def execute(self, in_feat): z_img = self.model(in_feat) z = jt.reshape(z_img, [z_img.shape[0], (-1)]) zn = z[:, 0:self.latent_dim] zc_logits = z[:, self.latent_dim:] zc = nn.softmax(zc_logits, dim=1) return (zn, zc, zc_logits)
def ohem_conf_loss(self, conf_data, conf_t, pos, num): # Compute max conf across batch for hard negative mining batch_conf = conf_data.view(-1, self.num_classes) if cfg.ohem_use_most_confident: # i.e. max(softmax) along classes > 0 batch_conf = nn.softmax(batch_conf, dim=1) loss_c = batch_conf[:, 1:].max(dim=1) else: # i.e. -softmax(class 0 confidence) loss_c = log_sum_exp(batch_conf) - batch_conf[:, 0] # Hard Negative Mining loss_c = loss_c.view(num, -1) loss_c[pos] = 0 # filter out pos boxes loss_c[conf_t < 0] = 0 # filter out neutrals (conf_t = -1) loss_idx, _ = loss_c.argsort(1, descending=True) idx_rank, _ = loss_idx.argsort(1) num_pos = pos.int32().sum(1, keepdims=True) num_neg = jt.clamp(self.negpos_ratio * num_pos, max_v=pos.shape[1] - 1) neg = idx_rank < num_neg.expand_as(idx_rank) neg = # Just in case there aren't enough negatives, don't start using positives as negatives neg[pos] = 0 neg[conf_t < 0] = 0 # Filter out neutrals neg = neg.bool() # Confidence Loss Including Positive and Negative Examples pos_idx = pos.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(conf_data) neg_idx = neg.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(conf_data) conf_p = conf_data[( + > 0].view( -1, self.num_classes) targets_weighted = conf_t[( + > 0] loss_c = cross_entropy_loss(conf_p, targets_weighted, reduction='none') if cfg.use_class_balanced_conf: # Lazy initialization if self.class_instances is None: self.class_instances = jt.zeros(self.num_classes, device=targets_weighted.device) classes, counts = targets_weighted.unique(return_counts=True) for _cls, _cnt in zip(classes.numpy(), counts.numpy()): self.class_instances[_cls] += _cnt self.total_instances += targets_weighted.shape[0] weighting = 1 - (self.class_instances[targets_weighted] / self.total_instances) weighting = jt.clamp(weighting, min_v=1 / self.num_classes) # If you do the math, the average weight of self.class_instances is this avg_weight = (self.num_classes - 1) / self.num_classes loss_c = (loss_c * weighting).sum() / avg_weight else: loss_c = loss_c.sum() return cfg.conf_alpha * loss_c
def execute(self, x, boxes): """ Arguments: x (tuple[tensor, tensor]): x contains the class logits and the box_regression from the model. boxes (list[BoxList]): bounding boxes that are used as reference, one for each image Returns: results (list[BoxList]): one BoxList for each image, containing the extra fields labels and scores """ class_logits, box_regression = x class_prob = nn.softmax(class_logits, -1) # TODO think about a representation of batch of boxes image_shapes = [box.size for box in boxes] boxes_per_image = [len(box) for box in boxes] concat_boxes = jt.contrib.concat([a.bbox for a in boxes], dim=0) if self.cls_agnostic_bbox_reg: box_regression = box_regression[:, -4:] proposals = self.box_coder.decode( box_regression.reshape(sum(boxes_per_image), -1), concat_boxes ) if self.cls_agnostic_bbox_reg: proposals = proposals.repeat(1, class_prob.shape[1]) num_classes = class_prob.shape[1] proposals = proposals.split(boxes_per_image, dim=0) class_prob = class_prob.split(boxes_per_image, dim=0) results = [] for prob, boxes_per_img, image_shape in zip( class_prob, proposals, image_shapes ): boxlist = self.prepare_boxlist(boxes_per_img, prob, image_shape) boxlist = boxlist.clip_to_image(remove_empty=False) # print("boxlist",boxlist.bbox.mean(),boxlist.bbox.shape) if not self.bbox_aug_enabled: # If bbox aug is enabled, we will do it later boxlist = self.filter_results(boxlist, num_classes) # boxlist = self.filter_results_v2(boxlist, num_classes) # boxlist = self.select_over_all_levels(boxlist) results.append(boxlist) return results
def predict(self, images,score_thresh=0.7,nms_thresh = 0.3): N = images.shape[0] img_size = (images.shape[-1],images.shape[-2]) rpn_locs, rpn_scores,roi_cls_locs, roi_scores, rois, roi_indices = self.execute(images) roi_cls_locs = roi_cls_locs.reshape(roi_cls_locs.shape[0],-1,4) probs = nn.softmax(roi_scores,dim=-1) rois = rois.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,self.n_class,1) cls_bbox = loc2bbox(rois.reshape(-1,4),roi_cls_locs.reshape(-1,4)) cls_bbox[:,0::2] = jt.clamp(cls_bbox[:,0::2],min_v=0,max_v=img_size[0]) cls_bbox[:,1::2] = jt.clamp(cls_bbox[:,1::2],min_v=0,max_v=img_size[1]) cls_bbox = cls_bbox.reshape(roi_cls_locs.shape) results = [] for i in range(N): index = jt.where(roi_indices==i)[0] score = probs[index,:] bbox = cls_bbox[index,:,:] boxes = [] scores = [] labels = [] for j in range(1,self.n_class): bbox_j = bbox[:,j,:] score_j = score[:,j] mask = jt.where(score_j>score_thresh)[0] bbox_j = bbox_j[mask,:] score_j = score_j[mask] dets = jt.contrib.concat([bbox_j,score_j.unsqueeze(1)],dim=1) keep = jt.nms(dets,nms_thresh) bbox_j = bbox_j[keep] score_j = score_j[keep] label_j = jt.ones_like(score_j).int32()*j boxes.append(bbox_j) scores.append(score_j) labels.append(label_j) boxes = jt.contrib.concat(boxes,dim=0) scores = jt.contrib.concat(scores,dim=0) labels = jt.contrib.concat(labels,dim=0) results.append((boxes,scores,labels)) return results
def execute(self, x): idn = x x = self.conv1(x) b, c, h, w = x.size() n = h*w x = x.view(b, c, h*w) # b * c * n attn = self.linear_0(x) # b, k, n attn = nn.softmax(attn, dim=-1) # b, k, n attn = attn / (1e-9 + attn.sum(dim=1, keepdims=True)) # # b, k, n x = self.linear_1(attn) # b, c, n x = x.view(b, c, h, w) x = self.conv2(x) x = x + idn x = self.relu(x) return x
def _forward(self): ######################################################################################################### ## If we use `pytorch` pretrained model, the input should be RGB, and normalized by the following code: ## normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], ## std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ## Note: input[channel] = (input[channel] - mean[channel]) / std[channel], input is (0,1), not (0,255) ######################################################################################################### inputs = (jt.array(self.inputs) / 255.0 - self.mean) / self.std [p1, p2, p3, p4] = self.backbone(inputs) feature = p1 alignHs = np.vstack(self.featAlignMatrixs) indexs = np.hstack([ idx * np.ones(len(m), ) for idx, m in enumerate(self.featAlignMatrixs) ]) rois = affine_align_gpu(feature, indexs, (self.size_align, self.size_align), alignHs) if self.cat_skeleton: skeletons = np.vstack(self.skeletonFeats) skeletons = jt.array(skeletons).float() rois = jt.contrib.concat([rois, skeletons], 1) netOutput = self.segnet(rois) if self.is_training(): loss = self._calcLoss(netOutput) return loss else: netOutput = nn.softmax(netOutput, 1) netOutput = jt.detach(netOutput) #output = self._getMaskOutput(netOutput) if not self.benchmark: output = self._getMaskOutput(netOutput) else: output = netOutput #output.sync() if self.visCount < 0: self._visualizeOutput(netOutput) self.visCount += 1 return output
def execute(self, x): b, n, c = x.shape qkv = self.qkv(x).reshape(b, n, 3, self.num_heads, c // self.num_heads).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4) q, k, v = qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2] # attn = nn.bmm(q,k.transpose(0,1,3,2))*self.scale attn = nn.bmm_transpose(q, k) * self.scale attn = nn.softmax(attn, dim=-1) attn = self.attn_drop(attn) out = nn.bmm(attn, v) out = out.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(b, n, c) out = self.proj(out) out = self.proj_drop(out) return out
def execute(self, x, mask=None): b, n, _ = x.shape h = self.heads q, k, v = self.to_qkv(x).chunk(3, dim=-1) q = q.reshape(b, n, h, -1) q = q.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) k = k.reshape(b, n, h, -1) k = k.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) v = v.reshape(b, n, h, -1) v = v.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3) #b,h,n,d d = q.shape[-1] q = q.reshape(b * h, n, d) k = k.reshape(b * h, n, d).transpose(0, 2, 1) dots = nn.bmm(q, k).reshape(b, h, n, n) dots = dots * self.scale if mask is not None: mask = nn.pad(mask.flatten(1), (1, 0), value=1) assert mask.shape[-1] == dots.shape[ -1], 'mask has incorrect shapes' mask = mask.unsqueeze(1) * mask.unsqueeze(2) dots.masked_fill_(~mask, float('-inf')) del mask attn = nn.softmax(dots, dim=-1) out = nn.bmm(attn.reshape(b * h, n, n), v.reshape(b * h, n, d)).reshape(b, h, n, d) out = out.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(b, n, h * d) out = self.to_out(out) return out
def execute(self, x, pos): """ Args: x: Tensor, (B, c, 2048) pos: Tensor, (B, 2048, 3) """ identity = x x_bcn = self.linear_start(x) b, dim, n = x_bcn.shape pos_bcn = pos.transpose(0, 2, 1) _, idx_knn = knn(pos, pos, self.n_knn) # idx_knn = knn(pos_bcn, self.n_knn) key = self.conv_key(x_bcn) value = self.conv_value(x_bcn) query = self.conv_query(x_bcn) # key = index_points(key.transpose(0, 2, 1), idx_knn).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) # (b, c, n, n_knn) key = grouping_operation(key, idx_knn) # print('key.shape', key.shape) qk_rel = query.reshape((b, -1, n, 1)) - key pos_rel = pos_bcn.reshape((b, -1, n, 1)) - \ grouping_operation(pos_bcn, idx_knn) # index_points(pos, idx_knn).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) pos_embedding = self.pos_mlp(pos_rel) attention = self.attn_mlp(qk_rel + pos_embedding) attention = nn.softmax(attention, dim=-1) value = value.reshape((b, -1, n, 1)) + pos_embedding agg = (value * attention).sum(dim=-1) y = self.linear_end(agg) return y + identity
def execute(self, x, img_size): """Forward Region Proposal Network. Here are notations. * :math:`N` is batch size. * :math:`C` channel size of the input. * :math:`H` and :math:`W` are height and witdh of the input feature. * :math:`A` is number of anchors assigned to each pixel. Args: x : The Features extracted from images. Its shape is :math:`(N, C, H, W)`. img_size (tuple of ints): A tuple :obj:`height, width`, which contains image size after scaling. Returns: This is a tuple of five following values. * **rpn_locs**: Predicted bounding box offsets and scales for \ anchors. Its shape is :math:`(N, H W A, 4)`. * **rpn_scores**: Predicted foreground scores for \ anchors. Its shape is :math:`(N, H W A, 2)`. * **rois**: A bounding box array containing coordinates of \ proposal boxes. This is a concatenation of bounding box \ arrays from multiple images in the batch. \ Its shape is :math:`(R', 4)`. Given :math:`R_i` predicted \ bounding boxes from the :math:`i` th image, \ :math:`R' = \\sum _{i=1} ^ N R_i`. * **roi_indices**: An array containing indices of images to \ which RoIs correspond to. Its shape is :math:`(R',)`. * **anchor**: Coordinates of enumerated shifted anchors. \ Its shape is :math:`(H W A, 4)`. """ n, _, hh, ww = x.shape anchor = _enumerate_shifted_anchor(self.anchor_base, self.feat_stride, hh, ww) anchor = jt.array(anchor) n_anchor = anchor.shape[0] // (hh * ww) h = nn.relu(self.conv1(x)) rpn_locs = self.loc(h) rpn_locs = rpn_locs.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).view(n, -1, 4) rpn_scores = self.score(h) rpn_scores = rpn_scores.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) rpn_softmax_scores = nn.softmax(rpn_scores.view( n, hh, ww, n_anchor, 2), dim=4) rpn_fg_scores = rpn_softmax_scores[:, :, :, :, 1] rpn_fg_scores = rpn_fg_scores.view(n, -1) rpn_scores = rpn_scores.view(n, -1, 2) rois = [] roi_indices = [] for i in range(n): roi = self.proposal_layer(rpn_locs[i], rpn_fg_scores[i], anchor, img_size, 1.0 / self.feat_stride) batch_index = i * jt.ones((len(roi), ), dtype='int32') rois.append(roi) roi_indices.append(batch_index) rois = jt.contrib.concat(rois, dim=0) roi_indices = jt.contrib.concat(roi_indices, dim=0) return rpn_locs, rpn_scores, rois, roi_indices, anchor
def detect_objects(self, predicted_locs, predicted_scores, min_score, max_overlap, top_k): """ Decipher the 8732 locations and class scores (output of ths SSD300) to detect objects. For each class, perform Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) on boxes that are above a minimum threshold. Args: predicted_locs: predicted locations/boxes w.r.t the 8732 prior boxes, a tensor of dimensions (N, 8732, 4) predicted_scores: class scores for each of the encoded locations/boxes, a tensor of dimensions (N, 8732, n_classes) min_score: minimum threshold for a box to be considered a match for a certain class max_overlap: maximum overlap two boxes can have so that the one with the lower score is not suppressed via NMS top_k: if there are a lot of resulting detection across all classes, keep only the top 'k' Return: detections (boxes, labels, and scores), lists of length batch_size """ batch_size = predicted_locs.shape[0] n_priors = self.priors_cxcy.shape[0] predicted_scores = nn.softmax(predicted_scores, dim=2) all_images_boxes = list() all_images_labels = list() all_images_scores = list() predicted_locs = predicted_scores = assert (n_priors == predicted_locs.shape[1]) for i in range(batch_size): decoded_locs = cxcy_to_xy( gcxgcy_to_cxcy(predicted_locs[i], self.priors_cxcy)) image_boxes = list() image_labels = list() image_scores = list() for c in range(1, self.n_classes): class_scores = predicted_scores[i][:, c] score_above_min_score = (class_scores >= min_score) n_above_min_score = score_above_min_score.sum() if (n_above_min_score == 0): continue class_scores = class_scores[score_above_min_score] class_decoded_locs = decoded_locs[score_above_min_score] sort_ind = np.argsort(-class_scores, axis=0) class_scores = class_scores[sort_ind] class_decoded_locs = class_decoded_locs[sort_ind] overlap = find_jaccard_overlap(class_decoded_locs, class_decoded_locs) suppress = np.zeros((n_above_min_score)).astype('int') for box in range(class_decoded_locs.shape[0]): if (suppress[box] == 1): continue suppress = np.maximum(suppress, (overlap[box] > max_overlap)) suppress[box] = 0 image_boxes.append( class_decoded_locs[(1 - suppress).astype('bool')]) image_labels.append(int((1 - suppress).sum()) * [c]) image_scores.append(class_scores[(1 - suppress).astype('bool')]) if (len(image_boxes) == 0): image_boxes.append(np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]])) image_labels.append(np.array([0])) image_scores.append(np.array([0.0])) image_boxes = np.concatenate(image_boxes, 0) image_labels = np.concatenate(image_labels, 0) image_scores = np.concatenate(image_scores, 0) n_objects = image_scores.shape[0] if (n_objects > top_k): sort_ind = np.argsort(-image_scores, axis=0) image_scores = image_scores[sort_ind][:top_k] image_boxes = image_boxes[sort_ind][:top_k] image_labels = image_labels[sort_ind][:top_k] all_images_boxes.append(image_boxes) all_images_labels.append(image_labels) all_images_scores.append(image_scores) return (all_images_boxes, all_images_labels, all_images_scores)
def execute(self, input, target): bs_idx = jt.array(range(input.shape[0])) ret = (-jt.log(nn.softmax(input, dim=1)))[bs_idx, target] if self.reduction != None: ret = jt.mean(ret) if self.reduction == 'mean' else jt.sum(ret) return ret
def execute(self, x): """ The input should be of size [batch_size, 3, img_h, img_w] """ _, _, img_h, img_w = x.shape cfg._tmp_img_h = img_h cfg._tmp_img_w = img_w with timer.env('backbone'): outs = self.backbone(x) if cfg.fpn is not None: with timer.env('fpn'): # Use backbone.selected_layers because we overwrote self.selected_layers outs = [outs[i] for i in cfg.backbone.selected_layers] outs = self.fpn(outs) proto_out = None if cfg.mask_type == mask_type.lincomb and cfg.eval_mask_branch: with timer.env('proto'): proto_x = x if self.proto_src is None else outs[self.proto_src] if self.num_grids > 0: grids = self.grid.repeat(proto_x.shape[0], 1, 1, 1) proto_x = jt.contrib.concat([proto_x, grids], dim=1) proto_out = self.proto_net(proto_x) proto_out = cfg.mask_proto_prototype_activation(proto_out) if cfg.mask_proto_prototypes_as_features: # Clone here because we don't want to permute this, though idk if contiguous makes this unnecessary proto_downsampled = proto_out.clone() if cfg.mask_proto_prototypes_as_features_no_grad: proto_downsampled = proto_out.detach() # Move the features last so the multiplication is easy proto_out = proto_out.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) if cfg.mask_proto_bias: bias_shape = [x for x in proto_out.shape] bias_shape[-1] = 1 proto_out = jt.contrib.concat( [proto_out, jt.ones(bias_shape)], -1) with timer.env('pred_heads'): pred_outs = {'loc': [], 'conf': [], 'mask': [], 'priors': []} if cfg.use_mask_scoring: pred_outs['score'] = [] if cfg.use_instance_coeff: pred_outs['inst'] = [] for idx, pred_layer in zip(self.selected_layers, self.prediction_layers): pred_x = outs[idx] if cfg.mask_type == mask_type.lincomb and cfg.mask_proto_prototypes_as_features: # Scale the prototypes down to the current prediction layer's size and add it as inputs proto_downsampled = nn.interpolate( proto_downsampled, size=outs[idx].shape[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) # proto_downsampled = interpolate(proto_downsampled, size=outs[idx].shape[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) pred_x = jt.contrib.concat([pred_x, proto_downsampled], dim=1) # A hack for the way dataparallel works if cfg.share_prediction_module and pred_layer is not self.prediction_layers[ 0]: pred_layer.parent = [self.prediction_layers[0]] p = pred_layer(pred_x) for k, v in p.items(): pred_outs[k].append(v) for k, v in pred_outs.items(): pred_outs[k] = jt.contrib.concat(v, -2) if proto_out is not None: pred_outs['proto'] = proto_out #print('hh',pred_outs) #print() if self.is_training(): # For the extra loss functions if cfg.use_class_existence_loss: pred_outs['classes'] = self.class_existence_fc( outs[-1].mean(dim=(2, 3))) if cfg.use_semantic_segmentation_loss: pred_outs['segm'] = self.semantic_seg_conv(outs[0]) return pred_outs else: if cfg.use_mask_scoring: pred_outs['score'] = jt.sigmoid(pred_outs['score']) if cfg.use_focal_loss: if cfg.use_sigmoid_focal_loss: # Note: even though conf[0] exists, this mode doesn't train it so don't use it pred_outs['conf'] = jt.sigmoid(pred_outs['conf']) if cfg.use_mask_scoring: pred_outs['conf'] *= pred_outs['score'] elif cfg.use_objectness_score: # See focal_loss_sigmoid in for details objectness = jt.sigmoid(pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 0]) pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 1:] = objectness.unsqueeze( 2) * nn.softmax(pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 1:], -1) pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 0] = 1 - objectness else: pred_outs['conf'] = nn.softmax(pred_outs['conf'], -1) else: if cfg.use_objectness_score: objectness = jt.sigmoid(pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 0]) pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 1:] = (objectness > 0.10).unsqueeze(-1) \ * nn.softmax(pred_outs['conf'][:, :, 1:], dim=-1) else: pred_outs['conf'] = nn.softmax(pred_outs['conf'], -1) return self.detect(pred_outs, self)
def execute( self, query, key=None, value=None, key_padding_mask=None, incremental_state=None, need_weights=True, static_kv=False, attn_mask=None, before_softmax=False, need_head_weights=False, ): if need_head_weights: need_weights = True tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim = query.shape assert embed_dim == self.embed_dim assert list(query.shape) == [tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim] assert incremental_state is None, "TODO: incremental_state is not None" saved_state = None if self.self_attention: q = self.q_proj(query) k = self.k_proj(query) v = self.v_proj(query) elif self.encoder_decoder_attention: # encoder-decoder attention q = self.q_proj(query) if key is None: assert value is None k = v = None else: k = self.k_proj(key) v = self.v_proj(key) else: assert key is not None and value is not None q = self.q_proj(query) k = self.k_proj(key) v = self.v_proj(value) q = q * self.scaling assert self.bias_k is None, "TODO: self.bias_k is not None:" q = q.view(tgt_len, bsz * self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 0, 2) if k is not None: k = k.view(-1, bsz * self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 0, 2) if v is not None: v = v.view(-1, bsz * self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(1, 0, 2) assert saved_state is None, "TODO: saved_state is not None" assert k is not None src_len = k.shape[1] assert key_padding_mask is None, "TODO: key_padding_mask is not None" assert not self.add_zero_attn, "TODO: self.add_zero_attn=True" attn_weights = nn.bmm(q, k.transpose(0, 2, 1)) assert list( attn_weights.shape) == [bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len] assert attn_mask is None, "TODO: attn_mask is not None" assert key_padding_mask is None, "TODO: key_padding_mask is not None" if before_softmax: return attn_weights, v attn_weights_float = nn.softmax(attn_weights, dim=-1) attn_weights = attn_weights_float.type_as(attn_weights) assert v is not None attn = nn.bmm(attn_weights, v) assert list( attn.shape) == [bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim] if self.onnx_trace and attn.shape[1] == 1: # when ONNX tracing a single decoder step (sequence length == 1) # the transpose is a no-op copy before view, thus unnecessary attn = attn.view(tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim) else: attn = attn.transpose(1, 0, 2).view(tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim) attn = self.out_proj(attn) attn_weights = None if need_weights: attn_weights = attn_weights_float.view(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len).transpose( 1, 0, 2, 3) if not need_head_weights: # average attention weights over heads attn_weights = attn_weights.mean(dims=[0]) return attn, attn_weights