Ejemplo n.º 1
 def get(self, feats=()):
     from json_param import Parameters
     from riglib import experiment
     Exp = experiment.make(self.task.get(), tuple(f.get() for f in self.feats.all())+feats)
     params = Parameters(self.params)
     if issubclass(Exp, experiment.Sequence):
         gen, gp = self.sequence.get()
         seq = gen(Exp, **gp)
         exp = Exp(seq, **params.params)
         exp = Exp(**params.params)
     exp.event_log = json.loads(self.report)
     return exp
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TaskWrapper(object):
    Wrapper for Experiment classes launched from the web interface
    def __init__(self, subj, task_rec, feats, params, seq=None, seq_params=None, saveid=None):
        subj : tracker.models.Subject instance
            Database record for subject performing the task
        task_rec : tracker.models.Task instance
            Database record for base task being run (without features)
        feats : list 
            List of features to enable for the task
        params : json_param.Parameters, or string representation of JSON object
            user input on configurable task parameters
        seq : models.Sequence instance, or tuple
            Database record of Sequence parameters/static target sequence
            If passed in as a tuple, then it's the result of calling 'seq.get' on the models.Sequence instance
        seq_params: params from seq (see above)

        saveid : int, optional
            ID number of db.tracker.models.TaskEntry associated with this task
            if None specified, then the data saved will not be linked to the
            database entry and will be lost after the program exits
        self.saveid = saveid
        self.taskname = task_rec.name
        self.subj = subj
        if isinstance(params, Parameters):
            self.params = params
        elif isinstance(params, (string, str)):
            self.params = Parameters(params)
        base_class = task_rec.get()

        if None in feats:
            raise Exception("Features not found properly in database!")
            Task = experiment.make(base_class, feats=feats)

        # Run commands which must be executed before the experiment class can be instantiated (e.g., starting neural recording)

        if issubclass(Task, experiment.Sequence):
            # retreive the sequence data from the db, or from the input argument if the input arg was a tuple
            if isinstance(seq, tuple):
                gen_constructor, gen_params = seq
            elif isinstance(seq, models.Sequence):
                gen_constructor, gen_params = seq.get()
                # Typically, 'gen_constructor' is the experiment.generate.runseq function (not an element of namelist.generators)
                raise ValueError("Unrecognized type for seq")

            gen = gen_constructor(Task, **gen_params)
            self.params.params['seq_params'] = seq_params
            # 'gen' is now a true python generator usable by experiment.Sequence
            self.task = Task(gen, **self.params.params)

            with open(log_filename, 'a') as f:
                f.write("instantiating task with a generator\n")

            self.task = Task(**self.params.params)

    def report(self):
        return experiment.report(self.task)
    def pause(self):
        self.task.pause = not self.task.pause
        return "pause" if self.task.pause else "running"
    def end_task(self):

    def enable_clda(self):

    def disable_clda(self):
    def get_state(self):
        return self.task.state

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # This function is only defined because __getattr__ is not defined 
        # for children of 'object' by default, but the TaskObjProxy always calles '__getattr__'
        # when trying to remotely retreive an attribute. Might be avoidable if TaskObjProxy were
        # to use '__getattribute__' instead
        return getattr(self, attr)

    def set_task_attr(self, attr, value):
        setattr(self.task, attr, value)

    def cleanup(self):
        print("Calling saveout/task cleanup code")
        if self.saveid is not None:
            # get object representing function calls to the remote database
            # returns the result of tracker.dbq.rpc_handler
            database = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/RPC2/", allow_none=True)

            cleanup_successful = self.task.cleanup(database, self.saveid, subject=self.subj)
            # if not self.task._task_init_complete:
            #     from tracker import dbq
            #     dbq.hide_task_entry(self.saveid)
            #     print 'hiding task entry!'
            # else:
            #     print 'not hiding task entry!'
            cleanup_successful = True

        return cleanup_successful
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TaskWrapper(object):
    Wrapper for Experiment classes launched from the web interface
    def __init__(self, subj, task_rec, feats, params, seq=None, seq_params=None, saveid=None):
        subj : tracker.models.Subject instance
            Database record for subject performing the task
        task_rec : tracker.models.Task instance
            Database record for base task being run (without features)
        feats : list 
            List of features to enable for the task
        params : json_param.Parameters, or string representation of JSON object
            user input on configurable task parameters
        seq : models.Sequence instance, or tuple
            Database record of Sequence parameters/static target sequence
            If passed in as a tuple, then it's the result of calling 'seq.get' on the models.Sequence instance
        seq_params: params from seq (see above)

        saveid : int, optional
            ID number of db.tracker.models.TaskEntry associated with this task
            if None specified, then the data saved will not be linked to the
            database entry and will be lost after the program exits
        self.saveid = saveid
        self.taskname = task_rec.name
        self.subj = subj
        if isinstance(params, Parameters):
            self.params = params
        elif isinstance(params, (string, unicode)):
            self.params = Parameters(params)
        base_class = task_rec.get()

        if None in feats:
            raise Exception("Features not found properly in database!")
            Task = experiment.make(base_class, feats=feats)

        # Run commands which must be executed before the experiment class can be instantiated (e.g., starting neural recording)

        if issubclass(Task, experiment.Sequence):
            # retreive the sequence data from the db, or from the input argument if the input arg was a tuple
            if isinstance(seq, tuple):
                gen_constructor, gen_params = seq
            elif isinstance(seq, models.Sequence):
                gen_constructor, gen_params = seq.get()
                # Typically, 'gen_constructor' is the experiment.generate.runseq function (not an element of namelist.generators)
                raise ValueError("Unrecognized type for seq")

            gen = gen_constructor(Task, **gen_params)
            self.params.params['seq_params'] = seq_params
            # 'gen' is now a true python generator usable by experiment.Sequence
            self.task = Task(gen, **self.params.params)

            with open(log_filename, 'a') as f:
                f.write("instantiating task with a generator\n")

            self.task = Task(**self.params.params)

    def report(self):
        return experiment.report(self.task)
    def pause(self):
        self.task.pause = not self.task.pause
        return "pause" if self.task.pause else "running"
    def end_task(self):

    def enable_clda(self):

    def disable_clda(self):
    def get_state(self):
        return self.task.state

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # This function is only defined because __getattr__ is not defined 
        # for children of 'object' by default, but the TaskObjProxy always calles '__getattr__'
        # when trying to remotely retreive an attribute. Might be avoidable if TaskObjProxy were
        # to use '__getattribute__' instead
        return getattr(self, attr)

    def set_task_attr(self, attr, value):
        setattr(self.task, attr, value)

    def cleanup(self):
        print "Calling saveout/task cleanup code"
        if self.saveid is not None:
            # get object representing function calls to the remote database
            # returns the result of tracker.dbq.rpc_handler
            database = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/RPC2/", allow_none=True)

            cleanup_successful = self.task.cleanup(database, self.saveid, subject=self.subj)
            # if not self.task._task_init_complete:
            #     from tracker import dbq
            #     dbq.hide_task_entry(self.saveid)
            #     print 'hiding task entry!'
            # else:
            #     print 'not hiding task entry!'
            cleanup_successful = True

        return cleanup_successful