Ejemplo n.º 1
def _to_imglib_argb(source):
    address = _get_address(source)
    long_address = JLong(address)
    long_arr_source = JArray(JLong)(source.shape[::-1])

    if not (source.dtype == np.dtype('int32')
            or source.dtype == np.dtype('uint32')):
        raise NotImplementedError("source.dtype must be int32 or uint32")
    if source.flags['CARRAY']:
        return NumpyToImgLibConversions.toARGB(long_address, *long_arr_source)
        stride = np.array(source.strides[::-1]) / source.itemsize
        long_arr_stride = JArray(JLong)(stride)
        return NumpyToImgLibConversionsWithStride.toARGB(
            long_address, long_arr_stride, long_arr_source)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _to_imglib(source):
    address = _get_address(source)
    long_address = JLong(address)
    long_arr_source = JArray(JLong)(source.shape[::-1])

    if not source.dtype in numpy_dtype_to_conversion_method:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Cannot convert dtype to ImgLib2 type yet: {}".format(
    elif source.flags['CARRAY']:
        return numpy_dtype_to_conversion_method[source.dtype](long_address,
        stride = np.array(source.strides[::-1]) / source.itemsize
        long_arr_stride = JArray(JLong)(stride)
        return numpy_dtype_to_conversion_with_stride_method[source.dtype](
            long_address, long_arr_stride, long_arr_source)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testPrimitive(self):
     test1 = self.__jp.Test1()
     intexpectation = 'int' if not sys.version_info[
         0] > 2 and sys.maxint == 2**31 - 1 else 'long'
     self.assertEquals(intexpectation, test1.testPrimitive(5))
     self.assertEquals('long', test1.testPrimitive(2**31))
     self.assertEquals('byte', test1.testPrimitive(JByte(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Byte', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Byte(5)))
     self.assertEquals('short', test1.testPrimitive(JShort(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Short', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Short(5)))
     self.assertEquals('int', test1.testPrimitive(JInt(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Integer', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Integer(5)))
     self.assertEquals('long', test1.testPrimitive(JLong(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Long', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Long(5)))
     self.assertEquals('float', test1.testPrimitive(JFloat(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Float', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Float(5.0)))
     self.assertEquals('double', test1.testPrimitive(JDouble(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Double', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Double(5.0)))
     self.assertEquals('boolean', test1.testPrimitive(JBoolean(5)))
     self.assertEquals('Boolean', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Boolean(5)))
     self.assertEquals('char', test1.testPrimitive(JChar('5')))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testPrimitive(self):
     test1 = self.__jp.Test1()
     intexpectation = 'long'
     # FIXME it is not possible to determine if this is bool/char/byte currently
     #self.assertEqual(intexpectation, test1.testPrimitive(5))
     #self.assertEqual('long', test1.testPrimitive(2**31))
     self.assertEqual('byte', test1.testPrimitive(JByte(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Byte', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Byte(5)))
     self.assertEqual('short', test1.testPrimitive(JShort(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Short', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Short(5)))
     self.assertEqual('int', test1.testPrimitive(JInt(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Integer', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Integer(5)))
     self.assertEqual('long', test1.testPrimitive(JLong(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Long', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Long(5)))
     self.assertEqual('float', test1.testPrimitive(JFloat(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Float', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Float(5.0)))
     self.assertEqual('double', test1.testPrimitive(JDouble(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Double', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Double(5.0)))
     self.assertEqual('boolean', test1.testPrimitive(JBoolean(5)))
     self.assertEqual('Boolean', test1.testPrimitive(java.lang.Boolean(5)))
     self.assertEqual('char', test1.testPrimitive(JChar('5')))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def execute(self, operation, params=None):
        Execute a sql statement with an optional set of parameters

        :param operation: Sql text
        :param params: a sequence or dictionary of parameters
                       Parameters can be positional templates ``%s`` or named templates ``:name``

        :param operation:
        :param params:
        if not self._connection_valid():
            raise Error('the connection has been closed')


        conn = self._connection.jdbc_connection()

        # handle parameters
        if params is not None:
            operation, params = self._parse_params(operation, params)

        # prepare the statement
        self._statement = stmt = conn.prepareStatement(operation)
        for column, value in enumerate(params or [], start=1):
            # note that in JDBC the first column index is 1
            if isinstance(value, str):
                jvalue = JString(value)
                stmt.setString(column, jvalue)
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                jvalue = JDouble(value)
                stmt.setDouble(column, jvalue)
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                    jvalue = JInt(value)
                    stmt.setInt(column, jvalue)
                except Exception:
                    jvalue = JLong(value)
                    stmt.setLong(column, jvalue)
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                jvalue = JBoolean(value)
                stmt.setBoolean(column, jvalue)
            elif isinstance(value, bytes):
                ByteArray = JArray(JByte)
                jvalue = ByteArray(value.decode('utf-8'))
                stmt.setBytes(column, jvalue)
                stmt.setObject(column, value)

            has_resultset = stmt.execute()
        except JClass('org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException') as e:
            raise ProgrammingError('Error executing statement:\n{}\n{}'.format(
                operation, e)) from None

        self._rowcount = -1
        if has_resultset:
            self._resultset = resultset = stmt.getResultSet()
            self._metadata = resultset.getMetaData()

            # get rowcount
            if self._get_rowcounts:
                    if self._resultset.last(
                    ):  # if the cursor can be moved to the last row.
                        self._rowcount = resultset.getRow()
                except JClass('java.sql.SQLException'):
                    # ResultSet.last() is not supported

                self._rowcount = stmt.getUpdateCount()
            except JClass('java.sql.SQLException'):
                # not supported
Ejemplo n.º 6
def rai_slice(rai, imin: Tuple, imax: Tuple, istep: Tuple):
    """Slice ImgLib2 images.

    Slice ImgLib2 images using Python's slice notation to define the
    desired slice range. Returned interval includes both imin and imax

    :param rai: An ImgLib2 RandomAccessibleInterval
    :param imin: Tuple of minimum interval range values.
    :param imax: Tuple of maximum interval range values.
    :return: Sliced ImgLib2 RandomAccisbleInterval.

    # HACK: Avoid importing JLong at global scope.
    # Otherwise, building the sphinx docs in doc/rtd fails with:
    #   Warning, treated as error:
    #   autodoc: failed to determine imagej.stack.JLong (<java class 'JLong'>) to be documented, the following exception was raised:
    #   Java Virtual Machine is not running
    # Which can be reproduced in a REPL like this:
    #   >>> from jpype import JLong
    #   >>> help(JLong)
    # So while the import here is unfortunate, it avoids the issue.
    from jpype import JArray, JLong

    Views = sj.jimport("net.imglib2.view.Views")
    shape = rai.shape
    imin_fix = JArray(JLong)(len(shape))
    imax_fix = JArray(JLong)(len(shape))
    dim_itr = range(len(shape))

    for py_dim, j_dim in zip(dim_itr, dim_itr):

        # Set minimum
        if imin[py_dim] == None:
            index = 0
            index = imin[py_dim]
            if index < 0:
                index += shape[j_dim]
        imin_fix[j_dim] = JLong(index)
        # Set maximum
        if imax[py_dim] == None:
            index = shape[j_dim] - 1
            index = imax[py_dim]
            if index < 0:
                index += shape[j_dim]
        imax_fix[j_dim] = JLong(index)

    istep_fix = JArray(JLong)(istep)

    if _index_within_range(imin_fix, shape) and _index_within_range(
            imax_fix, shape):
        intervaled = Views.interval(rai, imin_fix, imax_fix)
        stepped = Views.subsample(intervaled, istep_fix)

    # TODO: better mach NumPy squeeze behavior. See pyimagej/#1231
    dimension_reduced = Views.dropSingletonDimensions(stepped)
    return dimension_reduced