Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: base.py Proyecto: srbhr/jina
class BaseRuntime:
    """A Jina Runtime is a procedure that blocks the main process once running (i.e. :meth:`run_forever`),
    therefore should be put into a separated thread/process, or inside the main process of a docker container.
     Any program/library/package/module that blocks the main process, can be formulated into a :class:`BaseRuntime` class
     and then be started from a :class:`Pod`.

     In the sequel, we call the main process/thread as ``M``, the process/thread blocked :class:`Runtime` as ``S``.

     In Jina, a :class:`Pod` object is used to manage a :class:`Runtime` object's lifecycle. A :class:`Pod`
     acts as a :class:`multiprocessing.Process` or :class:`threading.Thread`, it starts from ``M`` and once the
     ``S`` is spawned, it uses :class:`Runtime` as a context manager:

        0. :meth:`__init__`

        1. :meth: `__enter__`

        2. :meth:`run_forever`. Note that this will block ``S``, step 3 won't be
        reached until it is unblocked by :meth:`cancel`.

        3. When an error occurs during `run_forever` or `cancel` signal is reached by the `runtime`. The `run_forever` method is cancelled and
        the managed context is closed. The `__exit__` of `Runtime` guarantees that the `Runtime` is properly shut by calling `teardown`.

     The :meth:`__init__` and :meth:`teardown` pair together, which defines instructions that will be executed before
     and after. In subclasses, `teardown` is optional.

     In order to cancel the `run_forever` method of a `Runtime`, you can use their `static` `cancel` method that will make sure that the runtime is properly cancelled.

        - Use :class:`threading.Event` or `multiprocessing.Event`, while :meth:`run_forever` polls for this event
        - Use GrpcConnectionPool to send a TERMINATE message, while :meth:`run_forever` polls for this message

     Note, another way to jump out from :meth:`run_forever` is raise exceptions from it. This will immediately move to

     .. note::
        Rule of thumb on exception handling: if you are not sure if you should handle exception inside
        :meth:`run_forever`, :meth:`cancel`, :meth:`teardown`, then DO NOT catch exception in them.
        Exception is MUCH better handled by :class:`Pod`.

     .. seealso::

        :class:`Pod` for managing a :class:`Runtime` object's lifecycle.
    def __init__(
        args: 'argparse.Namespace',
        self.args = args
        if args.name:
            self.name = f'{args.name}/{self.__class__.__name__}'
            self.name = self.__class__.__name__
        self.logger = JinaLogger(self.name, **vars(self.args))

    def run_forever(self):
        """Running the blocking procedure inside ``S``. Note, once this method is called,
        ``S`` is blocked.

        .. note::

            If this method raises any exception, :meth:`teardown` will be called.

        .. seealso::

            :meth:`cancel` for cancelling the forever loop.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def teardown(self):
        """Method called immediately after :meth:`run_forever` is unblocked.
        You can tidy up things here.  Optional in subclasses. The default implementation does nothing.

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        if exc_type == RuntimeTerminated:
            self.logger.debug(f'{self!r} is ended')
        elif exc_type == KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.logger.debug(f'{self!r} is interrupted by user')
        elif exc_type and issubclass(exc_type, Exception):
                f'{exc_val!r} during {self.run_forever!r}' +
                f'\n add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details'
                if not self.args.quiet_error else '',
                exc_info=not self.args.quiet_error,
        except OSError:
            # OSError(Stream is closed) already
        except Exception as ex:
                f'{ex!r} during {self.teardown!r}' +
                f'\n add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details'
                if not self.args.quiet_error else '',
                exc_info=not self.args.quiet_error,

        # https://stackoverflow.com/a/28158006
        # return True will silent all exception stack trace here, silence is desired here as otherwise it is too
        # noisy
        # doc: If an exception is supplied, and the method wishes to suppress the exception (i.e., prevent it
        # from being propagated), it should return a true value. Otherwise, the exception will be processed normally
        # upon exit from this method.
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
class BasePod(ABC):
    :class:`BasePod` is an interface from which all the classes managing the lifetime of a Runtime inside a local process,
    container or in a remote JinaD instance (to come) must inherit.

    It exposes the required APIs so that the `BasePod` can be handled by the `cli` api as a context manager or by a `Deployment`.

    What makes a BasePod a BasePod is that it manages the lifecycle of a Runtime (gateway or not gateway)
    def __init__(self, args: 'argparse.Namespace'):
        self.args = args

        if hasattr(self.args, 'port_expose'):
            self.args.port_in = self.args.port_expose
        self.args.parallel = self.args.shards
        self.name = self.args.name or self.__class__.__name__
        self.is_forked = False
        self.logger = JinaLogger(self.name, **vars(self.args))

        if self.args.runtime_backend == RuntimeBackendType.THREAD:
                f' Using Thread as runtime backend is not recommended for production purposes. It is '
                f'just supposed to be used for easier debugging. Besides the performance considerations, it is'
                f'specially dangerous to mix `Executors` running in different types of `RuntimeBackends`.'

        self._envs = {'JINA_DEPLOYMENT_NAME': self.name}
        if self.args.quiet:
            self._envs['JINA_LOG_CONFIG'] = 'QUIET'
        if self.args.env:

        # arguments needed to create `runtime` and communicate with it in the `run` in the stack of the new process
        # or thread.f
        test_worker = {
            RuntimeBackendType.THREAD: threading.Thread,
            RuntimeBackendType.PROCESS: multiprocessing.Process,
        }.get(getattr(args, 'runtime_backend', RuntimeBackendType.THREAD))()
        self.is_ready = _get_event(test_worker)
        self.is_shutdown = _get_event(test_worker)
        self.cancel_event = _get_event(test_worker)
        self.is_started = _get_event(test_worker)
        self.ready_or_shutdown = ConditionalEvent(
            getattr(args, 'runtime_backend', RuntimeBackendType.THREAD),
            events_list=[self.is_ready, self.is_shutdown],
        self.daemon = self.args.daemon
        self.runtime_ctrl_address = self._get_control_address()
        self._timeout_ctrl = self.args.timeout_ctrl

    def _get_control_address(self):
        return f'{self.args.host}:{self.args.port_in}'

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close the Pod

        This method makes sure that the `Process/thread` is properly finished and its resources properly released
        self.logger.debug('waiting for ready or shutdown signal from runtime')
        if not self.is_shutdown.is_set() and self.is_started.is_set():
                if not self.is_shutdown.wait(timeout=self._timeout_ctrl
                                             if not __windows__ else 1.0):
                    if not __windows__:
                        raise Exception(
                            f'Shutdown signal was not received for {self._timeout_ctrl} seconds'
                            'Pod was forced to close after 1 second. Graceful closing is not available on Windows.'
            except Exception as ex:
                    f'{ex!r} during {self.close!r}' +
                    f'\n add "--quiet-error" to suppress the exception details'
                    if not self.args.quiet_error else '',
                    exc_info=not self.args.quiet_error,
            # here shutdown has been set already, therefore `run` will gracefully finish
                f'{"shutdown is is already set" if self.is_shutdown.is_set() else "Runtime was never started"}. Runtime will end gracefully on its own'

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.start()

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def _wait_for_ready_or_shutdown(self, timeout: Optional[float]):
        Waits for the process to be ready or to know it has failed.

        :param timeout: The time to wait before readiness or failure is determined
            .. # noqa: DAR201
        return AsyncNewLoopRuntime.wait_for_ready_or_shutdown(

    def _fail_start_timeout(self, timeout):
        Closes the Pod and raises a TimeoutError with the corresponding warning messages

        :param timeout: The time to wait before readiness or failure is determined
            .. # noqa: DAR201
        _timeout = timeout or -1
            f'{self} timeout after waiting for {self.args.timeout_ready}ms, '
            f'if your executor takes time to load, you may increase --timeout-ready'
        raise TimeoutError(
            f'{typename(self)}:{self.name} can not be initialized after {_timeout * 1e3}ms'

    def _check_failed_to_start(self):
        Raises a corresponding exception if failed to start
        if self.is_shutdown.is_set():
            # return too early and the shutdown is set, means something fails!!
            if not self.is_started.is_set():
                raise RuntimeFailToStart
                raise RuntimeRunForeverEarlyError

    def wait_start_success(self):
        """Block until all pods starts successfully.

        If not success, it will raise an error hoping the outer function to catch it
        _timeout = self.args.timeout_ready
        if _timeout <= 0:
            _timeout = None
            _timeout /= 1e3
        if self._wait_for_ready_or_shutdown(_timeout):

    async def async_wait_start_success(self):
        Wait for the `Pod` to start successfully in a non-blocking manner
        import asyncio

        _timeout = self.args.timeout_ready
        if _timeout <= 0:
            _timeout = None
            _timeout /= 1e3

        timeout_ns = 1e9 * _timeout if _timeout else None
        now = time.time_ns()
        while timeout_ns is None or time.time_ns() - now < timeout_ns:

            if self.ready_or_shutdown.event.is_set():
                await asyncio.sleep(0.1)


    def role(self) -> 'PodRoleType':
        """Get the role of this pod in a deployment
        .. #noqa: DAR201"""
        return self.args.pod_role

    def start(self):
        """Start the BasePod.
        This method calls :meth:`start` in :class:`threading.Thread` or :class:`multiprocesssing.Process`.
        .. #noqa: DAR201

    def _terminate(self):

    def join(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Joins the BasePod. Wait for the BasePod to properly terminate

        :param args: extra positional arguments
        :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments