Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_long_mergeable_heap_invalid_second_heap():

    h1 = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=int)
    h2 = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=int)

    h1.insert(1, 1)
    h1.insert(2, 1)
    h1.insert(3, 1)
    h1.insert(4, 1)
    h1.insert(5, 1)

    h2.insert(1, 1)
    handle1 = h2.insert(2, 2)
    h2.insert(3, 3)
    h2.insert(4, 4)
    h2.insert(5, 5)


    assert len(h1) == 10
    assert len(h2) == 0

    assert handle1.key == 2
    assert handle1.value == 2

    # cannot insert after a meld
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        h2.insert(6, 6)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_double_mergeable_heap():

    h1 = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=float)
    h2 = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=float)

    for i in range(100):
        h1.insert(i, i + 1)

    assert len(h1) == 100

    for i in range(100, 200):
        h2.insert(i, i + 1)

    assert len(h2) == 100


    assert len(h1) == 200
    assert len(h2) == 0

    expected = 0
    while len(h1) > 0:
        cur = h1.delete_min()
        assert cur.key == expected
        assert cur.value == expected + 1
        expected += 1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_sort_with_heap():
    rng = Random(17)

    numbers = []
    for i in range(10000):

    heap = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=int)
    for n in numbers: 
        heap.insert(n, 0)

    sorted_numbers = []
    while len(heap) != 0:

    assert all(sorted_numbers[i] <= sorted_numbers[i+1] for i in range(len(sorted_numbers)-1))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_long_heap(): 

    h = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=int)

    h1 = h.insert(5, 15)
    assert h1.key == 5
    assert h1.value == 15
    assert h1.value == 10

    h2 = h.insert(6, 20)
    h3 = h.insert(7, 20)
    h4 = h.insert(8, 20)

    h5 = h.find_min()
    assert h5.key == 5
    assert h5.value == 10

    assert h5.key == 4
    assert h5.value == 10

    assert len(h) == 4

    assert len(h) == 3

    # check that handle is still valid even if 
    # removed 
    assert h5.key == 4
    assert h5.value == 10

    # But reusing should throw a value error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert len(h) == 0
def test_double_any_value_heap():

    h = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=float, value_type=object)

    h1 = h.insert(5.5, "15")
    assert h1.key == 5.5
    assert h1.value == "15"
    h1.value = "10"
    assert h1.value == "10"

    h.insert(6.5, "20")
    h.insert(7.5, "20")
    h.insert(8.5, "20")

    h5 = h.find_min()
    assert h5.key == 5.5
    assert h5.value == "10"

    assert h5.key == 4.5
    assert h5.value == "10"

    assert len(h) == 4

    assert len(h) == 3

    # check that handle is still valid even if
    # removed
    assert h5.key == 4.5
    assert h5.value == "10"

    # But reusing should throw a value error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert len(h) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_any_any_addressable_heap(): 

    h = create_addressable_pairing_heap(key_type=object, value_type=object)

    h1 = h.insert(MyKey(5.5), MyValue(15))
    assert h1.key == MyKey(5.5)
    assert h1.value == MyValue(15)
    h1.value = MyValue(10)
    assert h1.value == MyValue(10)

    h.insert(MyKey(6.5), MyValue(20))
    h.insert(MyKey(7.5), MyValue(20))
    h.insert(MyKey(8.5), MyValue(20))

    h5 = h.find_min()
    assert h5.key == MyKey(5.5)
    assert h5.value == MyValue(10)

    assert h5.key == MyKey(4.5)
    assert h5.value == MyValue(10)

    assert len(h) == 4

    assert len(h) == 3

    # check that handle is still valid even if 
    # removed 
    assert h5.key == MyKey(4.5)
    assert h5.value == MyValue(10)

    # But reusing should throw a value error
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert len(h) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
In this example we create a pairing heap.

# %%
# Start by importing the package.

import jheaps

# %%
# Create the pairing heap using the following factory method. By default all
# addressable heaps have `float` keys and `int` values. This can be adjusted by
# parameters `key_type` and `value_type` in the factory method which can take
# values `float`, `int`, `object`.

heap = jheaps.create_addressable_pairing_heap()

# %%
# Adding elements can be performed using insert. We next add an element with key
# equal to 3.14 and value 100. Moreover, we add a few more elements.

heap.insert(3.14, 100)

for i in range(1, 100):
    heap.insert(i, 1000 + i)

# %%
# Now our heap has 100 elements.

print('Total elements so far: {}'.format(len(heap)))