Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_nearest_ik(db, manip, xyz, quat):
    manip_name = manip.GetName()
    group = db.h5file[manip_name]
    pointing_axis = conversions.quat2mat(quat)[:3,0]
    i_closest_axis = np.dot(group["pointing_axes"],pointing_axis).argmax()
    x,y,z = xyz
    xroot, yroot, zroot = manip.GetBase().GetTransform()[:3,3]
    xticks = np.asarray(group["xticks"])
    yticks = np.asarray(group["yticks"])
    zticks = np.asarray(group["zticks"])
    xind = int(round((x - xroot - xticks[0])/(xticks[1] - xticks[0])))
    yind = int(round((y - yroot - yticks[0])/(yticks[1] - yticks[0])))
    zind = int(round((z - zroot - zticks[0])/(zticks[1] - zticks[0])))
    #zind = np.searchsorted(self.root["zticks"], z - zroot) + 1

    xind = np.clip(xind, 0, xticks.size-1)
    yind = np.clip(yind, 0, yticks.size-1)
    zind = np.clip(zind, 0, zticks.size-1)

    ind_str = "%i_inds"%i_closest_axis
    i_x, i_y, i_z = group[ind_str][:,xind, yind, zind]

    assert group[str(i_closest_axis)][i_x, i_y, i_z] > 0
    x_feas = xticks[i_x] + xroot
    y_feas = yticks[i_y] + yroot
    z_feas = zticks[i_z] + zroot
    old_mat = conversions.quat2mat(quat)
    old_x, old_y, old_z = old_mat.T
    new_x = group["pointing_axes"][i_closest_axis]
    new_y = np.cross(old_z, new_x)
    new_z = np.cross(new_x, new_y)
    pose_mat = np.eye(4)
    pose_mat[:3,0] = new_x
    pose_mat[:3,1] = new_y / np.linalg.norm(new_y)
    pose_mat[:3,2] = new_z / np.linalg.norm(new_z)
    #pose_mat[:3,:3] = make_orth_basis(new_x)
    # XXX not sure why it currently sometimes fails without erosion
    # it always succeeds when I use make_orth_basis
    # solution should exist regardless of wrist rotation
    pose_mat[:3,3] = [x_feas, y_feas, z_feas]
    return manip.FindIKSolution(pose_mat, 2+16)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_nearest_ik(db, manip, xyz, quat):
    manip_name = manip.GetName()
    group = db.h5file[manip_name]

    pointing_axis = conversions.quat2mat(quat)[:3, 0]
    i_closest_axis = np.dot(group["pointing_axes"], pointing_axis).argmax()

    x, y, z = xyz
    xroot, yroot, zroot = manip.GetBase().GetTransform()[:3, 3]

    xticks = np.asarray(group["xticks"])
    yticks = np.asarray(group["yticks"])
    zticks = np.asarray(group["zticks"])

    xind = int(round((x - xroot - xticks[0]) / (xticks[1] - xticks[0])))
    yind = int(round((y - yroot - yticks[0]) / (yticks[1] - yticks[0])))
    zind = int(round((z - zroot - zticks[0]) / (zticks[1] - zticks[0])))
    #zind = np.searchsorted(self.root["zticks"], z - zroot) + 1

    xind = np.clip(xind, 0, xticks.size - 1)
    yind = np.clip(yind, 0, yticks.size - 1)
    zind = np.clip(zind, 0, zticks.size - 1)

    ind_str = "%i_inds" % i_closest_axis
    i_x, i_y, i_z = group[ind_str][:, xind, yind, zind]

    assert group[str(i_closest_axis)][i_x, i_y, i_z] > 0
    x_feas = xticks[i_x] + xroot
    y_feas = yticks[i_y] + yroot
    z_feas = zticks[i_z] + zroot

    old_mat = conversions.quat2mat(quat)
    old_x, old_y, old_z = old_mat.T
    new_x = group["pointing_axes"][i_closest_axis]
    new_y = np.cross(old_z, new_x)
    new_z = np.cross(new_x, new_y)
    pose_mat = np.eye(4)
    pose_mat[:3, 0] = new_x
    pose_mat[:3, 1] = new_y / np.linalg.norm(new_y)
    pose_mat[:3, 2] = new_z / np.linalg.norm(new_z)
    #pose_mat[:3,:3] = make_orth_basis(new_x)

    # XXX not sure why it currently sometimes fails without erosion
    # it always succeeds when I use make_orth_basis
    # solution should exist regardless of wrist rotation
    pose_mat[:3, 3] = [x_feas, y_feas, z_feas]
    return manip.FindIKSolution(pose_mat, 2 + 16)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def transform_pose(xyz,quat,F):
    x,y,z = xyz
    xp, yp, zp = F.eval(np.r_[x],np.r_[y],np.r_[z]).T
    jac = F.grad(np.r_[x],np.r_[y],np.r_[z])[0]
    old_rot_mat = conv.quat2mat(quat)
    new_rot_mat = np.dot(jac, old_rot_mat)
    new_rot_mat_orth = np.linalg.qr(new_rot_mat)[0]
    new_quat = conv.mat2quat(new_rot_mat_orth)
    return np.r_[xp,yp,zp], new_quat
Ejemplo n.º 4
def transform_pose(xyz, quat, F):
    x, y, z = xyz
    xp, yp, zp = F.eval(np.r_[x], np.r_[y], np.r_[z]).T
    jac = F.grad(np.r_[x], np.r_[y], np.r_[z])[0]
    old_rot_mat = conv.quat2mat(quat)
    new_rot_mat = np.dot(jac, old_rot_mat)
    new_rot_mat_orth = np.linalg.qr(new_rot_mat)[0]
    new_quat = conv.mat2quat(new_rot_mat_orth)
    return np.r_[xp, yp, zp], new_quat
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_warped_spec_pt_traj_mats(demo_spec_pt_traj_mats, demo_to_exp_target_transform):
    demo_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, demo_spec_pt_traj_oriens = [], []
    for demo_spec_pt_traj_mat in demo_spec_pt_traj_mats:
        demo_spec_pt_traj_xyz, demo_spec_pt_traj_orien = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(demo_spec_pt_traj_mat)
    warped_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, warped_spec_pt_traj_oriens = demo_to_exp_target_transform.transform_frames(np.array(demo_spec_pt_traj_xyzs), np.array(demo_spec_pt_traj_oriens))
    warped_spec_pt_traj_mats = [juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(warped_spec_pt_traj_xyz, juc.mat2quat(warped_spec_pt_traj_orien)) for warped_spec_pt_traj_xyz, warped_spec_pt_traj_orien in zip(warped_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, warped_spec_pt_traj_oriens)]
    return warped_spec_pt_traj_mats
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_warped_spec_pt_traj_mats(demo_spec_pt_traj_mats, demo_to_exp_target_transform):
    demo_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, demo_spec_pt_traj_oriens = [], []
    for demo_spec_pt_traj_mat in demo_spec_pt_traj_mats:
        demo_spec_pt_traj_xyz, demo_spec_pt_traj_orien = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(demo_spec_pt_traj_mat)
    warped_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, warped_spec_pt_traj_oriens = demo_to_exp_target_transform.transform_frames(np.array(demo_spec_pt_traj_xyzs), np.array(demo_spec_pt_traj_oriens))
    warped_spec_pt_traj_mats = [juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(warped_spec_pt_traj_xyz, juc.mat2quat(warped_spec_pt_traj_orien)) for warped_spec_pt_traj_xyz, warped_spec_pt_traj_orien in zip(warped_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, warped_spec_pt_traj_oriens)]
    return warped_spec_pt_traj_mats
Ejemplo n.º 7
def transform_poses(pvec_n7, tps33):
  x_n, y_n, z_n = pvec_n7[:,:3].T
  quat_n4 = pvec_n7[:,3:7]
  xp_n, yp_n, zp_n = tps33.eval(x_n, y_n, z_n).T
  grad_n33 = tps33.grad(x_n, y_n, z_n)
  mats_n33 = [conv.quat2mat(quat) for quat in quat_n4]
  tmats_n33 = [np.dot(g,p) for (g,p) in zip(grad_n33, mats_n33)]
  tmats_n33 = [np.linalg.qr(mat)[0] for mat in tmats_n33]
  tquats_n4 = [conv.mat2quat(mat) for mat in tmats_n33]
  return np.c_[xp_n, yp_n, zp_n, tquats_n4]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def transform_poses(xyzs,quats,F):
    x,y,z = xyzs.T
    xyzp = F.eval(x,y,z)
    jacs = F.grad(x,y,z)    
    new_quats = []
    for (quat,jac) in zip(quats,jacs):
        old_rot_mat = conv.quat2mat(quat)
        new_rot_mat = np.dot(jac, old_rot_mat)
        q,r = np.linalg.qr(new_rot_mat.T)
        new_rot_mat_orth = np.sign(np.diag(r))[:,None]* q.T
        new_quat = conv.mat2quat(new_rot_mat_orth)
    return xyzp, np.array(new_quats)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def transform_poses(xyzs, quats, F):
    x, y, z = xyzs.T
    xyzp = F.eval(x, y, z)
    jacs = F.grad(x, y, z)

    new_quats = []
    for (quat, jac) in zip(quats, jacs):
        old_rot_mat = conv.quat2mat(quat)
        new_rot_mat = np.dot(jac, old_rot_mat)
        q, r = np.linalg.qr(new_rot_mat.T)
        new_rot_mat_orth = np.sign(np.diag(r))[:, None] * q.T
        new_quat = conv.mat2quat(new_rot_mat_orth)
    return xyzp, np.array(new_quats)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_reachable_region(db, manip, xyz, quat):
    manip_name = manip.GetName()
    group = db.h5file[manip_name]

    pointing_axis = conversions.quat2mat(quat)[:3, 0]
    i_closest_axis = np.dot(group["pointing_axes"], pointing_axis).argmax()

    x, y, z = xyz
    xroot, yroot, zroot = manip.GetBase().GetTransform()[:3, 3]

    zticks = np.asarray(group["zticks"])
    zind = int(round((z - zroot - zticks[0]) / (zticks[1] - zticks[0])))

    if zind < 0 or zind >= zticks.size:
        raise Exception("z value too high")

    #zind = np.searchsorted(self.root["zticks"], z - zroot) + 1

    ee_mask = ra.Grid2(group["xticks"], group["yticks"],
                       group[str(i_closest_axis)][:, :, zind])
    base_mask = ee_mask.flip().shift(x - xroot, y - yroot)
    return base_mask
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_reachable_region(db, manip, xyz, quat):
    manip_name = manip.GetName()
    group = db.h5file[manip_name]
    pointing_axis = conversions.quat2mat(quat)[:3,0]
    i_closest_axis = np.dot(group["pointing_axes"],pointing_axis).argmax()
    x,y,z = xyz
    xroot, yroot, zroot = manip.GetBase().GetTransform()[:3,3]
    zticks = np.asarray(group["zticks"])
    zind = int(round((z - zroot - zticks[0])/(zticks[1] - zticks[0])))
    if zind < 0 or zind >= zticks.size:
        raise Exception("z value too high")

    #zind = np.searchsorted(self.root["zticks"], z - zroot) + 1
    ee_mask = ra.Grid2(group["xticks"], group["yticks"], group[str(i_closest_axis)][:,:,zind])
    base_mask = ee_mask.flip().shift(x - xroot, y - yroot)
    return base_mask
Ejemplo n.º 12
def apply_tps_transform_to_hmat(tps_transform, hmat):
    xyz, quat = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(hmat)
    warped_xyz, warped_mat = tps_transform.transform_frames(np.array([xyz]), np.array([juc.quat2mat(quat)]))
    return juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(warped_xyz[0], juc.mat2quat(warped_mat[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def make_traj_multi_stage_do_work(current_stage_info, cur_exp_clouds, clouds_frame_id, stage_num, prev_stage_info, prev_exp_clouds, verb_data_accessor, to_gripper_frame_func=None):

    arms_used = current_stage_info.arms_used
    verb_stage_data = verb_data_accessor.get_demo_data(current_stage_info.stage_name)

    if stage_num == 0:
        # don't do any extra transformation for the first stage
        prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform_lin_rigid = np.identity(4)
        # no special point translation for first stage since no tool yet
        special_point_translation = np.identity(4)
    elif stage_num > 0:

        # make sure that the tool stage only uses one arm (the one with the tool)
        assert arms_used in ['r', 'l']

        prev_stage_data = verb_data_accessor.get_demo_data(prev_stage_info.stage_name)
        prev_demo_pc = prev_stage_data["object_clouds"][prev_stage_info.item]["xyz"]
        prev_exp_pc = prev_exp_clouds[0]
        prev_demo_pc_down = voxel_downsample(prev_demo_pc, .02)
        prev_exp_pc_down = voxel_downsample(prev_exp_pc, .02)

        gripper_data_key = "%s_gripper_tool_frame" % (arms_used)

        # transform point cloud in base frame to gripper frame
        # assume right hand has the tool for now
        # use the last pose of the gripper in the stage to figure out the point cloud of the tool in the gripper frame when the tool was grabbed
        prev_demo_gripper_pos = prev_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["position"][-1]
        prev_demo_gripper_orien = prev_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["orientation"][-1]
        prev_demo_gripper_to_base_transform = juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(prev_demo_gripper_pos, prev_demo_gripper_orien)
        prev_demo_base_to_gripper_transform = np.linalg.inv(prev_demo_gripper_to_base_transform)
        prev_demo_pc_in_gripper_frame = np.array([apply_transform(prev_demo_base_to_gripper_transform, point) for point in prev_demo_pc_down])

        # get the new point cloud in the new gripper frame
        # prev_exp_pc_in_gripper_frame = [apply_transform(prev_exp_base_to_gripper_transform, point) for point in prev_exp_pc_down]
        if to_gripper_frame_func is None:
            prev_exp_pc_in_gripper_frame = to_gripper_frame_tf_listener(prev_exp_pc_down, gripper_data_key)
            prev_exp_pc_in_gripper_frame = to_gripper_frame_func(prev_exp_pc_down, gripper_data_key)

        # get the transformation from the new point cloud to the old point cloud for the previous stage
        prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform = get_tps_transform(prev_demo_pc_in_gripper_frame, prev_exp_pc_in_gripper_frame)

        # transforms gripper trajectory point into special point trajectory point
        if prev_stage_info.special_point is None:
            # if there is no special point, linearize at origin
            prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform_lin_rigid = lin_rigid_tps_transform(prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform, np.zeros(3))
            # don't do a special point translation if there is no specified special point
            special_point_translation = np.identity(4)
            prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform_lin_rigid = lin_rigid_tps_transform(prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform, np.array(prev_stage_info.special_point))
            # translation from gripper pose in world frame to special point pose in world frame
            special_point_translation = jut.translation_matrix(np.array(prev_stage_info.special_point))

    if arms_used != 'b':
        arms_used_list = [arms_used]
        arms_used_list = ['r', 'l']

    warped_stage_data = group_to_dict(verb_stage_data) # deep copy it

    resp = MakeTrajectoryResponse()
    traj = resp.traj
    traj.arms_used = arms_used

    for arm in arms_used_list:

        gripper_data_key = "%s_gripper_tool_frame" % (arm)
        # find the special point trajectory before the target transformation
        cur_demo_gripper_traj_xyzs = verb_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["position"]
        cur_demo_gripper_traj_oriens = verb_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["orientation"]
        cur_demo_gripper_traj_mats = [juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(trans, orien) for (trans, orien) in zip(cur_demo_gripper_traj_xyzs, cur_demo_gripper_traj_oriens)]
        cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_mats = [np.dot(gripper_mat, special_point_translation) for gripper_mat in cur_demo_gripper_traj_mats]

        # find the transformation from the new special point to the gripper frame
        cur_exp_inv_special_point_transformation = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform_lin_rigid, special_point_translation))

        # save the demo special point traj for plotting
        plot_spec_pt_traj = []
        for gripper_mat in cur_demo_gripper_traj_mats:
            spec_pt_xyz, spec_pt_orien = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(np.dot(gripper_mat, special_point_translation))

        print 'grip transform:'
        print prev_demo_to_exp_grip_transform_lin_rigid
        print 'special point translation:'
        print special_point_translation
        print 'inverse special point translation:'
        print cur_exp_inv_special_point_transformation

        # find the target transformation for the experiment scene
        demo_object_clouds = [verb_stage_data["object_clouds"][obj_name]["xyz"] for obj_name in verb_stage_data["object_clouds"].keys()]
        if len(demo_object_clouds) > 1:
            raise Exception("i don't know what to do with multiple object clouds")
        x_nd = voxel_downsample(demo_object_clouds[0], .02)
        y_md = voxel_downsample(cur_exp_clouds[0], .02)
        # transformation from old target object to new target object in world frame
        cur_demo_to_exp_transform = get_tps_transform(x_nd, y_md)

        # apply the target warping transformation to the special point trajectory
        cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_oriens = [], []
        for cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_mat in cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_mats:
            cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_xyz, cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_orien = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_mat)
        cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_oriens = cur_demo_to_exp_transform.transform_frames(np.array(cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_xyzs), np.array(cur_mid_spec_pt_traj_oriens))
        plot_warped_spec_pt_traj = cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_xyzs #save the special point traj for plotting
        cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_mats = [juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_xyz, mat2quat(cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_orien)) for cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_xyz, cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_orien in zip(cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_xyzs, cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_oriens)]

        # transform the warped special point trajectory back to a gripper trajectory in the experiment
        cur_exp_gripper_traj_mats = [np.dot(spec_pt_mat, cur_exp_inv_special_point_transformation) for spec_pt_mat in cur_exp_spec_pt_traj_mats]

        warped_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["position"] = []
        warped_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["orientation"] = []
        for exp_traj_mat in cur_exp_gripper_traj_mats:
            warped_pos, warped_orien = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(exp_traj_mat)

        if arm == 'r':
            traj.r_gripper_poses.poses = xyzs_quats_to_poses(warped_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["position"], warped_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["orientation"])
            print "poses: ", len(traj.r_gripper_poses.poses)
            traj.r_gripper_angles = warped_stage_data["r_gripper_joint"]
            traj.r_gripper_poses.header.frame_id = clouds_frame_id
        elif arm == 'l':
            traj.l_gripper_poses.poses = xyzs_quats_to_poses(warped_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["position"], warped_stage_data[gripper_data_key]["orientation"])
            print "poses: ", len(traj.l_gripper_poses.poses)
            traj.l_gripper_angles = warped_stage_data["l_gripper_joint"]
            traj.l_gripper_poses.header.frame_id = clouds_frame_id

    Globals.handles = []
    plot_original_and_warped_demo_and_spec_pt(verb_stage_data, warped_stage_data, plot_spec_pt_traj, plot_warped_spec_pt_traj, traj)
    pose_array = conversions.array_to_pose_array(y_md, 'base_footprint')
    Globals.handles.append(Globals.rviz.draw_curve(pose_array, rgba = (0,0,1,1),width=.01,type=Marker.CUBE_LIST))
    return resp
Ejemplo n.º 14
def apply_tps_transform_to_hmat(tps_transform, hmat):
    xyz, quat = juc.hmat_to_trans_rot(hmat)
    warped_xyz, warped_mat = tps_transform.transform_frames(np.array([xyz]), np.array([juc.quat2mat(quat)]))
    return juc.trans_rot_to_hmat(warped_xyz[0], juc.mat2quat(warped_mat[0]))