Ejemplo n.º 1
def H_objectpath(ctx):
    infile, outfile = get_src_dest_defaults(ctx)
    data = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.input_format, infile, ctx )
    assert data
    q = Tree(data)
    assert q.data
    o = q.execute( ctx.opts.args.expr )
    if isinstance(o, types.GeneratorType):
        for s in o:
            v = stdout_data( s, ctx, outf=outfile )
            if v:
                return v
        return stdout_data( o, ctx, outf=outfile )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def H_keys(ctx):
    "Output list of keys or indices"
    infile, outfile = get_src_dest_defaults(ctx)
        data = data_at_path(ctx, infile)
        return 1
    if not data:
        return 1
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        return stdout_data( data.keys(), ctx, outf=outfile )
    elif isinstance(data, list):
        return stdout_data( range(0, len(data)), ctx, outf=outfile )
        raise ValueError("Unhandled type %s" % type(data))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def H_update(ctx):
    "Update srcfile from stdin. Write to destfile or stdout. "

    if not ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:

    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'r')
    data = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.output_format, updatefile, ctx )

    for cp in ctx.opts.flags.clear_paths:
        if cp.startswith('['):
            es = parse_json(cp)
            es = cp.split('/')
        cl = es.pop()
        v = data
        while es:
            el = es.pop(0)
            v = v[el]
        del v[cl]

    for src in ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
        fmt = get_format_for_fileext(src) or ctx.opts.flags.input_format
        mdata = load_data( fmt, open_file( src, 'in', ctx=ctx ), ctx )
        deep_update([data, mdata], ctx)

    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'w+')
    return stdout_data( data, ctx, outf=updatefile )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def H_merge(ctx, write=True):
    Merge srcfiles into last file. All srcfiles must be same format.

    Defaults to src-to-dest noop, iow. '- -' functions identical to
    'dump'.  """

    if not ctx.opts.args.srcfiles and not ctx.opts.flags.line_input:
        ctx.opts.args.srcfile = '-'
        return H_dump(ctx, write=write)

    if ctx.opts.flags.line_input:
        ctx.opts.args.srcfile = ctx.opts.args.srcfiles.pop(0)
        set_format('input', 'src', ctx.opts)
        inp = open_file(ctx.opts.args.srcfile, 'in', ctx=ctx)
        ctx.opts.args.srcfiles += [ StringIO(line) for line in inp.readlines() ]
        ctx.opts.args.srcfile = ctx.opts.args.srcfiles[0]
        set_format('input', 'src', ctx.opts)

    if not (ctx.opts.flags.list_union or ctx.opts.flags.list_update):
        if ctx.opts.flags.list_update_nodict:
            ctx.opts.flags.list_update = True
            ctx.opts.flags.list_union = True

    data = None
    for srcfile in ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
        mdata = None
        if hasattr(srcfile, 'read'):
            infile = srcfile
        elif isinstance(srcfile, (dict, list)):
            mdata = srcfile
            srcfile = '<inline>'
            infile = None
            infile = open_file(srcfile, defio='in', ctx=ctx)
        if infile and not mdata:
            mdata = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.input_format, infile, ctx )
        if not data:
            data = type(mdata)()
        elif not isinstance(mdata, type(data)):
            raise ValueError( "Srcsfiles must have same root type. "\
                    "Expected %s, but found %s (%s)" % (
                            type(data), type(mdata), srcfile ) )
        if isinstance(data, dict):
            deep_update([data, mdata], ctx)
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            data = deep_union([data, mdata], ctx)
            raise ValueError(data)

    if write:
        if not ctx.opts.flags.quiet:
            sys.stderr.write("Writing to %s\n" % ctx.opts.args.destfile)
        outfile = open_file(ctx.opts.args.destfile, mode='w+', ctx=ctx)
        return stdout_data( data, ctx, outf=outfile )
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 5
def H_dump(ctx, write=True):
    "Read src and write destfile according to set i/o formats. "
    infile, outfile = get_src_dest_defaults(ctx)
    data = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.input_format, infile, ctx )
    if write:
        return stdout_data( data, ctx, outf=outfile )
        return data
Ejemplo n.º 6
def H_items(ctx):
    "Output for every key or item in object at path"
    infile, outfile = get_src_dest_defaults(ctx)
        data = data_at_path(ctx, infile)
        return 1
    if not data:
        return 1
    if isinstance(data, list):
        for item in data:
            stdout_data( item, ctx, outf=outfile )
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        for key, value in data.items():
            subdata = { key: value }
            stdout_data( subdata, ctx, outf=outfile )
        raise ValueError("Unhandled type %s" % type(data))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def H_append(ctx):
    "Add srcfiles as items to list. Optionally provide pathexpr to list. "
    if not ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
    appendfile = get_dest(ctx, 'r')
    data = l = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.output_format, appendfile, ctx )
    if ctx.opts.args.pathexpr:
        l = data_at_path(ctx, None, data)
    for src in ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
        fmt = get_format_for_fileext(src) or ctx.opts.flags.input_format
        mdata = load_data( fmt, open_file( src, 'in', ctx=ctx ), ctx )
    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'w+')
    return stdout_data( data, ctx, outf=updatefile )
Ejemplo n.º 8
def H_path(ctx):

    Return data at path. Return 1 if path is not found. Use with ``--is-*``
    opts to OR-test for type or exit 2. To check if a path could be inserted,
    use ``--is-new``. This overrules not-found errors, but only if the path
    could be inserted. When any existing
    element does not match a list or object type it also exits non-zero.

    infile, outfile = get_src_dest_defaults(ctx)
    data = None
        data = data_at_path(ctx, infile)
    except (Exception) as err:
        if not ctx.opts.flags.is_new:
            if not ctx.opts.flags.quiet:
                tb = traceback.format_exc()
                sys.stderr.write("Error: getting %r: %r\n" % (
                    ctx.opts.args.pathexpr, err ))
            return 1

    res = [ ]

    for tp in "new list obj int str bool".split(" "):
        if ctx.opts.flags["is_%s" % tp]:
            # FIXME: print(maptype(tp))
            if tp == "new":
                infile, outfile = get_src_dest_defaults(ctx)
                if not data and data_check_path(ctx, infile):
                    res += [ 0 ]
            elif isinstance(data, maptype(tp)):
                res += [ 0 ]
                res += [ 1 ]

    if res and min(res) == 0:
        res = [ 0 ]

    if not ctx.opts.flags.quiet:
        res += [ stdout_data( data, ctx, outf=outfile ) ]

    return max(res)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def H_update(ctx):
    "Update srcfile from stdin. Write to destfile or stdout. "

    if not ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:

    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'r')
    data = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.output_format, updatefile, ctx )

    for src in ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
        fmt = get_format_for_fileext(src) or ctx.opts.flags.input_format
        mdata = load_data( fmt, open_file( src, 'in', ctx=ctx ), ctx )

        deep_update([data, mdata], ctx)

    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'w+')
    return stdout_data( ctx.opts.flags.output_format, data, updatefile, ctx )
Ejemplo n.º 10
def H_update_at(ctx):
    """Update object at path, using data read from srcfile(s)"""
    if not ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'r')
    data = o = load_data( ctx.opts.flags.output_format, updatefile, ctx )
    #if ctx.opts.args.pathexpr:
        #o = data_at_path(ctx, None, data)
    if ctx.opts.args.expr:
        q = Tree(data)
        assert q.data
        o = q.execute( ctx.opts.args.expr )
    if isinstance(o, types.GeneratorType):
        r = list(o)
        assert len(r) == 1, r
        o = r[0]
        #r = [ stdout_data( s, ctx, outf=sys.stdout) for s in o ]
    for src in ctx.opts.args.srcfiles:
        fmt = get_format_for_fileext(src) or ctx.opts.flags.input_format
        mdata = load_data( fmt, open_file( src, 'in', ctx=ctx ), ctx )
        deep_update([o, mdata], ctx)
    updatefile = get_dest(ctx, 'w+')
    return stdout_data( data, ctx, outf=updatefile )
Ejemplo n.º 11
def H_from_flat_args(ctx):
    args = ctx.opts.args.fkv_args
    reader = FlatKVParser(rootkey=args[0])
    return stdout_data( reader.data, ctx )
Ejemplo n.º 12
def H_from_args(ctx):
    args = ctx.opts.args.kv_args
    reader = PathKVParser(rootkey=args[0])
    return stdout_data( ctx.opts.flags.output_format, reader.data, ctx.out, ctx )