import job_processing_functions as jpf

## const globals
BASE_DIR = "/home/michael/science/wikipedia/code/"
INI_FILE = BASE_DIR + "config_data.ini"

## parse the ini file
ini_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

## init constants
N = int(ini_config.get('constants', 'N'))
K_REV = int(ini_config.get('constants', 'K_REVISIONS'))
K_TIME = int(ini_config.get('constants', 'K_TIME'))

## init the DB
connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=ini_config.get('db', 'host'),
user=ini_config.get('db', 'user'), passwd=ini_config.get('db', 'passwd') \
    , db=ini_config.get('db', 'db') )
curs = connection.cursor()

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    article_id = sys.argv[1]
    revision_id = sys.argv[2]
    job = (article_id, revision_id)
    jsn = jpf.get_treejson(curs, article_id)
    jpf.process_a_job(curs, job, jsn, N, K_REV, K_TIME)
    def run(self):
        # parse the ini file
        ini_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        # init constants
        N = int(ini_config.get("constants", "N"))
        K_REV = int(ini_config.get("constants", "K_REVISIONS"))
        K_TIME = int(ini_config.get("constants", "K_TIME"))
        SLEEP_TIME = int(ini_config.get("constants", "SLEEP_TIME"))

        ## init the DB
        connection = MySQLdb.connect(
            host=ini_config.get("db", "host"),
            user=ini_config.get("db", "user"),
            passwd=ini_config.get("db", "passwd"),
            db=ini_config.get("db", "db"),
        curs = connection.cursor()

        # logic desription
        # get_all_jobs returns dictionary of jobs with key by
        # article id (page id), value is a list of revision id's;
        # the list is sorted in ascending order;
        # then we iterate over all articles and add articles in ascending order;
        # before adding a revision we check whether
        # previous revision was added to the tree or not;
        # if previous revision was not added then we add all revisions id's of
        # the article which have not been proceeded;
        # if previous revision was added then we add
        # current revision to the tree and delete job from the queue
        while True:
            jobs = jpf.get_all_jobs(curs)
            # if there are no jobs then we sleep for SLEEP_TIME seconds
            if jobs == None:
            # now processing all jobs
            for article_id in jobs:
                list_of_rev_id = jobs[article_id]
                for idx in xrange(len(list_of_rev_id)):
                    revision_id = list_of_rev_id[idx]
                    job = (article_id, revision_id)
                    jsn = jpf.get_treejson(curs, article_id)
                    # case when we don't have stored tree yet
                    if jsn == None:
                        # if revision is the first revision
                        if jpf.get_previous_revision_id(curs, revision_id) == 0:
                            jpf.process_a_job(curs, job, jsn, N, K_REV, K_TIME)
                    # todo(michael): think about case when we want to add
                    # revision which should have been added earlier then
                    # the latest added revision
                    if jpf.is_tree_uptodate(curs, jsn, article_id, revision_id):
                        jpf.process_a_job(curs, job, jsn, N, K_REV, K_TIME)
                        # fetch all unproceeded revisions
                        # and add them to the queue
                        new_ids = jpf.fetch_new_revisions(curs, jsn, article_id)
                        missed_ids = [x for x in new_ids if not x in list_of_rev_id[idx:]]
                        for missed_revision_id in missed_ids:
                            jpf.put_job_in_queue(curs, article_id, missed_revision_id)
                        # inserted jobs will be proceeded when
                        # job_processor will read the job queue next time
                        # now we need to proceed next article