Ejemplo n.º 1
    def on_request(self, msgid, msg):
        Handles a REQUEST command

        Messages are formatted like this:
        [subcmd(str), {

            run - run some callable. Options:
                  'callable': func or method name (eg. walk),
                  'path': module path (eg. os.path),
                  'args': (optional) list of args,
                  'kwargs': (optional) dict of kwargs,
                  'class_args': (optional) list of args for class
                  'class_kwargs': (optional) dict of kwargs for class,

        .. note:
           If you want to run a method from a class you must specify the class
           name in the path preceeded with a colon. 'name.of.mypacakge:MyClass'

        # s_ indicates the string path vs the actual module and class
        # queue_name = msg[0]

        # Parse REQUEST message values

        self.total_requests += 1

        headers = msg[1]
        payload = deserializer(msg[2])
        params = payload[1]

        if 'reply-requested' in headers:
            callback = 'worker_done_with_reply'
            callback = 'worker_done'

        timeout = get_timeout_from_headers(headers)

        payload = {}
        payload['params'] = params
        payload['timeout'] = timeout
        payload['msgid'] = msgid
        payload['callback'] = callback

        self.jobs_in_flight[msgid] = (monotonic(), payload)

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def on_request(self, msgid, msg):
        Handles a REQUEST command

        Messages are formatted like this:
        [subcmd(str), {

            run - run some callable. Options:
                  'callable': func or method name (eg. walk),
                  'path': module path (eg. os.path),
                  'args': (optional) list of args,
                  'kwargs': (optional) dict of kwargs,
                  'class_args': (optional) list of args for class
                  'class_kwargs': (optional) dict of kwargs for class,

        .. note:
           If you want to run a method from a class you must specify the class
           name in the path preceeded with a colon. 'name.of.mypacakge:MyClass'

        # s_ indicates the string path vs the actual module and class
        # queue_name = msg[0]

        # Parse REQUEST message values
        headers = msg[1]
        payload = deserializer(msg[2])
        params = payload[1]

        if 'reply-requested' in headers:
            callback = self.worker_done_with_reply
            callback = self.worker_done

        timeout = get_timeout_from_headers(headers)

        # kick off the job asynchronously with an appropiate callback
                                 args=(params, msgid, timeout),
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def on_request(self, msgid, msg):
        Handles a REQUEST command

        Messages are formatted like this:
        [subcmd(str), {

            run - run some callable. Options:
                  'callable': func or method name (eg. walk),
                  'path': module path (eg. os.path),
                  'args': (optional) list of args,
                  'kwargs': (optional) dict of kwargs,
                  'class_args': (optional) list of args for class
                  'class_kwargs': (optional) dict of kwargs for class,

        .. note:
           If you want to run a method from a class you must specify the class
           name in the path preceeded with a colon. 'name.of.mypacakge:MyClass'

        # s_ indicates the string path vs the actual module and class
        # queue_name = msg[0]

        # Parse REQUEST message values
        headers = msg[1]
        payload = deserializer(msg[2])
        params = payload[1]

        if 'reply-requested' in headers:
            callback = self.worker_done_with_reply
            callback = self.worker_done

        timeout = get_timeout_from_headers(headers)

        # kick off the job asynchronously with an appropiate callback
                                 args=(params, msgid, timeout),