Ejemplo n.º 1
def dump_issue(issue):
    print "Key: " + issue.key
    print "Summary: " + issue.fields.summary
    print "Description: " + (issue.fields.description or "")
    print "Status: " + issue.fields.status.name
    print "Type: " + issue.fields.issuetype.name
    print "Reporter: " + issue.fields.reporter.name
    print "Assignee: " + getattr(issue.fields.assignee, "name", "")
    print "Components: " + ",".join([x.name for x in issue.fields.components])
    if issue.fields.issuetype.name == "Sub-task":
        print "Parent: " + issue.fields.parent.key
    for link in issue.fields.issuelinks:
        if hasattr(link, "outwardIssue"):
            print "Link: " + issue.key + " " + link.type.outward + " " + link.outwardIssue.key
            print "Link: " + issue.key + " " + link.type.inward + " " + link.inwardIssue.key
    comments = jira.comments(issue.key)
    for comment in comments:
        print "Comment by %s: %s" % (comment.author.name, comment.body)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def dump_issue(issue):
    print "Key: " + issue.key
    print "Summary: " + issue.fields.summary
    print "Description: " + (issue.fields.description or "")
    print "Status: " + issue.fields.status.name
    print "Type: " + issue.fields.issuetype.name
    print "Reporter: " + issue.fields.reporter.name
    print "Assignee: " + getattr(issue.fields.assignee, "name", "")
    print "Components: " + ",".join([x.name for x in issue.fields.components])
    if (issue.fields.issuetype.name == "Sub-task"):
        print "Parent: " + issue.fields.parent.key
    for link in issue.fields.issuelinks:
        if hasattr(link, 'outwardIssue'):
            print "Link: " + issue.key + " " + link.type.outward + " " + link.outwardIssue.key
            print "Link: " + issue.key + " " + link.type.inward + " " + link.inwardIssue.key
    comments = jira.comments(issue.key)
    for comment in comments:
        print "Comment by %s: %s" % (comment.author.name, comment.body)
Ejemplo n.º 3

from jiraauth import jclient as jira
Synopsis:  This script finds all issues with a "Customer:" snippet in a comment

issues = jira.search_issues('''comment ~ "Customer"''')

import re
for x in issues:
    comments = jira.comments(x.key)
    for comment in comments:
        for line in comment.body.split('\n'):
            if re.match('.*Customer:.*', line):
                print x.key + " : " + comment.author.displayName + " -- " + line
Ejemplo n.º 4

from jiraauth import jclient as jira

Synopsis:  This script finds all issues with a "Customer:" snippet in a comment

issues = jira.search_issues('''comment ~ "Customer"''')

import re
for x in issues:
  comments = jira.comments(x.key)
  for comment in comments:
    for line in comment.body.split('\n'):
      if re.match('.*Customer:.*', line):
        print x.key + " : " + comment.author.displayName + " -- " + line