Ejemplo n.º 1
 def syncLocalDir(self, local_dir, verbose=False):
     if os.path.exists(local_dir):
         if not os.path.isdir(local_dir):
             sys.exit("'%s' already exists and is not a directory => EXIT." % local_dir)
     oldcwd = os.getcwd()
     if self.host == None:
         # self is a local dir too
         cmd = "%s -rlptz %s/ %s" % (self.rsync_cmd, self.path, '.')
         # self is a remote dir
         cmd = "%s -rlptz %s/ %s" % (self.rsync_rsh_cmd, self.get_full_remote_path(), '.')
     if verbose:
         print "BBS>   Syncing local '%s' with %s" % (local_dir, self.label)
     jobs.tryHardToRunJob(cmd, 3, None, 1800.0, 60.0, verbose)
     ## Workaround a strange problem observed so far on Windows Server
     ## 2008 R2 Enterprise (64-bit) only. After running rsync (from Cygwin)
     ## on this machine to sync a local folder, the local filesystem seems
     ## to be left in a state that confuses the 'tar' command (from Cygwin
     ## or Rtools) i.e. 'tar zcvf ...' fails when trying to store all or
     ## part of the local folder into a tarball complaining that for some
     ## subfolders "file changed as we read it".
     ## Traversing the entire local folder, with e.g. a call to
     ## 'chmod a+r . -R', seems to "fix" the state of the filesystem and
     ## to make 'tar' work again on it.
     if sys.platform == "win32":
         cmd = "chmod a+r . -R"  # from Cygwin (or Rtools)
         jobs.runJob(cmd, None, 300.0, verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: rdir.py Proyecto: mtmorgan/BBS
 def syncLocalDir(self, local_dir, verbose=False):
     if os.path.exists(local_dir):
         if not os.path.isdir(local_dir):
             sys.exit("'%s' already exists and is not a directory => EXIT." % local_dir)
     oldcwd = os.getcwd()
     if self.host == None:
         # self is a local dir too
         cmd = "%s -rlptz %s/ %s" % (self.rsync_cmd, self.path, '.')
         # self is a remote dir
         cmd = "%s -rlptz %s/ %s" % (self.rsync_rsh_cmd, self.get_full_remote_path(), '.')
     if verbose:
         print "BBS>   Syncing local '%s' with %s" % (local_dir, self.label)
     jobs.tryHardToRunJob(cmd, 3, None, 1800.0, 60.0, verbose)
     ## Workaround a strange problem observed so far on Windows Server
     ## 2008 R2 Enterprise (64-bit) only. After running rsync (from Cygwin)
     ## on this machine to sync a local folder, the local filesystem seems
     ## to be left in a state that confuses the 'tar' command (from Cygwin
     ## or Rtools) i.e. 'tar zcvf ...' fails when trying to store all or
     ## part of the local folder into a tarball complaining that for some
     ## subfolders "file changed as we read it".
     ## Traversing the entire local folder, with e.g. a call to
     ## 'chmod a+r . -R', seems to "fix" the state of the filesystem and
     ## to make 'tar' work again on it.
     if sys.platform == "win32":
         cmd = "chmod a+r . -R"  # from Cygwin (or Rtools)
         jobs.runJob(cmd, None, 300.0, verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def Put(self, src_path, failure_is_fatal=True, verbose=False):
     if sys.platform == "win32" and os.path.exists(
             src_path) and os.path.isfile(src_path):
         #os.chmod(src_path, 0644) # This doesn't work
         ## This works better but requires Cygwin.
         cmd = "chmod +r " + src_path
         jobs.runJob(cmd, None, 60.0, verbose)
     if self.host == None:
         # self is a local dir
         cmd = "%s %s %s" % (self.rsync_cmd, src_path, self.path)
         # self is a remote dir
         cmd = "%s %s %s" % (self.rsync_rsh_cmd, src_path,
     maxtime = 120.0 + fileutils.total_size(
         src_path) / bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec
     if verbose:
         if self.host != None:
             action = "Putting"
             action = "Copying"
         print "BBS>   %s %s in %s/:" % (action, src_path, self.label)
     jobs.tryHardToRunJob(cmd, 5, None, maxtime, 30.0, failure_is_fatal,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def set_readable_flag(path, verbose=False):
    if sys.platform == "win32" and \
       os.path.exists(path) and \
        #os.chmod(path, 0644)  # this doesn't work
        # This works better but requires Cygwin:
        cmd = "chmod +r " + path
        jobs.runJob(cmd, None, 60.0, verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def syncLocalDir(self, local_dir, verbose=False):
     if os.path.exists(local_dir):
         if not os.path.isdir(local_dir):
                 "'%s' already exists but is not a directory => EXIT." %
     oldcwd = os.getcwd()
     if self.host == None or self.host == 'localhost':
         # self is a local dir too
         rsync_cmd = self.rsync_cmd
         src = self.path
         # self is a remote dir
         rsync_cmd = self.rsync_rsh_cmd
         src = self.get_full_remote_path()
     rsync_options = self.rsync_options
     if sys.platform == "win32":
         # Transform symlink into referent file/dir (-L)
         rsync_options += ' -rLptz'
         # Copy symlinks as symlinks (-l)
         rsync_options += ' -rlptz'
     cmd = "%s %s %s/ %s" % (rsync_cmd, rsync_options, src, '.')
     if verbose:
         print("BBS>   Syncing local '%s' with %s" %
               (local_dir, self.label))
     ## This can take a veeeeeeeeery long time on Windows!
     jobs.tryHardToRunJob(cmd, 3, None, 2400.0, 30.0, True, verbose)
     ## Workaround a strange problem observed so far on Windows Server
     ## 2008 R2 Enterprise (64-bit) only. After running rsync (from Cygwin)
     ## on this machine to sync a local folder, the local filesystem seems
     ## to be left in a state that confuses the 'tar' command (from Cygwin
     ## or Rtools) i.e. 'tar zcvf ...' fails when trying to store all or
     ## part of the local folder into a tarball complaining that for some
     ## subfolders "file changed as we read it".
     ## Traversing the entire local folder, with e.g. a call to
     ## 'chmod a+r . -R', seems to "fix" the state of the filesystem and
     ## to make 'tar' work again on it.
     if sys.platform == "win32":
         cmd = "chmod a+r . -R"  # from Cygwin (or Rtools)
         ## This can time out on Azure VMs palomino or palomino2 when
         ## syncing the local meat folder with central MEAT0 if 'maxtime'
         ## is set to 5 min so now we allow 10 min.
         jobs.runJob(cmd, None, 600.0, verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: rdir.py Proyecto: mtmorgan/BBS
 def Put(self, src_path, verbose=False):
     if sys.platform == "win32" and os.path.exists(src_path) and os.path.isfile(src_path):
         #os.chmod(src_path, 0644) # This doesn't work
         ## This works better but requires Cygwin.
         cmd = "chmod +r " + src_path
         jobs.runJob(cmd, None, 60.0, verbose)
     if self.host == None:
         # self is a local dir
         cmd = "%s %s %s" % (self.rsync_cmd, src_path, self.path)
         # self is a remote dir
         cmd = "%s %s %s" % (self.rsync_rsh_cmd, src_path, self.get_full_remote_path())
     maxtime = 60.0 + fileutils.total_size(src_path) / bandwidth_in_bytes_per_sec
     if verbose:
         if self.host != None:
             action = "Putting"
             action = "Copying"
         print "BBS>   %s %s in %s/:" % (action, src_path, self.label)
     jobs.tryHardToRunJob(cmd, 5, None, maxtime, 30.0, verbose)