Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_KKfiles_Script_supercomp(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit, KKparams,supercomparams):
    '''Creates the files required to run KlustaKwik'''
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    argTD = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit]      
    if ju.is_cached(ds.test_detection_algorithm,*argTD):
        print 'Yes, you have run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n'
        detcrit_groundtruth = ds.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit)
        print 'You need to run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n in order to obtain a groundtruth' 
    KKhash = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(KKparams)
    baselist = [hash_hyb_SD, detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname'], KKhash]
    basefilename =  hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(baselist)
    mainbasefilelist = [hash_hyb_SD, detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname']]
    mainbasefilename = hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(mainbasefilelist)
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    KKscriptname = basefilename
    return basefilename
def pre_learn_data_grid(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb,detectioncrit,supervised_params):
    '''First this function will query whether the cached function: 
       detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams, detectioncrit):, 
       has been called already with those arguments using `joblib_utils.is_cached`,
       If it has, it calls it to obtain detcrit_groundtruth.
       else if the hybrid dataset does not exist, it will raise an Error
       and tell you to run SpikeDetekt on the dataset.
       It scales the data using scale_data() 
    argTD = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit]      
    if ju.is_cached(ds.test_detection_algorithm,*argTD):
        print 'Yes, you have run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n'
        detcrit_groundtruth = ds.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit)
        print 'You need to run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n in order to obtain a groundtruth'    
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    with Experiment(hash_hyb_SD, dir= DIRPATH, mode='r') as expt:
        #Load the detcrit groundtruth
        #targetpathname = '/channel_groups/0/spikes/clusters' + '/' + detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname']
        targetpathname = detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname']
        targetsource = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.clusters._get_child(targetpathname)
        #take the first supervised_params['numfirstspikes'] spikes only
        if supervised_params['numfirstspikes'] is not None: 
            fets = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[0:supervised_params['numfirstspikes']]
            target = targetsource[0:supervised_params['numfirstspikes']]
            fets = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[:]
            target = targetsource[:]
        print expt        
    print 'fets.shape = ', fets.shape    
    print 'target.shape = ', target.shape
    if supervised_params['subvector'] is not None:
        subsetfets = fets[:,supervised_params['subvector']]
        subsetfets = fets
    scaled_fets = scale_data(subsetfets)
    classweights = compute_grid_weights(*supervised_params['grid_params'])
    #print classweights
    return hash_hyb_SD,classweights,scaled_fets, target
def analysis_ind_confKK(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit, defaultKKparams, paramtochange, listparamvalues, detcrit = None):
    ''' Analyse results of one parameter family of KK jobs
        Not very different to the fucntion above only detcrit independent MKKbasefilenames'''
    outlistKK = rkk.one_param_varyKK_ind(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, defaultKKparams, paramtochange, listparamvalues) 
    #outlistKK = [listbasefiles, outputdicts]
    argTD = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit]      
    if ju.is_cached(ds.test_detection_algorithm,*argTD):
        print 'Yes, you have run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n'
        detcrit_groundtruth = ds.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit)
        print 'You need to run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n in order to obtain a groundtruth' 
    detcritclu =  detcrit_groundtruth['detected_groundtruth']
    NumSpikes = detcritclu.shape[0]
    cluKK = np.zeros((len(outlistKK[0]),NumSpikes))
    confusion = []
    for k, basefilename in enumerate(outlistKK[0]):
        clufile = hybdatadict['output_path'] + basefilename + '.clu.1'
        print os.path.isfile(clufile)
        if os.path.isfile(clufile):
            cluKK[k,:] =   np.loadtxt(clufile, dtype = np.int32, skiprows =1)
            print '%s does not exist '%(clufile)
        conf = get_confusion_matrix(cluKK[k,:],detcritclu)
        print conf
    return confusion      
def create_confusion_matrix_fromclu_ind(hybdatadict, SDparams, prb, detectioncrit, KKparams):
    ''' will create the confusion matrix, using the equivalent to a clu file
      and detcrit groundtruth res and clu files, which is now contained in the kwik file 
       which will either be from KK or SVM and of the form: 
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    argTD = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit]      
    if ju.is_cached(ds.test_detection_algorithm,*argTD):
        print 'Yes, you have run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n'
        detcrit = ds.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit)
        print 'You need to run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n in order to obtain a groundtruth' 
    #argKK = [hybdatadict, SDparams, prb, detectioncrit, KKparams]
    #print 'What the bloody hell is going on?'
    #if ju.is_cached(rkk.make_KKfiles_Script,*argKK):
    #    print 'Yes, you have created the scripts for running KK, which you have hopefully run!'
    #    basefilename = rkk.make_KKfiles_Script(hybdatadict, SDparams, prb, detectioncrit, KKparams)
    #    print 'You need to run KK to generate a clu file '
    #print 'Did you even get here?'    
    basefilename = rkk.make_KKfiles_Script_detindep_full(hybdatadict, SDparams, prb, KKparams)
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    KKclufile = DIRPATH+ basefilename + '.clu.1'    
    KKclusters = np.loadtxt(KKclufile,dtype=np.int32,skiprows=1)    
    conf = get_confusion_matrix(KKclusters, detcrit['detected_groundtruth'])
    return detcrit, KKclusters,conf
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_KKscript_supercomp(KKparams, filebase,scriptname,supercomparams):
    '''Create bash script on Legion required to run KlustaKwik
    supercomparams = {'time':'36:00:00','mem': '2G', 'tmpfs':'10G'}
    argKKsc = [KKparams, filebase,scriptname]
    if ju.is_cached(make_KKscript,*argKKsc):
        print 'Yes, you have made the scripts for the local machine \n'
        #scriptstring = make_KKscript(KKparams, filebase,scriptname)
        print 'You need to run make_KKscript  ' 
    keylist = KKparams['keylist']
    #keylist = ['MaskStarts','MaxPossibleClusters','FullStepEvery','MaxIter','RandomSeed',
    #           'Debug','SplitFirst','SplitEvery','PenaltyK','PenaltyKLogN','Subset',
    #           'PriorPoint','SaveSorted','SaveCovarianceMeans','UseMaskedInitialConditions',
     #          'AssignToFirstClosestMask','UseDistributional']

    #KKlocation = '/martinottihome/skadir/GIT_masters/klustakwik/MaskedKlustaKwik'  
    supercompstuff = '''#!/bin/bash -l
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -l h_rt=%s
#$ -l mem=%s
#$ -l tmpfs=%s
#$ -N %s_supercomp
#$ -P maskedklustakwik
#$ -wd /home/smgxsk1/Scratch/
    KKsupercomplocation = supercompstuff +  '/home/smgxsk1/MKK_versions/klustakwik/MaskedKlustaKwik'
    scriptstring = KKsupercomplocation + ' /home/smgxsk1/Scratch/'+ filebase + ' 1 '
    for KKey in keylist: 
        #print '-'+KKey +' '+ str(KKparams[KKey])
        scriptstring = scriptstring + ' -'+ KKey +' '+ str(KKparams[KKey])
    print scriptstring
    scriptfile = open('%s_supercomp.sh' %(scriptname),'w')
    outputdir = ' /chandelierhome/skadir/hybrid_analysis/mariano/'
    #changeperms='chmod 777 %s.sh' %(scriptname)
    sendout = 'scp -r'+ outputdir + scriptname + '_supercomp.sh' + outputdir +scriptname + '.fet.1' + outputdir + scriptname + '.fmask.1 '+ '[email protected]:/home/smgxsk1/Scratch/'
    return scriptstring
Ejemplo n.º 6
def make_KKfiles_Script_detindep_supercomp(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, KKparams,supercomparams):
    '''Creates the files required to run KlustaKwik'''
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 

    KKhash = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(KKparams)
    baselist = [hash_hyb_SD, KKhash]
    KKbasefilename =  hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(baselist)
    mainbasefilename = hash_hyb_SD
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    KKscriptname = KKbasefilename
    return KKbasefilename
def learn_data_grid_general(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb,detectioncrit,supervised_params,addtokwik):  
       If addtokwik == True, then the clusterings are also stored in the .kwik file
       calls learn_data() for various values of the
       grids and also the function compute_errors()
       Writes output as clusterings labelled by Hash(svmparams) of the grid in 
       using write_kwik(hybdatadict,sdparams,detectioncrit,svmparams,confusion_test,confusion_train)
       the new .kwik format can store multiple clusterings.
       supervised_params consists of the following quantities: 
       supervised_params = {'numfirstspikes': 200000,'kernel': 'rbf','grid_C': [1,100000,0.00001], 'grid_weights': listofweights
       ,gammagrid : [1e-5, 0.001, 0.1, 1, 10, 1000, 100000], cross_param :  2, 
       PCAS : 3, subvector: None}
    argPLDG = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb,detectioncrit,supervised_params]
    if ju.is_cached(pre_learn_data_grid,*argPLDG):
        print 'Yes, pre_learn_data_grid has been run \n'    
        print 'Running pre_learn_data_grid(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb,detectioncrit,supervised_params), \n you have not run it yet' 
    hash_hyb_SD,classweights,scaled_fets, target = pre_learn_data_grid(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb,detectioncrit,supervised_params)
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    number_of_weights = len(classweights)
    numspikes = scaled_fets.shape[0]
    cross_valid = do_cross_validation_shuffle(numspikes,supervised_params['cross_param'])
    #print cross_valid

    #'grid_C': [1,100000,0.00001], number_cvalues = 3
    number_cvalues = len(supervised_params['grid_C'])
    #number_support_vectors = {}
    weights_clu_test = np.zeros((number_cvalues,number_of_weights,numspikes,2),dtype=np.int32)
    weights_clu_train = np.zeros((number_cvalues,number_of_weights, numspikes,2),dtype=np.int32)
    cludict= {(0,0):1, (0,1):2, (1,0):3, (1,1):4}
    # (prediction, groundtruth)
    #(0,0) TN, (0,1) FN ,(1,0) FP ,(1,1) TP
    testclu = np.zeros((number_cvalues,number_of_weights,numspikes),dtype=np.int32)
    trainclu = np.zeros((number_cvalues,number_of_weights,numspikes),dtype=np.int32)
    for c, Cval in enumerate(supervised_params['grid_C']):
        preds = {}
        preds_train = {}
                    ##Defined to avoid: TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray', something about dictionaries
                    #testclu_pre = np.zeros((number_of_weights,numspikes),dtype=np.int32)
                    #trainclu_pre = np.zeros((number_of_weights,numspikes),dtype=np.int32)
        for i, (weights) in enumerate(classweights):
            for j, (train, test) in enumerate(cross_valid):
                if supervised_params['kernel'] == 'poly':
                    preds[i,j], preds_train[i,j]= do_supervised_learning(test, train,Cval, supervised_params['kernel'], scaled_fets, target,classweights[i])
                else:#radial kernel, only allow a single gamma value at a time
                    preds[i,j], preds_train[i,j]= do_supervised_learning_radial(test, train,Cval, supervised_params['kernel'],supervised_params['gamma'], scaled_fets, target,classweights[i])    
                print 'Computed ', classweights[i]
                #Used later to make equivalent to 4 seasons clu file
                weights_clu_test[c,i,test,0] = preds[i,j]
                weights_clu_test[c,i,test,1] = target[test]
                #Used later to make equivalent to 4 seasons clu file but for the training set
                weights_clu_train[c,i,train,0] = preds_train[i,j]
                weights_clu_train[c,i,train,1] = target[train]
            #Make 4 seasons clu file equivalent
            for k in np.arange(numspikes):
                testclu[c,i,k] = cludict[tuple(weights_clu_test[c,i,k,:])]
                trainclu[c,i,k] = cludict[tuple(weights_clu_train[c,i,k,:])]
#            supervisedinputdict = {'test':test, 'train':train, 'Cval': Cval, 'kernel': supervised_params['kernel'], 'scaled_fets':scaled_fets, 'target', target, 'classweights': classweigths
            #Add clusterings to .kwik file
            supervisedparamshash = None #if addtokwik = False otherwise crashes
            if addtokwik:
                kwikfiles = open_files(hash_hyb_SD,dir=DIRPATH, mode='a')
                supervisedparamshash = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(supervised_params)
                supervisedhashname = supervisedparamshash + '_' + repr(c) + '_' + repr(i) 
                add_clustering(kwikfiles,name = supervisedhashname + 'test', spike_clusters=testclu[c,i,:] )    
                add_clustering(kwikfiles,name = supervisedhashname + 'train', spike_clusters=trainclu[c,i,:] )     
                #print 'testclu[',c,',',i,',',k,']=',testclu[c,i,k]
   # for c, Cval in enumerate(supervised_params['grid_C']):                    
   #     kwikfilename = DIRPATH + hash_hyb_SD + '.kwik'
   #     supervisedhashname = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(detectioncrit)
   #     add_clustering_kwik(kwikfilename, detectedgroundtruth, detectionhashname)        
   ####Train and test look like this for 2-fold cross validation and 200 spikes
   #         j =  0  train =  [100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
   #      118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
   #      136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
   #      154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
   #      172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
   #      190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199]  
   #      test =  [ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
   #      25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
   #      50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
   #      75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99]
   #     j =  1  train =  [ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
   #      25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
   #      50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
   #      75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99]  
   #      test =  [100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
   #      118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
   #      136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
   #      154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
   #      172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
   #      190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199] 
    return supervisedparamshash, classweights, testclu, trainclu
def test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit):
     It will query whether the cached function: 
    has been called already with those arguments using `joblib_utils.is_cached`,
     If it has, it calls it to obtain creation_groundtruth.
     else if the hybrid dataset does not exist, it will raise an Error. 
       creation_groundtruth consists of the equivalent to the old: 
     GroundtruthResfile,GroundtruthClufile,... (i.e. the times and the cluster labels for the
     added hybrid spikes.
     detection criteria include: 
       This function will call SpikeSimilarityMeasure(a,b)
         and output the file: Hash(hybdatadict)_Hash(sdparams)_Hash(detectioncrit).kwik  
       It will return detcrit_groundtruth, the groundtruth relative to the criteria, detectioncrit. 
       This will be an ordered dictionary so that hashing can work!'''
    if ju.is_cached(hcl.create_hybrid_kwdfile,hybdatadict):
        print 'Yes, this hybrid dataset exists, I shall now check if you have run SD \n'
    meanwaveform,kwdoutputname, creation_groundtruth, amplitude = hcl.create_hybrid_kwdfile(hybdatadict)
    #Take the means of the binary donor masks of the donor cluster 
    binmeanmask = hcl.make_average_datamask_from_mean(hybdatadict, fmask= False)
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    with Experiment(hash_hyb_SD, dir= DIRPATH, mode='a') as expt:
        res_int= expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.time_samples
        res_frac  = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.time_fractional
        res_int_arr = res_int[:] 
        res_frac_arr = res_frac[:]
        detected_times = res_int_arr + res_frac_arr
        fmask = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks
        #Spikes within time window
        existencewin = np.zeros_like(creation_groundtruth)
        #Mean binary mask for hybrid cluster
        if 'manual_meanmask' in detectioncrit.keys():
            binmeanmask = detectioncrit['manual_meanmask']
            binmeanmask = hcl.make_average_datamask_from_mean(hybdatadict, fmask= False)
        indices_in_timewindow = hash_utils.order_dictionary({})
        #indices_in_timewindow = {0 (this is the 1st hybrid spike): (array([0, 1, 3]),),
        #1: (array([89, 90]),),
        #2: (array([154, 156, 157]),),
        #3: (array([191]),),
        #4: (array([259, 260, 261]),),
        num_spikes_in_timewindow = hash_utils.order_dictionary({})
        CauchySchwarz = hash_utils.order_dictionary({})
        detected = hash_utils.order_dictionary({})
        NumHybSpikes = creation_groundtruth.shape[0]
        trivialmainclustering = np.zeros_like(detected_times)
        detectedgroundtruth = np.zeros_like(detected_times)
        print detectedgroundtruth.shape
        for k in np.arange(NumHybSpikes):
            list_of_differences = np.zeros((detected_times.shape[0]))
            list_of_differences[:]= detected_times[:] - creation_groundtruth[k] 
            indices_in_timewindow[k] = np.nonzero(np.absolute(list_of_differences)<=detectioncrit['allowed_discrepancy'])
            num_spikes_in_timewindow[k] = indices_in_timewindow[k][0].shape[0]
            for j in np.arange(num_spikes_in_timewindow[k]):
                CauchySchwarz[k,j] = SpikeSimilarityMeasure(fmask[indices_in_timewindow[k][0][j],:,1],binmeanmask[0:3*hybdatadict['numchannels']])
                if CauchySchwarz[k,j] > detectioncrit['CSthreshold']:
                    detected[k,j] = 1    
                    detected[k,j] = 0       
                detectedgroundtruth[indices_in_timewindow[k][0][j]]= detected[k,j]
    #Store detectedgroundtruth in a clustering
    detectionhashname = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(detectioncrit)
    #kwikfilename = DIRPATH + hash_hyb_SD 
    #+ '.kwik'
    #add_clustering_kwik(kwikfilename, detectedgroundtruth, detectionhashname)
    kwikfiles = open_files(hash_hyb_SD,dir=DIRPATH, mode='a')
    add_clustering(kwikfiles,name = detectionhashname, spike_clusters=detectedgroundtruth,overwrite = True )
    print 'Added a clustering called ', detectionhashname
    add_clustering(kwikfiles,name = 'main', spike_clusters= trivialmainclustering, overwrite = True)
    #clusters = '/channel_groups[0]/spikes/clusters'
    #detectionhash = hash_dictionary_md5(detectioncrit)
    #expt.createEArray(clusters, detectionhash, tb.UInt32Atom(), (0,),
    #                      expectedrows=1000000)
        #percentage_detected = float(sum(detected.values()))/NumHybSpikes
    detcrit_groundtruth_pre ={'detection_hashname':
    detectionhashname,'binmeanmask': binmeanmask,'indices_in_timewindow':indices_in_timewindow, 'numspikes_in_timeswindow': num_spikes_in_timewindow,
    'Cauchy_Schwarz':CauchySchwarz,'detected': detected,'detected_groundtruth': detectedgroundtruth}
    detcrit_groundtruth = hash_utils.order_dictionary(detcrit_groundtruth_pre)
    return detcrit_groundtruth    
Ejemplo n.º 9
def make_KKfiles_viewer(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit, KKparams):
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    argTD = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit]      
    if ju.is_cached(ds.test_detection_algorithm,*argTD):
        print 'Yes, you have run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n'
        detcrit_groundtruth = ds.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit)
        print 'You need to run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n in order to obtain a groundtruth'
    argKKfile = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit, KKparams]
    if ju.is_cached(make_KKfiles_Script,*argKKfile):
        print 'Yes, make_KKfiles_Script  has been run \n'
        print 'Need to run make_KKfiles_Script first, running now ' 
    basefilename = make_KKfiles_Script(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit, KKparams)    
    mainbasefilelist = [hash_hyb_SD, detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname']]
    mainbasefilename = hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(mainbasefilelist)    
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    with Experiment(hash_hyb_SD, dir= DIRPATH, mode='r') as expt:
        if KKparams['numspikesKK'] is not None: 
            #spk = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.waveforms_filtered[0:KKparams['numspikesKK'],:,:]
            res = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.time_samples[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
            #fets = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
            #fmasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks[0:KKparams['numspikesKK'],:,1]
           # masks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.masks[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]

            #spk = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.waveforms_filtered[:,:,:]
            res = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.time_samples[:]
            #fets = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[:]
            #fmasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks[:,:,1]
            #print fmasks[3,:]
            #masks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.masks[:]
        mainresfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.res.1' 
        mainspkfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.spk.1'
        detcritclufilename = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.detcrit.clu.1'
        trivialclufilename = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.clu.1'
       # write_spk_buffered(exptable,filepath, indices,
       #                buffersize=512)
        write_clu(detcrit_groundtruth['detected_groundtruth'], detcritclufilename)
        #s_total = SDparams['extract_s_before']+SDparams['extract_s_after']
        #          n_ch = SDparams['nchannels'],
        #          n_samp = SDparams['S_TOTAL'],
        #          n_feat = s_total,
        #          sample_rate = SDparams['sample_rate'],
        #          filepath = basename+'.xml')
    mainxmlfile =  hybdatadict['donor_path'] + hybdatadict['donor']+'_afterprocessing.xml'   
    #os.system('ln -s %s %s.clu.1 ' %(trivialclufilename,basefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.spk.1 ' %(mainspkfile,basefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.res.1 ' %(mainresfile,basefilename))
    os.system('cp %s %s.xml ' %(mainxmlfile,basefilename))
    return basefilename
Ejemplo n.º 10
def make_KKfiles_Script_detindep_full(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, KKparams):
    '''Creates the files required to run KlustaKwik'''
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    KKhash = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(KKparams)
    baselist = [hash_hyb_SD, KKhash]
    KKbasefilename =  hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(baselist)
    mainbasefilename = hash_hyb_SD
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    mainresfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.res.1' 
    mainspkfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.spk.1'        
    trivialclufilename = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename + '.clu.1'
    mainfetfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename+'.fet.1'
    mainfmaskfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename+'.fmask.1'
    mainmaskfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename+'.mask.1'
    #arg_spkresdetclu = [expt,res,mainresfile, mainspkfile, detcritclufilename, trivialclufilename]
        #if ju.is_cached(make_spkresdetclu_files,*arg_spkresdetclu):
    if os.path.isfile(mainspkfile):
            print 'miscellaneous files probably already exist, moving on, saving time'
        with Experiment(hash_hyb_SD, dir= DIRPATH, mode='r') as expt:
            if KKparams['numspikesKK'] is not None: 
                feats = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
                prefmasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks[0:KKparams['numspikesKK'],:,1]
                premasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.masks[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
                res = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.time_samples[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
                feats = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[:]
                prefmasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks[:,:,1]
                #print fmasks[3,:]
                premasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.masks[:]
                res = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.time_samples[:]    
            #arg_spkresdetclu = [expt,res,mainresfile, mainspkfile, detcritclufilename, trivialclufilename]
            #if ju.is_cached(make_spkresdetclu_files,*arg_spkresdetclu):
            #if os.path.isfile(mainspkfile):
            #    print 'miscellaneous files probably already exist, moving on, saving time'
                make_spkresclu_files(expt,res,mainresfile, mainspkfile, trivialclufilename) 
            #                    mainspkfile,
            #                   np.arange(len(res)))
            #write_clu(detcrit_groundtruth['detected_groundtruth'], detcritclufilename)
            times = np.expand_dims(res, axis =1)
            masktimezeros = np.zeros_like(times)
            fets = np.concatenate((feats, times),axis = 1)
            fmasks = np.concatenate((prefmasks, masktimezeros),axis = 1)
            masks = np.concatenate((premasks, masktimezeros),axis = 1)
        #print fets
        if not os.path.isfile(mainfetfile):
            write_fet(fets,mainfetfile )
            print mainfetfile, ' already exists, moving on \n '
        if not os.path.isfile(mainfmaskfile):
            print mainfmaskfile, ' already exists, moving on \n '  
        if not os.path.isfile(mainmaskfile):
            print mainmaskfile, ' already exists, moving on \n '    
    mainxmlfile =  hybdatadict['donor_path'] + hybdatadict['donor']+'_afterprocessing.xml'   
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.fet.1 ' %(mainfetfile,KKbasefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.fmask.1 ' %(mainfmaskfile,KKbasefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.mask.1 ' %(mainmaskfile,KKbasefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.trivial.clu.1 ' %(trivialclufilename,KKbasefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.spk.1 ' %(mainspkfile,KKbasefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.res.1 ' %(mainresfile,KKbasefilename))
    os.system('cp %s %s.xml ' %(mainxmlfile,mainbasefilename))
    os.system('cp %s %s.xml ' %(mainxmlfile,KKbasefilename))
    KKscriptname = KKbasefilename
    return KKbasefilename
Ejemplo n.º 11
def make_KKfiles_Script(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit, KKparams):
    '''Creates the files required to run KlustaKwik'''
    argSD = [hybdatadict,SDparams,prb]
    if ju.is_cached(rsd.run_spikedetekt,*argSD):
        print 'Yes, SD has been run \n'
        hash_hyb_SD = rsd.run_spikedetekt(hybdatadict,SDparams,prb)
        print 'You need to run Spikedetekt before attempting to analyse results ' 
    argTD = [hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit]      
    if ju.is_cached(ds.test_detection_algorithm,*argTD):
        print 'Yes, you have run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n'
        detcrit_groundtruth = ds.test_detection_algorithm(hybdatadict, SDparams,prb, detectioncrit)
        print 'You need to run detection_statistics.test_detection_algorithm() \n in order to obtain a groundtruth' 
    KKhash = hash_utils.hash_dictionary_md5(KKparams)
    baselist = [hash_hyb_SD, detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname'], KKhash]
    basefilename =  hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(baselist)
    mainbasefilelist = [hash_hyb_SD, detcrit_groundtruth['detection_hashname']]
    mainbasefilename = hash_utils.make_concatenated_filename(mainbasefilelist)
    DIRPATH = hybdatadict['output_path']
    with Experiment(hash_hyb_SD, dir= DIRPATH, mode='r') as expt:
        if KKparams['numspikesKK'] is not None: 
            fets = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
            fmasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks[0:KKparams['numspikesKK'],:,1]
            masks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.masks[0:KKparams['numspikesKK']]
            fets = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features[:]
            fmasks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.features_masks[:,:,1]
            #print fmasks[3,:]
            masks = expt.channel_groups[0].spikes.masks[:]
    mainfetfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename+'.fet.1'
    mainfmaskfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename+'.fmask.1'
    mainmaskfile = DIRPATH + mainbasefilename+'.mask.1'
    if not os.path.isfile(mainfetfile):
        write_fet(fets,mainfetfile )
        print mainfetfile, ' already exists, moving on \n '
    if not os.path.isfile(mainfmaskfile):
        print mainfmaskfile, ' already exists, moving on \n '  
    if not os.path.isfile(mainmaskfile):
        print mainmaskfile, ' already exists, moving on \n '    
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.fet.1 ' %(mainfetfile,basefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.fmask.1 ' %(mainfmaskfile,basefilename))
    os.system('ln -s %s %s.mask.1 ' %(mainmaskfile,basefilename))
    KKscriptname = basefilename
    return basefilename