(args):
    %prog trimUTR gffile

    Remove UTRs in the annotation set.

    If reference GFF3 is provided, reinstate UTRs from reference
    transcripts after trimming.

    Note: After running trimUTR, it is advised to also run
    `python -m jcvi.formats.gff fixboundaries` on the resultant GFF3
    to adjust the boundaries of all parent 'gene' features
    import gffutils
    from jcvi.formats.base import SetFile

    p = OptionParser(trimUTR.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--trim5", default=None, type="str", \
        help="File containing gene list for 5' UTR trimming")
    p.add_option("--trim3", default=None, type="str", \
        help="File containing gene list for 3' UTR trimming")
    p.add_option("--trimrange", default=None, type="str", \
        help="File containing gene list for UTR trim back" + \
             "based on suggested (start, stop) coordinate range")
    p.add_option("--refgff", default=None, type="str", \
        help="Reference GFF3 used as fallback to replace UTRs")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 1:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    gffile, = args
    gff = make_index(gffile)

    trim_both = False if (opts.trim5 or opts.trim3) else True
    trim5 = SetFile(opts.trim5) if opts.trim5 else set()
    trim3 = SetFile(opts.trim3) if opts.trim3 else set()
    trimrange = dict()
    if opts.trimrange:
        trf = must_open(opts.trimrange)
        for tr in trf:
            assert len(tr.split("\t")) == 3, \
                "Must specify (start, stop) coordinate range"
            id, start, stop = tr.split("\t")
            trimrange[id] = (int(start), int(stop))

    refgff = make_index(opts.refgff) if opts.refgff else None

    fw = must_open(opts.outfile, "w")
    for feat in gff.iter_by_parent_childs(featuretype="gene", order_by=("seqid", "start"), level=1):
        for c in feat:
            cid, ctype, cparent = c.id, c.featuretype, \
                c.attributes.get('Parent', [None])[0]
            t5, t3 = False, False
            if ctype == "gene":
                t5 = True if cid in trim5 else False
                t3 = True if cid in trim3 else False
                start, end = get_cds_minmax(gff, cid)
                trim(c, start, end, trim5=t5, trim3=t3, both=trim_both)
                fprint(c, fw)
            elif ctype == "mRNA":
                utr_types, extras = [], set()
                if any(id in trim5 for id in (cid, cparent)):
                    t5 = True
                if any(id in trim3 for id in (cid, cparent)):
                    t3 = True
                refc = None
                if refgff:
                        refc = refgff[cid]
                        refctype = refc.featuretype
                        refptype = refgff[refc.attributes['Parent'][0]].featuretype
                        if refctype == "mRNA" and refptype == "gene":
                            if cmp_children(cid, gff, refgff, cftype="CDS"):
                                reinstate(c, refc, trim5=t5, trim3=t3, both=trim_both)
                                if t5: utr_types.append('five_prime_UTR')
                                if t3: utr_types.append('three_prime_UTR')
                                for utr_type in utr_types:
                                    for utr in refgff.children(refc, featuretype=utr_type):
                                        for exon in refgff.region(region=utr, featuretype="exon"):
                                            if exon.attributes['Parent'][0] == cid:
                            refc = None
                    except gffutils.exceptions.FeatureNotFoundError:
                start, end = get_cds_minmax(gff, cid, level=1)
                if cid in trimrange:
                    start, end = range_minmax([trimrange[cid], (start, end)])
                if not refc:
                    trim(c, start, end, trim5=t5, trim3=t3, both=trim_both)
                fprint(c, fw)
                for cc in gff.children(cid, order_by=("start")):
                    _ctype = cc.featuretype
                    if _ctype not in utr_types:
                        if _ctype != "CDS":
                            if _ctype == "exon":
                                eskip = [range_overlap(to_range(cc), to_range(x)) \
                                    for x in extras if x.featuretype == 'exon']
                                if any(skip for skip in eskip): continue
                            trim(cc, start, end, trim5=t5, trim3=t3, both=trim_both)
                            fprint(cc, fw)
                            fprint(cc, fw)
                for x in extras:
                    fprint(x, fw)