Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_johansen(y, p):
    Get the cointegration vectors at 95% level of significance
    given by the trace statistic test.
    N, l = y.shape
    jres = coint_johansen(y, 0, p)
    trstat = jres.lr1  # trace statistic
    tsignf = jres.cvt  # critical values
    for i in range(l):
        if trstat[i] > tsignf[i, 1]:  # 0: 90%  1:95% 2: 99%
            r = i + 1
    jres.r = r
    jres.evecr = jres.evec[:, :r]
    return jres
Ejemplo n.º 2

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #Use in-sample data to calculate the Eigen Vector

    symbols = ['FED/RXI_N_B_JA', 'LBMA/GOLD']
    num_assets = len(symbols)
    FX_data = quandl_stocks(symbols, [1, 2], (2010, 6, 10), (2015, 6, 9))
    FX_data.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
    FX_data.iloc[:, 0] = 1 / FX_data.iloc[:, 0]
    FX_log_data = pd.DataFrame(index=FX_data.index.copy())
    FX_log_data = np.log(FX_data)
    FX_log_ret_data = pd.DataFrame(index=FX_data.index.copy())

    jres = coint_johansen(FX_log_data, 0,
                          1)  # The inputs are log price levels.
    weights = jres.evec[0, :] / jres.evec[0,
                                          0]  # The Eigen Vector is calculated.

    #Use out-of-sample data to calculate the stationary series to generate trading signals.
    FX_data = quandl_stocks(symbols, [1, 2], (2015, 6, 10), (2018, 6, 10))
    FX_data.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
    FX_data.iloc[:, 0] = 1 / FX_data.iloc[:, 0]
    FX_log_data = np.log(FX_data)
    coint_series = np.matmul(FX_log_data, weights.reshape(2, 1))
    coint_series_data = pd.DataFrame(index=FX_data.index.copy())
    coint_series_data['value'] = coint_series
    z = zscore(coint_series_data, 26)
    z.fillna(0, inplace=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # import data from CSV file
    path = my_path('PC')
    data = pd.read_csv(path + 'CAD_AUD.csv', index_col='Date')

    CAD = 1 / pd.DataFrame(data['USDCAD'])
    AUD = pd.DataFrame(data['AUDUSD'], index=data.index)
    y = AUD.join(CAD)

    # strategy parameters
    lookback = 20
    trainlen = 250

    hedgeratio = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([len(data), 2]),
    numunits = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([len(data), 1]),

    for t in range(trainlen + 1, len(data)):
        results = coint_johansen(log(data[t - trainlen:t]),
        hedgeratio.iloc[t] = results.evec[0, 0], results.evec[1, 0]
        # we apply the t+0 hedgeratio to all the data in the lookback period
        # for calculation of the yport
        yport = np.sum(y[t - lookback:t] *
                       repmat(hedgeratio.iloc[t], lookback, 1),
        ma = np.mean(yport)
        std = np.std(yport)
        numunits.iloc[t] = -(yport[-1] - ma) / std

    positions = repmat(numunits, 1, 2) * hedgeratio * y

    pnl = np.sum(positions.shift(1) * y.pct_change(1), axis=1)
    rtn = pnl / np.sum(np.abs(positions.shift(1)), axis=1)
    rtn = rtn[trainlen + 2:]
    cumret = pd.DataFrame(np.cumprod((1 + rtn)) - 1, index=rtn.index)
    #cumret = cumret.fillna(method='pad')

    # compute performance statistics
    sharpe = (np.sqrt(252) * np.mean(rtn)) / np.std(rtn)
    APR = np.prod(1 + rtn)**(252 / len(rtn)) - 1

    # print the results
    print('Sharpe: {:.4}'.format(sharpe))
    print('APR: {:.4%}'.format(APR))

    # plotting the chart

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlabel('Data points')
    ax.set_ylabel('acumm rtn')
    ax.text(1000, -0.05, 'Sharpe: {:.4}'.format(sharpe))
    ax.text(1000, 0, 'APR: {:.4%}'.format(APR))

Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():  
    # import data from CSV file
    path = my_path('PC')
    data = pd.read_csv(path + 'CAD_AUD.csv'  , index_col='Date')
    CAD = 1 / pd.DataFrame(data['USDCAD'])
    AUD = pd.DataFrame(data['AUDUSD'], index=data.index)
    y = AUD.join(CAD)

    # strategy parameters
    lookback = 20
    trainlen = 250
    hedgeratio = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([len(data),2]), columns=y.columns, index=y.index)
    numunits = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([len(data),1]), columns=['numunits'], index=y.index)
    for t in range(trainlen+1,len(data)):
        results = coint_johansen(log(data[t-trainlen:t]), 0, 1 , print_on_console=False)
        hedgeratio.iloc[t] = results.evec[0,0], results.evec[1,0]
        # we apply the t+0 hedgeratio to all the data in the lookback period
        # for calculation of the yport
        yport = np.sum(y[t-lookback:t] * repmat(hedgeratio.iloc[t], lookback, 1), axis=1)
        ma = np.mean(yport)
        std = np.std(yport)
        numunits.iloc[t] = -(yport[-1] - ma) / std
    positions = repmat(numunits, 1, 2) * hedgeratio * y 

    pnl = np.sum(positions.shift(1) * y.pct_change(1), axis=1)
    rtn = pnl / np.sum(np.abs(positions.shift(1)), axis=1)
    rtn= rtn[trainlen+2:]
    cumret = pd.DataFrame(np.cumprod((1+rtn))-1, index=rtn.index)
    #cumret = cumret.fillna(method='pad')
    # compute performance statistics
    sharpe = (np.sqrt(252)*np.mean(rtn)) / np.std(rtn)
    APR = np.prod(1+rtn)**(252/len(rtn))-1
    # print the results
    print('Sharpe: {:.4}'.format(sharpe))
    print('APR: {:.4%}'.format(APR))
    # plotting the chart

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlabel('Data points')
    ax.set_ylabel('acumm rtn')
    ax.text(1000, -0.05, 'Sharpe: {:.4}'.format(sharpe))
    ax.text(1000, 0, 'APR: {:.4%}'.format(APR))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    # MAC: '/Users/Javi/Documents/MarketData/'
    # WIN: 'C:/Users/javgar119/Documents/Python/Data'
    filename = 'GLD_SLV_daily.csv'
    full_path = root_path + filename
    data = pd.read_csv(full_path, index_col='Date')
    #create a series with the data range asked
    #start_date = '2010-01-13'
    #end_date = '2014-05-13'
    #data = subset_dataframe(data, start_date, end_date)
    #print('data import is {} lines'.format(str(len(data))))
    #johansen test with non-zero offset but zero drift, and with the lag k=1.
    results = coint_johansen(data, 0, 1)
    # those are the weigths of the portfolio
    # the first eigenvector because it shows the strongest cointegration relationship
    w = results.evec[:, 0]
    print('Best eigenvector is: {}.'.format(str(w)))
    # (net) market value of portfolio
    # this is the syntetic asset we are going to trade. A freshly 
    # new mean reverting serie compose of the three assets in 
    # proportions given by the eigenvector
    yport = pd.DataFrame.sum(w*data, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    stks_list = list(stks.columns) 
    isCoint = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([1,len(stks_list)], dtype=bool), 
                           columns=stks_list, index=['isCoint'])
    # set the confidence level
    confidence = 0.90
    if confidence==0.95: X=1
    elif confidence==0.99:x=2
    else: x=0
    for col in isCoint:
        # join the SPY to each of the stocks members in a Nx2 dataframe
        # clean for missing values
        y2 = etf_train.join(stks_train[col]).dropna()  
        # run johansen test for each of the N stocks vs SPY.
        if len(y2) > 250: 
            results = coint_johansen(y2, 0, 1, print_on_console=False)
            if results.lr1[0] > results.cvt[0,x]:
                isCoint[col] = True
    print('Johansen Test results for each stock vs SPY')
    print('Universe is {} stocks in the index'.format(len(stks_list)))
    print('Johansen Test over {} data points'.format(len(stks_train)))
    print('There are {} stocks that cointegrate with {:.2%} confidence'.
          format(np.count_nonzero(isCoint), confidence))           
    # capital allocation
Ejemplo n.º 7
    isCoint = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros([1, len(stks_list)], dtype=bool),
    # set the confidence level
    confidence = 0.90
    if confidence == 0.95: X = 1
    elif confidence == 0.99: x = 2
    else: x = 0

    for col in isCoint:
        # join the SPY to each of the stocks members in a Nx2 dataframe
        # clean for missing values
        y2 = etf_train.join(stks_train[col]).dropna()
        # run johansen test for each of the N stocks vs SPY.
        if len(y2) > 250:
            results = coint_johansen(y2, 0, 1, print_on_console=False)
            if results.lr1[0] > results.cvt[0, x]:
                isCoint[col] = True

    print('Johansen Test results for each stock vs SPY')
    print('Universe is {} stocks in the index'.format(len(stks_list)))
    print('Johansen Test over {} data points'.format(len(stks_train)))
    print('There are {} stocks that cointegrate with {:.2%} confidence'.format(
        np.count_nonzero(isCoint), confidence))

    # capital allocation
    yN = repmat(isCoint, len(stks_train), 1) * stks_train
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_johansen(y, p):
    Get the cointegration vectors at 95% level of significance
    given by the trace statistic test.
    N, l = y.shape
    jres = coint_johansen(y, 0, p)
    trstat = jres.lr1  # trace statistic
    tsignf = jres.cvt  # critical values
    for i in range(l):
        if trstat[i] > tsignf[i, 1]:  # 0: 90%  1:95% 2: 99%
            r = i + 1
    jres.r = r
    jres.evecr = jres.evec[:, :r]
    return jres