Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testJArraySetItemSlice(self):
     ja = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
     ja[0:-1:2] = [-1, -1, -1]
     self.assertEqual(list(ja[:]), [-1, 2, -1, 4, -1, 6])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testByteArrayIntoVector(self):
     ba = jpype.JArray(jpype.JByte)(b'123')
     v = jpype.java.util.Vector(1)
     self.assertEqual(len(v), 1)
     self.assertNotEqual(v[0], None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testJArrayFail1(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt, 2, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def makeStringArray(val):
    array = jpype.JArray(c.java.lang.String)(val)
    return array
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testVarArgsStringTest(self):
     strArray = jpype.JArray(jpype.JString)
         compareList(self.VarArgs.callString('a', 'b'), ['a', 'b']))
     self.assertTrue(compareList(self.VarArgs.callString('a'), ['a']))
     self.assertTrue(compareList(self.VarArgs.callString(), []))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def load_array_class(self,
     return jpype.JArray(
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testHashArray(self):
     self.assertIsNotNone(hash(jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)([1, 2, 3])))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def pid_frankfurt(self, s1, s2, t, opts):
    """Estimate partial information decomposition of discrete variables.

    The pid estimator returns estimates of shared information, unique
    information and synergistic information that two random variables X and
    Y have about a third variable Z. The estimator finds these estimates by
    permuting the initial joint probability distribution of X, Y, and Z to
    find a permuted distribution Q that minimizes the unique information in
    X about Z (as proposed by Bertschinger and colleagues). The unique in-
    formation is defined as the conditional mutual information I(X;Z|Y).

    The estimator iteratively permutes the joint probability distribution of
    X, Y, and Z under the constraint that the marginal distributions (X, Z)
    and (Y, Z) stay constant. This is done by swapping two realizations of X
    which have the same corresponding value in Z, e.g.:

        X [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
        Y [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
        Z [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]

        Possible swaps: X[0] and X[1]; X[0] and X[4]; X[2] and X[8]; ...

    After each swap, I(X;Z|Y) is re-calculated under the new distribution;
    if the CMI is lower than the current permutation is kept and the next
    swap is tested. The iteration stops after the provided number of

        import numpy as np
        import pid

        n = 5000
        alph = 2
        x = np.random.randint(0, alph, n)
        y = np.random.randint(0, alph, n)
        z = np.logical_xor(x, y).astype(int)
        cfg = {
            'alphabetsize': 2,
            'jarpath': '/home/user/infodynamics-dist-1.3/infodynamics.jar',
            'iterations': 10000
        [est, opt] = pid(x, y, z, cfg)

        s1 : numpy array
            1D array containing realizations of a discrete random variable
            (this is the source variable the algorithm calculates the actual
            UI for)
        s2 : numpy array
            1D array containing realizations of a discrete random variable (the
            other source variable)
        t : numpy array
            1D array containing realizations of a discrete random variable
        opts : dict
            estimation parameters

            - 'alphabetsize' - no. values in each variable s1, s2, t
            - 'jarpath' - string with path to JIDT jar file
            - 'iterations' - no. iterations of the estimator

            estimated decomposition, contains: MI/CMI values computed
            from non-permuted distributions; PID estimates (shared,
            synergistic, unique information); I(target;s1,s2) under permuted
            distribution Q
            additional information about iterative optimization,
            contains: final permutation Q; opts dictionary; array with
            I(target:s1|s2) for each iteration; array with delta
            I(target:s1|s2) for each iteration; I(target:s1,s2) for each

        variables names joined by "_" enter a mutual information computation
        together i.e. mi_va1_var2 --> I(var1 : var2). Variables names joined
        directly form a new joint variable
        mi_var1var2_var3 --> I(var3:(var1,var2))
    _check_input(s1, s2, t, opts)
    # make deep copies of input arrays to avoid side effects
    s1_cp = s1.copy()
    s2_cp = s2.copy()
    t_cp = t.copy()

    # get estimation parameters
        jarpath = opts['jarpath']
    except TypeError:
        print('The opts argument should be a dictionary.')
    except KeyError:
        print('"jarpath" is missing from the opts dictionary.')
        alph_s1 = opts['alph_s1']
    except KeyError:
        print('"alphabetsize" is missing from the opts dictionary.')
        alph_s2 = opts['alph_s2']
    except KeyError:
        print('"alphabetsize" is missing from the opts dictionary.')
        alph_t = opts['alph_t']
    except KeyError:
        print('"alphabetsize" is missing from the opts dictionary.')
        iterations = opts['iterations']
    except KeyError:
        print('"iterations" is missing from the opts dictionary.')

    if not jp.isJVMStarted():
        jp.startJVM(jp.getDefaultJVMPath(), '-ea',
                    '-Djava.class.path=' + jarpath, "-Xmx3000M")
    # what if it's there already - do we have to attach to it?

    # transform variables as far as possible outside the loops below
    # (note: only these variables should change when executing the loop)
    target_jA = jp.JArray(jp.JInt, t.ndim)(t.tolist())
    s2_jA = jp.JArray(jp.JInt, s2.ndim)(s2.tolist())
    s1_list = s1_cp.tolist()
    s1_dim = s1_cp.ndim

    Cmi_calc_class = (jp.JPackage('infodynamics.measures.discrete').
    Mi_calc_class = (jp.JPackage(
    #   cmi_calc = Cmi_calc_class(alphabet,alphabet,alphabet)
    cmi_calc_target_s1_cond_s2 = Cmi_calc_class(alph_t, alph_s1, alph_s2)

    alph_max_s1_t = max(alph_s1, alph_t)
    alph_max_s2_t = max(alph_s2, alph_t)
    alph_max = max(alph_s1 * alph_s2, alph_t)

    #   mi_calc  = Mi_calc_class(alphabet)
    mi_calc_s1 = Mi_calc_class(alph_max_s1_t)
    mi_calc_s2 = Mi_calc_class(alph_max_s2_t)

    #   jointmi_calc = Mi_calc_class(alphabet ** 2)
    jointmi_calc = Mi_calc_class(alph_max)

    print("initialized all estimators")
    cmi_target_s1_cond_s2 = _calculate_cmi(cmi_calc_target_s1_cond_s2, t_cp,
                                           s1_cp, s2_cp)
    jointmi_s1s2_target = _calculate_jointmi(jointmi_calc, s1_cp, s2_cp, t_cp)
    #   print("Original joint mutual information: {0}".format(jointmi_s1s2_target))
    mi_target_s1 = _calculate_mi(mi_calc_s1, s1_cp, t_cp)
    #   print("Original mutual information I(target:s1): {0}".format(mi_target_s1))
    mi_target_s2 = _calculate_mi(mi_calc_s2, s2_cp, t_cp)
    #   print("Original mutual information I(target:s2): {0}".format(mi_target_s2))
    print("Original redundancy - synergy: {0}".format(mi_target_s1 +
                                                      mi_target_s2 -

    n = t_cp.shape[0]
    reps = iterations + 1
    ind = np.arange(n)
    # collect estimates in each iteration
    cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all = -np.inf * np.ones(reps).astype('float128')
    cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_delta = -np.inf * np.ones(reps).astype('float128')
    cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all[0] = cmi_target_s1_cond_s2
    unsuccessful = 0

    for i in range(1, reps):
        s1_new_list = s1_list
        ind_new = ind

        # swapping: pick sample at random, find all other samples that
        # are potential matches (have the same value in target), pick one of
        # the matches for the actual swap
        swap_1 = np.random.randint(n)
        swap_candidates = np.where(t_cp == t_cp[swap_1])[0]
        swap_2 = np.random.choice(swap_candidates)

        # swap value in s1 and index to keep track
        s1_new_list[swap_1], s1_new_list[swap_2] = (s1_new_list[swap_2],
        ind_new[swap_1], ind_new[swap_2] = (ind_new[swap_2], ind_new[swap_1])

        # calculate CMI under new swapped distribution
        cmi_new = _calculate_cmi_from_jA_list(cmi_calc_target_s1_cond_s2,
                                              target_jA, s1_new_list, s1_dim,

        if (np.less_equal(cmi_new, cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all[i - 1])):
            s1_list = s1_new_list
            ind = ind_new
            cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all[i] = cmi_new
            cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_delta[i] = cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all[
                i - 1] - cmi_new
            cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all[i] = cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all[i - 1]
            unsuccessful += 1

    print('Unsuccessful swaps: {0}'.format(unsuccessful))
    # convert the final s1 back to an array
    s1_final = np.asarray(s1_new_list, dtype=np.int)
    # estimate unq/syn/shd information
    jointmi_q_s1s2_target = _calculate_jointmi(jointmi_calc, s1_final, s2_cp,
    unq_s1 = _get_last_value(
        cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all)  # Bertschinger, 2014, p. 2163

    # NEED TO REINITIALISE the calculator
    cmi_calc_target_s2_cond_s1 = Cmi_calc_class(alph_t, alph_s2, alph_s1)
    unq_s2 = _calculate_cmi(cmi_calc_target_s2_cond_s1, t_cp, s2_cp,
                            s1_final)  # Bertschinger, 2014, p. 2166
    syn_s1s2 = jointmi_s1s2_target - jointmi_q_s1s2_target  # Bertschinger, 2014, p. 2163
    shd_s1s2 = mi_target_s1 + mi_target_s2 - jointmi_q_s1s2_target  # Bertschinger, 2014, p. 2167

    estimate = {
        'unq_s1': unq_s1,
        'unq_s2': unq_s2,
        'shd_s1s2': shd_s1s2,
        'syn_s1s2': syn_s1s2,
        'jointmi_q_s1s2_target': jointmi_q_s1s2_target,
        'orig_cmi_target_s1_cond_s2': cmi_target_s1_cond_s2,
        'orig_jointmi_s1s2_target': jointmi_s1s2_target,
        'orig_mi_target_s1': mi_target_s1,
        'orig_mi_target_s2': mi_target_s2
    # useful outputs for plotting/debugging
    optimization = {
        'q': ind_new,
        'unsuc_swaps': unsuccessful,
        'cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all': cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_all,
        'cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_delta': cmi_q_target_s1_cond_s2_delta,
        'opts': opts
    return estimate, optimization
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testJArrayConversionFail(self):
     jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)(self.VALUES)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         jarr[1] = 'a'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def jidt_discrete(self, var1, var2, conditional, opts=None):
    """Calculate CMI with JIDT's implementation for discrete variables.

    Calculate the conditional mutual information between two variables given
    the third. Call JIDT via jpype and use the discrete estimator.


    Lizier, Joseph T. (2014). JIDT: an information-theoretic toolkit for
    studying the dynamics of complex systems. Front. Robot. AI, 1(11).

    This function is ment to be imported into the set_estimator module and used
    as a method in the Estimator_cmi class.

        self : instance of Estimator_cmi
            function is supposed to be used as part of the Estimator_cmi class
        var1 : numpy array (either of integers or doubles to be discretised)
            realisations of the first random variable.
            Can be multidimensional (i.e. multivariate) where dimensions of the
            array are realisations x variable dimension
        var2 : numpy array (either of integers or doubles to be discretised)
            realisations of the second random variable.
            Can be multidimensional (i.e. multivariate) where dimensions of the
            array are realisations x variable dimension
        conditional : numpy array (either of integers or doubles to be discretised)
            realisations of the conditional random variable.
            Can be multidimensional (i.e. multivariate) where dimensions of the
            array are realisations x variable dimension
        opts : dict [optional]
            sets estimation parameters:
            - 'num_discrete_bins' - number of discrete bins/levels or the base
              of each dimension of the discrete variables (default=2 for
              binary). If this is set, then parameters 'alph1', 'alph2' and
              'alphc' are all set to this value
            - 'alph1' - number of discrete bins/levels for var1 (default=2 for
              binary, or the value set for 'num_discrete_bins')
            - 'alph2' - number of discrete bins/levels for var2 (default=2 for
              binary, or the value set for 'num_discrete_bins')
            - 'alphc' - number of discrete bins/levels for conditional
              (default=2 for binary, or the value set for 'num_discrete_bins')
            - 'discretise_method' - if and how to discretise incoming
              continuous variables to discrete values.
              'max_ent' means to use a maximum entropy binning
              'equal' means to use equal size bins
              'none' means variables are already discrete (default='none')
            - 'debug' - set debug prints from the calculator on

            conditional mutual information

    # Parse parameters:
    if opts is None:
        opts = {}
    alph1 = int(opts.get('alph1', 2))
    alph2 = int(opts.get('alph2', 2))
    alphc = int(opts.get('alphc', 2))

        num_discrete_bins = int(opts['num_discrete_bins'])
        alph1 = num_discrete_bins
        alph2 = num_discrete_bins
        alphc = num_discrete_bins
    except KeyError:
        # Do nothing, we don't need the parameter if it is not here
    discretise_method = opts.get('discretise_method', 'none')
    debug = opts.get('debug', False)

    # Work out the number of samples and dimensions for each variable, before
    #  we collapse all dimensions down:
    if len(var1.shape) > 1:
        # var1 is is multidimensional
        var1_dimensions = var1.shape[1]
        # var1 is unidimensional
        var1_dimensions = 1
    if len(var2.shape) > 1:
        # var2 is is multidimensional
        var2_dimensions = var2.shape[1]
        # var2 is unidimensional
        var2_dimensions = 1

    # Treat the conditional variable separately, as we're allowing
    #  this to be null and then calculating a MI instead:
    if (conditional is None) or (alphc == 0):
        alphc = 0
        varc_dimensions = 0
        # Then we will make a MI call here
        # Else we have a non-trivial conditional variable:
        assert(conditional.size != 0), 'Conditional Array is empty.'
        if len(conditional.shape) > 1:
            # conditional is is multidimensional
            varc_dimensions = conditional.shape[1]
            # conditional is unidimensional
            varc_dimensions = 1

    # Now discretise if required
    if (discretise_method == 'equal'):
        var1 = utils.discretise(var1, alph1)
        var2 = utils.discretise(var2, alph2)
        if (alphc > 0):
            conditional = utils.discretise(conditional, alphc)
    elif (discretise_method == 'max_ent'):
        var1 = utils.discretise_max_ent(var1, alph1)
        var2 = utils.discretise_max_ent(var2, alph2)
        if (alphc > 0):
            conditional = utils.discretise_max_ent(conditional, alphc)
    elif (discretise_method == 'none'):  # check if data is really discretised
        assert issubclass(var1.dtype.type, np.integer), ('No discretisation '
               'requested, but input 1 is not an integer numpy array.')
        assert issubclass(var2.dtype.type, np.integer), ('No discretisation '
               'requested, but input 2 is not an integer numpy array.')
        assert min(var1) >= 0, 'Minimum of input 1 is smaller than 0.'
        assert min(var2) >= 0, 'Minimum of input 1 is smaller than 0.'
        assert max(var1) < alph1, ('Maximum of input 1 is larger than the '
                                   'alphabet size - 1.')
        assert max(var2) < alph2, ('Maximum of input 2 is larger than the '
                                   'alphabet size - 1.')
        raise ValueError('Unkown discretisation method.')

    # Then collapse any mulitvariates into univariate arrays:
    var1 = utils.combine_discrete_dimensions(var1, alph1)
    var2 = utils.combine_discrete_dimensions(var2, alph2)
    if (alphc > 0):
        conditional = utils.combine_discrete_dimensions(conditional, alphc)

    # And finally make the CMI calculation:
    jarLocation = resource_filename(__name__, 'infodynamics.jar')
    if not jp.isJVMStarted():
        jp.startJVM(jp.getDefaultJVMPath(), '-ea', ('-Djava.class.path=' +
    if (alphc > 0):
        # We have a non-trivial conditional, so make a proper conditional MI calculation
        calcClass = (jp.JPackage('infodynamics.measures.discrete').
        calc = calcClass(int(math.pow(alph1, var1_dimensions)),
                         int(math.pow(alph2, var2_dimensions)),
                         int(math.pow(alphc, varc_dimensions)))
        # Unfortunately no faster way to pass numpy arrays in than this list conversion
        calc.addObservations(jp.JArray(jp.JInt, 1)(var1.tolist()),
                             jp.JArray(jp.JInt, 1)(var2.tolist()),
                             jp.JArray(jp.JInt, 1)(conditional.tolist()))
        return calc.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
        # We have no conditional, so make an MI calculation
        calcClass = (jp.JPackage('infodynamics.measures.discrete').
        calc = calcClass(int(max(math.pow(alph1, var1_dimensions),
                                 math.pow(alph2, var2_dimensions))), 0)
        # Unfortunately no faster way to pass numpy arrays in than this list conversion
        calc.addObservations(jp.JArray(jp.JInt, 1)(var1.tolist()),
                             jp.JArray(jp.JInt, 1)(var2.tolist()))
        return calc.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _jStringArray(self, elements):
     return jpype.JArray(java.lang.String)(elements)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testJArrayEQ(self):
     ja = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)([1, 2, 3, 4])
     ja == [1, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def testJArraySetItemSlice(self):
     ja = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)([1, 2, 3, 4])
     ja[1:] = [3, 4, 5]
     self.assertEqual(list(ja[:]), [1, 3, 4, 5])
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def testJArrayGetItemSlice(self):
     ja = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)([1, 2, 3, 4])
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def testArrayCtor5(self):
     jarray0 = jpype.JArray("java.lang.Object")
     jarray = jpype.JArray(jarray0)
     self.assertTrue(issubclass(jarray, jpype.JArray))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(jarray(10), jpype.JArray))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def testJArraySliceLength(self):
     jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)(self.VALUES)
     jarr[1:2] = [1]
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         jarr[1:2] = [1, 2, 3]
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def testObjectNullArraySlice(self):
     # Check for bug in 0.7.0
     array = jpype.JArray(jpype.JObject)([
     self.assertEqual(array[:], (None, ))
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def testInitFromNPIntArray(self):
     import numpy as np
     n = 100
     a = np.random.random(n).astype(np.int)
     jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)(a)
     self.assertCountEqual(a, jarr)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def _java_sql_blob(data):
    return jpype.JArray(jpype.JByte, 1)(data)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def testInitFromNPDoubleArrayFloat64(self):
     import numpy as np
     n = 100
     a = np.random.random(n).astype(np.float64)
     jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JDouble)(a)
     self.assertCountEqual(a, jarr)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def makeIntArray(val):
    array = jpype.JArray(c.java.lang.Integer)(len(val) or val)
    for i in range(0, len(val)):
        array[i] = (c.java.lang.Integer(val[i]))
    return array
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def testInitFromNPFloatArrayInt(self):
     import numpy as np
     a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32)
     jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JFloat)(a)
     self.assertCountEqual(a, jarr)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def analyze_pair(x, y, exp=0.6, c=15, missing_value=None):
    """ Calculate various MINE statistics on a relationship between two scalar vectors

		- **x** first vector
		- **y** second vector
		- **exp** (from MINE:) "exponent of the equation B(n) = n^alpha" (default: 0.6)
		- **c** (from MINE:) "determine by what factor clumps may outnumber columns
			when OptimizeXAxis is called. When trying to partition the x-axis into
			x columns, the algorithm will start with at most cx clumps" (default: 15)
		- **missing_value** value to be considered missing value in x and y (default: None)

		- dictionary with keys 'MIC', 'non_linearity', 'MAS', 'MEV', 'MCN' and 'pearson'
			corresponding to the maximum information coefficient, non-linearity,
			maximum asymmetry score, maximum edge value, minimum cell number and Pearson
			correlation coefficient, respectively

		- the two input vectors must be of equal length
		- missing values in either x or y must be reported as missing_value values

	See: D. Reshef, Y. Reshef, H. Finucane, S. Grossman, G. McVean, P. Turnbaugh,
	E. Lander, M. Mitzenmacher, P. Sabeti. Detecting novel associations in large
	datasets. Science 334, 6062 (2011).
    if (len(x) != len(y)):
        raise ValueError("The two vectors must be of equal length")

    # convert missing values
    x = [NaN if (item == missing_value) else item for item in x]
    y = [NaN if (item == missing_value) else item for item in y]

    if (environment == "PYTHON"):
        x = jpype.JArray(jpype.JFloat, 1)(x)
        y = jpype.JArray(jpype.JFloat, 1)(y)


    dataset = VarPairData(x, y)

    parameters = MineParameters(
        _null_buffered_writer  # debug level, debug stream

    result = Analysis.getResult(Result, dataset, parameters)


    keys = ("MIC", "non_linearity", "MAS", "MEV", "MCN", "pearson")
    values = result.toString().split(',')[2:]

    result_ = {}
    for key, value in zip(keys, values):
        if (value == '') or (value == "ERROR"):
            value = None
            value = float(value)

        result_[key] = value

    return result_
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def testSetFromNPFloatArrayInt(self):
     import numpy as np
     a = np.array([1, 2, 3], np.int32)
     jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JFloat)(len(a))
     jarr[:] = a
     self.assertCountEqual(a, jarr)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _java_array_byte(data):
     return jpype.JArray(jpype.JByte, 1)(data)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def testArrayCtor2(self):
     jobject = jpype.JClass('java.util.List')
     jarray = jpype.JArray(jobject)
     self.assertTrue(issubclass(jarray, jpype.JArray))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(jarray(10), jpype.JArray))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def testJArrayConversionBool(self):
        expected = [True, False, False, True]
        jarr = jpype.JArray(jpype.JBoolean)(expected)

        self.assertCountEqual(expected, jarr[:])
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def testArrayCtor4(self):
     jarray = jpype.JArray(jpype.JObject)
     self.assertTrue(issubclass(jarray, jpype.JArray))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(jarray(10), jpype.JArray))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def testJArrayFail2(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt, 1)(1, 2, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def testJArrayGetItemSlice(self):
     with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
         ja = jpype.JArray(jpype.JInt)([1, 2, 3, 4])