Ejemplo n.º 1
 def onStart(self):
   Start the JoyApp and the simulation
     self.ani = AnimatorPlan(self, self._animation)
     self.t, self.q, self.y, self.p, self.l = [], [], [], [], []
     self.T0 = self.now
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def onStart(self):
     AnimatorPlan(self, _animation).start()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ArmAnimatorApp(JoyApp):
    def __init__(self, wlc, Tws2w, Tp2ws, *arg, **kw):
        if 'cfg' not in kw:
            kw['cfg'] = {}
        kw['cfg'].update(windowSize=[1200, 800])
        JoyApp.__init__(self, *arg, **kw)
        self.arm = ArmSim(wlc)
        self.Tp2w = dot(Tws2w, Tp2ws)
        # World to paper
        self.Tw2p = inv(self.Tp2w)
        # Paper with origin at origin
        self.paper_p = asarray([[8, 11, -1 / 2.56, 1]]) * xyzCube
        self.paper_w = dot(self.paper_p, self.Tp2w.T)
        # Workspace box
        L = 12  # Workspace in arm units
        self.ws_w = dot(asarray([[L, L, L, 1]]) * xyzCube, Tws2w.T)
        self.ws_p = dot(self.ws_w, self.Tw2p.T)
        # Projection onto paper in world
        self.Tprj = dot(self.Tp2w, asarray([[1, 1, 0, 1]]).T * self.Tw2p)
        # World to relative paper (i.e. paper is unit cube)
        self.Tw2rp = self.Tw2p / self.paper_p[-1][:, newaxis]

    def _integrate(self):
        last = self.T0
        dt = 0.1
        qi = None
        ti = None
        while True:
            # Run in units of dt
            now = self.now
            h = now - last
            if h < dt and ti:
            last = now
            ti, qi, yi = self.arm.step(h)  # Speedup ratio into simulation time
            # Store simulation time-step
            pen = self.arm.getTool(qi)
            # Line marking point is lowpass version of pen
            if self.l:
                self.l.append(self.l[-1] * 0.6 + pen * 0.4)

    def _show(self, fvp):
        Wrapper for show(), to allow subclasses to override
        fvp.set(xticks=[], yticks=[])
        return self.show(fvp)

    def show(self, fvp):
        ti = self.t[-1]
        qi = self.q[-1]
        pen = self.p[-1]
        li = self.l[-1]
        # self.arm.plot3D(self.arm.at(qi),fvp)
        sk = self.arm.getSkel(self.arm.at(qi)).T
        fvp.plot3D(sk[0], sk[1], sk[2], lw=3, marker='o', color='#808080')
        # Find current pen point in paper coordinates
        qq = dot(self.Tw2rp, pen)
        # If in sheet
        if (qq[0] > 0) and (qq[0] < 1) and (qq[1] > 0) and (qq[1] < 1):
            if qq[2] > 1:  # Pressed too far in
                lt = dict(marker='o', color='r')
            elif qq[2] > 0:  # Drawing
                lt = dict(marker='.', color='g')
            else:  # Above sheet
                lt = dict(marker="+", ms=15, color="m")
        else:  # Not above or below sheet
            lt = dict(marker="+", color="b")
        # Project onto paper and bring back to world coordinates
        wp = dot(self.Tprj, pen)
        fvp.plot3D([wp[0]], [wp[1]], [wp[2]], **lt)
        wl = dot(self.Tprj, li)
        fvp.plot3D([wl[0]], [wl[1]], [wl[2]], 'xk')
        fvp.xyz.set_title("t = %.2f, n=%d" % (ti, len(self.t)))
        plotVE(fvp, self.paper_w, iCube, 'g--', alpha=0.3)
        plotVE(fvp, self.paper_w[::2, :], iFace, 'g-')
        plotVE(fvp, self.ws_w, iCube, 'k:')

    def _animation(self, fig):
        last = self.T0
        fvp = FourViewPlot(fig, f=80.)
        sim = self._integrate()
        dt = 0.1
        while True:
            next(sim)  # allow simulation to run
            # Make sure graphics run at most 33% of the time
            now = self.now
            if now - last < dt * 2:
            last = now
            # Draw graphics, measure execution time
            tic = time()
            dt = time() - tic
            # Display progress
            progress(("(%4.2f) " % dt) + " ".join([
                "%15s" % ("%d/%d/%s" % (m.get_pos(), m.get_goal(), (str(
                    int(m.get_temp())) if m.get_error() is None else "*ERR*")))
                for m in self.arm

    def onStop(self):
        # We need this kind of import so as not to mess up JoyApp plotting
        from pylab import figure, savefig
        # Collect pen motions and tool tip motions
        p = asarray(self.p).T
        l = asarray(self.l).T
        t = asarray(asarray(self.t) * 100, int)
        # Convert to paper coordinates
        qq = dot(self.Tw2rp, p)
        lp = dot(self.Tw2p, l)
        # Prepare output as integers:
        #  time, x, y, depth
        pout = c_[t, asarray(lp[:2] * 100, int).T, asarray(qq[2] * 100, int)]
        with open("result-%d.csv" % time(), "w") as rf:
            for pp in pout:
                rf.write(repr(list(pp))[1:-1] + "\n")
        # Draw on "paper"
        fig = figure(2)
        ax = fig.gca()
        # projected track is pale blue
        ax.plot(lp[0], lp[1], '-b', alpha=0.2)
        # Find when pen was up, and remove those points
        up = (qq[2] < 0) | (qq[0] < 0) | (qq[0] > 1) | (qq[1] < 0) | (qq[1] >
        lp[:, up] = nan
        # Draw in black
        ax.plot(lp[0], lp[1], '-k', lw=2)
        # Find when pen was jammed in paper
        bad = qq[2] > 1
        if any(bad):  # If found, highlight in red
            lp[:, ~bad] = nan
            ax.plot(lp[0], lp[1], '.-r', lw=3, alpha=0.5)
        # Draw the frame of the paper
        fr = self.paper_p[::2, [0, 1]][[0, 1, 3, 2, 0]].T
        ax.plot(fr[0], fr[1], 'b--', lw=2)
        savefig("result-%d.png" % time(), dpi=300)

    def onStart(self):
      Start the JoyApp and the simulation
        self.ani = AnimatorPlan(self, self._animation)
        self.t, self.q, self.y, self.p, self.l = [], [], [], [], []
        self.T0 = self.now

    def onEvent(self, evt):
      The keyboard row: asdfghjkl moves your motors one way
      The keyboard row: zxcvbnm,. moves your motors the other way
      'q' will quit and store the results in a results.png image and results.csv
        # Ignore everything except keydown events
        if evt.type != KEYDOWN:
        # Punt exit keys
        if evt.key in {K_q, K_ESCAPE}:
            return JoyApp.onEvent(self, evt)
        # row of 'a' on QWERTY keyboard increments motors
        p = "asdfghjkl".find(evt.unicode)
        if p >= 0:
            self.arm[p].set_pos(self.arm[p].get_goal() + 500)
        # row of 'z' in QWERTY keyboard decrements motors
        p = "zxcvbnm,.".find(evt.unicode)
        if p >= 0:
            self.arm[p].set_pos(self.arm[p].get_goal() - 500)