Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_cache_remote_off(self):
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock()
     resolver = RefResolver("", {}, cache_remote=False, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
     self.assertEqual(foo_handler.call_count, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_cache_remote_on(self):
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock()
     resolver = RefResolver("", {}, cache_remote=True, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_cache_remote_on(self):
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock()
     resolver = RefResolver(
         "", {}, cache_remote=True, handlers={"foo" : foo_handler},
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_cache_remote_off(self):
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock()
     resolver = RefResolver(
         "", {}, cache_remote=False, handlers={"foo" : foo_handler},
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
     with resolver.resolving(ref):
     self.assertEqual(foo_handler.call_count, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_if_you_give_it_junk_you_get_a_resolution_error(self):
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError("Oh no! What's this?"))
     resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
     with self.assertRaises(RefResolutionError) as err:
         with resolver.resolving(ref):
     self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), "Oh no! What's this?")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_custom_uri_scheme_handlers(self):
     schema = {"foo": "bar"}
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock(return_value=schema)
     resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
     with resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
         self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_if_you_give_it_junk_you_get_a_resolution_error(self):
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError("Oh no! What's this?"))
     resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo" : foo_handler})
     with self.assertRaises(RefResolutionError) as err:
         with resolver.resolving(ref):
     self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), "Oh no! What's this?")
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_custom_uri_scheme_handlers(self):
     schema = {"foo": "bar"}
     ref = "foo://bar"
     foo_handler = mock.Mock(return_value=schema)
     resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
     with resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
         self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class WalkInstance(Walk):
    def __init__(self, merger, base, head):
        Walk.__init__(self, merger)
        self.base_resolver = RefResolver("", base.val)
        self.head_resolver = RefResolver("", head.val)

    def add_meta(self, head, meta):
        if meta is None:
            rv = dict()
            rv = dict(meta)

        rv['value'] = head
        return rv

    def default_strategy(self, schema, base, head, meta, **kwargs):
        if self.is_type(head, "object"):
            return "objectMerge"
            return "overwrite"

    def work(self, strategy, schema, base, head, meta, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(schema, JSONValue)
        assert isinstance(base, JSONValue)
        assert isinstance(head, JSONValue)

        log.debug("work   : %sbase %s, head %s" %
                  (self._indent(), base.ref, head.ref))

        if not base.is_undef():
            with self.base_resolver.resolving(base.ref) as resolved:
                assert base.val == resolved

        if not head.is_undef():
            with self.head_resolver.resolving(head.ref) as resolved:
                assert head.val == resolved

        rv = strategy.merge(self, base, head, schema, meta, **kwargs)

        assert isinstance(rv, JSONValue)
        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 10
class WalkInstance(Walk):

    def __init__(self, merger, base, head):
        Walk.__init__(self, merger)
        self.base_resolver = RefResolver("", base.val)
        self.head_resolver = RefResolver("", head.val)

    def add_meta(self, head, meta):
        if meta is None:
            rv = dict()
            rv = dict(meta)

        rv['value'] = head
        return rv

    def default_strategy(self, schema, base, head, meta, **kwargs):
        if self.is_type(head, "object"):
            return "objectMerge"
            return "overwrite"

    def work(self, strategy, schema, base, head, meta, **kwargs):
        assert isinstance(schema, JSONValue)
        assert isinstance(base, JSONValue)
        assert isinstance(head, JSONValue)

        log.debug("work   : %sbase %s, head %s" % (self._indent(), base.ref, head.ref))

        if not base.is_undef():
            with self.base_resolver.resolving(base.ref) as resolved:
                assert base.val == resolved

        if not head.is_undef():
            with self.head_resolver.resolving(head.ref) as resolved:
                assert head.val == resolved

        rv = strategy.merge(self, base, head, schema, meta, **kwargs)

        assert isinstance(rv, JSONValue)
        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 11
class TestRefResolver(unittest.TestCase):

    base_uri = ""
    stored_uri = "foo://stored"
    stored_schema = {"stored": "schema"}

    def setUp(self):
        self.referrer = {}
        self.store = {self.stored_uri: self.stored_schema}
        self.resolver = RefResolver(self.base_uri, self.referrer, self.store)

    def test_it_does_not_retrieve_schema_urls_from_the_network(self):
        ref = Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA["id"]
        with mock.patch.object(self.resolver, "resolve_remote") as remote:
            with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
                self.assertEqual(resolved, Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA)

    def test_it_resolves_local_refs(self):
        ref = "#/properties/foo"
        self.referrer["properties"] = {"foo": object()}
        with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, self.referrer["properties"]["foo"])

    def test_it_resolves_local_refs_with_id(self):
        schema = {"id": "foo://bar/schema#", "a": {"foo": "bar"}}
        resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
        with resolver.resolving("#/a") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema["a"])
        with resolver.resolving("foo://bar/schema#/a") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema["a"])

    def test_it_retrieves_stored_refs(self):
        with self.resolver.resolving(self.stored_uri) as resolved:
            self.assertIs(resolved, self.stored_schema)

        self.resolver.store["cached_ref"] = {"foo": 12}
        with self.resolver.resolving("cached_ref#/foo") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, 12)

    def test_it_retrieves_unstored_refs_via_requests(self):
        ref = "http://bar#baz"
        schema = {"baz": 12}

        with mock.patch("jsonschema.validators.requests") as requests:
            requests.get.return_value.json.return_value = schema
            with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
                self.assertEqual(resolved, 12)

    def test_it_retrieves_unstored_refs_via_urlopen(self):
        ref = "http://bar#baz"
        schema = {"baz": 12}

        with mock.patch("jsonschema.validators.requests", None):
            with mock.patch("jsonschema.validators.urlopen") as urlopen:
                urlopen.return_value.read.return_value = (
                with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
                    self.assertEqual(resolved, 12)

    def test_it_can_construct_a_base_uri_from_a_schema(self):
        schema = {"id": "foo"}
        resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
        self.assertEqual(resolver.base_uri, "foo")
        with resolver.resolving("") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("#") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("foo") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("foo#") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)

    def test_it_can_construct_a_base_uri_from_a_schema_without_id(self):
        schema = {}
        resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
        self.assertEqual(resolver.base_uri, "")
        with resolver.resolving("") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("#") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)

    def test_custom_uri_scheme_handlers(self):
        schema = {"foo": "bar"}
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock(return_value=schema)
        resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
        with resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)

    def test_cache_remote_on(self):
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock()
        resolver = RefResolver(
            handlers={"foo": foo_handler},
        with resolver.resolving(ref):
        with resolver.resolving(ref):

    def test_cache_remote_off(self):
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock()
        resolver = RefResolver(
            handlers={"foo": foo_handler},
        with resolver.resolving(ref):
        with resolver.resolving(ref):
        self.assertEqual(foo_handler.call_count, 2)

    def test_if_you_give_it_junk_you_get_a_resolution_error(self):
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError("Oh no! What's this?"))
        resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
        with self.assertRaises(RefResolutionError) as err:
            with resolver.resolving(ref):
        self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), "Oh no! What's this?")
Ejemplo n.º 12
class TestRefResolver(unittest.TestCase):

    base_uri = ""
    stored_uri = "foo://stored"
    stored_schema = {"stored" : "schema"}

    def setUp(self):
        self.referrer = {}
        self.store = {self.stored_uri : self.stored_schema}
        self.resolver = RefResolver(self.base_uri, self.referrer, self.store)

    def test_it_does_not_retrieve_schema_urls_from_the_network(self):
        ref = Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA["id"]
        with mock.patch.object(self.resolver, "resolve_remote") as remote:
            with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
                self.assertEqual(resolved, Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA)

    def test_it_resolves_local_refs(self):
        ref = "#/properties/foo"
        self.referrer["properties"] = {"foo" : object()}
        with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, self.referrer["properties"]["foo"])

    def test_it_resolves_local_refs_with_id(self):
        schema = {"id": "foo://bar/schema#", "a": {"foo": "bar"}}
        resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
        with resolver.resolving("#/a") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema["a"])
        with resolver.resolving("foo://bar/schema#/a") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema["a"])

    def test_it_retrieves_stored_refs(self):
        with self.resolver.resolving(self.stored_uri) as resolved:
            self.assertIs(resolved, self.stored_schema)

        self.resolver.store["cached_ref"] = {"foo" : 12}
        with self.resolver.resolving("cached_ref#/foo") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, 12)

    def test_it_retrieves_unstored_refs_via_requests(self):
        ref = "http://bar#baz"
        schema = {"baz" : 12}

        with mock.patch("jsonschema.validators.requests") as requests:
            requests.get.return_value.json.return_value = schema
            with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
                self.assertEqual(resolved, 12)

    def test_it_retrieves_unstored_refs_via_urlopen(self):
        ref = "http://bar#baz"
        schema = {"baz" : 12}

        with mock.patch("jsonschema.validators.requests", None):
            with mock.patch("jsonschema.validators.urlopen") as urlopen:
                urlopen.return_value.read.return_value = (
                with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
                    self.assertEqual(resolved, 12)

    def test_it_can_construct_a_base_uri_from_a_schema(self):
        schema = {"id" : "foo"}
        resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
        self.assertEqual(resolver.base_uri, "foo")
        with resolver.resolving("") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("#") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("foo") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("foo#") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)

    def test_it_can_construct_a_base_uri_from_a_schema_without_id(self):
        schema = {}
        resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
        self.assertEqual(resolver.base_uri, "")
        with resolver.resolving("") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)
        with resolver.resolving("#") as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)

    def test_custom_uri_scheme_handlers(self):
        schema = {"foo": "bar"}
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock(return_value=schema)
        resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": foo_handler})
        with resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved:
            self.assertEqual(resolved, schema)

    def test_cache_remote_on(self):
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock()
        resolver = RefResolver(
            "", {}, cache_remote=True, handlers={"foo" : foo_handler},
        with resolver.resolving(ref):
        with resolver.resolving(ref):

    def test_cache_remote_off(self):
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock()
        resolver = RefResolver(
            "", {}, cache_remote=False, handlers={"foo" : foo_handler},
        with resolver.resolving(ref):
        with resolver.resolving(ref):
        self.assertEqual(foo_handler.call_count, 2)

    def test_if_you_give_it_junk_you_get_a_resolution_error(self):
        ref = "foo://bar"
        foo_handler = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError("Oh no! What's this?"))
        resolver = RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo" : foo_handler})
        with self.assertRaises(RefResolutionError) as err:
            with resolver.resolving(ref):
        self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), "Oh no! What's this?")
Ejemplo n.º 13
class SchemaTools():
        The schema tools class does all the handling, validation and transformation of schemas in the optimal framework.
    # The json_schema_objects keeps the parsed and instantiated schema objects.
    json_schema_objects = None
    # json_schema_folder is the folder of where the json schemas are kept
    json_schema_folders = None

    # The resolve is responsible for resolving URI prefixes referencing other schemas,
    resolver = None
    # The URI-handlers are a dict of callbacks, used when resolving URI:s.
    uri_handlers = None

    # An instance of the mongodb JSON validator.
    mongodb_validator = None

    # Default handler, will only look at the cache
    def cache_handler(self, _uri):
        print ("fetching " + _uri)
        if _uri in self.json_schema_objects:
            return self.json_schema_objects[_uri]
            return None

    # noinspection PyDefaultArgument
    def __init__(self, _json_schema_folders=[], _uri_handlers=None):
        Initiate the SchemaTools class

        :param _json_schema_folders: A list of folders where schema files are stored
        :param : _uri_handlers: A dict of uri_handlers, resolves a URI prefix to a actual schema.


        if not _json_schema_folders:
            _json_schema_folders = []

        if not _uri_handlers:
            self.uri_handlers = {}
            self.uri_handlers = _uri_handlers

        # All methods that have no handlers should use the cache handler.
        for _curr_key, _curr_value  in _uri_handlers.items():
            if _curr_value is None:
                _uri_handlers[_curr_key] = self.cache_handler

        self.resolver = RefResolver(base_uri="",
                                handlers=self.uri_handlers, referrer=None, cache_remote=True)

        self.mongodb_validator = MongodbValidator(resolver= self.resolver)

        self.json_schema_objects = {}

        # Load application specific schemas
        for _curr_folder in _json_schema_folders:
            _loaded_uris = self.load_schemas_from_directory(os.path.abspath(_curr_folder))

            # Resolve all the schemas
            for _curr_uri in _loaded_uris:
                self.json_schema_objects[_curr_uri] = self.resolveSchema(self.json_schema_objects[_curr_uri])

        write_to_log("Schemas loaded and resolved: " +
                     str.join(", ",  ["\"" +_curr_schema["title"] + "\""  for _curr_schema in self.json_schema_objects.values()])
                     , _category=EC_NOTIFICATION, _severity=SEV_DEBUG)

    def check_schema_fields(_curr_schema_obj, _curr_file):
        """ Check so all mandatory fields are in the schema
        :param _curr_schema_obj: Schema to check
        :param _curr_file: File name use in error message


        def raise_field_error(_collection):
            raise Exception("Schematools.check_schema_fields: The \"" + _collection + "\"" +
                            " field is not in the schema-\"" + _curr_file + "\"")

        if "version" not in _curr_schema_obj:

    def load_schema_from_file(self, _file_name):
        Loads a specified schema from a file, checks it and stores it in the schema cache.

        :param _file_name: The name of the schema file

            _curr_file = open(_file_name, "r")
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("load_schema_from_file: Error loading \"" + _file_name +
                            "\": " + str(e))
            _json_schema_obj = json.load(_curr_file)

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("load_schema_from_file: Error parsing \"" + _file_name +
                            "\"" + str(e))


            self.check_schema_fields(_json_schema_obj, _file_name)
        except SchemaError as scherr:
            raise Exception("load_schema_from_file: SchemaError in " + _file_name + " at path:" + str(
                scherr.path) + "\nMessage:\n" + str(scherr.message))
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("load_schema_from_file: schema validation in " + _file_name + ", error :" + str(e))

        return _json_schema_obj

    def load_schemas_from_directory(self, _schema_folder, _destination = None):
        Load and validate all schemas in a folder structure, add to json_schema_objects

        :param _schema_folder: Where to look

        _loaded_uris = []
        if _destination == None:
            _destination = self.json_schema_objects

        def _recurse(_folder):
            for _root, _dirs, _files in os.walk(_folder):
                for _file in _files:
                    if _file[-5:].lower() == ".json":
                        _ref = "ref://" + ".".join(os.path.relpath(_root, _schema_folder).split(os.path.sep) + [_file[0:-5]])
                        _destination[_ref] = self.load_schema_from_file (os.path.join(_root, _file))
                        if _ref not in _loaded_uris:

                for _dir in _dirs:
                    _recurse(os.path.join(_folder, _dir))


        return  _loaded_uris

    def apply(self, _data, _schema_ref=None):
        Validate the JSON in _data against a JSON schema.

        :param _data: The JSON data to validate
        :param _schema_ref: If set, validate against the specified schema, and not the one in the data.
        :return: the schema object that was validated against.

        if _schema_ref is not None:
            _json_schema_obj = self.json_schema_objects[_schema_ref]
            if "schemaRef" in _data:
                    _json_schema_obj = self.json_schema_objects[_data["schemaRef"]]
                except KeyError as e:
                    raise Exception("SchemaTools.apply, invalid schemaRef: " + _data["schemaRef"])
                raise Exception("SchemaTools.apply, data must have a schemaRef attribute")

        self.mongodb_validator.apply(_data, _json_schema_obj)
        return _data, _json_schema_obj

    def validate(self, _data, _schema_ref=None):
        Validate the JSON in _data against a JSON schema.

        :param _data: The JSON data to validate
        :param _schema_ref: If set, validate against the specified schema, and not the one in the data.
        :return: the schema object that was validated against.

        if _schema_ref is not None:
            _json_schema_obj = self.json_schema_objects[_schema_ref]
            _json_schema_obj = self.json_schema_objects[_data["schemaRef"]]

        self.mongodb_validator.validate(_data, _json_schema_obj)
        return _data, _json_schema_obj

    def non_base_type(self, _type):
        if _type not in ["array", "string", "integer", "object"]:
            return [_type]
            return []

    def resolveSchema(self, _schema):
        Recursively resolve all I{$ref} JSON references in a JSON Schema.
        :param _schema: A L{dict} with a JSON Schema.
        :return: The resolved JSON Schema, a L{dict}.
        _result = deepcopy(_schema)

        def local_resolve(_obj, _ref_history):
            Recurse the JSON-tree and see where there are unresolved remote references.
            :param _obj: The node to resolve
            :param _ref_history: The previously resolved remote references, for cyclical check

            if isinstance(_obj, list):
                # Loop any list
                for item in _obj:
                    local_resolve(item, _ref_history)

            if isinstance(_obj, dict):

                if "$ref" in _obj:
                    _curr_ref = _obj["$ref"]

                    # Do not resolve local references
                    if _curr_ref[0] == "#":

                    # Check for cyclical references
                    if _curr_ref in _ref_history:
                        raise Exception("Error, cyclical remote reference: " + str(_curr_ref) + ":  Formers " + str(_ref_history))

                    with self.resolver.resolving(_curr_ref) as resolved:
                        # Resolve the resolved schema
                        local_resolve(resolved, _ref_history + [_curr_ref])
                        # Remove the reference
                        del _obj["$ref"]
                        # Add the resolved fragment to the schema

                    # Loop all properties
                    for _key, _value in _obj.items():
                        if isinstance(_value, dict) and "type" in _value:
                            local_resolve(_value, _ref_history)

                            local_resolve(_value, _ref_history)
            local_resolve(_result, [])
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("schemaTools.resolveSchema: Error resolving schema:" + str(e) + "Schema " + json.dumps(_schema, indent=4))

        # Make top allOf into properties
        if "allOf" in _result:
            _new_properties = {}
            for _curr_properties in _result["allOf"]:

            _result["properties"] = _new_properties
            del _result["allOf"]

        _result["$schema"] = "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#"

        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("schemaTools.resolveSchema: error validating resolved schema:" + str(e) + "Schema " + json.dumps(_result, indent=4))

        return _result