Ejemplo n.º 1
def getImageTensors(target, events, imageLengths, ptsTimesValuesTensor, scaleSteps):
    Generates images (w2ds), accessory information (bounds stepsValues and stepsTimes), and a
    mapping from pts to the image (valueBinIndices)
    dim2d = np.empty((len(events),2))
    for eventi, event in enumerate(events):
        dim2d[eventi,:] = \
            np.array([scaleSteps, imageLengths[eventi]])  # value steps, time steps
    w2ds = np.empty(len(events),np.ndarray)
    stepsValues = np.empty(len(events), np.ndarray)
    stepsTimes = np.empty(len(events), np.ndarray)
    for eventi, event in enumerate(events):
        w2ds[eventi] = Variable(torch.DoubleTensor(dim2d[eventi]), requires_grad=False)
        stepsValues[eventi] = Variable(torch.Tensor(dim2d[0]+1), requires_grad=False).double()
        stepsTimes[eventi] = Variable(torch.Tensor(dim2d[1]+1), requires_grad=False).double()
        # w2ds = Variable(torch.Tensor(len(events), dim2d[0], dim2d[1]), requires_grad=False).double()
    hd = jcw_pywavelets.create_haar_dictionary(10, Variable)
    for eventi, event in enumerate(events):
        if event in ptsTimesValuesTensor:
            # print(event)
            w2ds[eventi], stepsValues[eventi], stepsTimes[eventi] = \
            w2ds[eventi], stepsValues[eventi], stepsTimes[eventi] = None, None, None
    # N x event x Tmax
    N = ptsTimesValuesTensor[target].size()[0]
    valueBinIndices = np.empty(N, np.ndarray)
    for i in np.arange(N):
        valueBinIndices[i] = np.empty(len(events),np.ndarray)
        for eventi, event in enumerate(events):
            if event in ptsTimesValuesTensor:
                    valueBinIndices[i][eventi] = \
                        valueTensorToValueBinTensor(ptsTimesValuesTensor[event][i,:,1], stepsValues[eventi])
                valueBinIndices[i][eventi] = None
    # print w2ds
    # print w2ds[2].matmul(hd[np.log2(w2ds[2].data.numpy().shape)[1]-1]).\
    #     t().matmul(hd[np.log2(w2ds[2].data.numpy().shape)[0]-1]).t()  # this is the reconstruct instruction
    # plt.imshow(w2ds[2].matmul(hd[np.log2(w2ds[2].data.numpy().shape)[1]-1]).
    #            t().matmul(hd[np.log2(w2ds[2].data.numpy().shape)[0]-1]).t().data.numpy(),
    #            extent=(stepsTimes[2].data.numpy().min(),
    #                    stepsTimes[2].data.numpy().max(),
    #                    stepsValues[2].data.numpy().min(),
    #                    stepsValues[2].data.numpy().max()),origin='lower')
    # plt.show()

    return stepsValues, stepsTimes, w2ds, valueBinIndices, dim2d
Ejemplo n.º 2
def makeCrossCorrelationTensor(eTVT,
    if tTT.shape[2] != 1:
        tTT = tTT[:, :, 0]

    # Do computations. Can do sparsely in scipy if this becomes problematic
    N, Tmax, E = eTVT.shape
    if Tmax > 50:
    dTV = eTVT[:, :, 0][:, None, :] - tTT[:, :, None]  # diffs: N x Tmax x Tmax
    vTV = np.repeat(eTVT[:, :, 1][:, None, :], Tmax,
                    axis=1)  # values expanded: N x Tmax x Tmax
    dVTV = np.concatenate((dTV[:, :, :, None], vTV[:, :, :, None]),
                          axis=3)  # N x Tmax x Tmax x 2
    valued = dVTV.transpose((3, 1, 0, 2)).reshape(E, N * Tmax * Tmax)  # E x -1
    valued = valued[:, ~np.isnan(valued[0, :])]
    # valued = valued[:,~np.isnan(valued[1,:])]  # this removes any non-numerics
    if valued.shape[1] == 0:
        return None, None, None
    if causal:
        xmax = np.minimum(0., valued[0, :].max())
        if valued[0, :].min() > xmax:
            return None, None, None
        xmax = valued[0, :].max()

    if ranges is None:
        ranges = [valued[0, :].min(), xmax]
    if valued[0, :].min() >= xmax:
        ranges[0] = xmax - 1  # causal applied to range
    if hd is None:
        if type(bins) == int:
            hdsize = bins
        elif type(bins) == np.array:
            hdsize = len(bins)
            print('Error in makeCrossCorrelationTensor bins parameter')
            return None, None, None
        hd = jcw_pywavelets.create_haar_dictionary(hdsize)
    # pdb.set_trace()
    if dim == 1:
        hist, histEdges = np.histogram(valued[0, :], bins=bins, range=ranges)
        hist = hist / np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(valued[0, :]))
        hdis = np.log2(hist.shape)
        # htensor = Variable(torch.from_numpy(hist).double(), requires_grad=False)
        hwave = hist.dot(hd[hdis[0] - 1].transpose())
        return hwave, histEdges, None
    return None, None, None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def timelineToWaveArrayTensors(target,
    waveArrayTensor = {}
    # pdb.set_trace()
    tts = ptsTimesValuesTensor[target]
    for event in tqdm(ptsTimesValuesTensor.keys()):
        # if event == 'Person|GENDER_CONCEPT_ID:FEMALE|NA':
        #     pdb.set_trace()
        b = bins
        if bins is None:
            b = 16
        if type(bins) is dict:
            b = bins[event]
        r = ranges
        if type(ranges) is dict:
            r = ranges[event]

        cc, ccEdges, _ = makeCrossCorrelationTensor(
        # print(cc, ccEdges)
        if cc is None or ccEdges is None:
            waveArrayTensor[event] = None
            waveArrayTensor[event] = {
                'x': Variable(torch.from_numpy(ccEdges), requires_grad=False),
                'wavelet': Variable(torch.from_numpy(cc), requires_grad=True)
    return waveArrayTensor
Ejemplo n.º 4

# ##### DATA: Target data and generator input data
def get_distribution_sampler(mu, sigma):
    return lambda n: torch.Tensor(np.random.normal(mu, sigma,
                                                   (1, n)))  # Gaussian

def get_generator_input_sampler():
    return lambda m, n: torch.rand(
        m, n)  # Uniform-dist data into generator, _NOT_ Gaussian

hd = [
    for w in jpw.create_haar_dictionary(10, vectorType=Variable).values()

def MakePermuteMatrix(ofsize):
    return Variable(
        torch.eye(ofsize)[torch.LongTensor(np.random.permutation(ofsize)), :])

def SignMatrix(ofsize):
    return Variable(
        torch.diag((torch.randn(ofsize) > 0.5).long() * 2 - 1).float())

def subsample(matrix, subsample_stride=1, flip_long=True):
    sx = subsample_stride
Ejemplo n.º 5
def makeHistogramDecomposition(eventTimesValuesTensor, targetTimesTensor, bins=(32,128), causal=True, ranges=None, logWhenPossible=True, hd=None):
    Takes eTVT (N x Tmax x E) and tTT(N x Tmax x E) and returns the timeBased
    crossCorrelation 2d decomposition. Range setting overrides causal parameter.

    Note input: bins (scaleBins, timeBins)

    Note output: wdcp has scaleBins rows and timeBins columns
    Note fail output: wdcp is None and so are scaleBins and timeBins
    # Convert out of Variables
    eTVT = eventTimesValuesTensor.data.numpy()
    tTT = targetTimesTensor.data.numpy()
    N, Tmax, E = tTT.shape
    if tTT.shape[2] != 1:
        tTT = tTT[:,:,0]

    # Do computations. Can do sparsely in scipy if this becomes problematic
    dTV = eTVT[:,:,0][:,None,:] - tTT[:,:,None]  # diffs: N x Tmax x Tmax
    vTV = np.repeat(eTVT[:,:,1][:,None,:], Tmax, axis=1)  # values expanded: N x Tmax x Tmax
    dVTV = np.concatenate((dTV[:,:,:,None], vTV[:,:,:,None]), axis=3)  # N x Tmax x Tmax x 2
    valued = dVTV.transpose((3,1,0,2)).reshape(E, N*Tmax*Tmax)  # E x -1
    valued = valued[:,~np.isnan(valued[0,:])]
    valued = valued[:,~np.isnan(valued[1,:])]  # necessary?

    # Create 2d histogram
    if valued.shape[1] == 0:
        return None, None, None  # pass
    v0min, v0max, v1min, v1max = valued[0,:].min(), valued[0,:].max(), valued[1,:].min(), valued[1,:].max()
    if ranges is None:  # set ranges
        if causal:
            xmax = np.minimum(0.,v0max)
            if(v0min > xmax):
                return Variable(torch.zeros(1,1).double(), requires_grad=True),\
                    Variable(torch.ones(1).double(), requires_grad=False), \
                    Variable(torch.ones(1).double(), requires_grad=False)
            xmax = v0max
        if v1min == v1max:
            print('Warning, only one value detected in image construction (event value). Setting range at +/- 1 of value')
            v1min = v1min - 1
            v1max = v1max + 1
        if v0min == v0max or v0min == xmax:
            print('Warning, only one value detected in image construction (time). Setting range at +/- 1 of value')
            v0min = v0min - 1
            v0max = v0max + 1
            if causal:
                v0max = np.minimum(0, v0max)
                xmax = v0max
            if v0min >= v0max:
                v0min = v0max - 1
        ranges = [[v1min, v1max], [v0min, xmax]]
        # pdb.set_trace()
        if causal:
            ranges = np.array(ranges).copy()
            ranges[1,1] = np.minimum(0,ranges[1,1])  # apply causality
    if logWhenPossible and (valued.shape[1] > 0 and valued[1,:].min() > 0):
        bins = [np.power(2, np.linspace(np.log2(v1min),
        # pdb.set_trace()
    if type(bins[1]) is np.ndarray:
        # print bins[1][1:]-bins[1][:-1]
        if np.any(bins[1][1:]-bins[1][:-1] < 0):
        if len(bins[1]) == 1:
            print('Warning, time bins input was 0. returning image None')
            return None, None, None
    if type(bins[1]) is not np.ndarray:
        if bins[1] == 0:
            return None, None, None
    # print(bins, v0max, v0min, xmax)
        counts, vs, ts = np.histogram2d(valued[1,:],valued[0,:],bins=bins, range=ranges)  # TODO add weights
        counts = counts/len(tTT.flatten()[~np.isnan(tTT.flatten())])
    except ValueError:
        print('Warning: despite checks, attempted to make histogram')
        print(valued[1,:], valued[0,:])
        return None, None, None

    if hd is None:
        hd = jcw_pywavelets.create_haar_dictionary(np.maximum(np.log2(bins[0].shape[0],bins[1].shape[0])))
        hd = [Variable(torch.from_numpy(h),requires_grad=False) for h in hd]

    hdis = np.log2(counts.shape)
    wdcp = Variable(torch.from_numpy(counts).double(), requires_grad=False)
    wdcp = wdcp.t().matmul(hd[hdis[0]-1].t().cpu()).t().matmul(hd[hdis[1]-1].t().cpu())
    wdcp = Variable(wdcp.data, requires_grad=True)
    # decompose is over rows first, then columns -> reconstruct needs to be columns first, then rows.

    return wdcp, \
        Variable(torch.from_numpy(vs).double(), requires_grad=False), \
        Variable(torch.from_numpy(ts).double(), requires_grad=False)