Ejemplo n.º 1
def _configure_snappy(snap_home=None,
    Unzips matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip,
    imports unpacked 'jpyutil' and configures jpy for SNAP.

    :param snap_home: SNAP distribution directory.
    :param java_home: Java home directory. See also Java system property "java.home".
    :param req_arch:  Required JVM architecture (amd64, ia86, x86, etc). See Java system property "os.arch".
    :param req_java:  Fail, if configuration of jpy's Java API fails.
    :param req_py:    Fail, if configuration of jpy's Python API fails.
    :param force:     Force overwriting of existing files.

    ret_code = 0

    logging.info("installing from Java module '" + java_module + "'")

    if req_arch:
        req_arch = req_arch.lower()
        act_arch = platform.machine().lower()
        if req_arch != act_arch:
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is " + act_arch + " but JVM requires " + req_arch)
        is64 = sys.maxsize > 2 ** 31 - 1
        if is64 and not req_arch in ('amd64', 'ia64', 'x64', 'x86_64'):
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is 64 bit but JVM requires " + req_arch)

    snappy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    snappy_install_dir = os.path.join(snappy_dir, '..')
    snappy_ini_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'snappy.ini')
    jpy_distr_name = 'jpy.' + sysconfig.get_platform() + '-' + sysconfig.get_python_version()
    jpy_info_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, jpy_distr_name + '.info')
    jpyutil_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyutil.py')
    jpyconfig_java_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.properties')
    jpyconfig_py_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.py')

    # Write initial snappy.ini. Note, this file is only used if you use SNAP from Python, i.e. importing
    # the snappy module in your Python programs.
    if force or not os.path.exists(snappy_ini_file):
        with open(snappy_ini_file, 'w') as file:
                             'snap_home = %s\n' % snap_home,
                             '# java_classpath: target/classes\n',
                             '# java_options: -Djava.awt.headless=false\n',
                             '# java_max_mem: 4G\n',
                             '# debug: False\n'])

    # Extract a matching jpy binary distribution ..snap-python.jar!/lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip
    if os.path.isfile(java_module):
        member = 'lib/' + jpy_distr_name + '.zip'
        logging.info("extracting '" + member + "' from '" + java_module + "'")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(java_module) as zf:
            jpy_archive_file = zf.extract(member, snappy_dir)
        jpy_archive_file = os.path.join(java_module, 'lib', jpy_distr_name + '.zip')

    # Unpack jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip
    if force or not os.path.exists(jpy_info_file):
        if not os.path.exists(jpy_archive_file):
            logging.error("Can't find binary distribution '" + jpy_archive_file + "'")
            logging.error("... of Python module 'jpy' for this system. You can try to generate one yourself.")
            logging.error("... Please go to https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions")
            logging.error("... given there.")
            return 10

        # print('Found binary distribution ' + archive_path)
        # os.mkdir(os.path.join(basename)
        logging.info("unzipping '" + jpy_archive_file + "'")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(jpy_archive_file) as zf:

    # Execute jpyutil.py to write runtime configuration:
    # - jpyconfig.properties - Configuration for Java about Python (jpy extension module)
    # - jpyconfig.py - Configuration for Python about Java (JVM)
    if force or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_java_file) or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_py_file):
        if os.path.exists(jpyutil_file):
            # Note 'jpyutil.py' has been unpacked by previous step, so we safely import it
            import jpyutil

            if not java_home:
                jre_dir = os.path.join(snap_home, 'jre')
                if not os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    parent = os.path.dirname(jpyutil_file)
                    while parent:
                        jre_dir = os.path.join(parent, 'jre')
                        if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                        parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
                if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    java_home = os.path.normpath(jre_dir)

            ret_code = jpyutil.write_config_files(out_dir=snappy_dir,
            logging.error("Missing Python module '" + jpyutil_file + "' required to complete the configuration.")
            logging.error("This file should have been part of binary distribution '" + jpy_archive_file + "'.")
            ret_code = 20

    return ret_code
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _configure_snappy(snap_home=None,
    Unzips matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip,
    imports unpacked 'jpyutil' and configures jpy for SNAP.

    :param snap_home: SNAP distribution directory.
    :param java_home: Java home directory. See also Java system property "java.home".
    :param jvm_max_mem: The heap size of the JVM.
    :param req_arch:  Required JVM architecture (amd64, ia86, x86, etc). See Java system property "os.arch".
    :param req_java:  Fail, if configuration of jpy's Java API fails.
    :param req_py:    Fail, if configuration of jpy's Python API fails.
    :param force:     Force overwriting of existing files.

    logging.info("Installing from Java module '" + java_module + "'")

    if req_arch:
        req_arch = req_arch.lower()
        act_arch = platform.machine().lower()

        if req_arch != act_arch:
            logging.warning("Architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is " + act_arch + " but JVM requires " +
        is64 = sys.maxsize > 2**31 - 1
        if is64 and not req_arch in ('amd64', 'ia64', 'x64', 'x86_64'):
            logging.warning("Architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is 64 bit but JVM requires " + req_arch)

    snappy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    snappy_ini_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'snappy.ini')

    jpyutil_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyutil.py')
    jpyconfig_java_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.properties')
    jpyconfig_py_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.py')

    must_install_jpy = force \
                       or not os.path.exists(jpyutil_file)
    if not must_install_jpy:
            import jpyutil
        except ImportError:
            must_install_jpy = True

    must_configure_jpy = force \
                         or must_install_jpy \
                         or not (os.path.exists(jpyconfig_java_file) and os.path.exists(jpyconfig_py_file))
    if not must_configure_jpy:
            import jpyutil

            import jpy
            must_configure_jpy = True

    must_configure_snappy = force \
                            or must_configure_jpy \
                            or not os.path.exists(snappy_ini_file)

    # If jpy is not installed yet at all, try to do so by using any compatible binary wheel found
    # in ${snappy_dir} or ${java_module}.
    if must_install_jpy:
        logging.info("Installing jpy...")

        # See "PEP 0425 -- Compatibility Tags for Built Distributions"
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0425/
        import distutils.util

        platform_tag = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('-', '_').replace(
            '.', '_')
        python_tag = 'cp%d%d' % (
        jpy_wheel_file_pat = 'jpy-{version}-%s-{abi_tag}-%s.whl' % (
            python_tag, platform_tag)

        import re

        jpy_wheel_file_re = jpy_wheel_file_pat.replace(
            '{version}', '[^\-]+').replace('{abi_tag}', '[^\-]+')
        jpy_wheel_file_rec = re.compile(jpy_wheel_file_re)

        # See if user put a custom jpy platform wheel into snappy dir
        # ./snappy/jpy-{version}-{python_tag}-{abi_tag}-{platform_tag}.whl
        jpy_wheel_file = _find_file(snappy_dir, jpy_wheel_file_rec)
        # No, then search for it in the snap-python module
        if not jpy_wheel_file:
            # Look for
            # ${java_module}/lib/jpy-{version}-{python_tag}-{abi_tag}-{platform_tag}.whl
            # depending of whether ${java_module} it is a JAR file or directory
            if os.path.isfile(java_module):
                with zipfile.ZipFile(java_module) as zf:
                    lib_prefix = 'lib/'
                    for name in zf.namelist():
                        if name.startswith(lib_prefix):
                            basename = name[len(lib_prefix):]
                            if jpy_wheel_file_rec.match(basename):
                                logging.info("Extracting '" + name +
                                             "' from '" + java_module + "'")
                                jpy_wheel_file = zf.extract(name, snappy_dir)
                lib_dir = os.path.join(java_module, 'lib')
                jpy_wheel_file = _find_file(lib_dir, jpy_wheel_file_rec)

        if jpy_wheel_file and os.path.exists(jpy_wheel_file):
            logging.info("Unzipping '" + jpy_wheel_file + "'")
            with zipfile.ZipFile(jpy_wheel_file) as zf:
                "The module 'jpy' is required to run snappy, but no binary 'jpy' wheel matching the pattern",
                "'" + jpy_wheel_file_pat + "' could be found.",
                "You can try to build a 'jpy' wheel yourself, then copy it into",
                "\"" + snappy_dir +
                "\", and then run the configuration again.",
                "Unzip the jpy sources in " + snappy_dir +
                "/jpy-<version>.zip, then", "  $ cd jpy-<version>",
                "  $ python setup.py bdist_wheel",
                "  $ cp dist/*.whl \"" + snappy_dir + "\"",
                "Or get the source code from https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions:",
                "  $ git clone https://github.com/bcdev/jpy.git", "  $ cd jpy"

        logging.info("jpy is already installed")

    # If jpy isn't configured yet, do so by executing "jpyutil.py" which will write the runtime configurations:
    # - "jpyconfig.properties" - Configuration for Java about Python (jpy extension module)
    # - "jpyconfig.py" - Configuration for Python about Java (JVM)
    if must_configure_jpy:
        logging.info("Configuring jpy...")
        if os.path.exists(jpyutil_file):
            # Note 'jpyutil.py' has been unpacked by the previous step, so we can safely import it
            import jpyutil

            if not java_home:
                jre_dir = os.path.join(snap_home, 'jre')
                if not os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    parent = os.path.dirname(jpyutil_file)
                    while parent:
                        jre_dir = os.path.join(parent, 'jre')
                        if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                        parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
                if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    java_home = os.path.normpath(jre_dir)

            ret_code = jpyutil.write_config_files(out_dir=snappy_dir,
            if ret_code:
                return ret_code
                "Missing Python module '{}'\nwhich is required to complete the configuration."
        logging.info("jpy is already configured")

    # If snappy isn't configured yet, do so by writing a default "snappy.ini".
    # Note, this file is only used if you use SNAP from Python, i.e. importing
    # the snappy module in your Python programs.
    if must_configure_snappy:
        logging.info("Configuring snappy...")
        with open(snappy_ini_file, 'w') as file:
                'snap_home = %s\n' % snap_home,
                'java_max_mem: %s\n' % jvm_max_mem,
                '# snap_start_engine: False\n',
                '# java_class_path: ./target/classes\n',
                '# java_library_path: ./lib\n',
                '# java_options: -Djava.awt.headless=false\n',
                '# debug: False\n'
                "snappy configuration written to '{}'".format(snappy_ini_file))
        logging.info("snappy is already configured")

    # Finally, we test the snappy installation/configuration by importing it.
    # If this won't succeed, _main() will catch the error and report it.
    logging.info("Importing snappy for final test...")
    sys.path = [os.path.join(snappy_dir, '..')] + sys.path

        "Done. The SNAP-Python interface is located in '%s'\n"
        "When using SNAP from Python, either do: sys.path.append('%s')\n"
        "or copy the snappy module into your Python's 'site-packages' directory."
        % (snappy_dir, snappy_dir.replace("\\", "\\\\")))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _configure_snappy(snap_home=None,
    Unzips matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip,
    imports unpacked 'jpyutil' and configures jpy for SNAP.

    :param snap_home: SNAP distribution directory.
    :param java_home: Java home directory. See also Java system property "java.home".
    :param req_arch:  Required JVM architecture (amd64, ia86, x86, etc). See Java system property "os.arch".
    :param req_java:  Fail, if configuration of jpy's Java API fails.
    :param req_py:    Fail, if configuration of jpy's Python API fails.
    :param force:     Force overwriting of existing files.

    logging.info("Installing from Java module '" + java_module + "'")

    if req_arch:
        req_arch = req_arch.lower()
        act_arch = platform.machine().lower()

        if req_arch != act_arch:
            logging.warning("Architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is " + act_arch + " but JVM requires " + req_arch)
        is64 = sys.maxsize > 2 ** 31 - 1
        if is64 and not req_arch in ('amd64', 'ia64', 'x64', 'x86_64'):
            logging.warning("Architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is 64 bit but JVM requires " + req_arch)

    snappy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    snappy_ini_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'snappy.ini')

    jpyutil_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyutil.py')
    jpyconfig_java_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.properties')
    jpyconfig_py_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.py')

    must_install_jpy = force \
                       or not os.path.exists(jpyutil_file)
    if not must_install_jpy:
            import jpyutil
        except ImportError:
            must_install_jpy = True

    must_configure_jpy = force \
                         or must_install_jpy \
                         or not (os.path.exists(jpyconfig_java_file) and os.path.exists(jpyconfig_py_file))
    if not must_configure_jpy:
            import jpyutil

            import jpy
            must_configure_jpy = True

    must_configure_snappy = force \
                            or must_configure_jpy \
                            or not os.path.exists(snappy_ini_file)

    # If jpy is not installed yet at all, try to do so by using any compatible binary wheel found
    # in ${snappy_dir} or ${java_module}.
    if must_install_jpy:
        logging.info("Installing jpy...")

        # See "PEP 0425 -- Compatibility Tags for Built Distributions"
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0425/
        import distutils.util

        platform_tag = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
        python_tag = 'cp%d%d' % (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor,)
        jpy_wheel_file_pat = 'jpy-{version}-%s-{abi_tag}-%s.whl' % (python_tag, platform_tag)

        import re

        jpy_wheel_file_re = jpy_wheel_file_pat.replace('{version}', '[^\-]+').replace('{abi_tag}', '[^\-]+')
        jpy_wheel_file_rec = re.compile(jpy_wheel_file_re)

        # See if user put a custom jpy platform wheel into snappy dir
        # ./snappy/jpy-{version}-{python_tag}-{abi_tag}-{platform_tag}.whl
        jpy_wheel_file = _find_file(snappy_dir, jpy_wheel_file_rec)
        # No, then search for it in the snap-python module
        if not jpy_wheel_file:
            # Look for
            # ${java_module}/lib/jpy-{version}-{python_tag}-{abi_tag}-{platform_tag}.whl
            # depending of whether ${java_module} it is a JAR file or directory
            if os.path.isfile(java_module):
                with zipfile.ZipFile(java_module) as zf:
                    lib_prefix = 'lib/'
                    for name in zf.namelist():
                        if name.startswith(lib_prefix):
                            basename = name[len(lib_prefix):]
                            if jpy_wheel_file_rec.match(basename):
                                logging.info("Extracting '" + name + "' from '" + java_module + "'")
                                jpy_wheel_file = zf.extract(name, snappy_dir)
                lib_dir = os.path.join(java_module, 'lib')
                jpy_wheel_file = _find_file(lib_dir, jpy_wheel_file_rec)

        if jpy_wheel_file and os.path.exists(jpy_wheel_file):
            logging.info("Unzipping '" + jpy_wheel_file + "'")
            with zipfile.ZipFile(jpy_wheel_file) as zf:
            logging.error("The module 'jpy' is required to run snappy, but no binary 'jpy' wheel matching the pattern")
            logging.error("'" + jpy_wheel_file_pat + "' could be found.\n"
                          + "You can try to build a 'jpy' wheel yourself and then copy it into\n"
                          + "\"" + snappy_dir + "\" and then run the configuration again.\n"
                          + "Please go to https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions. E.g.\n"
                          + "  > git clone https://github.com/bcdev/jpy.git\n"
                          + "  > cd jpy\n"
                          + "  > python setup.py bdist_wheel\n"
                          + "  > cp dist/*.whl \"" + snappy_dir + "\"")
            return 10
        logging.info("jpy is already installed")

    # If jpy isn't configured yet, do so by executing "jpyutil.py" which will write the runtime configurations:
    # - "jpyconfig.properties" - Configuration for Java about Python (jpy extension module)
    # - "jpyconfig.py" - Configuration for Python about Java (JVM)
    if must_configure_jpy:
        logging.info("Configuring jpy...")
        if os.path.exists(jpyutil_file):
            # Note 'jpyutil.py' has been unpacked by the previous step, so we can safely import it
            import jpyutil

            if not java_home:
                jre_dir = os.path.join(snap_home, 'jre')
                if not os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    parent = os.path.dirname(jpyutil_file)
                    while parent:
                        jre_dir = os.path.join(parent, 'jre')
                        if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                        parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
                if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    java_home = os.path.normpath(jre_dir)

            ret_code = jpyutil.write_config_files(out_dir=snappy_dir,
            if ret_code:
                return ret_code
            logging.error("Missing Python module '" + jpyutil_file + "'\n"
                                                                     "which is required to complete the configuration.")
            return 20
        logging.info("jpy is already configured")

    # If snappy isn't configured yet, do so by writing a default "snappy.ini".
    # Note, this file is only used if you use SNAP from Python, i.e. importing
    # the snappy module in your Python programs.
    if must_configure_snappy:
        logging.info("Configuring snappy...")
        with open(snappy_ini_file, 'w') as file:
                             'snap_home = %s\n' % snap_home,
                             '# java_class_path: ./target/classes\n',
                             '# java_library_path: ./lib\n',
                             '# java_options: -Djava.awt.headless=false\n',
                             '# java_max_mem: 4G\n',
                             '# debug: False\n'])
            logging.info("snappy configuration written to '" + snappy_ini_file + "'")
        logging.info("snappy is already configured")

    # Finally, we test the snappy installation/configuration by importing it.
    # If this won't succeed, _main() will catch the error and report it.
    logging.info("Importing snappy for final test...")
    sys.path = [os.path.join(snappy_dir, '..')] + sys.path

    logging.info("Done. The SNAP-Python interface is located in '%s'\n"
                 "When using SNAP from Python, either do: sys.path.append('%s')\n"
                 "or copy the snappy module into your Python's 'site-packages' directory."
                 % (snappy_dir, snappy_dir.replace("\\", "\\\\")))

    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _configure_snappy(snap_home=None,
    Unzips matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip,
    imports unpacked 'jpyutil' and configures jpy for SNAP.

    :param snap_home: SNAP distribution directory.
    :param java_home: Java home directory. See also Java system property "java.home".
    :param req_arch:  Required JVM architecture (amd64, ia86, x86, etc). See Java system property "os.arch".
    :param req_java:  Fail, if configuration of jpy's Java API fails.
    :param req_py:    Fail, if configuration of jpy's Python API fails.
    :param force:     Force overwriting of existing files.

    ret_code = 0

    logging.info("installing from Java module '" + java_module + "'")

    if req_arch:
        req_arch = req_arch.lower()
        act_arch = platform.machine().lower()
        if req_arch != act_arch:
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is " + act_arch + " but JVM requires " +
        is64 = sys.maxsize > 2**31 - 1
        if is64 and not req_arch in ('amd64', 'ia64', 'x64', 'x86_64'):
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is 64 bit but JVM requires " + req_arch)

    snappy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    snappy_install_dir = os.path.join(snappy_dir, '..')
    snappy_ini_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'snappy.ini')
    jpy_distr_name = 'jpy.' + sysconfig.get_platform(
    ) + '-' + sysconfig.get_python_version()
    jpy_info_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, jpy_distr_name + '.info')
    jpyutil_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyutil.py')
    jpyconfig_java_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.properties')
    jpyconfig_py_file = os.path.join(snappy_dir, 'jpyconfig.py')

    # Write initial snappy.ini. Note, this file is only used if you use SNAP from Python, i.e. importing
    # the snappy module in your Python programs.
    if force or not os.path.exists(snappy_ini_file):
        with open(snappy_ini_file, 'w') as file:
                'snap_home = %s\n' % snap_home,
                '# java_classpath: target/classes\n',
                '# java_options: -Djava.awt.headless=false\n',
                '# java_max_mem: 4G\n', '# debug: False\n'

    # Extract a matching jpy binary distribution ..snap-python.jar!/lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip
    if os.path.isfile(java_module):
        member = 'lib/' + jpy_distr_name + '.zip'
        logging.info("extracting '" + member + "' from '" + java_module + "'")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(java_module) as zf:
            jpy_archive_file = zf.extract(member, snappy_dir)
        jpy_archive_file = os.path.join(java_module, 'lib',
                                        jpy_distr_name + '.zip')

    # Unpack jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip
    if force or not os.path.exists(jpy_info_file):
        if not os.path.exists(jpy_archive_file):
            logging.error("Can't find binary distribution '" +
                          jpy_archive_file + "'")
                "... of Python module 'jpy' for this system. You can try to generate one yourself."
                "... Please go to https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions"
            logging.error("... given there.")
            return 10

        # print('Found binary distribution ' + archive_path)
        # os.mkdir(os.path.join(basename)
        logging.info("unzipping '" + jpy_archive_file + "'")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(jpy_archive_file) as zf:

    # Execute jpyutil.py to write runtime configuration:
    # - jpyconfig.properties - Configuration for Java about Python (jpy extension module)
    # - jpyconfig.py - Configuration for Python about Java (JVM)
    if force or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_java_file) or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_py_file):
        if os.path.exists(jpyutil_file):
            # Note 'jpyutil.py' has been unpacked by previous step, so we safely import it
            import jpyutil

            if not java_home:
                jre_dir = os.path.join(snap_home, 'jre')
                if not os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    parent = os.path.dirname(jpyutil_file)
                    while parent:
                        jre_dir = os.path.join(parent, 'jre')
                        if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                        parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
                if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    java_home = os.path.normpath(jre_dir)

            ret_code = jpyutil.write_config_files(out_dir=snappy_dir,
            logging.error("Missing Python module '" + jpyutil_file +
                          "' required to complete the configuration.")
                "This file should have been part of binary distribution '" +
                jpy_archive_file + "'.")
            ret_code = 20

    return ret_code
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _configure_beampy(java_home=None,
    Unzips matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip,
    imports unpacked 'jpyutil' and configures jpy for BEAM.

    :param java_home: Java home directory. See also Java system property "java.home".
    :param req_arch: Required JVM architecture (amd64, ia86, x86, etc). See Java system property "os.arch".
    :param req_java: Fail, if configuration of jpy's Java API fails.
    :param req_py:   Fail, if configuration of jpy's Python API fails.
    :param force:    Force overwriting of existing files.

    if req_arch:
        req_arch = req_arch.lower()
        act_arch = platform.machine().lower()
        if req_arch != act_arch:
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is " + act_arch + " but JVM requires " + req_arch)
        is64 = sys.maxsize > 2 ** 31 - 1
        if is64 and not req_arch in ('amd64', 'ia64', 'x64', 'x86_64'):
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is 64 bit but JVM requires " + req_arch)

    beampy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    beampy_lib_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(beampy_dir, '..', 'lib'))
    jpy_distr_name = 'jpy.' + sysconfig.get_platform() + '-' + sysconfig.get_python_version()
    jpy_archive_file = os.path.join(beampy_lib_dir, jpy_distr_name + '.zip')
    jpy_info_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, jpy_distr_name + '.info')
    jpyutil_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, 'jpyutil.py')
    jpyconfig_java_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, 'jpyconfig.properties')
    jpyconfig_py_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, 'jpyconfig.py')

    # Extract a matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip

    if force or not os.path.exists(jpy_info_file):
        if not os.path.exists(jpy_archive_file):
            logging.error("Can't find binary distribution '" + jpy_archive_file + "'")
            logging.error("... of Python module 'jpy' for this system. You can try to generate one yourself.")
            logging.error("... Please go to https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions")
            logging.error("... given there.")
            return 10

        # print('Found binary distribution ' + archive_path)
        # os.mkdir(os.path.join(basename)
        logging.info("unzipping '" + jpy_archive_file + "'")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(jpy_archive_file) as zf:

    # Execute jpyutil.py to write runtime configuration:
    # - jpyconfig.properties - Configuration for Java about Python (jpy extension module)
    # - jpyconfig.py - Configuration for Python about Java (JVM)

    retcode = 0

    if force or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_java_file) or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_py_file):
        if os.path.exists(jpyutil_file):
            # Note 'jpyutil.py' has been unpacked by previous step, so we safely import it
            import jpyutil

            if not java_home:
                jre_dir = os.path.join(beampy_dir,
                                       '..',  # --> beam-python-<version>/
                                       '..',  # --> modules/
                                       '..',  # --> ${beam.home}
                                       'jre')  # --> ${beam.home}/jre
                if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    java_home = os.path.normpath(jre_dir)

            retcode = jpyutil.write_config_files(out_dir=beampy_dir,
            logging.error("Missing Python module '" + jpyutil_file + "' required to complete the configuration.")
            logging.error("This file should have been part of binary distribution '" + jpy_archive_file + "'.")
            retcode = 20

    return retcode
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _configure_beampy(java_home=None,
    Unzips matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip,
    imports unpacked 'jpyutil' and configures jpy for BEAM.

    :param java_home: Java home directory. See also Java system property "java.home".
    :param req_arch: Required JVM architecture (amd64, ia86, x86, etc). See Java system property "os.arch".
    :param req_java: Fail, if configuration of jpy's Java API fails.
    :param req_py:   Fail, if configuration of jpy's Python API fails.
    :param force:    Force overwriting of existing files.

    if req_arch:
        req_arch = req_arch.lower()
        act_arch = platform.machine().lower()
        if req_arch != act_arch:
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is " + act_arch + " but JVM requires " +
        is64 = sys.maxsize > 2**31 - 1
        if is64 and not req_arch in ('amd64', 'ia64', 'x64', 'x86_64'):
            logging.warning("architecture requirement possibly not met: "
                            "Python is 64 bit but JVM requires " + req_arch)

    beampy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    beampy_lib_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(beampy_dir, '..', 'lib'))
    jpy_distr_name = 'jpy.' + sysconfig.get_platform(
    ) + '-' + sysconfig.get_python_version()
    jpy_archive_file = os.path.join(beampy_lib_dir, jpy_distr_name + '.zip')
    jpy_info_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, jpy_distr_name + '.info')
    jpyutil_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, 'jpyutil.py')
    jpyconfig_java_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, 'jpyconfig.properties')
    jpyconfig_py_file = os.path.join(beampy_dir, 'jpyconfig.py')

    # Extract a matching jpy binary distribution from ../lib/jpy.<platform>-<python-version>.zip

    if force or not os.path.exists(jpy_info_file):
        if not os.path.exists(jpy_archive_file):
            logging.error("Can't find binary distribution '" +
                          jpy_archive_file + "'")
                "... of Python module 'jpy' for this system. You can try to generate one yourself."
                "... Please go to https://github.com/bcdev/jpy and follow the build instructions"
            logging.error("... given there.")
            return 10

        # print('Found binary distribution ' + archive_path)
        # os.mkdir(os.path.join(basename)
        logging.info("unzipping '" + jpy_archive_file + "'")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(jpy_archive_file) as zf:

    # Execute jpyutil.py to write runtime configuration:
    # - jpyconfig.properties - Configuration for Java about Python (jpy extension module)
    # - jpyconfig.py - Configuration for Python about Java (JVM)

    retcode = 0

    if force or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_java_file) or \
            not os.path.exists(jpyconfig_py_file):
        if os.path.exists(jpyutil_file):
            # Note 'jpyutil.py' has been unpacked by previous step, so we safely import it
            import jpyutil

            if not java_home:
                jre_dir = os.path.join(
                    '..',  # --> beam-python-<version>/
                    '..',  # --> modules/
                    '..',  # --> ${beam.home}
                    'jre')  # --> ${beam.home}/jre
                if os.path.exists(jre_dir):
                    java_home = os.path.normpath(jre_dir)

            retcode = jpyutil.write_config_files(out_dir=beampy_dir,
            logging.error("Missing Python module '" + jpyutil_file +
                          "' required to complete the configuration.")
                "This file should have been part of binary distribution '" +
                jpy_archive_file + "'.")
            retcode = 20

    return retcode