Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_dynamicTypes():
    types = AllTypes()

    # boolean
    types.any_property = False
    assert not types.any_property

    # string
    types.any_property = "String"
    assert types.any_property == "String"

    # number
    types.any_property = 12
    assert types.any_property == 12

    # date
    types.any_property = datetime.fromtimestamp(1234 / 1000.0, tz=timezone.utc)
    assert types.any_property == datetime.fromtimestamp(1234 / 1000.0,

    # json (notice that when deserialized, it is deserialized as a map).
    types.any_property = {"Goo": ["Hello", {"World": 123}]}
    assert types.any_property.get("Goo")[1].get("World") == 123

    # array
    types.any_property = ["Hello", "World"]
    assert types.any_property[0] == "Hello"
    assert types.any_property[1] == "World"

    # array of any
    types.any_array_property = ["Hybrid", Number(12), 123, False]
    assert types.any_array_property[2] == 123

    # map
    map_ = {}
    map_["MapKey"] = "MapValue"
    types.any_property = map_
    assert types.any_property.get("MapKey") == "MapValue"

    # map of any
    map_["Goo"] = 19_289_812
    types.any_map_property = map_
    types.any_map_property.get("Goo") == 19_289_812

    # classes
    mult = Multiply(Number(10), Number(20))
    types.any_property = mult
    assert types.any_property is mult
    assert isinstance(types.any_property, Multiply)
    assert types.any_property.value == 200
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_unionTypes():
    types = AllTypes()

    # single valued property
    types.union_property = 1234
    assert types.union_property == 1234

    types.union_property = "Hello"
    assert types.union_property == "Hello"

    types.union_property = Multiply(Number(2), Number(12))
    assert types.union_property.value == 24

    # map
    map_ = {}
    map_["Foo"] = Number(99)
    types.union_map_property = map_
    # TODO: No Assertion?

    # array
    types.union_array_property = [123, Number(33)]
    assert types.union_array_property[1].value == 33